Walk To Run 5k Training Program – Terminology Definitions

W means walk.

R means run.

R3/W27 means you should run for 3 minutes then walk for 27 minutes.

R2/W8 x 3 means you should run for 2 minutes then walk for 8 minutes. Repeat that same sequence of running followed by walking three times.

R/W 30 means you should run and walk for a total of 30 minutes. Ideally you run until you get tired, then walk until you feel recovered enough to begin running again. Repeat this until you have completed a total of 30 minutes.

Note: for this training program, complete a 5-10 min warm up routine that gradually warms up your body and muscles and slowly increases your heart rate before beginning the workout for the day. Also, when finished with the workout for the day, complete a 5-10 min cool down routine that slowly cools down your body and muscles and reduces your heart rate.

By Kerry Howell, MS, ACSM HFS, ACSM CET