Carl: (Waking up in His Room) What Happened Last Night?

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Carl: (Waking up in His Room) What Happened Last Night?

Love & Hate

Writtin By Charles Osborne

Carl: (Waking Up In His Room) What Happened Last Night?

Carl’s Mom: (Opening the Door to His Room) Hey Sweetie, Breakfast Is Ready

Carl: (Embarrassed) Can You Knock First?

Carl’s Mom: … Anything You Want to Talk About?

Carl: No Mom…….I…..I…..I’m Fine

Carl’s Mom: Ok

Carl: (Images in His Head from the Dream He Had the Night Before)

What was…….That?

Next Scene

Carl: (Riding In a School Bus)

Jamal: Ay What Up Is This Seat Taken

Carl: Um….No not really (Not Moving)

Jamal: Well Can I sit there?

Carl: I Guess so…… Just one question…… Why would you want to sit by me?

Jamal: It’s a seat aint it

Carl: Yeah

Jamal: Ok then

Carl: But aren’t you worried about what people say

I mean if you couldn’t tell I’m a geek

So if you’re seen with m…… (Interrupted)

Jamal: You I’ll Look like a geek got it. Let me explain something though, I’m not like that, and you don’t look like a geek to me

Carl: Thanks Next Scene

(High School Kids Walking)

Carl: (Going to His Locker) what were those images? What Did They Mean?

Steve: (Slamming Carl’s Locker Door) Hey Looser

Carl: Ugh……um……Hi Steve

Steve: (Mocking Carl) Oh…..Ugh…..Hi Steve. Shut Up!!(Laughing)

Jamal: Ay Carl, So Who’s this

Steve: My Name Is Steve, and what’s it to ya? You here to come to the rescue superman? What Do you Think This Is... You Know what since you obviously have more guts than brains I ‘ll let you go quietly if you leave now…….

Jamal: (Not Leaving) Naw man I aint going no were. But you know what , you keep messing wit Carl and immma Give you something to laugh about

Steve: (Moving Closer)

Jamal: Hey Get Out My Face Man

(Fight Breaks Out)

(Kids Chanting “Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight)

Next Scene

(Jamal And Steve in the Principle’s Office)

Principle Clay: Well I hope You 2 are proud of yourselves. Now Can anyone explain to me what brought this on?

Jamal: Steve and his homeboys was messin with Carl So I Did what I had to do

Principle Clay: Couldn’t you have told me (Appearing to be upset) your hart was in the right place, son but when that happens you need to tell me something, Understood?

Jamal: Yeah

Steve: So What I can’t tell my side?

Principle Clay :( Sigh) Get Out!!...... and don’t you think you’re getting of the hook that easy

Steve: Yeah, Yeah, I Know, I Know. Detention Next Scene

Carl: Look I’m Sorry I got you into all that trouble

Jamal: Don’t trip man, the only trouble was Steve or whatever his name was.

Carl: Speaking of names, what’s yours?

Jamal: Jamal and yours

Carl: It’s Carl

Jamal: Pleasure to meet you Carl, anytime you have trouble with someone like that just let me know man, ok

Carl: Ok

Next Scene

Carl: (Getting Off the bus) Glad to have a friend like Jamal, but what were those images

Carl: Hi Mom (going Up To His Room)

Carl’s Mom: Hi, sweetheart how was……your…….day……

Carl: (Slamming the door to his room) Ok…..lets see in one week I graduate. My friend Jamal just dropped in after spending this year at a different school, I’m 18 years old, come on Carl think, think. Wow I don’t know what else I can summarize. What else could I possibly think of? Well I got my head together but I still don’t know what the images were for. Let’s see….. I had a dream the night before, don’t remember what it was about but I did have one……and…..and……

(Strange Voice) It’s me

Carl: (Shocked and Scared) What?

(Strange Voice) It’s me

Carl: Who…….Who is “me”

(Strange Voice) I’ve Been Watching You for Sometime Now Carl

Carl: The Images……What were all those images

(Strange Voice) I’ll Tell you Carl, but tell me something first, when you saw them images what did they look like to you?

Carl: Me…….i saw myself…….and Steve……and me………murdering him. And this other guy shouting orders at me, telling me what to do. Next Scene

Carl: ………….So Now that I’ve told you the horrible truth………Huh?

(Strange Voice) I’m Right Here

Carl: Wow………She’s Beautiful (Startled) I mean………um……You look……nice

(Strange Voice) …….Don‘t feel bad about the images. You did them for a good reason. You see Carl, tomorrow you will see the world in a brand new light, before you ask why I’ll tell you, I’m From the future I was sent here to tell you that in my time, the world is nothing like it is now, in my time men and women are ruthless, uncaring, and to be frank, merciless. Do you want to know the reason why?

Carl: (teary eyed) Yes

(Strange Voice) Because of Steve!!

Carl: Steve? But…..but…. it should be ok right? I mean in the image i………

(Strange Voice) You were too late, by the time you killed him he already killed to many innocent lives…..including…………. My Entire Family

Carl: i……im sorry

(Strange Voice)…..Dont be. I forgot to tell you that you were in a coma for most of steve’s rain. he fooled everybody: The Police men, The Entire World…………and all because he was jeluos of you.

Carl: Wait Me?

(Strange Voice) Yes You. After high school you became a completely different person. You made a promise to yourself that you wernt going to be a be a looser (as you called yourself) all your life. And after that your life changed for the better, but steve saw the change in you and he saw hiself become more and more pathetic as the years progressed. He couldn’t take it anymore and out of pure hate and rage he deviced a plan against you and the entire world, and nearly desroyed the entire poppulation untill the day you finnally awoke, and killed him

Carl: No……..(Crying)…….If Only I got out sooner…….i shouldve been there…..i shouldve been there.

(Strange Voice) Don’t beat yourself up(Teary eyed) we can still stop him……if we act now

Carl: But what are we suppose to do, I mean he isnt that way now…..if…..we….i

(Strange Voice) Stop(Hapily) I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t already have that figured out. But first its time I start letting you know who I am: My Name is Samantha, Like you in this form im 18, If you were to go up to the me on this earth now, I wouldn’t know what you were talking about, and one last thing….. I Love You

(Scene Fades) Next Scene

Carl: (Scarily Jumping Out Of Bed)……..Ok…..i couldve swore I didn’t go to bed, I wasn’t even sleepy.

Carl’s Mom: Oh, Honey your uncle’s coming over tommorow I just wanted to tell you a head of time.

Carl: Ok, Mom. (Slpapping His Face) she must’ve known my mom was coming. I didn’t even get time to her what we were suppose to do. (Falling Back On His Bed)

Next Scene

Jamal: (Hitting Carl’s Desk) ay man, it might be a good idea to wake up you know how 4th period is.

Carl: (waking up) Oh….Oh yeah thanks again.

Mr. Walker: Ok Class first off id like to say it has been a pleasure teaching you this year. And second…….its time for the end of the year pop quiz.

Entire Class: Aww Man !!

Carl: (Getting out his pencil )

(thunder storm breaks out)

Carl: (Looking At the Sky) Woah those rain clouds seem different. And is it just me or did things get darker in here?

Mr. Walker: Hey

Carl: What?

Mr. Walker: There’ll be brighter days

Carl: What?

Class: (Stops And Looks At Carl)

Mr. Walker: Carl? Are You Feeling ok?

Carl:…… Im Sorry Can I be excused

Mr. Walker: Sure.

Next Scene

Carl: (In The rest room) Why does this keep happining. Samantha, Samantha were are you?

Samantha: Im here with you

Carl: Whats going on with me? Samantha: The World. Remmember

Carl: The World?...... now I remmeber “Tommorow you will see the world for what it is”, But how do I stop this eerie feeling, and this chaos, isnt it crazy enough that I cant tell weather im sleeping or not sleeping, isnt it……i

Samantha: Enough. You have to control, you just have to be in control of you

Carl: I Don’t ……

Samantha: Now is no time for the “I Don’t Understands”, You Have to take control,

Carl: I…..ughhhhh!!!!...... I think I finnally got it

Samantha: (Giving Carl A Hug) It was just to much…….i put to much on your hart……to much on your mind. Im sorry.

Carl: No It wasn’t your fault id do the same thing if I found out my entire family was going to be killed. You just wanted me to understand everthing and now I do.

(Thunder Outside)

Carl: So Last night you told me you had a plan, is now a good time for us to disgusse that.

Samantha: Yes Right Now Is Perfect (Smilling) you have to travel with me to the future, we have to attack steve the exact day he starts to put his plan into action.

Carl: Ok Lets go

Samantha: No. youre in school already, I told you today you’d see the world for what is really is and I was right. Now if you go back out, all that torment will just hunt you mind again, and im not risking that.

Carl: So When Do We Attack?

Samantha: The next time I see you.

Carl: Oh, Which mean youre gonna do that “Fadeout” Thing Again

Samantha: Yeah, So brace yourself.

(Scene Fades)

(Next Scene)

Carl: (watching tv in his room) She should be coming any minute now. And when she does I’ll be ready.

Samantha: And Here I Am.

Carl: So You Ready? Samantha: Yes

Next Scene

Samantha: Alright……This Is The Day……all we gotta do is kill steve

Carl: (Loading Up A Gun)

Steve: (Hearing The Gun). Huh? Carl? I thought I took care of you already shouldn’t you be about to die?

Carl: Steve, I cant belive what a sick maniac you’ve become, how can you even look at yourself?

Steve:Because unlike you I don’t have any regrets. Me ive got nothin to looese but I cant say the same about you.

Carl: And What exactly do I have to loose

Steve: ( Throwing grenades) Your Girlfriend.

Carl: Samantha!!!

Steve: Now Im sure you’ve seen this part before,take one step closer “And the girl gets it”

Carl: Is there anyway we can make an exchange.

Steve: Oh no youre not getting me that easy, don’t think I forgot about that gun that you put in your pocket. Put The gun doen first

Carl: (Putting the gun down) What do you want.

Steve: Oh not much really, but if you really wanna know I want what you have. I wanna be succesefull like you are, I want the money, the bragging rights.

Carl: Okay Ok, I’ll Give you my cell phone, my credit cards, and anything other personel belongings. (Moving Closer) Just a lilttle bit more

Carl: (Face to face with Steve)

Steve: Ok, so hand it over and don’t even think about shooting, your guns ways over there

Carl: You Right, ………Your right…………..well you would be right…………that is if I wasn’t smart enough to bring a spare.


Steve: (Motionless on the ground with bullets in his body)

Carl: (Giving Samantha A hug) Carl: Hay Somantha?

Samantha: Yes

Carl: I Love You To

(Samantha & Carl Hugging eachother as screen fades to black)


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