AIRS 2007 Work Plan Draft
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AIRS 2012 Work Plan DRAFT
This draft document contains the goals and objectives of AIRS for 2012 to be approved and/or amended by the AIRS Board. During the year, additional projects may emerge and will be added to the work plan.
Responsibility Objectives/Deliverables and Status
Board/Executive Overall objective Committee To exercise the powers of the Board when the Board is not in session, except those powers that the bylaws of the Board require Chair: Faed Hendry to be exercised by the Board itself. To oversee the strategic planning process, responsibility for which is delegated to the Members: David Jobe, Vice President/President Elect. To coordinate activities of AIRS Georgia Sales, Tim Sylvia, Committees Joan Phelps, John Thompson, Bob McKown, Bridget Wolf
Staff support: Charlene To conduct ongoing review of the performance of AIRS Hipes contractual staff and organizations against contractual responsibilities (including conducting annual membership customer service survey around October) Status/Activities:
To develop/confirm any new contracts with vendors in time for 2013 budget and activities Status/Activities:
Staff support: Charlene To encourage and facilitate continued development of 211 US in Hipes and Clive Jones partnership with United Way Worldwide, the 2-1-1 state directors group and all 2-1-1 providers. Status/Activities:
To continue partnership with United Way Worldwide in relation to 2-1-1 and other initiatives. Status/Activities:
Staff support: Charlene To address any issues that emerge relating to AIRS name, logo, Hipes trademark, copyright. Status/Activities: Staff support: Charlene To ensure that all legal requirements for non-profit corporate Hipes registration are undertaken: D&O Insurance (February) General Liability Insurance (February) Corporate Tax Filing (May without extension, November with extension) Annual Incorporation Report to Arizona Corporate Commission (October) Status/Activities:
Staff support: Clive Jones To complete the membership information details (e.g. total contacts, total staff, types of I&R programs, etc.) that are requested during the renewal process Status/Activities:
Staff support: Clive Jones To continue to expand the new AIRS Networker social media application with goal of having 700 participants, 30 online communities and 200 discussion postings by end of year. Status/Activities:
Staff support: Charlene To create a Succession Plan to prepare for future changes of Hipes leadership in key positions within AIRS. Status/Activities:
Staff support: Charlene To investigate how important documents can be transferred to a Hipes cloud solution for better continuity of operations security. Status/Activities:
Board Development Overall objective Committee To select and place for nomination at the annual business meeting of the membership or by previous correspondence to the Chair: Joan Phelps membership, a slate of candidates to fill vacancies occurring on the Board. Members: Trisha Steiniger, Angela Fisher, Mel Favor, Steve Nagel
Staff support: Charlene To enhance Board and Committee recruitment through the Hipes and Clive Jones implementation of recommendations from AIRS Executive
2 Committee and Board. Status/Activities: Human Resources Overall objective Committee To oversee implementation of recommendations on current (The Executive Committee personnel issues and to address issues related to staff will absorb functions of the recruitment, training, evaluation and support, and contract HRs Committee) employees.
Resource Development Overall objective Committee A standing Resource Development Committee shall be (The Executive Committee appointed by the president. It shall have the responsibility for will continues to absorb the identifying potential sources of revenue for AIRS and training functions of the Resource other members of the board in fund development. Development Committee)
Public Policy Committee Overall objective To develop a national presence for AIRS that develops Federal Chair: John Thompson relationships and enhances the potential to secure major funding Members: Bob McKown, on behalf of AIRS members. Linda Daily, Daphne Van Tiem, Lucinda Nord, Joan Phelps, Micki Thompson, Tracy Hays, Steve Nagel
Staff Support: Charlene To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, Hipes drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council, 211 US and the aging/disability sector Status/Activities:
Staff support: Charlene To implement terms of 2012 contract with consultants to include Hipes deliverables/initiatives and timeframes. Status/Activities:
To identify key legislation and departments relevant to I&R and to develop relationships with staff, politicians and other national organizations (with input from other AIRS Committees where required) Status/Activities:
To identify key areas on which position statements need to be created and to develop processes on how to create those policies and quickly make those decisions when required. Status/Activities:
3 Staff support: Charlene To assist in the passage of the I&R Resolution and plan related Hipes activities for at the national and local level. Status/Activities:
Staff support: Charlene To maintain or develop relationships with national associations Hipes, Clive Jones (e.g. AAS, FEMA, NACCRRA, n4a, NENA, NVOAD, NASUAD) whose members provide specialized I&R or related work (with communication to other AIRS Committees). Status/Activities:
Staff support: Charlene To monitor the Older Americans Act Reauthorization. We will Hipes work to involve AIRS in any activities of the Administration or Congress related to the 2011 reauthorization process. Assist in the development of an AIRS agenda for this legislation, such as the inclusion of the AIRS Standards. Status/Activities:
Marketing/ Overall objective Membership Committee To provide input to the Board of Directors and guidance to the staff on internal and external communications, organizational Chair: Nancy Findeisen image, and marketing of products and services. Members: Barbara Bernstein, Cathleen Kelly, Gayle DiMasi, John Plonski, Kim Doan, Maureen Kane, Pam Hillier, Tim Sylvia
Staff support: Clive Jones To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, and Charlene Hipes drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible Status/Activities:
To hire new Marketing/Communications Coordinator Status/Activities:
Staff support: Clive Jones, To generate gross membership revenue of $315,025 with an Moayad Zahralddin approximate breakdown of 130 members at $50; 400 at $75; 60 at $250; 140 at $375 and 350 at $575 for a total of 1,080 members, plus 80 Canadian members Status/Activities:
4 To conduct an average of 2 mailings or contacts (via email, fax and/or mail) to AIRS members each month in addition to the receipt of the AIRS Newsletter Status/Activities:
Staff Support: Clive Jones To conduct I&R salary survey update for members (April). Status/Activities:
Staff Support: Clive Jones To market accreditation to non-accredited agencies Status/Activities:
Staff support: Charlene To complete Annual Report (July) Hipes/Clive Jones Status/Activities:
Staff support: Clive Jones To maintain AIRS website with view to having “News” feature change minimum of twice monthly via Twitter feed. Status/Activities:
Staff support: Charlene To ensure that best practices information is secured from the Hipes/Clive Jones Accreditation review process and to update the I&R Toolkit appropriately Status/Activities:
Staff Support: Clive Jones, To promote ABCs to non-members and to those members who Moayad Zahralddin are outside of the higher membership tiers at a base price of $450 for an electronic/print version, for a total value of $2,000. Status/Activities:
To produce and distribute 11 editions of the AIRS newsletter and advise on content (focus on news, membership information and human interest stories) Status/Activities:
To secure newsletter advertising to the value of $2,000 Status/Activities:
5 Standards Committee Overall objective The Standards Committee shall establish Standards which define Chair: Bob McKown the expected practices within the field of I&R and provide guidelines that communities or other jurisdictions can utilize in Members: Beth Wick, developing an I&R program. This is an umbrella committee as Cathleen Kelly, Anne the Accreditation and Certification Committees are essentially Forgoros, Fred Koss, sub-Committees of Standards. The Standards Committee is a Georgia Sales, Linda Daily, “closed” Committee as per the recommendations of the Hamm Randy Nicklaus, Charlotte Report. McHenry, Bridget Wolf, Helen Eltzeroth, Nancy Findeisen, Richard LaPratt
Staff Support: Charlene To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, Hipes drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible Status/Activities:
Staff Support: Charlene To review the AIRS Standards and explore the extent of the Hipes/ Clive Jones needed updates, and from there to follow the process for a new edition to be published around January 2013 Status/Activities:
Accreditation Commission Overall objective The Accreditation Commission shall utilize the Standards Chair: Bridget Wolf established by the Standards Committee to develop and implement a formal detailed accreditation process. The Members: Debby Thornton, Accreditation Commission shall develop and maintain a Georgia Sales, Lynne Engel, comprehensive policy and procedure manual for the Micki Thompson, Pam accreditation program. The Accreditation Commission shall Hillier, Nathan Cook, Don establish standards at a quality level that is appropriate for McPherson, Fred Koss, supporting broad improvements in I&R programs without Vicki Mize, Bob McKown presenting unrealistic barriers for future potential applicants in terms of compliance issues.
Staff Support: Charlene To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, Hipes drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council who are with Accredited agencies Status/Activities:
Staff Support: Charlene To monitor the new criteria and in particular, the new processes Hipes for the database review and the mystery calling Status/Activities:
6 Staff Support: Charlene To complete 20 accreditation applications Hipes Status/Activities:
To acquire 15 new/renewing applications with a revenue target of $90,000 Status/Activities:
To recruit and train 2 new onsite review team members Status/Activities:
Certification Commission Overall objective The Certification Commission shall utilize the Standards Chair: Cathleen Kelly established by the Standards Committee to design, implement and maintain a formal detailed Certification process. The Members: Chuck Martin, Certification Commission shall develop and maintain a Dana Long, Georgia Sales, comprehensive policy and procedure manual for each Hannah Newton, Jacky Certification program. The Certification Commission shall Roddy, Jan Hanson, utilize national benchmarks for professional certification Maurine Strickland, Helen programs as well as quality benchmarks desirable for Eltzeroth, Rex O’Rourke, certification programs relied upon by external stakeholders. Sara Tribe
Staff Support: Clive Jones To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible Status/Activities:
Staff Support: Clive To have 4,800 individuals hold AIRS Certification by the end of Jones /Maria LeDoux the year Status/Activities:
To review and implement marketing plan in order to acquire 1,000 new applicants and 1,200 applicants for re-certification Status/Activities:
To administer 90 examinations Status/Activities:
To administer the Certification Program according to the documented processes and principles Status/Activities:
To assess on an ongoing basis evaluation comments, exam performance and question history – in particular the new CRS exam Status/Activities:
7 To update the online list of Certificate holders on the AIRS website on a quarterly basis Status/Activities:
To implement Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Status/Activities:
To review evaluations Status/Activities:
Affiliates Council Overall objective Chairs: David Jobe, Joan To work with the AIRS Affiliates to help shape, inform and Phelps carry out the AIRS mission at the local level in order to support and build excellence in the profession of I&R/A. AIRS Affiliates Staff Support: Charlene (Affiliates) are membership organizations representing Hipes, Moayad Zalhraddin comprehensive and specialized information and referral providers within a defined geographic area.
Staff Support: Charlene To support the efforts for the creation of new Affiliates and Hipes support of existing ones Status/Activities:
To hold monthly Affiliate meetings in order to provide effective two-way communication within I&R movement Status/Activities:
To assist Affiliates in the development of portal options from the Higher Logic application Status/Activities:
To assist Affiliates in the award of scholarships for AIRS Conference Status/Activities:
To assist Affiliates in the creation of and Advocacy Manual Status/Activities:
Taxonomy Committee Overall objective To ensure that the Taxonomy meets the needs of users by Chair: Richard LaPratt managing the partnership with 211 LA County for the Taxonomy of Human Services, providing coordinated support to Members: Anne Fogoros the Taxonomy Editor on issues relating to the development of
8 Walsh, Cathleen Kelly, the content and structure of the Taxonomy, developing training Corinne Gallois, Dayann and support for Taxonomy users, educating AIRS members on Shepherd, Dick the importance of the Taxonomy as a standard for field and Manikowski, Georgia Sales, exploring related technical issues regarding I&R resource John Allec, Jennie Pollak, databases. Jennifer Jones, Karen Brandt, Vicki Carlson, Maria Williams, Nancy Berg, Noreen Stackpole, Steve Eastwood, Keith Lavery-Barclay
Staff Support: Clive Jones To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible Status/Activities:
To implement terms and conditions of MOU between AIRS and 211 LA County and implement its terms and conditions. Status/Activities:
To implement a new version of the AIRS XSD Status/Activities:
To work with Taxonomy editor on enhancing the structure and content of the Taxonomy to benefit users Status/Activities:
To better understand the training and other needs of Taxonomy users Status/Activities:
Conference Committee Overall objective To plan and implement the annual AIRS conference each year in Co-chairs: Mary conjunction with partners (currently NASUA and the military). Damsgaard, Joan Phelps To maintain the Conference Manual. To develop a core curriculum for the conference and to provide oversight at each Members: Cat Kelly, conference to ensure the quality of presentations. Lucinda Lorei, John Plonski, Rex O’Rourke, Francie Kranzberg, Nancy Findeisen, Richard LaPratt, Saundra Bond, Tracy Hays,
9 Nathan Cook, Mel Favor, David Jobe, Trisha Steiniger
Staff Support: Sharon Galler To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible Status/Activities:
Staff Support: Sharon Galler To produce conference brochures to promote the event and Charlene Hipes Status/Activities:
To have 450 registered for the New Orleans conference with an overall total revenue figure of $195,000 Status/Activities:
To attract 62 registrants to Intensives to the total of $9,300 Status/Activities:
To secure Conference sponsorship, advertising and exhibit revenue to the total of $31,000 Status/Activities:
To secure contract for 2013 conference. Status/Activities:
To identify site options for 2014 conference Status/Activities:
Training Committee Overall objective To explore and implement training options for AIRS members in Chair: Rosanna Thoms order to improve the quality and consistency of available I&R training. Members: Barbara Manning, Faed Hendry, Helen Eltzeroth, Keith Lavery-Barclay, Shye Louis, Steve Nagel, Tim Sylvia, Tracy Hays, Nancy Findeisen, Ann Fogoros Walsh, John Plonski, Sandra Ray, Judy Whitehurst
Staff Support: Clive Jones To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible Status/Activities:
10 Staff support: Clive Jones To complete 7 webinars over course of the year Status/Activities:
To monitor AIRS Online Training through course registrations and evaluations, and make program adjustments as required, with a 2010 target of 3,000 course completions and for each course to have 75% of evaluations clearly stating that they agreed with the statements ‘The material in the course was relevant to my job’ and ‘The course met the learning objectives’. Status/Activities:
To complete two new online training courses. Status/Activities:
To develop training tracks and workshops for the 2012 AIRS Conference Status/Activities:
To begin process to develop training tracks and workshops for the 2013 AIRS Conference Status/Activities:
To obtain feedback on the 2012 version of the ABCs around September with a view to addressing enhancements and required changes, and making a revised version available in early 2013. Currently, the plan is to embark on a major redesign of the format to make it more useable Status/Activities:
To work with the AIRS Affiliate Council to provide support and content suggestions for local/regional conferences. Status/Activities:
To develop and share resources to help I&R trainers Status/Activities:
11 Finance Committee Overall objective The Finance Committee shall develop the budget for the Chair: Bridget Wolf approval of the Board. The committee shall provide up to date financial information to the Board on a regular basis. The Members: Maurine Executive Committee shall address reimbursement requests for Strickland, Mary matters not addressed in the annual budget. Damsgaard, Jamie Moore
Staff support: Charlene To assess actual expenditures and revenue against budget targets Hipes (particularly in the first months of membership) and to oversee STAT financial work regarding correct coding, etc. Status/Activities:
To ensure full financial audit or review is conducted in a satisfactory fashion. Status/Activities:
To ensure that all financial filings are conducted in a timely fashion. Status/Activities:
Friends of AIRS Overall objective To establish and administer an endowment fund for AIRS where Chair: Francie Kranzberg the principle is restricted for investment only and the income is used to provide Conference scholarships or other benefits for AIRS members.
To raise revenue for Friends of AIRS through annual special event and other fundraising and to ensure that members are aware of the program and application process that provides Conference scholarships or other benefits for AIRS members Status/Activities:
12 Disaster Committee Overall objective To oversee disaster related activities, coordinate training efforts, Chair: Trisha Steiniger maintain liaisons with national organizations active in disaster
Members: Bonnie Bush, Denny Huff, Debra Harris, Debby Thornton, Daphne Van Tiem, Joyce Easley, Janice Harris, Jonathan Padget, Janna Shoe, Kathryn Johnson, Lisa Schiller, Melissa McCoy, Shari Sinwelski, Sherri Vainavicz, Sue Brogan, Tracy Hays, Chris Juett, Kathy Kelly, Laura Zink Marx, Bonnie Metzler, Larry Olness, Kay Parker, John Plonski, David Sisk, Theresa Thomma, Bill York To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible Status/Activities:
Staff Support: Charlene To develop a disaster-track for the 2011 AIRS Conference, Hipes including an Intensive Status/Activities:
To continue to support and build awareness for the AIRS/UWW Disaster Response Team. Status/Activities:
To work with the Affiliates to provide training and increased capacity/coordination for I&R disaster activities. Status/Activities:
To maintain membership in NVOAD Status/Activities: