Weekly Plan for Literacy: Year 1 s9
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Literacy Year 5/6: Summer B – Wks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 2B Extending narratives: quests Objectives Text/Speaking/Listening Word/Sentence Independent group activities Outcomes Before starting this unit, you need to have read some of The Hobbit to the class, an abridged version if possible, although you may want to select parts to read yourself. Why not substitute reading with listening to the excellent audio version read by Martin Shaw? It is very well abridged and you can have it playing during other lessons etc. Try to finish the book in which ever form by the end of the week. Immerse your class in The Hobbit! - If possible have several copies of the book, preferably illustrated, the Audio version and the graphic novel. y
a Main focus: Begin to Tell chn that today their quest is to find out more about what Easy/Medium/Hard Children can: d n
o understand what a a Quest really is! Use http://www.thefreedictionary.com/quest In mixed ability groups ask chn to think about quest stories they have 1. Have an M
Quest adventure is. or dictionaries to create a definition that all chn understand. read, watched as films or played as board games or as computer games understanding 1 5/7. Compare diff types Highlight how the characters in quests have a job to do – a (often known as RPG Role Playing Games). They should return to the of the genre k
e of texts/make notes. e rescue, to find something, to kill something! They travel far definition of a quest – do their suggestions fit the criteria of the of Quests and
W 6/7. Understand and wide across often strange lands to fulfil their quests, genre. Which are the favourites within the group? Encourage the group that they underlying themes/ often with a happy ending (although not in all cases!). Write to find a method of selecting one to consider in more detail. Using the have familiar Appraise a text quickly. the key words (on f/c): Who? Where? Why? What Happens? plan resource ask chn to complete the chart writing under the patterns 5/8. Reflect on reading. 6/8. Read extensively, Consider what they have already uncovered about Bilbo Baggins headings: Who? Where? Why? What Happens? TD which can be discuss personal reading from The Hobbit & summarise the story under the headings? Plenary identified 5/1. Present a spoken For example: Who? Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit. Where? To the Ask each group to present their question headings to the rest of the using key argument. fiery mountain. Why? To slay the dragon & rescue the class. They should leave out specific place or character questions. 6/1. Present persuasive dwarves’ treasure. What Happens? We are reading to find out names. Do other groups recognise the storyline? Do they arguments. but it might be worth taking predictions! agree that the story is an example of a Quest? y
a Main focus: Explore Tell chn that the Tolkien book they are sharing is a Easy Medium Hard Children can: d s
e the setting of a quest that takes place before The Lord of the Rings. Using suggested websites Using suggested Ask chn to Easy/Medium u
T famous quest. It would seem that one quest follows another! Tolkien (plan resource) ask chn to websites (plan investigate the 1. Use
5/7. Make notes to wrote The Hobbit as a chn’s book and was already research Hobbits. They resources) and search opening setting of research k
e explain ideas. planning the longer Lord of the Rings trilogy. Briefly should create sketches and engines, ask chn to these quests – the skills to find e
W 6/2. Make notes. discuss the word ‘trilogy’. Watch the beginning of the annotate them with key compare characteristics Shire. They should out about 5/7. Infer writers film ‘The Lord of the Rings; Fellowship of the Ring’. Tell words. How are they of Frodo and Bilbo. create sketches characters in perspectives/ explore chn that you want them to look closely at the Hobbits described in the text? Ask They make notes about using, film images, books and on how writers use and the Shire where they live. It is interesting to note them to discuss whether the similarities and illustrations, screen. language. that Frodo (main character of The Lord of the Rings) film images support Tolkien’s differences between imagination and Hard 6/7. Appraise a text and Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit main character) are descriptions. TD as req’d the two characters. book description. 1. Use quickly. actually cousins! Refer back to the key questions Plenary research to identified in the previous session – with a keen eye they Summarise the findings from the research. What have we found out about find out more will find answers to the questions Who? + Where? Hobbits and the Shire? Share the report on the BBC website detailing the about setting Discuss answers in mixed ability talking partners, discovery of a Hobbit like creature! BBC News Does this real life discovery of a published then feedback to class. add to the magic of the story? Quest story.
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y5_Y6 N Unit 2B – Sum B – 2 Weeks Literacy Year 5/6: Summer B – Wks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 2B Extending narratives: quests Objectives Text/Speaking/Listening Word/Sentence Independent group activities Outcomes y
a Main focus: Read If possible look at part of Krull (film) or another Easy Reading Group Medium/Hard - Reading Pairs Children can: d s
e and compare books. suggested title. Identify the main character… in the case Read a ‘Choose your Own Adventure’ Ask chn to read in pairs/small Easy n
d 5/1. Present a of Krull the main character in the quest is Ergo the book with the group. Discuss the groups depending on the 1. Share a ‘Choose e
W spoken argument. Magnificent who describes himself as “Short in stature, choices that need to be made and number of texts available. your Own’ text
6/1. Present tall in power, wide of vision and narrow of purpose”. What encourage chn to justify their actions. What choices are they being with an adult and k
e persuasive is he really saying about himself? Sound familiar? Discuss How does their choice affect how the asked to make? How does justify choices e
W arguments. 5/7. what was found out in the last session about our unlikely storyline develops? What are the their choice affect how the through discussion. Compare diff texts Hobbit heroes! Raise the question What are the main advantages 0r disadvantages of this storyline develops? What are Medium/Hard and structures. characteristics of a quest hero? They are quite unlike type of book over traditional books? the advantages/ disadvantages 2. Share a ‘Choose 6/7. Understand super heroes (Superman) or adventure heroes (Indiana Which do they prefer? Discuss of this type of book over more your Own’ text how writers use Jones). Quest heroes are often humorous – almost ‘anti- differences/similarities between these traditional books? with a partner, diff structures/ heroes’ the opposite of the typical adventure hero. They and ordinary adventure stories. TD Adult if poss justify choices and Appraise a text seem quite normal and vulnerable just like us. Does that Plenary consider the text quickly. make them more believable, easier to empathise with? Summarise features of a ‘Choose your Own Adventure’ book: (i) Lots of features. 6/8. Reflect on Discuss. Explain that ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books stories in one, Many routes through the book; (ii) Small chunks of text reading habits. or ‘Role Playing Games’ often draw on this ‘opposite-hero’ or very short chapters; (iii) One or two main characters; (iv) You see the 6/8. Read as a main character. Show some ‘Choose your Own story through the eyes of the main character; (v) Sometimes the same extensively & Adventure’ books and explain how they work. incidents will turn up as part of different routes through the book. discuss. Write these on Post-it™ notes and add to a working wall. You will need to be in a computer suite or for chn to have access to computers for this lesson. They need to try out online quest adventures. y
a Main focus: Read and Remind chn about the ‘Choose your Own Adventure’ books Easy/Medium/Hard Children can: d s
r compare online quest shared in the previous session. Have chn found any other Chn work in 2s/3s on computers to access online quest adventures (see 1. Compare u
h adventures. titles since the last session? Make a display in the plan resources for recommended sites). Allow chn to try them out thinking diff stories T
1 5/7. Compare diff classroom so that chn can continue to enjoy them. Recap how the experience compares to the book versions of quests read in from the
k types of the features identified in the previous session by looking at previous session. Do the online versions have same features identified as same genre e e narrative/Make the working wall: (i) Lots of stories in one, Many routes the book versions (from previous session)? Highlight one important presented in a W notes. through the book; (ii) Small chunks of text or very short difference - some internet ‘Choose your Own’ allow you to add to the variety of 6/7. Understand how chapters; (iii) One or two main characters; (iv) You see the story, like http://www.coder.com/creations/tale/. TD media. writers use different story through the eyes of the main character; (v) Plenary 2. Highlight structures/ Appraise Sometimes the same incidents will turn up as part of Ask chn to feedback about the quest adventures they have just played similarities, a text quickly. different routes through the book. Discuss RPG (Role online. How do they compare to their book experiences from the previous differences 5/8. Compare how Playing Games) that chn may play on computers at home, do session? between common theme is the same rules apply. Discuss with chn the games they are Quests and presented/Reflect on currently playing using the key questions: Who? Where? express reading preferences. Why? What Happens? opinions. 6/8. Read extensively.
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y5_Y6 N Unit 2B – Sum B – 2 Weeks Literacy Year 5/6: Summer B – Wks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 2B Extending narratives: quests Objectives Text/Speaking/Listening Word/Sentence Independent group activities Outcomes y
a Main focus: Compare/evaluate Recap features of ‘Choose Your Own Easy/Medium/Hard Children can: d i
r quest adventures in different Adventures’ identified from the book read. Chn work in pairs or small groups 1. Compare F
1 media. Which of these apply to online versions they Ask chn to think about books, computer games and online versions of choose diff. stories
k 5/1. Present a spoken tried out in previous session? Are there your own quests. Which do chn prefer? Why? They should think about their from the e e argument/Tell a story using advantages/disadvantages? How is experience experiences and support their views with evidence from specific examples. Chn same genre W notes. different for reader/player? Set up a games should put together an argument with brief notes for their preferred type or presented in a 6/1. Present persuasive console in the classroom/or load a game onto a media of quest adventure. They should enumerate points in favour, taking into variety of arguments/Participate in computer. Study a computer-based quest account the points against that are sure to be raised. media. whole class debate. adventures game in detail. Do a comparison of TD as required with different pairs/groups 2. Highlight 5/3. Understand diff ways to computer-based quest adventures, online Plenary similarities, take lead and support. quest adventures, and storybook ‘Choose Your Have short debate, encouraging chn to give cogent reasons for their opinions differences 6/3. Understand ways to Own Adventures’. Discuss pros and cons of and not just ‘I like… better’ statements. The debate should culminate in a class and express criticise constructively. each, similarities and differences. vote. Which media will be voted class favourite? opinions.
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y5_Y6 N Unit 2B – Sum B – 2 Weeks Literacy Year 5/6: Summer B – Wks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 2B Extending narratives: quests
Objectives Text/Speaking/Listening Word/Sentence Independent group activities Outcomes y
a Main focus: Create Revise chn’s learning from previous week. What is a Quest? Easy Medium Medium/Hard Children can: d n
o storyboard for own Ask chn to discuss in talking partners and feedback. Stress Give chn a basic story- Working with Chn use flow chart of The Easy/Medium M
quest adventure. that ‘Choose your Own’ adventure stories can be presented in board structure (plan teacher acting Hobbit (session resource) 1. Create a 2 5/7. Compare diff types many different ways. Tell chn this week they are going to resources). Ask them to as scribe using and continue this to create a story overview k
e of narrative and their e write their own ‘Choose your Own’ quest adventure story. First draw and make notes of Hobbit Chapter storyboard for the existing containing the
W structure/ Make notes they will need to consider how to plan such a thing, (this is some of the main events Summaries as story. Chn should use text key events with to explain ideas. more difficult than planning a typical story). Explain that that Bilbo encounters support and versions of the story; listen support. 6/7. Understand how planning needs to include a complicated storyboard so they can on his quest and how he helping with to extracts from the audio Hard writers use diff structs. 5/1. Tell a story. map out the structure. Different chn will need to write completes it. reading. TD version or their memory! 2. Summarise a 6/2. Make notes. different routes through the story, so they need to work in Plenary Allow whole class to look at the website story under 5/10. Experiment with quite large groups. To help them, they will start with a familiar http://web.archive.org/web/20140218111137/http://www.berghuis.co.nz/ chapter the order. quest, with familiar characters: The Hobbit. They will write a abiator/unit/hobbit/ch/ch1.html – let them read the key facts and add headings to 6/10. Use varied ‘Choose Your Own’ alternative adventure for Bilbo Baggins. these to their plan if needed. They may also find the drawings created by create a plan/ structures. Recap the main events of the quest as a class. other chn useful. If time allows, let chn test their knowledge of each storyboard. chapter in the quiz. y
a Main focus: Create Look at the Hobbit overview (from hard group) created Easy Medium/Hard Children can: d s
e diff routes through in previous session. Highlight places where Bilbo made Working as a whole, give the Divide rest of the class into four/five Easy u
T quest adventure. key decisions, would they have made the same choice if group a branch of the original mixed ability groups. Allocate each group a 1. With support
5/7. Compare diff they were Bilbo? Discuss with mixed ability talking story planner (not the same as branch on the original story planner. Today plan a new k
e types of narrative partners and think of alternative choices. Suppose he medium/hard!). Discuss what they need to start discussing how their branch for the e
W and structures/ had NOT gone with the dwarves and Gandalf happens in this section in the branch might continue, making notes in the story. Explore how writers (determined to find him an adventure) had sent him off original story and then discuss as flow chart that best fits their ideas- these All use language. Make on a different adventure…? Or at Rivendell, he had a group how this branch might may need to be enlarged (plan resource). 2. Discuss notes. decided to leave the dwarves and go home, only to meet continue – keep this group’s added Tell chn that their own branch might have alternative 6/7. Understand how further adventures on his way? Or in the mountains, he branches very simple!. Take chn’s two or more branches in it. Some might story ideas, writers use different had NOT met Gollum…? How might the story have been suggestions and record in the even link back to the original story, but considering structures. different? Take one of these key moments and create a continued flow chart (plan should not be too complicated! Explain that what might 6/2. Make notes. branch on the story planner by splitting an arrow and resources). Read back through they can adapt the flow charts by drawing have happened 5/8. Exp with diff creating another box. Tell chn they now have a sort of ideas and make sure that in their own arrows. Highlight/stress that had a character narrative forms/ tree diagram with different branches. Brainstorm ideas everyone in the group understands chn need to write or draw IN BRIEF (key made a Vary pace through for how at each of the first five or six stages of how this might fit into the original words, rough notes, sketches…) in their different selection of detail. original flowchart storyboard we could have a different story but gives the reader a flow chart. They are beginning their decision. 6/10. Use varied scenario. Remind Y6 chn that each different route choice in the plot! TD planning today and will need to be flexible Medium/Hard structures. (scenario) needs to fulfil the criteria for a quest, because they will be consulting other groups 3. Begin to answering key questions: Who? (Bilbo) Where? Why? tomorrow. create a tree-
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y5_Y6 N Unit 2B – Sum B – 2 Weeks Literacy Year 5/6: Summer B – Wks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 2B Extending narratives: quests Objectives Text/Speaking/Listening Word/Sentence Independent group activities Outcomes 6/9. Use different What happens? And they will need to bear this in Plenary diagram for a narrative techniques. mind when discussing with their Y5 partner. Take a look at additional adventure flow charts created by chn and see where Quest they fit within original story plan. Tell chn in next session they will attach their adventure. more detailed ideas to create one large choose your own adventure tree diagram. Before the start of the next session create a huge version of the original story flow (an old roll of newspaper paper would be great for this!), stick it to a blank wall or whiteboard. You will also need a nice pile of postcard-sized cards. y
a Main focus: Create ‘Choose your Look at original storyline and begin to discuss diff groups’ Easy/Medium/Hard Children can: d s
e Own’ quest adventure. ideas for alternative adventure. Provide cards for chn to Chn continue to work in their groups, firm up on all parts of their 1. Work n
d 5/10. Exp with order of write their flow chart ideas on, one card one box on the adventure, by discussing and using planners. Encourage chn to liase together to e
W sections. f/c. Use string to link them almost like a mobile. Help with other groups where needed. Groups should decide which parts sequence story
6/10. Use varied groups stick their alternative story routes in correct place of new story route each child will write (easy group don’t need to ideas. k
e structures/Use paragraphs to on f/c. When each groups ideas are in place look at overall worry as teacher will scribe). They should ensure that they are 2. Understand e
W achieve pace/emphasis. story. Are any of new cards the same/nearly the same? Can clear about what comes before & after, so that their part flows in that often 5/7. Compare diff structures. diff groups’ ideas be linked in anyway? Can any of chn’s the story before starting to develop their selected bit in more ‘Choose your 6/7. Understand how writers ideas be linked back to the original storyline? Try to make detail. Chn who are to write the key ‘branch’ sections need to work Own’ use different structures. some links using the large tree diagram of all the especially close with other groups & include a decision for the adventures and 5/9. Exp with diff narrative flowcharts… Use string to link ideas and show pathways. character (the reader/Bilbo) to make. role-play are forms/styles. Decide what each group’s alternative quest adventure will Plenary written in the 6/9. Use narrative techniques consist of, and how many parts they will need to write. Encourage groups to get together and discuss individual parts which second person. to engage. Recap on how each chunk of text is short and the reader make up their alternative route. Do they flow and make sense when takes the role of the main character. The whole story will put together. What works well and what needs to be changed? be seen through Bilbo’s eyes and written in second person so the reader is Bilbo… You do this… y
a Main focus: Create ‘Choose your Look again at flow chart and the detail added Easy Medium/Hard Children can: d s
r Own’ quest adventure. to each group’s alternative adventure. How As medium/hard but Chn start writing their actual section of the Easy u
h 5/10. Exp with order of sections. many choices have each group allowed within working as a whole to routes using storyboard. Each child has their 1. ‘Share’ write a T
2 6/10. Use varied structures /Use their route? Make sure that the whole thing ‘share’, write their branch own chunk or chapter to write. Some chn may new branch for
k paragraphs. is not getting too complicated! Recap on the using chn’s ideas. Discuss write more than one. If a branch doesn’t have the story. e e 5/7. Explore how writers use features of a good quest adventure: (i) Lots the style in which it enough sections for each child to write one, 2. Understand W language. of stories in one, Many routes through the needs to be written as remember that the original story outline also that stories can 6/7. Understand how writers use book; (ii) Small chunks of text or very short you progress. If chn needs to be written. The story opening is a have complicated different structures to create chapters; (iii) One or two main characters; become confident, give key part of any story! Stress that they must story lines & these coherence & impact. (iv) You see the story through the eyes of them small sections to write in the second person, as is the reader need to be planned 5/9. Exp with diff narrative forms, main character; (v) Sometimes the same complete independently Bilbo Baggins, this is essential in any role-play carefully. vary the pace through detail. incidents will turn up as part of different then re-combine. TD adventure quest! Adult help if possible Medium/Hard
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y5_Y6 N Unit 2B – Sum B – 2 Weeks Literacy Year 5/6: Summer B – Wks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 2B Extending narratives: quests Objectives Text/Speaking/Listening Word/Sentence Independent group activities Outcomes 6/9. Use narrative techniques to routes through the book. It should be direct, Plenary 3. Write their new engage. clear language, taking the perspective or Follow sections of the story pathways with teacher acting as Bilbo. What branch. 5/11. Adapt sentence viewpoint of the main character. It is written happens if you take a branch, ask chn to read out their chapters/sections. construction/puncuate accuratly. in the second person: You do this… You go Does the story that follow make sense? 6/11. Use puncuation there… Model how this affects our writing. You need to decide in what media you wish to publish chn’s adventure stories – this will almost certainly involve the use of ICT time next week. y
a Main focus: Complete Return to the large tree-diagram storyboard for the Easy Medium/Hard Children can: d i
r ‘Choose your own’ quest whole adventure. Discuss how they will put all the Encourage chn to work In this session chn should complete the 1. Create a final F
2 adventure. completed adventures together. There are several together to re-read the writing of their section of the class ‘Choose draft of their
k 5/12. Use a range of ICT alternatives. They can create: shared piece from yesterday Your Own Adventure’ quest. At this stage it section of the e e programs to present text. 1. A web-based adventure (could be added to your and suggest edits and is still very much draft and so they should be collaborative W 6/12. Select from a wide school site or created using web blog sites. See improvements that could be encouraged to make improvements and spend story range of ICT programs to session resource for suggestions and ideas). made – but make sure they time editing what they have written. They considering how present text. 2. A paper-based storybook in the style of ‘Choose don’t add too much more! should consider at all times the way in which the final 5/9. Reflect on writing your Own Adventure’. They decide how they would their final version will be presented. Do they version will be and edit/improve/create 3. A PowerPoint presentation with sounds/images, etc. like to present their final need to consider illustrations to go alongside published. multi-layered texts. Discuss with chn how you might create one of these – version and make notes of their writing, are there digital images or 6/10. Use varied what software you might use for each one (word- illustrations/images that sounds that can be added to enhance the structures. processing, Photoshop, PowerPoint, etc.) is it available might be useful. experience for the player/reader. 5/6. Spell word correctly. in your school? TD as appropriate 6/6. Use a range of Discuss what the whole ‘Choose your Own Adventure’ Plenary strategies to edit, should be titled…? With all parts of the story now completed in draft, its time to carry out some proofread and correct checks. Do all the routes and connections work correctly? Working as a whole spelling. class test out the whole structure of the story exploring all possible routes. It will be necessary to use ICT time during the following week to publish chn’s Quest Adventure in one of the formats suggested above.
Scroll down for Success Criteria and Book & Website lists
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y5_Y6 N Unit 2B – Sum B – 2 Weeks Literacy Year 5/6: Summer B – Wks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 2B Extending narratives: quests Success criteria for the plan – these should be selected & adjusted to match the specific needs of the class being taught. Easy Medium Hard Have an understanding of the genre of Have an understanding of the genre of Have an understanding of the genre of Quests and Quests and the familiar patterns which Quests and that they have familiar patterns that they have familiar patterns which can be can be identified using key questions. which can be identified using key questions. identified using key questions. Use research skills in books and on screen Use research skills in books and on screen to Use research to find out more about the setting of a to find out more about characters. find out more about characters. published Quest story. Share a ‘Choose your Own’ text with an Share a ‘Choose your Own’ text with a Share a ‘Choose your Own’ text with a partner, adult and justify chosen actions through partner justifying actions through discussion justifying actions through discussion & consider text discussion. & consider text features. features. Compare different stories from same Compare different stories from same genre Compare different stories from same genre genre presented in a variety of media. presented in variety of media. Highlighting presented in variety of media. Highlighting Highlighting similarities, differences and similarities, differences and expressing similarities, differences and expressing opinions. expressing opinions. opinions. Summarise a story under chapter headings to create Create a simple story overview containing Summarise a story under chapter headings to a story overview/plan. key events with support. create a story overview/plan. Discuss alternative story ideas considering what Discuss alternative story ideas Discuss alternative story ideas considering might have happened had a character made a considering what might have happened had what might have happened had a character different decision. a character made a different decision. made a different decision. Work together to sequence their story ideas. Work together with support to sequence Work together to sequence their story ideas. Understand that often ‘Choose your Own’ adventures their story ideas. Understand that often ‘Choose your Own’ and role-play are written in second person. Understand that often ‘Choose your Own’ adventures and role-play are written in Understand that stories can have complicated story adventures and role-play are written in second person. lines and that these need to be planned carefully. the second person. Understand that stories can have complicated Create a final draft of their section of the Understand that stories can have story lines and that these need to be planned collaborative story considering how the final version complicated story lines and that these carefully. will be published. need to be planned carefully. Create a final draft of their section of the As a ‘shared’ write, create a final draft of collaborative story considering how the final their section of the collaborative story version will be published. considering how the final version will be published.
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y5_Y6 N Unit 2B – Sum B – 2 Weeks Literacy Year 5/6: Summer B – Wks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 2B Extending narratives: quests Books The Hobbit (Illustrated edition Paperback) by JRR Tolkien, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd; New Ed edition (3 April 2000) ISBN: 0261103318/ 978- 0007270613 The Hobbit (original version) by JRR Tolkien, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd; 70th Anniversary Ed edition (19 Mar 2001) ISBN: 0261102214 or 978- 0006754022 or 9780261102217 The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien (Illustrated graphic novel by David Wenzel) ISBN: 978-0261102668 Fighting Fantasy series – Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, Publisher: Wizard Books (6 Nov 2003) ISBN: 978-1840464979 Usborne Big Book of Puzzle Adventures, Usborne Publishing Ltd (29 Nov 2002) ISBN: 978-0746054246 Any series of Choose Your Own Adventure books
Audio book: The Hobbit Audio CD by JRR Tolkien with Martin Shaw narrating. HarperCollins Audio New Ed edition (3 April 2000)0007106777
Films: The Lord of the Rings (Part 1: Fellowship of the Ring) and one of: Krull (recommended), The Dark Crystal, The Goonies, The Neverending Story, Willow
Web Resources
Quest definitions: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/quest - An online definition of a Quest. http://www.cyoa.com/ - The Official ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ website.
Online quest adventures http://www.coder.com/creations/tale/ - Read a page take a decision you can even add your own. What a resource! http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/vikings/launch_gms_viking_quest.shtml - Take decisions, think carefully! How will things turn out? http://www.marcopolosearch.org/mpsearch/basic_search.asp?orgn_id=9 – Enter the word “quest” in the search box here for resources for the above. http://www.angelfire.com/wy/lemmingpie/redwallcyoa.html - More online adventures begin here! http://www.battleon.com/default.asp - RPG online
Krull http://www.fast-rewind.com/ - Links to information and plot outlines for films like Krull and the Goonies.
The Hobbit
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y5_Y6 N Unit 2B – Sum B – 2 Weeks Literacy Year 5/6: Summer B – Wks 1-2 Narrative: Unit 2B Extending narratives: quests http://web.archive.org/web/20121023024623/http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/unit/hobbit/ch/hobstart1.html - The start of an adventure, make the right to choice to continue. http://web.archive.org/web/20140218111137/http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/unit/hobbit/ch/ch1.html - Chapter overviews. http://web.archive.org/web/20130206092139/http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/unit/hobbit/hindex2.html - A useful homepage, find out more about Tolkien, see maps of Middle Earth or take the Quiz! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3948165.stm - Real Hobbits discovered?
Tolkien biography http://www.tolkiensociety.org/tolkien/biography.html - Biography of Tolkien.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use. Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users Y5_Y6 N Unit 2B – Sum B – 2 Weeks