University of the Punjab

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University of the Punjab

NATIONAL TEXTILE UNIVERSITY FAISALABAD Application Form for Non-Faculty Position

Post Applied for: ______Affix your recent passport

size NTU Pay Scale photograph here INSTRUCTIONS

1. The application form must be filled in block letters, and signed by the applicant. 2. In service applicant should submit their application through proper channel. Otherwise his application may not be entertained. 3. The application form must be accompanied by the followings:

(a) A bank draft / cross postal order as per advertisement drawn in favor of, National Textile University, Faisalabad. (b) Attested copies of the relevant degrees, certificates and testimonials. (c) A passport size copy of a recent photograph. (d) Copy of CNIC (e) NOC from your department (if applicable)

4. Incomplete applications or those received after the due date will not be entertained. 5. The University reserved the right not to fill any vacancy without assigning any reason or may co nsider a person for appointment in a lower cadre against the post advertised.

Bank Draft / Postal order No: Rupees:

1. Name of applicant ………………………………………………………………………………

2. Date of birth (in figures and words) ……………………………………………………………..


3. Father's Name …………………………………………………………………………………..

4. Present address …………………………………………………………………………………..


Ph No: …………………………………..… Mobile No: ………..…………………………………

5. Permanent address ...... …………………………………………………………………………


Ph No: …………………………………..…Mobile No: …..………………………………………

6. Computerized National Identity Card No ……………………………………………………... 7. Academic Qualifications:

Name of Year of Institution Grade/Division Subjects Sr. Examination Passing attended with studied No Passed marks obtained






8. Professional Qualifications, (if any) :

Name of Year of Institution Grade/Division Subjects Sr. Examination Passing attended with studied No Passed marks obtained





9. Experience, including past University service, if any:

Name of Institution Capacity in Dates Basic Scale Reasons for Sr. served which served From : …. and last leaving the No To ……... pay drawn service




04 10. Give reference of two persons other than relatives, who may know you:-

Name Designation and full address

(1) ______


(2) ______


11. Names, with positions held by relatives who have been/are in University service:-

Name Designation Exact Relationship

(1) ______

(2) ______

(3) ______

12. List of documents attached:

Declaration:- I solemnly declare that the information given in the form is correct. In case, any part of the given information in find wrong, I shall be liable to disciplinary action and dismissal from service.

Date...... Signature of the applicant

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