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Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

Purchasing Department 440 E 100 S, Room 118 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (801) 578-8269 Fax (801) 578-8262

1Invitation for Bid (Based upon Vendor Pool for State Contract MC1015) For Programming Enhancements of iPestManager

IFB #M1375-iP Due November 15, 2012, 2 p.m.

Pre-Bid Conference November 7, 2012, 1-3 p.m.

Gregory Maynard Purchasing Supervisor

The Salt Lake City School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, or sex. Inquiries may be directed to the Advocacy & Equity Dept. 440 E 100 S, SLC, UT 84111, (801) 578-8251 or the Office of Civil Rights, Denver, CO, (303) 844-5695


1.01 Purpose. The Salt Lake City School District (herein after referred to as the “District”) is seeking computer programming services to improve and enhance their current version of iPestManager, an in- house, developed web-based program for reporting the presence of undesirable pests. It resides in an Oracle Database. 1.02 Based upon your selection by the State in bid MC1015, you have been sent this invitation to bid. However, this IFB implies no reoccurring obligation on the part of the Salt Lake City School District SECTION 2 - GENERAL INFORMATION

2.01 Notice to Providers.

This IFB is designed to provide interested providers with sufficient information to submit qualifying bids providing they attend the pre-bid instructional meeting to be held on November 7 th , 2012 at 1 p.m. The meeting will be held at the District’s Facilities Service building (1005 W Beardsley Pl. 2.02 Background. SLCSD is an urban district with over 24,000 students in grades K-12, with 55% ethnic minority and 61% economically disadvantaged. There are 27 Elementary, 5 Middle and 4 High School, 3 Charter Schools and 2 administrative buildings in the District. Over the past seven years, the District has successfully implemented an award-winning Integrated Pest Management or IPM program and been recognized as both a regional and national leader. IPM is a safe and effective approach to pest control in the school environment that is based on understanding pest biology and behavior and reducing the conditions that are conducive to their presence. Most importantly, IPM helps control pests without having to apply pesticides on an indiscriminate or routine basis. The District has earned EPA’s Award of Recognition for its IPM efforts and since 2008 has twice been IPM STAR Certified by the IPM Institute of North America. The District was also recognized at the International IPM Symposium in 2009. Early on, the District recognized that additional tools were needed to facilitate and improve the practice of IPM. Foremost was the need to measure progress and evaluate program results. To fulfill this need, the District’s Facility Services Department developed iPestManager©, a web-database application that aids in the identification of pests; provides a means to report pests; tracks mitigation efforts to eliminate pests; tracks IPM related costs and pesticide use; and compiles various pest reports. This application is the foundation of the District’s on-going IPM program and has been in continuous use since January 2010.

2.03 Issuing office. The Purchasing Department is the issuing office for this IFB and all subsequent addenda relating to it. Bidders are responsible to check our web site for any addenda: 2.04 Response. In order to be considered for selection, your sealed proposal must be received in the Purchasing Office (440 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111) no later than 2 p.m. current Mountain Time on November 15, 2012. Any proposals received after this deadline will be late and considered ineligible for consideration. Submit paper copies: (one (1) original, plus two (2) copies). Fax proposals will not be accepted. The reference number for this IFB is M1375-iP. This number must be referred to on all proposals and correspondence relating to the IFB.

2.05 Inquiries . All inquiries or requests for clarification or interpretation arising subsequent to the issuance of this IFB, that could have a significant impact on the responses to the IFB, should be submitted electronically via e-mail to Greg Maynard at: [email protected] He will redirect the question to the appropriate District responder for a response. Questions and answers will be consolidated and made available via the district web site to all suppliers on record as having received this IFB. All inquiries must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. current Mountain Time on November 9, 2012.

2.06 Important Dates. The following are approximate dates for this IFB. Bid Issued November 1, 2012 Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting * November 7, 2012 Inquiry Questions Due November 9, 2012 Proposal Response Date November 15, 2012 Evaluation Period November 15-30, 2012 Product design, writing, & Testing by March 20, 2013, (NLT June 2013) * At this meeting, important information under non-disclosure signature will be presented giving needed details regarding the scope of work and desired outcome.

2.07 Award of the Contract. The Purchasing Department is the only agency authorized to award a contract for purchases above $750. The issuance of a Purchase Order will initiate the contract. Any separate contract desired by the bidder must be submitted with the bid and will be subject to modification by the District. Said separate contract shall be signed by the District’s Business Administrator in order to be in effect 2.08 Contract Period. It is anticipated that this IFB may result in a single award contract. The contract period will be initially for six (6) months, with subsequent periods being awarded if needed.

2.09 Price Guarantee Period. All pricing must be guaranteed for 1 year.

2.10 Protected Information. State procurement rules as well as the Government Records Access and Management Act ("GRAMA"), Section 63-2-101 et seq., Utah Code Ann. (1953), as amended provides that information in the successful proposal(s) submitted may be open for public inspection after the contract has been awarded. If a firm desires to have certain proprietary information contained in its proposal(s) protected from such disclosure, the firm may request that the School District consider such treatment by providing a "written claim of business confidentiality and a concise statement of reasons supporting the claim of business confidentiality" with the proposal (GRAMA, Section 63- 2-308). Pricing elements of any proposal will not be considered protected. All material contained in and/or submitted with the proposal becomes the property of the School District and may be returned only at the School District’s option. Submit claims of confidentiality on the provided or also found at: 2.11 District Rights. The District reserves the right to waive any formalities, to accept any bid as a whole or in part, to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the District. In the event the awarded vendor fails to perform, the District reserves the right to begin negotiations with the “next best proposal” in order to complete the project or services. 2.12 Incurring Costs. The District will not be liable for any cost which firms may incur in the preparation or presentation of their proposals. Responses to the IFB should be concise, straightforward and prepared simply and economically. Expensive displays, bindings or promotional materials are neither desired nor required. However, there is no intent within these instructions to limit the IFB’s content or to exclude any relevant or essential data there from. 2.13 Authorized Firm Representatives. The IFB proposal will list the name, title, office address, telephone number, and fax number of the person(s) authorized to represent the firm regarding this IFB. The District reserves the right to negotiate a change in the individual assigned to represent the firm awarded any contact if the assigned representative is not supplying the needs of the School District appropriately. The right shall carry forward through the response period and during the term of any contract. 2.14 Remedies. The District shall have all rights and remedies afforded under the U.C.C. and the laws of the State of Utah. Utah law rules shall apply in all disputes arising out of this IFB, without regard to choice. 2.15 Compliance. The vendor hereby agrees to abide with all applicable federal, state, county and city laws, statutes and regulations and to be responsible for obtaining and/or possessing any and all permits and licenses that may be required. 2.16 Acceptance of Services/Products Rendered. The District, through its designated agents and representatives, will be the sole determining judge of whether services/products rendered under the proposal satisfy the requirements/needs as identified in the proposal or as later amended.

2.17 State and Local Taxes. The District is exempt from sales and excise taxes. Exemption certification information appears on all purchase orders issued by the District and such taxes will not apply unless otherwise noted. Contact the Purchasing Department for a copy of the tax exemption certificate: TC-721G. 2.18 Anti-Collusion. The submittal of a proposal constitutes agreement that the firm has not divulged its proposal to firms, nor has the firm colluded with any other firms or parties to a proposal what-so-ever. 2.19 Indemnification. The firm shall hold harmless, defend and indemnify the Purchasing Department, Salt Lake City School District, and its respective officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, causes of action, judgments, damages and expenses including, but not limited to attorney’s fees because of bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property or any other injury or damage resulting from or arising out of (a) performance of any contract, or (b) any act, error, or omission on the part of the firm, or its agents, employees, or subcontractors. 2.20 Insurance. As appropriate, the firm shall maintain, during the term of any resulting contract, comprehensive General, Contractual, Professional and Errors and Omissions (E&O) Liability Insurance and Employee Dishonesty bonding coverage or such coverage’s as required by Federal, State, and local laws governing the services/product described herein. Proposers shall also maintain all employee-related insurances, in the statutory amounts, such as unemployment compensation, worker’s compensation, and employer’s liability, for its employees involved in performing services pursuant to any resulting underwriting contract. 2.21 Restrictions. Your response to the IFB must clearly set forth any restrictions or provisions deemed necessary by the firm to effectively service any proposed contract.

2.22 Protests. A protest of a solicitation must be filed in writing with the Purchasing Department before the solicitation due date and time. A protest of the award shall be submitted in writing to the Purchasing Department within five working days after the aggrieved person knows or should have known of the facts giving rise thereto. The protest shall include: 1) Name, address, and phone number of the protestor; 2) The original signature of the protestor or its representative; 3) A detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds of protest including copies of any relevant documents; 4) The form of relief requested.

2.23 Payment. Payment is normally made 30 days following the delivery of the product or the date of a correct invoice, whichever is later.


The Facility Services Department is requesting proposals from businesses with qualified web developers and programmers to improve and enhance the current version of iPestManager. Interested businesses may submit proposals according to the requirements outlined in the next sections of this solicitation. The application was created by District personnel using Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE). Proposals to simply enhance the existing program will require programmers to be expert in PL SQL and Java Script in an Applications Express environment. However, the District will consider other database platforms including mobile solutions provided that all design criteria can be met. The successful bidder will work with the Director of Facility Services who was responsible for the application design. Programming code for the application will be made available to the successful bidder; however, the original programmer is not available to provide assistance. All interested businesses must attend a mandatory pre-bid conference. During this conference we will review the current iPestManager application, outline the project requirements and design criteria and address questions. All conference attendees will be required to sign non-disclosure/non-competitive statements. The pre-bid conference will be held at the Facility Services site at 1005 W. Beardsley Place (2480 So), in Salt Lake City on Nov. 7 from 1 to 3 p.m.. This project is being funded as part of an EPA Region 8 grant. The District reserves the right to reduce and renegotiate the scope of the project in order to procure services within the available funds.

3.02 Project Contact. The successful bidder will work with the Director of Facility Services, Gregg Smith. Programming code for the application will be made available to the successful bidder; however, the original programmer is not available to provide assistance. 3.03 Time Frame. The project should be completed within six months from the receipt of a notice to proceed. 3.04 Change Order. Should it become necessary to amend the project schedule or scope of work, a project “Change Order” authorized by the Director of Facilities Services shall be the means to initiate any change to the issued Purchase Order. 3.05 Copyright Ownership: The District shall own and retain all commercial and future copyrights to all finished enhancements, upgrades to the current application, and may assign such rights to the USEPA or IPM Institute of North America. 3.06 Minimum Requirements. In order to be considered, all responses must include the following:

 Three (3) copies of your proposal  Signed Certification of Proposal (Attachment A)  Five (5) References (Attachment B)  Address the items listed in Sections 3 and 4 – SOW & IFB Response Outline  Cost proposal (Attachment C) SECTION 4 - IFB RESPONSE OUTLINE 4.01 IFB Response Outline. RFP’s must be concise and in outline format. Pertinent supplemental information should be referenced and included as attachments. All RFP’s must be organized and tabbed to comply with the following sections:

1) Title Page with the following

a. iPestManager Version 2 Development Proposal

b. Solicitation Number M1375-P

c. Date

d. Company name e. Company address (corporate and/or local)

f. Phone number

g. Website URL

2) Proposal Summary - Provide an introduction to your company and a brief summary of your proposal including total cost.

3) Company Profile - Describe your company and the scope of services provided. Address the market sector(s) served, years in business, office location(s) nearest to Salt Lake City, number of employees at nearest office location, etc. Preference will be given to local companies.

4) Project Approach - Describe why your company is the best choice for this particular project. Describe how you will staff and manage the project. Identify the project manager, key personnel, the proposed design team, personnel responsibilities, availability of local personnel, use of out-of-town or remote personnel, etc.

5) Task Plan / Timeline - Provide a detailed task plan and timeline for the entire for the project. The plan shall include a description of each major task, starting / ending dates for each task, key milestones, the estimated hours for each task by assigned personnel, billing rates, extended cost by task, total project cost including travel, lodging, meals, mileage, other incidental expenses and overhead and profit.

6) Experience - Provide information about five recently completed client projects that are similar in scope and/or design to this project. Include a description of each application, highlighting any similarities to iPestManager, database software used, application size, operating platform(s), number of users, project duration or development time, unique approaches or features, markets served, etc. For each referenced project, include the name, title and phone number of a key client contact who is familiar with or was involved with the actual project. Top ranking companies may be asked to present a live demonstration of their applications contingent upon client approval.

7) Qualifications - Provide resumes for all personnel who will be directly assigned to this project. Resumes shall include education, work history and experience and relevant experience with specific emphasis on web-database applications, Oracle Express or similar database programs, mobile applications, etc.


5.01 Evaluation Criteria. The criteria to be used by the Selection Committee to evaluate the IFB are: RESPONSE TO IFB -5%: Include demonstrated understanding of the IFB, and response per instructions. EXPERIENCE – 25% with projects similar in scope, qualifications and references from past clients. PROPOSED PLAN – 35%: the specific and concise information relating to your approach the specifications, COST – 35%: proposal shall be inclusive of all services referenced. (Use Attachment C) 5.02 Evaluation Rights. The District reserves the right to be the sole judge as to the overall acceptability of any bid or to judge the individual merits of specific provisions within competing offers and to award a contract based on the best value for the District. Attachment A CERTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL

We have read the Salt Lake City School District Request for Information and fully understand its intent. We certify that we have adequate personnel and resources to fulfill the proposal requirements. We further understand that our ability to meet the criteria and provide the required services/product shall be judged solely by the Salt Lake City School District.

We further certify that, since the receipt of this RFP, no contact, discussion, or negotiation have been made nor will be made regarding this request with any Salt Lake City School District employee or board member other than the listed contact people in the RFP. We understand that any such contact could disqualify this proposal.

We further certify that we are properly licensed to conduct business within the scope of this RFP, in the State of Utah.

We certify that all schedules and addenda contained herein shall be considered part of the entire IFB response and that the complete document submitted shall be considered a legally binding document.

Submitted by: ______

Firm Name: ______

Authorized Signature: ______

Name and Title: ______

Telephone #: ______

Date: ______Attachment B: REFERENCES (Sample Format) Provide a list of Five (5) public schools that have a minimum of two years’ experience with your services per the information listed below. 1. Name of School:

Address Location:

Contact Person/Title: Phone # of Contact:

E-mail Address of Contact:

Number of Students:

Product(s) Provided:

2. Name of School:

Address Location:

Contact Person/Title: Phone # of Contact:

E-mail Address of Contact:

Number of Students:

Product(s) Provided:

3. Name of School:

Address Location:

Contact Person/Title: Phone # of Contact:

E-mail Address of Contact:

Number of Students:

Product(s) Provided: Attachment C: Cost Response Form

Initial Charges:

Rate per hour per person $ ______(If different billing rates apply, so indicate.)

Number of persons required: _____ (Titles:

Estimated time to complete project ______hrs. Total Cost: $ ______

Work guaranteed for _____ years or other ______

Other Expenses: (See 4.01, 5) (fixed or estimate – circle one)

Travel: $ ______

Lodging: $ ______

Meals $ ______

Mileage $ ______

Other: $ ______Specify: ______

Possible Additional Charges:

Annual maintenance fee: $ ______

SLCSD Staff training to use product: $ ______

Project Total Cost: $ ______

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