College And Career Readiness Anchor Reading Standards

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College And Career Readiness Anchor Reading Standards

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Key Ideas and Details (Literature) Level: Grade 5 NOTE: Integrated Activities for the North Carolina Social Studies Essential Standards have been highlighted. Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative The Learner Will…. Assessment 1. Read closely to RL 1. Quote  Teach students how to 5.H.1 DOK 1 and 3 Harcourt Trophies:  Completed determine what the accurately from a think and search the text Make a timeline to show Theme 2: OQI chart text says explicitly text when key events in the US. Understanding and to make logical for answers (Literacy Island of the Blue  Journal explaining what the Stations) 5L 1.2 Make charts Dolphins response to inferences from it: text says explicitly showing parts of the cite specific textual Evaluating Theme 4: and when drawing  Teach “right there” systems in the human body. text evidence when questions and “author Hattie’s Birthday  Student notes writing or speaking inferences from the 5H 1.1 text. and me.” Before reading, review the Box, Satchmo’s with to support Blues. conclusions drawn  Model note-taking list of facts about groups of specific from the text. skills. people (i.e. European and Theme 5: evidence Vocabulary  Provide background American Indians). Decide The Fun They Had  Create Inference, drawing knowledge before what is true/false. After foldables conclusions, reading text. reading, identify the Other: Appendix B annotation relationship with groups  Model strategies: Classroom Libraries and tell what is true/false www.readwritethink. before, during, and after 5L.2.1 reading text. (Use org Make a double bubble and Kathy Bumgardner’s Literacy Stations) compare the characteristics Comprehension  Model how to use OQI of common ecosystems. (Observe, Questions, 5.H.1 Strategies Infer) chart. Using a bubble map  Teach students to make compare European explores inferences by connecting and American Indians clues from the text to interaction with each other. 5.L.H.2 personal knowledge or Students will distinguish experiences. between the systems and  Students make predictions tell the life process and before and during reading. functions that systems Students confirm and perform; display on a tree adjust predictions as text is map. read.

Page 1 of 36 April 2012 2. Determine central RL 2. Determine a  Teach students the Social Studies DOK 2 and 3 Harcourt Trophies:  Identify ideas or themes or a theme of a story, concept of theme, main Skill: Main Idea and conflict and text and analyze drama, or poem idea, and author’s Details Summarizing Theme 1: the climax of their development; from details in the purpose. (Use Literacy summarize the key Unit 1: Lesson 2 and 3 Elena the text. text; including how Stations) supporting details Unite 2: Lesson 4 and 7 Analyzing characters in a and ideas.  Teach students how to Lesson 3: Lesson 1, 3, 6, Theme 2: story or drama  Create plot use thinking maps to 8, & 6 Folktales from Asia, respond to show how characters diagram. Essential Question Lesson 4: pp. 185-186 Island of the Blue Which strategy challenges or how change from beginning would best help you the speaker in a to middle to end of the Lesson 1-6 Dolphin  Answer understand this text? poem reflects upon text. (Flow Chart) Unit 5: lesson 5 question: a topic; summarize  Teach students how to Unit 6: Lesson 1, 3 and 5 Theme 3: How does the the text. create a plot diagram. The Fun They Had character react  Focus on the conflict in to the problem the text. Other: and challenges  Teach students to make Classroom Libraries in the text? inferences by connecting Appendix B clues from the text to  Develop personal knowledge or www.readwritethink. experiences. (Literacy flow chart org  Response Stations) Kathy Bumgardner’s  Model by making Journals inferences about  Create character traits and Comprehension comic strip to Vocabulary motivation of certain Strategies show Theme, main idea, characters, the events, sequencing character, www.kbumreading. and determining the  Assess summarize, theme of a section. com paraphrase, poetry, student’s  Summarize text using Thinking Maps speaker, purpose, ability to SWBST (Somebody SWBST point of view, identify Wanted But So Then) Fiction Roll Ups judgment theme, main  Determine theme of a Variety of text idea and story. including poems, point of view. drama, and fiction stories.

Page 2 of 36 April 2012 Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative The Learner Will…. Assessment 3. Analyze how and RL 3. Compare  Choose text that can be DOK- 2 and 3 Harcourt Trophies:  Thinking why individuals, and contrast two or used easily to make Maps and events, and ideas more characters, develop and interact comparison between Analyzing Theme 2: Graphic settings, or events characters. Island of the Blue Organizers over the course of a in a story or drama, text. Remembering Dolphins  Summaries drawing on specific  Teach characterization, details in the text setting and plot structure  Response Essential Question Understanding (e.g., how to students. Theme 5: Journals What details show Off and Running, how_____ and _____ characters interact).  Allow students to are alike and discuss the reasons for a Dear Mr. Henshaw, different? Vocabulary character’s actions. Frindle Character traits,  Support their responses compare, contrast. by referencing the text Theme 6: and connecting to Across the Wide personal experience or Dark Sea knowledge.  Model use of thinking Other: maps/graphic organizers Classroom Libraries to compare and Appendix B contracts characters, settings, or events.

Page 3 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Craft and Structure- Literature Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Strategies/Activities Integrated Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard The Learner Will…. Activity Level Summative Assessment 4. Interpret words RL 4. Determine the  Teach that authors choose substantive Integrated DOK 1 and 3 Harcourt  Students identify and phrases as they meaning of words and imaginative words to relay an Trophies: and determine are used in a text, and phrases as they intended meaning in sentence in order to  Play RIVIT Understanding meaning of including are used in a text, move a story in a specific direction. Use using the Evaluating Theme 2: figurative determining technical including figurative context clues to determine word meaning. vocabulary language connotative, and figurative meanings, language such as  Model through interactive “read alouds” from the Island of the  Use context clues. and analyze how metaphors and how authors choose strong words for their Science and Blue Dolphins  Response specific words choices similes. stories and how it affects the reader’s Social Theme 4: Journals: Record shape meaning or experience. Studies Hattie’s strong word tone. Vocabulary:  Teach students about sensory lesson Birthday Box, choices and Metaphor, language/visualization. (RIVIT is a Satchmo’s examples of Essential Question alliteration, simile,  Determine meaning of unknown words, form of Blues figurative How do you know figurative language, including, figurative language hangman) Theme 5: language. Record what figurative Onomatopoeia, Off and meanings of language means? personification, Running figurative idiom, hyperbole, Others: language sensory language. Poems  Show the impact of author’s choice of words. 5. Analyze the RL.5. Explain how a  Provide opportunities for students to 5C 1.4 DOK 2 and 4 No Harcourt  Assess structure of texts, series of chapters, read, write, and perform various dramas. Student will Alignment Vocabulary including how specific scenes, or stanzas fits  Read aloud different stories, dramas, and make comic Understanding  Complete graphic sentences, together to provide poems. Discuss with students how strip showing a Other: organizer paragraphs, and the overall structure cultural Analyzing Poems larger portions of the chapters, scenes, or stanzas contribute to text (e.g., a section, of a particular story, the flow of literature selection. expression that Reader’s chapter, scene, or drama, or poem.  Teach text structure for fiction text. reveals, values, Theater stanza) relate to each  Teach students to analyze the defining life styles, Field Trips other and the whole. Vocabulary: features of a variety of genres, comparing beliefs and to see plays Structure and contrasting multiple texts. struggles of Essential Question Stanza  Model the use of thinking maps to diverse ethnic How do we put it Chapter compare and contrast various texts. groups. together so it makes Dialogue sense? Scenes

Page 4 of 36 April 2012 6. Assess how point RL6. Describe how a  Teach students the differences in Integrated DOK 2 and 4 Harcourt  Graphic of view or purpose narrator’s or narrative voices (first person, third Trophies Organizers shapes the content speaker’s point of person, narrator) Social Studies Understanding  Writing showing and style of a text. view influences how  Teach students to identify the point-of- Select a Theme 1: comparing and events are described. view of each character and compare and passage from Analyzing The Hot and contrasting. Essential Question contrast each character’s perspective. Social Studies Cold Summer  Writing pieces What made the  Teach students to recognize alternative and discuss the Dear Mrs. author choose this perspectives of an issue based on a reader speaker’s point Parks point of view? or writer’s bias or point-of-view. of view about Theme 5: (location, personal  Read The True Story of the Three Little how/what is Dear Mr. experience, etc.) Pigs and The Three Little Pigs. going on. Henshaw Frindle Other: The True Story of The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs Use other picture books that are told from different pints of view i.e. Cinderella The Rough Faced Girl etc.

Page 5 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Integration of knowledge and ideas- Literature Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Strategies/Activities Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard The Learner Will… Level Summative Assessment 7. Integrate and RL.7. Analyze how  Teach students to distinguish fact Integrated DOK 4 Harcourt  Finished evaluate content visual and from opinion. Social Studies Trophies: Product: presented in diverse multimedia  Teach students to identify bias, Evaluate Review of media and formats, elements contribute propaganda, or media techniques Draw conclusions from The Case production including visually to the meaning, the textbooks showing of the and quantitatively, in various mediums.  Understanding tone, or beauty of a the significance of Flying as well as in words.  Teach students to determine the of terminology. text (e.g., graphic purpose of the program major wars or Saucer Essential Question novel, multimedia  Take students to see a film or economic development People How do pictures, presentation of staged production of a book or of the US (American Name movies and other fiction, folktale, story they have read. Revolution, War of This media help you myth, and poem).  Have students create illustrations 1812, Mexican War, American understand the text? in various artistic and digital Civil War) Vocabulary media to accompany stories or Visual, audio, or books they have read. video/film  Write a review of a television, production radio, or video/film production. perception  Create a multimedia product of a tone folktale, myth or poem that you have read. 8. Delineate and 8. (not applicable to evaluate the argument literature) and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

Page 6 of 36 April 2012 9. Analyze how two RL 9. Compare  Teach students to analyze the DOK Harcourt  Graphic or more texts and contrast stories defining features of a variety of 2 and 3 Trophies: Organizers address similar in the same genre genres, comparing and The Hot  Writing themes or topics in (e.g., mysteries and contrasting multiple texts with Analyzing and Cold Journal: order to build adventure stories) bubble map Summer knowledge or to comparing and on their approaches Sees compare the  Use text that can be use to make contrasting approaches the to similar themes comparisons (books with similar Behind genres. authors take. and topics. settings, characters, themes, etc.) Trees Use character map. Elena Essential Question Vocabulary Folktales How does the theme Genre, compare, from Asia of ______compare contrast, theme, to that in ______? topic, drama, Others: mysteries, Various adventures. text Classroom Libraries

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity- Informational Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative The Learner Will…. Assessment 10. Read and RL.10 By the end Conduct one-on-one conferences Social Studies or DOK 1 and 2 Other:  Reading Log comprehend of the year read and with students. View reading logs Science Classroom  Response complex literary comprehends and journals. Remembering Libraries Journals and informational informational texts, Students use prior Self-  Summaries of texts independently including knowledge and Understanding Selected and proficiently. reading history/social demonstrate Books Essential Question studies, science, comprehension by Where are you now? and technical texts, making connections Where do you from at the high end of between texts and her? the grades 4-5 text current units of study. complexity band independently and proficiently. Page 7 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Key Ideas and Details Structure (Informational) Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative The Learner Will.. Assessment 1. Read closely to RI 1. Quote accurately Teach That: Social DOK 1 & 3 Harcourt  Summaries determine what from a text when  Inferences, conclusions and Studies/Science Trophies:  Notes the text says explaining what the generalizations involve explicitly and to After reading Analyzing  Inference grid text says explicitly and understanding more than the make logical common topics, We’ll Never  Assess student’s when drawing literal meaning. inferences from it: students will Evaluating Forget You, ability to revise inferences from the  When making inferences, Roberto cite specific compile information inferences when textual evidence text. make connections with prior Clemente to create newscasts the text does not when writing or knowledge or advertisements Iditarod Dream speaking to Vocabulary  A visual image provides a support the original explaining explicit support Informative/expository, way for readers to understand Other: thought. conclusions drawn messages of texts. Fact, opinion, the text beyond the literal Newspapers  T-Chart from the text. summary, inference, level Directions for drawing conclusions,  Model note-taking skills putting Essential Question generalization Can you tell me the  Model the use of a T-Chart something reason you think Have students quote, together as a ______? paraphrase, and summarize text. recipe 2. Determine RI. 2. Determine two  Model for students how to Social DOK 1 & 4 Harcourt  Understanding of central ideas or or more main ideas find main idea. Studies/Science Trophies: vocabulary. themes or a text Iditarod Dream and analyze their of a text and explain  Identify key details. Partner read a Understanding  Summaries how they are selection and report Analyze Woodsong development;  Teach students that the Oceans  Graphic summarize the key supported by key to a partner what main idea of a text is what Seeing Earth Organizers supporting details details; summarize is being stated often. you have read.  Text Mapping and ideas. from Space the text.  Model for students how to Evelyn Cisneros: Vocabulary: Concept, summarize, paraphrase, Prima Ballerina Kathy Bumgardner’s Essential Question information, context, What is the main cause and effect. and question the author to Black Frontiers non-fiction roll up text? monitor comprehension. Other: www.kbumreading.c How do you  Teach students the Informational om know? difference between theme text Newspaper and main idea. Magazine articles

Page 8 of 36 April 2012 3. Analyze how RI. 3. Explain the  Model how readers form 5H1.3 DOK 4 Harcourt  Reader’s response and why relationships or opinion of individuals, Students will create Trophies: journals individuals, events, and ideas interactions between events, ideas or concepts in a chart to show how Understanding We’ll Never  Summaries develop and two or more the text. the US was before Forget You,  Opinions Paper interact over the individuals, events  Teach students how to the Civil War and Analyzing Roberto  Essay course of a text. ideas, or concepts in select appropriate evidence after the Civil War Clemente  Understanding of a historical, from the text to support a What’s the Big vocabulary scientific, or specific view. 5.C Idea, Ben  Multi-flow chart technical text based  Reading Response Students will list the Franklin? on specific Journal: Write your opinion parts of the systems Lewis Clark information in the about the individuals, of the Human Body text. events, ideas and or concepts of the text. Vocabulary:  Write an essay about the Concept, individuals, events, ideas, information, context, or concepts. Essay should cause and effect. include support by citing evidence found in the text.  Multi-Flow Map:  Determine cause and effect of various effects.  Identify details in the text to support cause and effect relationship

Page 9 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Craft and Structure (Informational) Level: Grade 5 Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Activity Level Summative Assessment 4. Interpret words RI 4. Determine  Teach students that key Social Studies DOK 2 & 4 Harcourt Trophies:  Pop quizzes and phrases as they the meaning of vocabulary are words or terms that 5.G1 Dear Mrs. Parks  Cloze Activities are used in a text, general academic are critical for understanding a Students read a Understanding We’ll Never Forget including selection.  Vocabulary and domain- selection and write Remembering You, Roberto determining  After reading a selection, model Clemente Iditorod Quizzes technical specific words and down unknown Analyzing the thinking process a reader uses Dream Everglades,  Foldable connotative, and phrases in a text to select vocabulary that is words on “Sticky Summer of Fire,  Word Maps figurative important to the topic. relevant to a grade notes” Students Oceans, Seeing Earth meanings, and 5 topics or subject  Teach students the purposes and discuss words to analyze how the differences among a variety of from Space Williams specific words area. reference materials. determine the Shakespeare and the choices shape  Model the use of a glossary, meaning Globe, The World of meaning or tone. dictionary, and thesaurus William Joyce Vocabulary  Teach students to use test features Scrapbook, Evelyn Figurative of nonfiction to help identify key Cisneros: Prima language, suffix, vocabulary. Ballerina Little by domain-specific  Teach students to use text Little What’s the Big features of nonfiction to help Idea Ben Franklin? identify key vocabulary. Lewis Clark Black  Teach students to determine Frontiers meanings of key words by looking for explanations in the text, sidebars, glossaries, pictures, or by using knowledge of word structure.  Model how to summarize and paraphrase text.  Teach strategies for determining meaning of unknown words, especially academic and domain- specific vocabulary, such as context, roots and suffixes and reference materials  Play word games such as rivet; guess the covered word, etc. to help students understanding word meaning.

Page 10 of 36 April 2012 5. Analyze the RI.5. Compare and  Teach text structure (e.g. 5.H 1.3 DOK 2 and 3 Harcourt  Graphic structure of texts, contrast the overall sequence, cause and effect Students will Trophies: Organizers including how structure (e.g., relationships, comparison and debate the Understanding Summer of Fire  Story Mapping specific sentences, contrast, order of importance.) paragraphs, and chronology, institution and Analyzing Oceans  Flow charts larger portions of comparison,  Teach that a variety of text is expansion of Little by Little written in chronological order:  Multi-flow the text (e.g., a cause/effect, slavery. Other: charts section, chapter, problem/solution) historical events, directions, Recipes Newspaper change, scientific observations,  Assess student’s scene, or stanza) of events, ideas, Article Magazines relate to each other and other. ability to identify and the whole. concepts, or  Teach words such as first, Informational Text the correct text information in two second, third, then, next, Biographies structure or more texts. finally. Classroom  Foldables  Provide students with a variety Libraries: of text for comparing and Shockwaves and contrasting text structure. the 10. Organize thoughts with For cause and foldables. effect, read the  Teach cause and effect by book identifying and explaining the cause of an event and how it A River Ran creates the effect. Complete a Wild, by Lynne multi-flow chart. Cherry  Teach key words for cause/effect (e.g., because, since, thus, so that, if… then, therefore, nevertheless, consequently, on account of, this led to, as a result of, etc.). Teach that effects can be outcomes, results, and events. Use 2-coumn notes during reading  Teach that key words for recognizing compare and contrast(e.g., alike, different however, but)

Page 11 of 36 April 2012 6. Assess how point RI 6. Analyze  Provide opportunities for Social Studies DOK 2, 3,4 No Harcourt  Summary of view or purpose multiple accounts students to use various Alignment  Notes shapes the content and style of a text. of the same event resources to analyze an event 5.G.1 Analyze by Evaluating or topic, noting or topic. Allow students to mapping and Analyzing Other: important compare and contrast the American’s move Newspapers, similarities and point of view of each west for better Magazines, Variety differences in the resource. economic of research point of view they  Write an essay making a prospects. resources. represent. comparison between the two Television resources Vocabulary  Compare televised Similarities, information to newsprint, differences, point magazines and websites. of view, summary,  Make notes and summarize topic, summary what is read and/or and analysis researched.

Page 12 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Integration of knowledge and ideas (Informational) Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative Assessment 7. Integrate and RI. 7. Draw on  Provide opportunities for 5G1 DOK-4 Harcourt  Scavenger evaluate content information from students to experience texts in Research the years Trophies: Hunts presented in diverse multiple print or media and formats, different formats (i.e., audio Europeans immigrated Everglades  Research digital sources, books, videos, websites, multi- to the US. Make a bar Summer of Paper including visually and demonstrating the quantitatively, as well media presentations) graph to show the Fire ability to locate an  Cited Sources as in words. number of people who answer to a question  With the help of your media  Class Blog quickly or to solve a coordinator, create a list of settled in the US. Other: problem efficiently. several items of information to Media be located during a scavenger Coordinator Vocabulary: hunt. Media, medium,  Follow county’s guidelines for Technology digital, WIKI, blog, technology. (Use media Specialist RopwerPoint coordinator, technology specialist, other school and county personnel).  Provide opportunities for students to research a topic Require students to use a variety of sources  Set up a class blog. Require students to place finished product on the blog as well as respond to the blogs of other classmates.

Page 13 of 36 April 2012 8. Delineate and RI.8. Explain how an  Provide opportunities for Students work in small DOK 4 Harcourt  Debates. evaluate the author uses reasons students to examine ads, groups, reading a Understanding Trophies:  Graphic argument and specific and evidence to claims in a text, commercials, debates for variety of text on the Evaluate Dear Mrs. Organizer support particular validity and author’s purpose. same topic, group Park We’ll including the validity points in a text, of the reasoning as members give oral Never identifying which  Allow students to work in well as the relevance reports on passages, Forget reasons and evidence small groups to read and sufficiency of the informational text with others record notes. You, evidence. support which point(s). common points. Groups prepare to Roberto create presentation or Clemente Vocabulary: product Little by Reasoning, evidence, Little support, valid.

9. Analyze how two RI 9. Integrate  Model reading a variety of Assign each student a DOK 3 & 4 No  Note cards or more texts address information from informational texts on the same region from the US. Harcourt  Planning sheet similar themes or several texts in order topic and picking up the main After reading, students Analyzing Resources  Graphic topics in order to to write or speak ideas and supporting details or build knowledge or to will report orally about organizer about the subject each. compare the the cultural, political, Other: knowledgeably.  Teach students to take notes on  Research approaches the economical data. Social Paper authors take. information on a specific topic Studies Vocabulary: from multiple sources. Record the Main idea, integrate, information on note cards. Book topic, point of view  Demonstrate how to take Media information gathered form Center multiple sources to sort by similarities.  Model the integration of information from multiple sources by creating a graphic organizer or spider web, listing the main ideas for the topic in the bubble.  Integrate short and extend research opportunities into your thematic units that require students to integrate information from multiple sources in a written report.

Page 14 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity (Informational) Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Level Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Summative Assessment 10. Read and RI.10. By the end  Conduct one-on-one Use articles form DOK 2 Magazines Reading Logs comprehend complex of year read and conferences with students newspaper/magazine Newspaper Summaries literary and informational texts comprehend  Choose texts of appropriate etc. Students show Comprehending Scholastics independently and informational texts, complexity (see Common Core connections made Classroom proficiently. including Appendix B) from class study to Libraries: history/social  Provide opportunities for newspaper by use Shockwave studies, science students to read self-selected graph organization The 10 and technical texts, text. Keep reading logs and Common in the grades 4-5 write a summary of specific Core text complexity reading. Appendix B band proficiently.

Page 15 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Phonics and Word Recognition- Foundational Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Bloom’s Level Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Activity Summative Assessment RF.3 Know and  Teach that affixes add meaning to N/A Understanding Harcourt  Foldable apply grade-level rood words. Trophies:  Quizzes phonics and word  Teach the meaning of a variety of Analyzing The hot and  Graphic analysis skills in prefixes and suffixes in the cold summer Organizers decoding words. context of material that has been sees behind  Word Map  Use combined read aloud, independently read by trees Yang the knowledge of all students, or read during small Third and Her letter-sound group instruction. impossible correspondences,  Teach Greek and Latin root words family syllabication in order that students use this Dear Mrs. patterns, and knowledge to unlock the meaning Parks Elena morphology of unknown words. We’ll never (e.g., roots and  Model the thinking good readers do forget you, affixes) to read when they come to a word in Roberto accurately their reading (e.g., look for Clemente unfamiliar prefixes and suffixes and think Folktales form multisyllabic about their meanings, look for Asia Iditarod words in context known root words and think Dream and out of about their meanings, apply Woodsong context. syllabication rules, and read Island of the around unknown word for context Blue Dolphins clues). Everglades  Read aloud various genres to Summer of fire. demonstrate how the complexity Ocean seeing of word structure impacts earth from comprehension. space The case  Word Wall of the Flying Saucer  Games: scrabble, hangman, guess People Hattie’s the word. Birthday Box  Give students 2-5 root words a William week. Shakespeare  Implement Word Work I literacy and the Globe3 stations Page 16 of 36 April 2012 Page 17 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Fluency- Foundational Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative Assessment RF. 4 Read with  Provide access to a wide range Read selected Understanding Harcourt  Read with sufficient accuracy of reading materials for passages from Social Trophies: fluency and fluency to modeled, shared, guided, and Studies and Science Analyzing  Self correct support independent reading. We’ll Never  Graphic comprehension.  Provide frequent and dedicated Forget You,  Organizers  4a Read grade- time for individual student Roberto  Running level text with reading. Clemente Records purpose and  Literacy Centers Oceans  Graphs understanding.  Teacher keeps running records Williams  4b Read grade- of student reading fluency. Shakespeare level prose and  Books on tape. and the Globe poetry orally  Model fluent reading. Woodsong What’s the with accuracy,  Graph fluency appropriate Big Idea, Ben Franklin? rate, and Student expression.  Use increasingly more precise Other:  4c Use context to and purposeful vocabulary in Classroom confirm or self- speaking and writing. libraries correct word  Identify examples of enriched recognition and vocabulary in own writing. understanding,  Read with rhythm and flow to rereading as sound like everyday speech. necessary.  Book Talks  Reader’s Theater  Whisper Read

Page 18 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Text Types and Purposes Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative Assessment 1. Write W. 1 Write opinion  Teach students the process Social Studies Understanding Kathy Bumgardner’s  Blog arguments to pieces or topics or of writing Imagine that you Writing Tools  Writings texts, supporting a support claims  Model the writing process could visit one of the Evaluating point of view with  Published in an analysis of reasons and for students. Native American Work substantive information.  Model the use of transition groups. Write a letter Creating Social Studies Text  Letter to topics or texts,  1.a Introduce the words in writing. that describes the Editor using valid topic or text  Model different types of text group’s daily life. Science Text clearly, state an  Notes for reasoning and structure writings (e.g. debate relevant and opinion, and cause and effect, crate an  Participation sufficient organizational compare/contrast, etc.) Science in debate evidence.  Read aloud and provide Write a report structure in  Persuasive which ideas are independent reading with explaining why speech logically books addressing an organisms differ grouped to support the opinion of an author and from or are similar to writer’s purpose. evaluating evaluations of their parents base on  1b Provide characters. characteristics of the Logically  Share examples of writing. organism. ordered reasons  Set up a class blog, Allow that are students to write their supported by facts and details opinions about particular  1c Link opinion pieces of writings on the and reasons blog. using words, phrases, and Vocabulary clauses (e.g., consequently. Fact, opinion, evidence. Specifically).  1d Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. Page 19 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Text Types and Purposes Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Activity Level Summative Assessment 2. Write 2W Write  Teach the writing process. Social Studies Evaluating Six-Traits of Writing  Clarification informative informative/explanatory  Model and guide student’s Students can Kathy Bumgardner’s Essay texts to examine a topic /explanatory opportunities to use choose a Native Creating Writing Tool  Newspaper and convey ideas and various forms of texts to examine information clearly. American group, Article and convey technology to aid in research to learn of  2a Introduce a topic writing.  Research complex ideas clearly, provide a history, cultural Internet Paper general observation  Model the use of word and information phrases and clauses to traditions, food and  Graphic clearly and and focus, and group other ways of life. related information link sentences and Organizer accurately logically; include paragraphs. Students will write  Informative/ through the formatting (e.g.,  Plan a research paper explanatory effective headings). informative/explanatory using a PowerPoint Essays selection, Illustrations, and pieces by developing key to share with organization, multimedia when questions (e.g. What are students. useful to aiding the causes of ______? and analysis of comprehension. content. How do/does______Science  2b Develop the topic work? What is with facts, definitions, Write about one ______? What concrete details, type of ecosystem would happen if quotations, or o the (terrestrial or information and ______? examples related to  Write introductory aquatic) using text, the topic. paragraphs to engage notes, research to  2c Link ideas within and readers and focus explain. Use across categories of attention on topics. heading to explain information using  Complete web organizers to each biome that is words, phrase, and plan and structure in the chosen clauses (e.g., in informative/explanatory ecosystem. contrast, especially). writing.  2d Use precise language and domain- specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.  2e Provide a concluding statement or section Page 20 of 36 April 2012 related to the information or explanation presented. 3. Write W3 Write narratives to  Teach writing Process Social Studies Creating Six-Traits of Writing  Personal narratives to develop real or imagined  Encourage students to use Imagine that you Kathy Bumgardner’s Narrative develop real or experiences or events the style and voice of are traveling with Understanding Writing Tool using effective technique,  Epilogue imagined descriptive details, and their favorite author. one of the  Poetry Writing experiences or clear event sequences.  Provide a list of transition explorers, write a  Assess writing events using  3a Orient the reader by words to students. journal entry Appendix B (examples process effective establishing a  Include a plot, point of describing the of writing)  Products technique, well- situation and view, setting, conflict, places you have introducing a narrator chosen details, and/or characters; and/or significant been. and well- organize an event events in the writing. structured sequence that unfolds  Create epilogue for 5C1.4 event naturally. favorite text Students will write sequences.  3b Use narrative  Compare/contract a brief skit techniques, such as characters in different depicting an event dialogue, description, and pacing, to stories. or process such as develop experiences a meeting of the and events or show Iroquois League, the responses of construction of a characters to tepee, or a whale situations.  3c Use concrete a hunt. A model can variety of transitional be created. woes, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events.  3d Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.  3e Provide a conclusion that follow from the narrated experiences or events

Page 21 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Production and Distribution of Writing Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative Assessment 4. Produce clear W. 4. Produce clear  Provide models of good Social Studies Creating Appendix B  Blogs and coherent and coherent writing writings. Write a paragraph Six-Traits of Writing  Final product in which the writing in which  Ensure that students giving the important Kathy Bumgardner’s development and information about one the development, organization are complete all steps of the Writing Tool of the major battles of organization, and appropriate to task, writing process. style are purpose, and the American  Have students write Revolution. Include appropriate to audience. (Grade- routinely for a variety of when/where took task, purpose, specific expectations for writing types are purposes place/which side won. and audience. defined in standards 1-3 above.) Science Students will write a paragraph predicting the weather events from weather data called through observations & measurements 5. Develop and W. 5. With guidance  Teach writing process. Model Six-Traits of Writing  Writing strengthen and support from  Demonstrate ways to plan planning/reviewing Kathy Bumgardner’s Workshop peers and adults, writing as needed develop and and draft writing /editing Writing Tool  Portfolio by planning, strengthen writing as including using graphic Students pick a topic rewriting, or needed by planning, organizers and writing and show how they trying a new revising, and editing, planning sheets. plan. (Topics vary) approach or trying a new After planning, approach.  Writing Workshop: Conferences, peer editing, students use work technology. already written and revised/edited by switching with a partner.

Page 22 of 36 April 2012 6. Use 6. With some  Provide opportunities for Social studies & Evaluating  Blogs technology, guidance and support students to publish work Science  Documents from adults, use  Produce/Publish including the technology, including using various type of Creating Media Coordinator  Graphic internet, to the internet, to technology. (online writings from # Technology Specialist organizers produce and produce and publish graphic organizers) 1,2,or 3  Collaborate Students share with publish writing writing as well as to  Provide opportunities for  project and to interact interact and students to communicate other classmates graphic-organizers.html and collaborate collaborate with  Research the Lost others; demonstrate using various forms of with others. Colony of sufficient command technology (e.g., e-mail Roanoke. Use of keyboarding skills Google docs. Blogs) findings to create to type a minimum of  Virtual Field trips one page in a single and give a sitting.  Create a collaborative presentation using project. visual aids. Contract through e-mail/website and get information form them.

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative Assessment 7. Conduct short W. 7. Conduct  Provide opportunity for students Social Studies/Science Understanding Media  Research as well as more short research to conduct research on a topic Research cultural Center Project sustained research projects that use of interest. narratives using Remembering Reference  Cited projects based on several sources to  Model for students how to technology, book to Materials Work focused questions, build knowledge correctly acknowledge reveal the values Technology  Notes demonstrating through information obtained from lifestyles of ethnic understanding of investigation of sources on index cards. groups the subject under different aspects of 5E.1 Students will investigation. a topic research weather instruments. Explain what they do. Page 23 of 36 April 2012 8. Gather relevant W. 8. Recall  Provide opportunity for students 5.C1 Remembering Media  Summaries information from relevant to research. Students will research Center  Finished multiple print and information from  Provide students with various an assigned region and Understanding Reference Writings digital sources, experiences or print and digital resources to write notes along with a Materials  Cited sources assesses the gather relevant aid in the research. list of sources using text Technology  Writing credibility and information from  Provide students with first-hand books, library resources process accuracy of each print and digital experiences to write about (i.e., 5.E1.2 source, and sources; school assembly, pep rally, Students will research integrates the summarize or etc.) atmospheric information while paraphrase conditions/cloud types avoiding information in write up notes and plagiarism. notes and finished provide sources work, and provide a list of sources.

9. Draw evidence W. 9. Draw  Provide opportunities for Social Studies Media  Reading from literacy or evidence from students to compare and Students should Center response informational texts literary or contrast different characters, compare & contrast the Reference journals to support analysis, informational texts settings, or events in literature. Articles of Materials reflection, and to support analysis, Confederation the Technology research. reflection and Vocabulary Constitution Short Text research. Teach vocabulary: compare,  9a Apply grade 5 Reading contrast, reflect standards to literature (e.g., “Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in story or a drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact:)  9b Apply grade 5 Reading standards to Page 24 of 36 April 2012 informational texts (e.g., “Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular pints in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which points”)

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Range of Writing Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative Assessment 10. Write routinely W. 10. Write  Provide frequent opportunities Social Studies Understanding Media  Response over extended time routinely over for students to write. This 5.H.1 Students will write Center journals frames (time for extended time could be in the form of a quick in a journal of a week Reference  Writing research, frames (time for write, exit tickets, 3-2-1 telling how life was for Materials portfolio them as an European reflection, and research, summaries, reflections, etc.) Technology  Quick revision) and reflection, and explorer interacting with  Provide feedback to students American Indian Writes shorter time frames revision) and frequently. Science  3-2-1 (a single sitting or shorter time frames  Allow students to write in a Student journal daily summary a day or two) for a (a single sitting or range from short responses to weather (using weather  Reflections range of tasks, a day or two) for a research papers for writing station) including- purposes, and range of discipline- portfolios clouds/types, audiences. specific tasks, temperature, wind, rain. purposes and audiences.

Page 25 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening Comprehension and Collaboration Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative Assessment 1. Prepare for SL. 1. Engage  Allow students to work in Social Studies DOK Guest Speeches and participate effectively in a different groupings (pairs, Discuss the relationship between Speakers Questions for effectively in a range of groups, whole group) different cultural groups Applying School guest range of collaborative (Think, pair, share) Europeans/Americans/Indians) Personnel discussions (one- conversations  Provide topics for and how they can have positive on-one, in groups, and discussions & negative effects based upon and teacher-led) collaborations with diverse  Set guidelines for how their interactions with one with diverse partners on grade 3 discussions should be another using leadership belief partners, topics and texts, conducted (respect others; & fears. building on building on others’ do not talk white others Students write questions from others’ ideas and ideas and are speaking, etc.) text to ask each other. expressing their expressing their Prepare questions. From discussion students will own clearly and own clearly. come to a conclusion to the persuasively  1a Come to Vocabulary relationship of these groups. discussions Teach vocabulary: prepared, discussion, evidence, Science having read or collaborate, brainstorm, Explain sun’s energy impacts studied required diverse. process of the water cycle. material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion.

Page 26 of 36 April 2012  1b Follow agreed- upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.  1c Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.  1d Review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from the discussions. 2. Integrate and SL. 2. Summarize  Teach summarizing strategies. Social Studies & Science Understanding  Summaries evaluate a written text read  Have students conduct surveys Create and share PowerPoint to Evaluating  Surveys information aloud or  Allow students to use diverse summarize read aloud text.  Visual Aids presented in information media After presentations/assign diverse media presented in groups. Students will work with and formats, diverse media and Vocabulary: a partner to identify and including formats, including Summarize and paraphrase summarize key points citing (make sure students understand visually, visually, evidence from presentations to the difference between quantitatively, quantitatively, summarizing and paraphrasing). justify main points. and orally. and orally.

Page 27 of 36 April 2012 3. Evaluate a SL. 3. Summarize  Model summarizing the claims Understanding Speaker  Graphic speaker’s point the points a made by the speaker or Evaluating Organizers of view, speaker makes presenter and then explain reasoning, and and explain how how each claim is supported use of evidence each claim is by evidence. and rhetoric. supported by  Provide opportunities for reasons and students to listen to a speaker so that students can evidence. summarize main points

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Strategies/Activities Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Level Summative Assessment 4. Present SL. 4. Report on a  Provide students with the Science Applying Harcourt  Presentations Informational, topic or text, or present opportunities to speak publicly Research/create a flow Grammar  Note cards findings, and an opinion, sequencing map of a food chain Creating Book ideas logically and (i.e., morning announcements, supporting evidence school assemblies, class including parts with such that listeners using appropriate facts presentations) explanations/drawing can follow the line and relevant, descriptive details to  Use note cards to prepare share with the class. of reasoning and the support main ideas or organization, presentations. Social Studies themes; speak clearly at Create a timeline of development, and an understandable style are pace.. Americans moving appropriate to task, west and share with the purpose, and class audience. 5. Make strategic SL. 5. Include  Use rubric as a guideline for Use activities from # 4 Applying Technology  Presentations use of digital media multimedia student products. and make a PowerPoint Creating specialist  Use of Multi- components (e.g., and visual displays  Require that student use diverse to go along with Computer media of data to express graphics, sound) and visual displays in medium to present information written work. lab components information and Media enhance presentations when (graphs, charts, etc.) appropriate to enhance Center understanding of the development of presentations. main ideas or themes.

Page 28 of 36 April 2012 6. Adapt speech to a SL.6. Adapt speech to  Provide instruction to students in Social Studies DOK Daily oral  Response variety of contexts a variety of contexts Language Standards 1 and 3. Studies read a portion Applying language Journals and communicative and tasks, using formal English when  Incorporate grammar and on the Constitution, picture  Grammar tasks, conventions in daily instruction. then put it in their own book checks demonstrating appropriate to task and situation. words command of formal  Model through read alouds a wide  Speeches and English when variety of speech in context Presentations indicated or (i.e., figurative language, appropriate. idioms, dialect, etc.)

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening Conventions of Standard English Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Strategies/Activities Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Level Summative Assessment 1. Demonstrate L 1. Demonstrate  Provide instruction in the parts of N/A DOK  Grammar command of the command of the speech (e.g., noun, pronoun, Checks conventions of conventions of standard English verb, adverb, adjective, Remembering  Teacher made standard English grammar and usage conjunction, preposition, quizzes. grammar and when writing or interjection). Explain the Understanding  Grammar usage when speaking function of each in a sentence. exercises writing or  1a Explain the Identify parts of the speech. function of  Essays and speaking.  Teach that there are irregular conjunction, writing prepositions, and verbs in the English language interjections in (i.e., I speak, yesterday, I general and their spoke, I have spoken) function in  Use students writing to model the particular correct use of troublesome sentences.  1b Form and use the verbs. perfect (e.g., I had  Model the correct use of walked; I have troublesome verbs and waked; I will have pronouns by using examples walked) verb from children’s literature that tenses. demonstrate the targeted  1c Use verb tense to convey various grammar to be taught.

Page 29 of 36 April 2012 times, sequences  Teach students about subject/verb states, and agreement. conditions  1d Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense.*  1e Use correlative conjunctions (e.g. either/or neither/nor).

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Conventions of Standard English Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative Assessment 2. Demonstrate L. 2. Demonstrate  Teach conventions through mini- Use writing activities DOK 1 Daily Oral  Writing command of the command of the lessons that address and demonstrate Remembering Language Workshop conventions of conventions of capitalization and punctuation. conventions. Understanding  Spelling Test standard English standard English  Provide opportunities for Students can use Applying Working  Response capitalization, capitalization, students to revise writings. writing to show class With Journal punctuation, and punctuation, and Focus on capitalization, their correct use of Words  Writing rubric spelling when spelling when punctuation, and spelling. conventions by by Patricia writing. writing.  Teach spelling rules that are showing work on Cunningham  2a Use consistent in the English document camera and punctuation to language (e.g., Qu rule: always highlight examples of Harcourt separate items put a u after q; ei rule: I before each bullet under # 2 Grammar in a series.* e, except after c, etc.) standards. Book  2b Use a comma  Model spelling strategies through to separate an direct instruction. 500 Most introductory  Use correct capitalization such as Frequently element from names of magazines, Used Word the rest of the newspapers, and organizations. List sentence.  Use correct punctuation such as  2c Use a comma colon to introduce list and Rules for English Page 30 of 36 April 2012 to set off the commas used in compound Language words yes and sentences. no (e.g. Yes,  Check and revise spelling in thank you) to writing, set off a tag question from the rest of the sentence (e.g., It’s true, isn’t it?), and to indicate direct address (e.g., is that you, Steve?).  2d Use underlining quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles of works.  2e Spell grade- appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.

Page 31 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Knowledge of Language Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Strategies/Activities Integrated Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Activity Level Summative Assessment 3. Apply L.3. Use  Teach conventions through mini- Social Studies and DOK 4 Harcourt  Completed knowledge of knowledge of lessons Science Grammar writings language to language and its  Provide students with rubrics for Applying Book understand how conventions when things to check in their writing Using students language functions writing, speaking,  Teach students how to create work (writings), cut 500 Most in different reading, or meaningful sentences. up sentences, then Frequently contexts, to make listening.  Model how to combine, expand, students collaborate Used Word effective choices  3a Expand, and reduce sentences for to expand and List for meaning or combined and meaning, reader/listener reduce newly style, and to reduce interest, and style. formed sentences. Rules for comprehend more sentences for Groups can share English fully when reading meaning, on document Language or listening. reader/listener camera. interest, and style. Use thesauruses to  3b Compare and change words that contrast the are used over and varieties of over in a passage. English (e.g., dialects, registers) used in stories, dramas, or poems.

Page 32 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Strategies/Activities Level Summative Assessment 4. Determine or L. 4. Determine or  Teach that affixes add meaning to Social Studies/Science DOK 1 Harcourt  Journal clarify the clarify the meaning of root words. Use vocabulary from Trophies:  Writing unknown and multiple- meaning of  Teach the meaning of a variety of each standard. Remembering Sees Behind Portfolio meaning words and prefixes and suffixes in the Trees unknown and phrases based on Grade multiple-meaning context of material that has Students should use the Understanding We’ll Never 4 reading and content. been read aloud, independently words and Choosing flexibly from following for Forget You, read by students, or read during phrases by using an array of strategies. meanings: Roberto small group instruction. Clemente context clues,  4a Use context (e.g. cause/effect  Teach Greek and Latin root words Folktales from analyzing relationships and In a order that students use this  Tree map Asia meaningful word comparisons in knowledge to unlock the  Dictionaries Iditorod Drams parts, and text) as a clue to meaning of unknown words.  Glossaries Island of the Blue consulting general the meaning of a  Model the thinking good readers  Thesauruses Dolphins and specialized word or phrase. do when they come to a word in Summer of Fire reference  4b Use common, their reading (e.g., look for Oceans grade-appropriate prefixes and suffixes and think Seeing Earth materials, as Greek and Latin appropriate. about their meanings, look for from Space affixes and roots known root words and think as clues to the The case of the meaning of a word about their meanings, apply Flying-Saucer (e.g., dictionaries, syllabication rules, and read William glossaries, around unknown word for Shakespeare and thesauruses), both context clues). the Globe The print and digital, to  Model how to use context clues to World of find the find the meaning of a word William Joyce pronunciation and  Provide a variety of reference Scrapbook Dear determine or material for student use: Mr. Henshaw clarify the precise dictionary, glossaries, Black Frontiers meaning of key thesauruses, appendices. words and phrases.

Page 33 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Strategies/Activities Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Level Summative Assessment 5. Demonstrate RL 5. Demonstrate  Model use and understanding of N/A DOK 1 Harcourt Identify understanding of understanding of figurative language, word Trophies: figurative word relationships figurative language, relationships, similes and Remembering Themes language and and nuances in word relationships metaphors. Understanding 1, 2, 3, 4 meaning word meanings. and nuances in word Applying meanings. Interpret  Guide students in identifying figurative language, various types of figurative including similes and language. metaphors, in  Provide opportunities for students context. to brainstorm about the  5a Recognize and connotations of words to ensure explain the that they are applying this meaning of concept correctly. common  Require students to translate idioms, adages, meanings of figurative and proverbs. expressions.  5b Use the relationship Vocabulary between Instruct students on the particular words relationships between and among (e.g., words, such as synonyms, synonyms, antonyms, homophones. antonyms, homographs) to better understand each of the words.

Page 34 of 36 April 2012 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Level: Grade 5

Anchor Specific Grade Instructional Strategies/Activities Integrated Activity Bloom’s Resources Formative Standards Standard Level Summative Assessment 6. Acquire and use RL 6. Acquire and  Expose students to a wide variety Social Studies and DOK 1 Harcourt  Assess student accurately a range use accurately of words, both formal and Science Grammar knowledge of of general grade-appropriate informal. Students demonstrate Remembering Book the academic and general academic  Provide daily instruction in use of academic Understanding foundations domain-specific and domain- grammar and conventions. vocabulary while of grammar words and phrases specific words and  Read a variety of text and recording information sufficient for phrases, including incorporate new words and in Cross Curriculum reading, writing, those that signal phrases into oral and written Journals speaking, and contrast, addition, language. listening at the and other logical college and career relationship (e.g., readiness level; however, although, demonstrate nevertheless, independence in similarly, fathering moreover, in vocabulary addition). knowledge when encountering an unknown term important to comprehension or expression.

Page 35 of 36 April 2012 5th Grade Resources

Science Macmillan McGraw-Hill

Social Studies The United States, Canada, Mexico and Central America Harcourt

Page 36 of 36 April 2012

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