Deputy FM Attends Informal NATO Fms

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Deputy FM Attends Informal NATO Fms

Friday, 22 April 2005 Issue No: 1874

Deputy Foreign Minister Yiannis Valynakis (R) attending the informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Vilnius, lithuania, on Thursday.

Deputy FM attends informal NATO FMs conference in Lithuania VILNIUS (ANA - N. Melissova) The two-day informal conference of NATO foreign ministers, attended by Deputy Foreign Minister Yiannis Valynakis, came to an end here on Thursday following an examination of major international issues. The ministers discussed NATO's role in Kosovo, Afghanistan, the Middle East, cooperation between the alliance and the European Union and national issues raised by each delegation, as well as a number of internal operational issues concerning NATO. On the sidelines of the conference, the NATO-Russia Council signed a partnership for peace agreement on the status governing the presence and passage of allied and partnership forces on Russian soil (SOFA). Another agreement was also signed between the NATO-Ukraine Committee on the participation of Ukraine in NATO's Active Endeavour operation against terrorism. It was further decided that NATO funds will be made available for the Ukrainian authorities to enable the strengthening of democratic institutions in the country and a series of measures aimed at warming up political dialogue with the Organisation. Greek diplomatic sources said Kosovo, for which no political discussion was held on its future during the conference, continues to be among the top priorities of the alliance. "The region of the Balkans has strategic importance for Europe and for this reason the Balkans must also have a place in European institutions. Also of great importance is the development of regional dialogue and resolving problems with mutually acceptable solutions," Valynakis said. (Continued on next page)

. PM briefed over absorption rates of EU funds . International Yachting Symposium to be held in Poros

36, TSOCHA ST. ATHENS 115 21 GREECE * TEL: 64.00.560-63 * FAX: 64.00.581-2 INTERNET ADDRESS: * e-mail: anabul@ana gr * GENERAL DIRECTOR: GEORGE TAMBAKOPOULOS Friday, 22 April 2005

Politics Gov't declines comment on Turkish military chief's views vis-a-vis Ankara's foreign policy Deputy FM attends informal NATO FMs The government on Thursday was asked to comment on conference in Lithuania statements this week by Turkish military chief Hilmi Ozkiok, especially provocative views expressed by the latter over the (Continued from previous page) Cyprus problem and Ankara's standing refusal to recognise the The deputy foreign minister noted during the examination of EU member-state Republic of Cyprus. the situation in Afghanisan that "our country will strengthen "Views on foreign policy are expressed by (a country's) its contribution with a full medical team in the region of political leadership. The specific references were made by the Kabul." Turkish chief of the (armed forces) general staff, and I do not The 26 foreign ministers also held a preliminary discussion on want to comment on them," government spokesman the role the UN, EU and NATO can play in a range of Theodoros Roussopoulos said. activities. The general assessment made on relations between NATO and PM Karamanlis meets with former the EU is that autonomy in the taking of decisions must be maintained. This view is shared by many EU countries, Russian PM Primakov including Greece. "All the issues discussed were of interest to Greece, since Prime minister Costas Karamanlis on Thursday met with Greece will be assuming the presidency of Inter-Balkan former Russian prime minister Yevgeny Primakov, who Cooperation soon. We are a member of the [UN] Security currently chairs the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Council and we will also be assuming the presidency there as Industry. well in July," Valynakis added. During the meeting, which was also attended by deputy foreign minister Evripides Stylianidis, bilateral economic Foreign ministry underlines Greece's cooperation and the recently signed political agreement between Greece, Bulgaria and Russia for the construction of unmitigated desire to improve the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline were discussed. relations with Turkey PM's agenda of meetings on Friday Greece's desire to improve bilateral relations with Turkey Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis will be meeting Foreign remained unmitigated, foreign ministry spokesman George Minister Petros Molyviatis on Friday morning, government Koumoutsakos stressed on Thursday. At the same time, he spokesman Theodoros Roussopoulos said on Thursday. noted that the good climate and improvement in relations At 17:30 on Friday afternoon, Karamanlis is scheduled to should be reflected by military activity in the Aegean, which depart for Iraklio, Crete in order to attend the inauguration of was a source of friction between the two countries. European Union bureau. The spokesman was responding to Greek press questions referring to an escalation of tensions in the Aegean by Turkey. Balkans, Middle East and terrorism He said that Greece's desire for improved Greek-Turkish ties was a strategic choice reflecting Athens' views on how focus of talks between DM and stability in the surrounding region might be achieved and one US Secretary of Defence that found expression in specific actions and practical policies. He also pointed out that bilateral relations with Turkey did not Developments in the Balkans and the Middle East, the fight follow a "linear progression" and that the obstacles were against terrorism and Greece's participation in peacekeeping "there to be overcome". forces in the Balkans and Afghanistan are the issues that will Asked why Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul had dominate talks between the Minister of Defence and US cancelled a visit to Komotini, where he was due to take part in Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld on Wednesday. a meeting of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) pact Issues related to bilateral military cooperation will also be ministers, Koumoutsakos said this was in response to the discussed with the aim of strengthening relations. cancellation of a visit by Greek Foreign Minister Petros The defence minister and a Greek delegation will be departing Molyviatis, who is recovering from minor surgery. for Washington on Sunday. Answering questions on Turkish press reports concerning Also on the DM's agenda is a meeting with J.D. Crouch, alleged violations of an agreement concerning the Imia islets, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Koumoutsakos said he was unaware of any such agreement. Policy.

2 Friday, 22 April 2005

The minister will also be meeting with members of the Greek- other major foreign policy goals. Greeks and Cypriots living American community and will be delivering a series of abroad had come to occupy important positions and were speeches at various institutes. willing to assist in matters that concerned Greeks, provided there was better coordination, he added. Joint position ahead of EU-Turkey He also reiterated that Greece remained steadily at Cyprus side with respect to the Cyprus problem. Association Council meeting in Luxembourg on Tuesday Questions on 'primary shareholder' law continue to dominate daily press BRUSSELS (ANA/V. Demiris) Greek and Greek Cypriot diplomatic sources expressed briefings satisfaction here on Thursday on the text of the joint position of the "25" which was reached by the Council of Permanent A torrent of press questions on the "primary shareholder" law, Representatives in view of the EU-Turkey Association along with a top Commission official's threat this week to Council which will take place in Luxembourg on Tuesday. freeze certain EU funding because of the bill's incompatibility On issues of Greek-Turkish interest, satisfaction was with EU law, again dominated the government spokesman's expressed on the fact that the text stressed the need for Turkey briefing on Thursday. to make further efforts to secure full control of politics against The government's stated intent, before and after the March the military power in accordance with the practices 2004 elections, to prevent mass media owners from winning implemented in the EU-member states. The joint position public tenders and state contracts continues to generate a further underlines that the political power in Turkey should firestorm of criticism by a portion of the local press, with play a supervisory role, particularly with regard to the shaping numerous questions on the subject tabled during the of national strategy and its implementation, including relations government spokesmen's daily briefings -- Thursday being no with other countries. exception. With regard to the chapter of the joint position of the "25" on Government spokesman and Minister of State Theodoros Turkey's relations with its neighbours, reference was made to Roussopoulos fielded a handful of questions on the status of the confidence-building measures between Greece and Turkey Interior Minister Propokis Pavlopoulos, amongst the in efforts to solve differences on the basis of the UN Charter. "architects" of the current government's "primary shareholder" The text also calls for for the need for Turkey to have smooth law. bilateral relations with all the EU-member-states, including Roussopoulos emphasised that "no member of the Cyprus. government, sans the prime minister, can equate himself with the government". Greek minister Skandalakis and Moreover, he repeated that national interest necessitates both the safeguarding of EU structural funding and defence of the Christofias discuss expatriates' role constitution -- a reference to Article 14.9 that refers directly to in Cyprus issue transparency in the press sector. Additionally, the government spokesman said main opposition PASOK -- amongst the most vocal critics of the 'primary NICOSIA (ANA - G. Leonidas) shareholder' law -- has merely tabled "general and vague" Meeting the president of the Cyprus House of Representatives proposals to tackle the issue of media transparency and vested Demetris Christofias during a visit to Nicosia on Thursday, interests. Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Panagiotis Skandalakis Furthermore, he clarified that the government has not referred discussed the role of expatriate Greeks in promoting Greek to a "postponement" of the law, but only to finding "common positions on the Cyprus issue and how this might be better ground". utilised and upgraded. On Wednesday, Roussopoulos stressed that a letter received After the meeting, Christofias said they had discussed the from the European Commission a day earlier, which found the latest developments in the Cyprus problem and the next steps government's 'primary shareholder' law to be incompatible that Greece and Cyprus might take in order to achieve a just, with the laws of the European Union, was not a reply to the viable and functional solution. He said the talks had also letter sent 15 days earlier by Pavlopoulos, which the covered cooperation between the Greek and Cypriot government has not received, he said. parliaments and efforts currently being made to upgrade this. According to the spokesman, the memorandum sent by He stressed that Nicosia and Athens must continue their European Commission Regional Policy Directorate-General unstinting cooperation to achieve their common goals. Graham Meadows ruled out payments from EU Structural and Skandalakis noted that expatriate Greeks were a great power Cohesion Funds for projects affected by the new law, creating that should be better utilised, both for the Cyprus issue and in the risk that EU funding may be withheld.

3 Friday, 22 April 2005

The new bill was originally scheduled to come into force on June 14, 2005. Currently, a similar bill passed by the previous Anniversary of Greek dictatorship PASOK government in 2002 is in force Meanwhile, in statements during a television news programme a reminder of 'our duty to Democracy', Wednesday evening, Roussopoulos said the government has New Democracy says two options: achieving consensus and the judicial avenue. However, he clarified that the options were definitely not an The 38th anniversary of the Greek dictatorship of April 21, "either/or" proposition. 1967 is a reminder of citizens' and governments' duties "We may arrive at a consensus to end this matter and not need towards democracy, the ruling New Democracy party said in a to do anything else. We may not find consensual procedures statement issued on Thursday. that we can agree on, (thus) forcing this case to the court. But "Today we enjoy the benefits of Democracy, those we in the meantime we will find a compromise so that we don't achieved over time. However, as circumstances shift we must lose funding. What I am therefore saying is that we are not keep constant the democratic ideal. We have a duty to protect going to lose funding, and that is an important goal; we are democracy, civil liberties and civil rights, and to upgrade the not going to allow any vested interest to take satisfaction over quality of Democracy," the statement read. this," Roussopoulos said. "Our obligation towards the future generations of Greeks is tremendous. By honouring the sacrifices of past generations Coalition (SYN) leader slams gov't policy we are building the New Greece. We are strengthening on 'primary shareholder' bill issue as 'amateur' Democracy, we are reinforcing freedom, we respect the right The leader of the Coalition of the Left, Movements and to individual expression and we are fighting for transparency. Ecology party Alekos Alavanos on Thursday slammed the Our struggle for the upgrading of democracy is constant, government's policy on the 'primary shareholder' bill as continuous," the message continued. "amateur". On April 21, 1967, a group of army colonels imposed a He said that a "comprehensive" legislation covering all dictatorship in Greece. They remained in power until 1974. matters related to graft, over-concentration and quality in the mass media was needed. Alavanos was also highly critical of main opposition PASOK, Public order minister and Spanish calling the party "crusaders of Berlusconism" and of the ambassador discuss cooperation in intertwining of financial, TV and political power in Greece. security issues

Gov't dismisses opposition criticism over Close cooperation that has developed between Greece and penalty interest rates measures Spain in security issues, particularly in the sector of border control, as well as willingness for further cooperation in the as 'distortion' future, were issues discussed on Thursday by Public Order Minister Giorgos Voulgarakis and Spanish Ambassador to The government on Thursday dismissed main opposition Athens Juan Salazar. PASOK's criticism of measures designed to resolved farmers' The ambassador visited Voulgarakis at his office for talks on problems with "penalty" interest rates as an attempt to distort issues of bilateral interest. the figures. Salazar showed a strong interest in the establishment of the Government spokesman Theodoros Roussopoulos was asked "Inter-Balkan and Mediterranean Security and Training Studies to comment on a press report citing PASOK officials, who Centre" and promised to support the initiative, believing that said the measures had had minimal effect. Specifically, they such a centre is an important step for securing stability and said that there were 38,000 loans subject to penalty interest, combatting organised crime in the Mediterranean region. for which 2,500 applications for a settlement had been The Spanish ambassador also presented the Spanish candidacy submitted, of which 1650 had been accepted, representing a for the management of the European Union's border control percentage of 4.3 percent. service to Voulgarakis. Also present at the meeting was Public Roussopoulos said this was a distortion, since the percentage Order Ministry Secretary General Leonidas Evangelidis. should have been calculated on the basis of the applications made. Had it been calculated in this way, the percentage of resolving the problem would have been above 40 per cent, he Prosecutor shelves probe into Attica said. tollway construction; While noting that certain individuals affected by the measures might have complaints, the spokesman claimed that the calls contract 'one-sided' government's overall picture was that these were a minority. A first instance court prosecutor investigating charges --

4 Friday, 22 April 2005

mostly aired in the local press -- of massive cost-overruns in outcome of his meeting in Tbilisi with the Prime Minister of relation to the construction of the Attica tollway (Attiki Odos) Georgia, Zourab Nogaideli, on issues related to the safety and on Thursday shelved the case. the violation of human rights of Greeks living in Tsalka, According to prosecutor Eleni Touloupaki, provisions cited in Georgia. a relevant contract, which was approved in 1996, were fully According to an SAE press release, Nogaideli promised to met. personally look into the matter, admitting that he was unaware However, in her report the prosecutor refers to an extremely of the extent of the problem. "one-sided" contract in favor of the construction consortium Athens, who visited the region on Monday, said that Greeks and against the state's interests, while noting that it will be up were the targets of attacks - muggings and burglaries - and to the state's regulatory authorities to make sure that all of the stressed that he personally, SAE and the Greek government provisions in the contract are implemented. will contribute to any efforts for a solution to the problem. The SAE president has already informed Washington, Prosecutor's probe into May 2000 international humanitarian organisations, the United Nations and the European Union of the situation. artillery purchase headed to Parliament Financial News A first instance prosecutor's investigation of a 60-million euro weapons deal dating back to May 2000 for the purchase of 12 Slovakian-made self-propelled artillery pieces (code-named PM briefed over absorption rates "Zuzana") was forwarded to the Supreme Court chief of EU funds prosecutor's office on Thursday so it can be conveyed to Parliament. Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis on Thursday met with According to reports, the prosecutor's report refers to possible Economy Deputy Minister Christos Folias to discuss progress felonious misconduct by political persons. in absorbing EU funds. The investigation was ordered after relevant press articles Speaking to reporters, after the meeting, Folias said the charged that the purchase was disadvantageous for the state. government's policy was not to lose even one euro from EU funds and added that negotiations with EU authorities aimed Athens aware of violent incidents against to overcome problems with past contracts and mismanagement of funds was under way. Calka Greeks in Georgia, The Greek minister said a primary shareholder legislation was foreign ministry says temporarily suspended until June.

Greek foreign ministry spokesman George Koumoutsakos on Economy minister Alogoskoufis confers Thursday said that Athens was aware of recent violent incidents in Georgia targeting ethnic Greeks in Calka, one of with OECD sec-gen Johnston whom was killed, and taking appropriate action. He said the matter had been raised with the Georgian National economy and finance minister George Alogoskoufis ambassador in Athens and with Georgian officials by World on Thursday conferred with visiting Organisation for Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) president Andrew Athens, Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) secretary in the presence of the Greek ambassador in Tbilisi. general Donald J. Johnston on ways of improving the tax- According to Koumoutsakos, the situation in Calka had collecting mechanisms and containing expenditures. improved but was not fully resolved, while the Georgian Johnston is on a three-day visit to Greece at Alogoskoufis' interior ministry had sent 100 officers to the region to protect invitation, ahead of the OECD annual report on world the inhabitants earmarked one million dollars as compensation economies expected next month. for those whose property was damaged or who desired to Alogoskoufis told reportes after the meeting that a very leave. analytical discussion had taken place, in order that the He announced that Deputy Foreign Minister Panagiotis OECD's immense wealth of information could be utilised. Skandalakis, in charge of expatriate affairs, will be visiting Johnston, in turn, noted that the demographic problem in Georgia soon. Greece, and in many other OECD member countries, was acute and, according to studies, it was necessary to extend the SAE president meets with Georgia's PM, discusses work years. He also said that the OECD had an immense wealth of treatment of Greek community members knowledge, comprising data on the 30 developed countries The President of the World Council of Hellenes Abroad that were OECD member countries, as well as on many other (SAE), Andrew A. Athens, expressed his satisfaction on the non-OECD countries.

5 Friday, 22 April 2005

paid in advance, receiving 450 euros and 400 euros Development Minister meets with OECD respectively. Police, citing the businessman, said that the 31-year-old Secretary General Bulgarian called him on Monday (April 18) and threatened to burn the truck if he did not wire 3,400 euros to the Bulgarian Development Minister Dimitris Sioufas and Secretary General via Western Union. of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Develop- Once the money was received by the two Bulgarians, they ent (OECD) Donald J. Johnston discussed issues of would then inform the businessmen where they had hidden the cooperation between Greece and the OECD during their truck, the Bulgarian told his employer. meeting on Thursday. The Kavala police immediately launched a preliminary The two officials also discussed the conference Greece will be investigation into the case, issued an all-points-bulletin for the organising in the Fall of 2006, which will deal with making missing truck, and alerted INTERPOL. international markets more accessible to small- and medium- sized enterprises. Greece welcomes EU compromise on trucking tax Also present at the meeting was Greece's permanent representative at the OECD, Antonis Kourakis, who was BRUSSELS (ANA/M Spinthourakis) accompanying Johnston. Greece on Thursday welcomed a compromise on taxing trucks using the European Union's road network. Greece initiates 'tourism diplomacy', "The compromise agreement is satisfactory as the directive on taxing heavy vehicles sets a figure for payment at toll posts," Tourism Minister says Transport Minister Mihalis Liapis told reporters after a meeting with his EU counterparts to debate the issue. ISTANBUL (ANA/A.Kourkoulas) "At the same time, the directive facilitates concession arrangements (involving private and public sectors) employed Greece does not consider neighbouring countries as in financing infrastructure projects that allow discounts for competitors in the tourism sector, rather it plans to initiate vehicles often using the European road network," Liapis said. 'tourism diplomacy' in order to ensure stability and safety in He told EU ministers that transport costs for goods should be the region, Tourism Development Minister Dimitris kept at reasonable levels so that companies from countries Avramopoulos said, addressing attendees of the international classed as regional could take part on equal terms; and that tourism exhibit MTE in Istanbul on Thursday. frequent road users should receive higher discounts. "We all know that tourists do not go to places where there is tension, conflict and unstable situations," he said. Avramopoulos also met with Turkish Minister of Culture and Gov't says no to firms rolling market Tourism Attila Koc, as well as the tourism ministers of other fines into retail prices countries attending the inauguration. The exhibit is being organised by the Association of Turkish The government said on Thursday that companies punished by Travel Agencies (TURSAB). the competition commission for breaches of market legislation would not be allowed to factor fines into retail prices. Bulgarian drivers demands ransom from "This doesn't happen in any part of the world, in any part of Europe, and it's inconceivable that it could happen in Greece - Kavala businessman for hijacked truck - and it won't," Deputy Development Minister Yiannis Interpol alerted Papathanasiou told parliament. He was responding to a question from an opposition deputy Two Bulgarian nationals have demanded 3,400 euros in following stiff fines slapped on the SESME supermarket trade ransom from a Kavala businessman to return an international group and seven of its members, all high-street chain stores, transports truck after delivering the truck's merchandise at its for setting up a price-rigging cartel in 2001. Italian destination, Kavala police said on Thursday. "Fines are a form of punishment on the perpetrator for a According to the local police, the businessman informed them mistaken business practice, and in no event can that on Tuesday that two Bulgarian nationals aged 31 and 34, punishment be borne by another party," Papathanasiou added. approached him on April 11 and sought work as drivers at the The offending supermarkets were two Athens-quoted retailers, international transports business run by his wife. The two men Atlantik and AB Vassilopoulos, Veropoulos, Masoutis, Metro, were hired after a check was made on their papers, and the Sklavenitis and Trofino. SESME has vowed to seek an following day the Bulgarians drove off with an international administrative appeals court ruling to reverse the ruling. transports truck loaded with merchandise destined for Padua, which they delivered on April 14. The two Bulgarians were

6 Friday, 22 April 2005

Budgetary spending shows decline BRUSSELS (ANA - M. Spinthourakis) The European Court of Justice on Thursday ruled that Greek Budgetary spending declined sharply in January-March 2005, laws on practising opticians and shops dispensing optical improving on the government's target, the finance ministry goods were incompatible with European Community Law. said on Thursday. Greek laws prevent a qualified optician from running more Expenditure fell by 5.0% to 11.147 billion euros against the than one optical goods store and set other conditions for same period of 2004, falling below a targeted 4.6% increase, issuing a licence to open an optical goods store. the ministry said in a statement. The court rejected Greek arguments that the measures were Primary spending fell by 1.6%, against a goal of a 4.9% designed to protect public health by ensuring that the owner annual increase. Contributing heavily to the decline was was personally responsible in the event of a mistake, finding interest, which fell by 15.7% against a targeted annual rise of that this could be achieved with measures that were less 3.5%, the statement said. restrictive of the rights to set up a business. Net budgetary revenue increased by 4.5%, lagging a target of It also refused to take into account changes to Greek laws on 11.4% growth. opticians that harmonised Greek legislation with that of the The state budget deficit in the first three months of the year EU on the grounds that they were made after the deadline set dropped by 41.0% to total 2.439 billion euros against the same in the reasoned opinion sent by the European Commission. period a year earlier, the statement added. Mailis Group expects 9.5 pct increase in Attiko Metro hosts "Equal Employment 1st quarter sales Opportunities" event Attiko Metro S.A. will be hosting a two-day event, titled Mailis Group on Thursday said it expected first quarter "Equal Employment Opportunities," at the Syntagma metro consolidated sales to reach 93.4 million euros, up 9.5 percent station beginning on Friday. from the same period in 2004 and parent sales to total 33.4 Attiko Metro's initiative coincides with the conclusion of the million euros, up 30 percent over the same period. EU programme Equal-Andromeda, which aims to promote A company announcement said demand for packaging best practices in the workplace in terms of gender equality. material in the European market slowed in the first two Event visitors can look forward to speeches, analyses and the months of the year, mainly due to high inventories, to recover presentation of results from the EU pilot programme, as well steadily in March. On the other hand, sales and orders in as a book and photo exhibit, short films and other cultural packaging machinery proved better than expected over the activities. same period. Mailis Group said its forecasts for this year's results were unchanged. Education and labour ministries to International Yachting Symposium to be partner on continuing education held in Poros Education Minister Marietta Giannakou and Labour and Social Protection Minister Panos Panayiotopoulos signed a The 4th International Yachting Symposium-Poros 2005 will memo-andum of cooperation on Thursday, whereby the two open its gates to the public in May 8 at the marina of Poros, an ministries will work together on continuing education and island in the Saronic Gulf. vocational training. The yachting symposium is a private initiative organised by "Issues related to continuing education and vocational training the Hellenic Association of Brokers and Boat Experts with the are issues which call for close cooperation between the two Union of Tourism Boat Owners, aimed to promote Greek sea ministries; something which, apparently, did not exist in the tourism to high quality visitors. The symporium is similar to past," Giannakou said. international yachting events held in Monte Carlo, Genova According to the education minister, the two ministries will be and Antigua. The exhibition presents the most luxurious collaborating on a series of activities aimed at linking yachts of the Greek market to professionals of the market and education and training with employment. VIPs both Greek and foreign. "There are some areas in which Greece, unfortunately, has remained behind," Panayiotopoulos stressed. Greek laws concerning opticians clash "We believe that with the efforts we are making and the hard work we're putting in, we are in a position to soon make up for with Community Law, European Court lost time," he concluded. finds

7 Friday, 22 April 2005

Consultations underway for cargo The stocks with the highest turnover were National Bank of Greece, OPAP, Alpha Bank, and OTE. shippers to join bourse Merchant Marine Minister Manolis Kefaloyiannis said on Selected shares from the MSCI index Thursday that talks were underway on changes in the law that closed in euros as follows: would allow cargo shippers to seek Athens bourse entry. Alpha Bank: 26.02 "It's not right for the Greek-owned fleet to be able to enter HBC Coca Cola: 20.80 markets abroad but not in Greece," Kefaloyiannis told a news EFG Eurobank Ergasias: 23.96 conference. Cosmote: 14.18 "The government is advancing a bill for cargo shipping Public Power Corp: 21.80 companies to enter the Athens Stock Exchange, in a move to National Bank of Greece: 26.98 contribute to an improvement in the bourse's investment Hellenic Petroleum: 8.00 climate and to help Greece become a regional shipping Emporiki Bank: 23.22 centre," the minister said. Intracom: 3.80 Under the terms of the bill, eligible to enter the market would OTE: 14.36 be financially sound shippers from Greece and abroad and Titan Cement Company: 24.16 sector holding companies that comply with domestic legislation, and have obtained certification. Derivatives Market Close: Hellenic Stock Stocks nose up in bid to consolidate Exchanges top in stock futures trade

Stocks finished higher in a bid to consolidate, following an Equity Index Futures: early decline, traders said. * FTSE/ASE-20 (high cap): At premium The Athens general share index closed at 2,898.34 points, * Underlying Index: +0.03% marking a rise of 0.07%. Turnover was 154.0 million euros. * FTSE/ASE-40 (medium cap): At discount The FTSE/ASE-20 index for high capitalisation shares ended * Underlying Index: -0.32% 0.03% up; the FTSE/ASE-40 for medium cap stocks closed 0.32% lower; and the FTSE/ASE-80 for small cap shares Stock Futures: finished 0.33% down. * Most Active Contract (volume): Hellenic Stock Exchanges Of stocks traded, declines led advances at 145 to 105 with 78 (990) remaining unchanged. * Total derivatives market turnover: 144.7 mln euros Sector indices ended as follows: Banks: -0.16% Bond Market Close: Buyers Telecoms: +1.62% outstrip sellers Insurance: -0.61% Investment: -0.47% * Greek benchmark 10-year bond: 3.75% yield Construction: +1.32% * German benchmark 10-year bund: 3.52% yield Textiles: +0.62% Industrials: +0.26% * Most heavily traded paper: 10-yr, expiring July 2015 (860 Holding: -1.70% mln euros) Publishing: -0.88% Base metals: +0.46% * Day's Total Market Turnover: 2.8 bln euros Minerals: -0.99% Retail: -0.21% Information Technology: -1.70% Foreign Exchange Rates: Friday IT solutions: -1.39% Reference buying rates per euro released Wholesale: -0.92% by the European Central Bank: Food & Beverages: +0.72% U.S. dollar 1.316 Refineries: -0.72% Pound sterling 0.690 Real Estate Management: -0.23% Danish kroner 7.509 Parallel Market for Smaller Stocks: -0.05% Swedish kroner 9.259 Japanese yen 141.3

8 Friday, 22 April 2005

Swiss franc 1.555 Norwegian kroner 8.221 Cyprus pound 0.586 Canadian dollar 1.635 Australian dollar 1.700

9 Friday, 22 April 2005

pursue peaceful and innovative solutions to the challenges of General News the new millennium. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America accepted the award on behalf of the Patriarch. Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos Among his many environmental achievements is a series of symposia on the conservation of the seas, as part of 'Religion, among 7 recipients of UNEP 'Champions Science and the Environment', with the latest being 'The of the Earth' award Caspian Sea -- Linking People and Traditions'. The symposium also aims to encourage understanding and a Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos was among seven dialogue between the Christian and Islamic Faiths. recipients -- including monarchs, government and religious Also present was Julia Carabias Lillo, representing the Latin leaders, and indigenous and youth group representatives -- of American and Caribbean region, who was honoured for her the inaugural UNEP "Champions of the Earth" awards, efforts in coordinating research and rural development presented at a ceremony at the UN Headquarters in New York programmes in extremely impoverished peasant communities on Wednesday evening. The award was accepted on the throughout her native Mexico. She was also recognized for Patriarch's behalf by Archbishop Demetrios of America. her outstanding service to her Government as its Environment In presenting the awards to this unique group of seven Minister in the 1990s and, internationally more recently, as environmental leaders, representing each region of the world, Chair of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of the United Nations Global Environment Facility. Environment Programme (UNEP), hailed them for their President Thabo Mbeki and the people of South Africa efforts to "fight for, defend and protect the natural riches that received the Champions of the Earth award for their we have for too long taken for granted". commitment to cultural and environmental diversity. They "UNEP is honoured to recognize the achievements of those were also honoured for their efforts towards achieving the who have, to a large extent, set the environmental agenda and goals and targets encapsulated in the 2000 Millennium laid the foundations for the many areas of progress we are Declaration and the World Summit on Sustainable able to see and celebrate today", he noted. Development (WSSD) Plan of Implementation, particularly in The Champions of the Earth award was created by UNEP in the area of clean water and sanitation. Their world leadership 2004 to honour individuals or groups who have made a in conservation practices, including spearheading of the significant and recognized contribution, regionally or beyond, groundbreaking sponsorship of the Peace Parks concept to to the protection and sustainable management of the Earth’s support cross-border conservation of critically important wild environment and natural resources. Laureates have been habitats, has also been exemplary. Mr. Marthinus van rewarded for their creativity, vision and leadership, and for the Schalkwyk, South Africa’s Minister of Environmental Affairs potential that their work and ideas can be replicated across the and Tourism, was on hand to accept the award. globe. The next honour went to a leader in the West Asia region, the The award is a sculpture, made of recyclable metal, repre- late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan of the United Arab enting the four elements of nature. Emirates, for his lifetime work to protect his country’s According to a UNEP press release: environment, and for his widely acclaimed contributions to For North America, Sheila Watt-Cloutier, who was on hand to agriculture, afforestation and species protection. The receive the honour in person, was recognized for her energies presentation of the award recognizing the late Sheikh’s in speaking out on behalf of the 155,000 Inuit of the Arctic. environmental achievements was made Tuesday in Dubai to As Chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, she has been a his eldest son Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President highly effective spokesperson on the international stage on a of the United Arab Emirates, during an official visit by Mr. wide range of Arctic and indigenous issues. These range from Toepfer. the devastating effects of climate change and its relentless From Asia and the Pacific, the King and the People of Bhutan assault on the Inuit’s traditional way of life to global efforts to were presented the award in recognition of their commitment eliminate persistent organic pollutants, which pose a particular to placing the environment at the centre of the country’s threat to Arctic peoples and ecosystems. constitution and all its development plans. Bhutan’s track His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew record is quite impressive, with more than 74 per cent of its (Vartholomeos), spiritual leader of the over 300 million land under forest cover, and 26 per cent of this cover Orthodox Christians, and known as the Green Patriarch, was designated as protected areas. Also notable are the country’s honoured with the Champions of the Earth award for long-standing legislation and policies that ensure the mobilizing moral and spiritual forces, not just in Europe, but sustainable use of resources, promote community involvement globally, towards achieving harmony between humankind and in environmental activities, improve land use planning, and nature. As leader of the Orthodox Church, he has worked integrate traditional with modern natural resource use energetically to promote mediation between East and West, practices. Mr. Daw Penjo Bhutan’s Permanent Representative and to challenge people and leaders of all faiths to vigorously

10 Friday, 22 April 2005

to the United Nations, accepted the award on behalf of the The survey also found that 61 per cent were given life King and the people of Bhutan. sentences, while the majority considered the presence of A special award was given to Mr. Zhou Qiang and the All- women judges on the bench to be a negative factor and that China Youth Federation in recognition of Mr. Zhou’s publicity of their cases in the media had been damaging. outstanding achievements as honorary chairman of the Federation and leader of the China Mother River Protection Βoat carrying 46 refugees spotted Operation, which mobilised 300 million Chinese youth to protect the environment. The Federation, the national between Chios and Turkish coast umbrella organization for youth associations in China, has undertaken almost 900 afforestation projects covering nearly A wooden boat carrying 46 refugees (including women and 200,000 hectares. Mr. Zhou was in attendance to accept the children) was spotted between the island of Chios and the award. Turkish coast on Wednesday night, while harbour corps vessels are not allowing them to reach Greek soil, believing President Papoulias receives Athens that they will return to Turkey from where they had initially sailed. Press Association board Refugees staying at the temporary residence centre in Chios, in the region of Mersinidi, reacted strongly to this President Karolos Papoulias received the board members of development after communicating with mobile phones with the Athens Press Association (ESHEA) on Thursday, headed people in the boat and ascertaining that it contains relatives of by President Manolis Mathioudakis who briefed him on the theirs. current claims of the journalistic sector, such as the social Consequently, they abstained from lunch at noon on security and pensioning issues and labour matters. Thursday, while in the afternoon they set fire to a tent which Mathioudakis said the dominant issue for ESHEA is the right was extinguished by firemen. of citizens to multifaceted and full information and to an improvement in its quality. Athens municipality offers free President Papoulias showed great interest in the sector's problems and in the issues raised, while expressing the desire mammograms as part of breast cancer for more frequent contact with ESHEA's board. awareness campaign

Domestic abuse a factor for half Athens Mayor Dora Bakoyannis has invited women between of women convicted of manslaughter, the ages of 45-69, residing in the city's 5th district, to take advantage of the pilot programme the municipality is survey finds launching as part of a breast cancer awareness campaign. Through the programme, women are entitled to free Domestic abuse, either physical or psychological, was mammograms and breast exams. reported by half the women inmates convicted of The first stage of the pilot project involves the opening of the manslaughter in Korydallos prison to kill, according to a "Breast Cancer Prevention Centre." The aim is to establish a survey released on Thursday. centre in every Athens district. The survey was carried out by examining the files of 33 The municipality has partnered with the oncology hospital women, followed by interviews with 15 women by members "Agioi Anargyroi," which is medically responsible for the of the research team. It was conducted by Prof. Vassilis programme and the "Fashion Targets Breast Cancer" Karydis of the University of the Peloponnese, in collaboration campaign with whose proceeds the prevention centre was with the interior ministry's Research Centre for Issues of founded and operates. Equality. According to the findings, the average age of women serving Labour Day to be transferred to May 11, time for manslaughter was 35 and the vast majority of the victims (29) were either a husband/partner or someone in the interior ministry decides immediate family. About 26 per cent were foreigners, 60 per cent had finished Deputy Interior Minister Apostolos Andreoulakos on high school while 62.5 per cent had no independent income Thursday decided that Labour Day on May 1, which this year and were financially dependent on their husbands before their coincides with Orthodox Easter, will be celebrated on May 11. incarceration. Eight out of the 15 women interviewed reported violence or Weather Forecast psychological abuse at home, either linked to alcohol abuse or jealous rages.

11 Friday, 22 April 2005

Unsettled on Friday ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Double shock for the government - Its putting the primary shareholder law in the freezer, and losing the political battle". Unsettled weather is forecast in all parts of the country, with sunny spells, cloud and showers. Winds northwesterly, light to ESPRESSO: "The prime minister's wife Natasha an avid moderate. Temperatures in Athens from 13C to 21C; and in player of PROPO (soccer pool lottery)". Thessaloniki from 9C to 18C. ESTIA: "The forged books of the economy - PASOK The Athens dailies at a glance (preceding government) committed huge accounting fraud". The European Commission letter to Greece on the ETHNOS: "Cold shower over the primary shareholder law - 'primary shareholder' law, the creation of 11,000 new job The law suspended, following the ultimatum from Brussels". posts following subsidisation by the OAED state manpower employment organisation for business KATHIMERINI: "Heading towards postponement of the programmes, and the labour sector were the main front- enactment of the primary shareholder law - Three-month page items in Thursday's dailies. postponement by the government, under pressure by the Commission". ADESMEFTOS TYPOS (Mitsis): "11,000 new jobs from OAED, via two programmes for subsidisation of businesses". LOGOS: "Wave of investments anticipated by government in the framework of the developmental law - Alogoskoufis ADESMEFTOS TYPOS (Rizos): "Work for 11,000 intimates at new policy on the economy". unemployed - The conditions for eligibility of businesses for subsidisation by OAED". NIKI: "The government backing down on the primary shareholder law". ANO KATO: "Commission 'burns' Venizelos, PASOK - The Venizelos law on the primary shareholder incompatible with RIZOSPASTIS: "Work whenever and for as long as the EU legislation". employers want - Annual arrangement of work time". APOGEVMATINI: "Brussels...'pimps'- Shock letter: They put TA NEA: "Euro-fiasco with the primary shareholder - They're the knife to our throats over the primary shareholder". hastily suspending the law". APOFASI: "12,826 new job positions - OAED subsidisation TRAFFIC NEWS: "Lazopoulos (writer/protagonist of tv show programmes". spoofing the news) and Kouyias (prominent lawyer, who has sued Lazopoulos over skits on the show involving him) called AVGHI: "The open debts with the Commission - The to police station for...warning - Lakis' lawyer petitions government suspends the primary shareholder law". prosecutor for protection (for his client)". AVRIANI: "Black list with 500 bogus products - Foods, TO VIMA: "End to payments (of EU funds earmarked for drinks, cosmetics of origin, and hazardous to Greece) if the primary shareholder law is not abolished - New the public health, illegally marketed by industrial giants". letter/ultimatum from Brussels reaches Athens". CHORA: "He's selling out the government to save himself - VRADYNI: "Police privileges to special guards, border Roussopoulos a 'Trojan Horse' of the organised interests". guards - End to the inequalities". ELEFTHERI ORA: "Worry among the protagonists of the East-West dialogue - The election of the new Pope". Cyprus Affairs

ELEFTHEROS: "Letter/warning bell from the Commission - Cyprus FM Iacovou: Turkish military Change or amend the primary shareholder law by May 31". chief's comments on Cyprus are ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Manoeuvering on the battlefield - unacceptable Primary shareholder law: The government responds with suspension and changes". NICOSIA (CNA/ANA)

12 Friday, 22 April 2005

Cypriot Foreign Minister George Iacovou on Thursday that the two new crossing points cannot open immediately due described comments made by Turkish armed forces chief to technical difficulties. Hilmi Ozkok on Cyprus as unacceptable. On Wednesday, the European Commission had announced Speaking after a meeting with Greek Deputy Foreign Minister that the list of crossing points where persons and goods may Panayiotis Skandalakis, Iacovou said what is important is that cross the ceasefire line on the island has been extended and it Cyprus' partners in the European Union also consider such is now up to the two communities to agree on their actual statements as unacceptable. opening. The two crossing points are Zodia, in the Nicosia General Hilmi Ozkok said that Turkey would not withdraw District, and Ledra Street in the town of Nicosia. its troops that occupy since 1974 the northern part of Cyprus. Cyprus Foreign Minister George Iacovou said ''this had been ''These statements are really unacceptable and our partners in agreed (the opening of the new crossing points).'' Europe believe that these statements are entirely unacceptable He also noted that there are some technical problems and that is what is important,'' Iacovou added. concerning the opening of these crossing points. Government spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides said he Cyprus FM criticizes Talat's policy on does not know when the new crossing points will open, noting that due to the technical difficulties the two crossing points missing persons issue will not open immediately. He explained that the technical difficulties have to do with NICOSIA (CNA/ANA) the supplying of electricity and other services as well as with Mehmet Ali Talat, new leader of the Turkish Cypriot the widening of the roads leading to the new crossing points. community, seeks with various excuses to obstruct the He added that as far as the Greek Cypriot side is concerned effective investigation of the fate of missing persons, Cyprus the de-mining process has been concluded, adding that he is Foreign Minister George Iacovou said on Thursday. not aware whether this applies for the Turkish Cypriot side as Talat has sent a third letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi well. Annan, asking for equal Turkish and Greek Cypriot repre- entation at the Institute of Genetics and Neurology, which EU Commission appoints first Cypriot carries out work in a variety of spheres, not just with regard to the issue of missing persons. high-ranking official Iacovou recalled that the Institute had ''offered posts to Turkish Cypriots,'' adding however that ''former Turkish NICOSIA (CNA/ANA) Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash forced them to leave.'' The European Commission has decided to appoint Antonis ''Talat wants a mixed board of Directors, equal number of Constantinou as the Director and Head of the Agricultural scientists, equal numbers of administrative employees, Development Programmes, in the Commission's Directorate- something which basically will destroy the Institute's General on Agriculture. functionality,'' Iacovou added. A Commission press release said ''Constantinou is the first He also added that all these moves by Talat are merely Cypriot citizen to be appointed in such a high administrative excuses so that Turkey does not abide by its obligations in the position in the European Commission since Cyprus' accession framework of a European Court of Human Rights judgment to the EU last May.'' which ordered Ankara to carry out effective investigation into Constantinou has served in the Ministry of Agriculture, the fate of these people, missing since the 1974 Turkish Natural Resources and Environment as the Director of the invasion of Cyprus. Agriculture Department. ''Because the issue is being discussed the Council of Europe's Permanent Representatives Committee ''they (Turkey and Talat) want to show that they made proposals for the solution of the problem but Greek Cypriots do not accept these proposals,'' Iacovou added. Cyprus government says new crossing points cannot open immediately

NICOSIA (CNA/ANA) The Cyprus government confirmed on Thursday that the list of crossing points where persons and goods may cross the ceasefire line on the island has been extended, noting however


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