Warooka Progress Association Inc

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Warooka Progress Association Inc


CELEBRATING 140 YEARS OF WAROOKA (1876 – 2016) MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 31st August 2016 Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Warooka Memorial Hall, 1 Player Street, Warooka: commenced at 7:30pm. PRESENT: Joan Bannon, Anthony Hart, Steph Ball, Jane Lavery & Aaron Nash. APOLOGIES: Jess Reppin, Gary Hart & Jo Forbes. WELCOME: Joan opened the meeting, and welcomed everyone. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: 1. Amendments to Previous Minutes. 2. Oval BBQ. 3. Community Buildings: 3.1 Use of Consulting Rooms by Others; 3.2 Museum Cell Block. 4. New Toilet at Warooka Oval Camp Site – Dump Point & CMCA. 5. Town Centre Project: 5.1 Yorketown Area School Tech Studies Metal Sculpture; 5.2 Town Triangle Seats; 5.3 Information Board Shelter; 5.4 Windmill Fence Screening - Plants. 6. Website. 7. Equipment Storage Shed. 8. Flag Lighting. 9. Hall AV. 10. New Fundraising Events. 11. Notice Board Systems. 12. Flaherty’s Beach Sandbar Golf Classic & Family Fun Day. 13. Warooka Dollars – Motion from May meeting; Russel Fleming. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES: 1. Amendments to Previous Minutes, as listed above: numbering corrected. 2. Oval BBQ: This has not been disconnected yet. Steph will ring Richie Tape, and let Joan know. 3. Community Buildings: 3.1 Use of Consulting Rooms by Others: The transfer has been completed, and the Rooms are being used by others, including recently, a Centrelink representative. 3.2 Museum Cell Block: The Museum Committee is likely to pay for the repairs upfront, and hope for Kristin’s success with a grant application. 4. New Toilet at Warooka Oval Camp Site – Dump Point: 4.1 Kevin Collins from CMCA rang Anthony about its progress. It was agreed the unit doesn’t need a fence as bollards will do the job. After discussion, the Committee agreed on the steps for completing the installation. MOTION: That we hire Hart Bros to finish the installation with trenching, etc., and contact Aitchison Plumbing to complete the connection. MOVED: Anthony; SECONDED: Jane; CARRIED 4.2 There are several other issues to address with the Toilet Block, including a broken window, which Anthony has fixed temporarily; the building needs a coat of paint to be followed up with Ian Hage; Anthony will look into the installation of solar lighting. 5. Town Centre Project:

Minutes 31/08/2016 Page 1 of 3 5.1 Yorketown Area School Tech Studies Metal Sculptures; Aaron will follow this up. 5.2 Town Triangle Seats: Jo will follow this up. 5.3 Information Board Shelter: Anthony and Aaron will design the facia board sign. 5.4 Windmill Fence Screening – Plants: It was agreed we use native Hardenbergia. MOTION: That we authorise Jane to purchase six (6) Hardenbergia plants locally for fence screening. MOVED: Anthony; SECONDED: Aaron; CARRIED 5.5 Following the meeting with Stephen Goldsworthy, YPC, the Committee discussed plans for the Triangle’s redevelopment, including: -  the need to develop the ‘mud map’;  two (2) shade sails to be priced, with the hope Council may pay half the cost;  the installation of ‘back-to-back’ BBQs;  the installation of three (3) sets of seats and tables;  the installation of some children’s play equipment. It was agreed the next steps be taken:-  Anthony to measure the site;  Jane to check area dimensions with Kerry Hage at Council;  Anthony to get shade sail prices and sizes. 6. Website: It was agreed Steph will put the RFDS October Market on the website. 7. Equipment Storage Shed: After discussion, we decided to finish other projects first; placed on hold. 8. Flag Lighting: Council’s response is still awaited; Jo to check on lighting. 9. Hall AV: The meeting accepted that Andrew will follow up information for the Committee’s decision 10. New Fundraising Events: The Committee accepted that everyone was busy with the Golf Classic. Discuss later. 11. Notice Board Systems: . We decided to finish other projects first; placed on hold. 12. Flaherty’s Beach Sandbar Golf Classic & Family Fun Day: The Organising Committee is contacting the following:- 12.1 Joan – Joseph Murdoch at North Cowie; 12.2 Steph – Adam Murdock at the Golf Club; 12.3 Joan – Jim Mullan at the Sailing Club; 12.4 Aaron – Steve Mc Neair and Mary Hermann; 12.5 Andrew – applications, approvals, regulations paperwork. 13. Warooka Dollars – Motion from May meeting; Russel Fleming: The Warooka Dollars were presented to Russell. MOTION: That the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted. MOVED: Jane; SECONDED: Anthony; CARRIED 7a. CORRESPONDENCE: Received: 1. Julie Tonkin, Friends of Yorketown Hospital Inc.: re: Giant Trunk Sale; 1st Oct, 9 – 2. 2. Steph Ball: re: Community Letter. 3. Stephen Goldsworthy, YPC: re: Street Trees. 4. Rosemary Daller: re: Completion of Property Transfers. 5. YP Tourism: re: Tourism Conference. 6. Jackie Reddaway, YPC: re: Council Agenda August 2016. 7. Jo Forbes: re: AGM Advertisement – YPCT. 8. Melissa Procter, JLTA: re: Building & Contents Insurance. 9. YP Tourism: re: Media Release – Yorke Peninsula’s Creative Side. 10. YP Tourism: re: Tourism e-News, August 2016. 11. Jess Reppin: re: Meeting apology. 7b. CORRESPONDENCE: Sent: 1. Nil. BUSINESS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE: The Correspondence was tabled. The following items are noted:- 7a. CORRESPONDENCE: Received: 2. Steph’s letter was included with AGM information, and widely-distributed. 3. Joan, Steph & Jo attended Goldy’s street tree meeting at Minlaton. MOTION: That the Correspondence be accepted. MOVED: Jane; SECONDED: Steph; CARRIED FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No financial activity has occurred in the week since the AGM, therefore the Financial Statement stands as at 24th August 2016.


Minutes 31/08/2016 Page 2 of 3 1. Nil. MOTION: That the Financial Report be accepted. MOVED: Steph; SECONDED: Anthony; CARRIED GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. Nil. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: 1. Information Board – New Signs: New signs for the notice board were discussed. Top Shop, Ballara and Warooka Pharmacy are new additions. Colin Mason’s sign is to be displayed. 2. Warooka South Australian Ambulance Service (SAAS) Social Club AGM Report: Joan reported that Janice was unable to attend the AGM due to ill-health. Janice called in to see her the day after the AGM and tendered her apologies, along with the Club’s Annual Report. It is filed with the others, and a copy will be emailed to the Committee.

NEXT MEETING: Executive Committee Meeting Wednesday, 21st September 2016, at 7:30pm in the Council Chambers, Warooka Memorial Hall, 1 Player Street, Warooka. MEETING CLOSE: The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.

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