Curriculum Vitae s358

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Curriculum Vitae s358

Curriculum Vitae Of David Crewe

Address: 71 St Johns Rd Sandown Isle of Wight PO36 8HE Tel: 01983 403481

Marital Status: Married with three grown up children Ethnic Origin: White British Hobbies: Computers, Web Design, Horse riding, Cooking, Reading

Employment History:

April 2016 – Present: Looked After Childrens Team Manager. Bournemouth Borough Council

 Managing the LAC Team (in addition to the Private Fostering Team)  Strategic Service development  Quality assurance and audit  Management of a number of capability, performance and disciplinary issues.  Development of an out of hours support service for LAC children and care leavers (Talk it Out)  Staff recruitment

November 2015 – Present: Private Fostering Team Manager. Bournemouth Borough Council

 Managing the Private Fostering Team.  Developing and delivering Awareness Raising strategy.  Liaison with Language schools and partner agencies.  Strategic Service development.  Quality Assurance  Development of promotional videos, posters, infographics etc  Workshop and training development and delivery.  Developing a Traded Service that has been commissioned by Dorset and Poole Local Authorities.

July 2015 – November 2015: Special Guardianship Project Manager. Portsmouth City Council

 Reviewing all aspects of Special Guardianship and associated support services  Writing Kinship Care Policy & Procedures  Writing Special Guardianship Policy & Procedures  Reviewing and redesigning Fostering Scale of Allowances  Designing and implementing Special Guardianship / Kinship Care Framework  Review of procedures in line with new Policies  Review of all current SGO & Residence Order arrangements  Staff training on new framework, policies and procedures

October 2014 - July 2015: Fostering Support Service Manager. Portsmouth City Council

 Review of Fostering Duty Service  Review of Out of Hours Service  Development of recruitment video & Website  Quality Assurance & Audit  Ensuring compliance with current legislation and guidance  Policy development  Supervision of Practice Leads  Staff recruitment & management  Permanence Panel member  Development of e-learning modules for carers  Development of Enhanced Supported Lodgings Scheme to increase capacity for challenging YP and Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers  Development of specialist Parent and Child Placement Scheme  Service & Strategy Development

September 2014 – October 2014: Work break in order to write a book

I have recently written a book entitled “Adoption Panel – The Missing Manual”. This is intended for new Panel members to equip them for the task ahead of them. It contains valuable information about expectations, roles and responsibilities, quality assurance, making assumptions, making recommendations, disruptions, legislation...and everything in between. It is available to purchase in paperback at and for the Kindle.

June 2014 – September 2014: Adoption & Fostering Panel Manager and Advisor Walsall Council

 Recruiting to the Central List  Panel training, development and action planning  Quality Assurance (and development of a QA system)  Online marketing & recruitment (using video, social media, Youtube, etc)  Development of online Adopter feedback system  Panel Advisor role  Ensuring compliance with current legislation and guidance  Development of Adoption Passport  Development of Education Policy for Adopted children  New CPR training & development March 2014 – June 2014: Adoption Panel Manager & Advisor Worcestershire County Council

 Recruiting to the Central List  Panel training, development and action planning  Quality Assurance (and development of a QA system)  Online marketing & recruitment (using video, social media, Youtube, etc)  Developing Fostering to Adopt Scheme  Development of online Adopter feedback system  Developing joint adopter training with Hereford with a view to merging some of the Adoption Service functions as part of the West Mercia Project  Coaching a new Team Manager  Panel Advisor role  Ensuring compliance with current legislation and guidance  Ensuring Ofsted readiness

December 2013 – March 2014  Exploring Career options

April 2013-August 2013: Assistant Director Intern, Surrey County Council

I was part of the South East Succession Planning Programme, and as part of this I completed a 20 week (one day per week) Internship with Surrey County Council working at Assistant Director level. I was working on a strategic project, examining safeguarding within the voluntary, faith and community sector across Surrey. I worked closely with the Assistant Director for Youth and Community in partnership with the community and voluntary sector leaders to analyse the current situation in Surrey and to develop a strategic plan to address identified deficiencies. This will result in improved awareness, improved practice and better safeguarding of children who are not within the statutory remit of the local authority. Through this programme I have been able to further develop my leadership and mentoring skills, alongside strategic planning and implementation.

July 2011 – December 2013: Group Manager For Looked After Children, Isle of Wight Council

In this strategic role I:

 Played an instrumental role in the major reorganisation of the whole of Isle of Wight Children’s Services in 2011 in order to implement the “Reclaiming Social Work” Model as advocated by Eileen Munro.

 I developed and transformed the service area that I was responsible for and led them through times of difficult change and a an inadequate Ofsted inspection, through listening, enabling, modelling and coaching.

 I Delivered a reduction in mainland and agency placements for looked after children,  I established a Performance Framework for my service area which improved practice and enhanced outcomes for looked after children. This framework was later adopted by other service areas.

 Under my confident leadership statutory visiting to Looked After Children drastically improved to 95%. I implemented a successful performance management system which, amongst other things, led to an increase in the uptake of LAC medicals, timeliness of LAC Reviews, up to date Care Plans and many other performance related measures, which means that children in public care on the Isle of Wight received a better service.

 I played a key role in developing and implementing a Missing Persons Strategy across the Island (alongside Police colleagues), that led to a significant reduction (85%) in the numbers of missing LAC children. This strategic model is now being considered for implementation nationally across a number of Local Authorities and police forces.

 I regularly chaired the Isle of Wight Permanency Planning Panel, Legal Planning meetings and I was the Islands’ Adoption Panel Advisor, ensuring that the right decisions were made for children’s futures in line with relevant legislation and guidance.

2005 - 2011: Team Manager, Fostering and Adoption Service, Isle of Wight Council,

 I led the development and growth of the Fostering Service, and delivered a reduction in mainland and agency placements for looked after children, resulting in a 60% financial saving. This meant that Island children were returned to the Island (when appropriate) to be close to their families and support networks, and felt less isolated and alone.

 Set up a Specialist Intensive Bridging Foster Scheme, thereby reducing reliance on agency and mainland placements and consequently significantly reducing costs to the Local Authority.

 Led the development of a nationally recognised Supported Lodgings Scheme to improve outcomes for care leavers and homeless young people.

 Led the development and growth of a Family Link Scheme for children with disabilities. This provided regular respite and consistency for children and their families. It was cost effective and is seen as a model of best practice.

 I played a key role in the development of a fee free adoption consortium. This reduced costs and improved inter agency working across local authorities.

 Conceived and led the development of a mother and baby fostering placement scheme. This enabled the local authority to argue against expensive, Court directed assessments and enabled mothers and babies to stay together for the assessments. This provides for a more realistic and authentic assessment.

 Managed the Fostering Panel

 Undertook the role of Agency Advisor to the Fostering Panel

2002 - 2005: Team Manager, Looked After Children’s Team (0-16), Isle of Wight Council In this role I introduced and pioneered the development of Family Group Conferences on the Island, which later developed into a multi agency commissioning forum. This led to improved outcomes for children; reduced costs to the local authority and the development of good inter authority / agency working.

2000 - 2002: Team Manager, Long Term Team, Isle of Wight Council

1999 - 2000: Team Manager, Assessment Team, Isle of Wight Council

1997 - 1999: Social Worker, Isle of Wight Council

1996 - 1997: Social Worker, St Helens Borough Council

1995 - 1996: Social Worker, Salford City Council /Community Drug and Alcohol Worker

1991 - 1995: Assistant Hostel Warden, Merseyside Probation Service.

1985 - 1991: Self Employed Taxi Company owner/operator

1980 - 1985: Various positions within the catering industry.


2013: ILM Level 7 Executive Coaching Certificate

2010: Perpetual Dawn Training Consultancy Qualification: Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

2005 - 2007: Chichester University. Qualification: Master of Arts Degree in Management (Health & Public Sector)

2000 - 2001: Bournemouth University. Qualification: Masters Degree in Business and Administration (MBA-Unfinished)

1993 - 1995: Liverpool University Qualification: Diploma in Social Work, Diploma in Higher Education.

1992 - 1993: Halton College of Further Education Qualification: A Level Psychology

1991 - 1992: Halton College of Further Education Qualification: Certificate in Counselling Skills

1978 - 1979: Halton College of Further Education. Qualification: City and Guilds in Catering

1973 - 1978: West Park Grammar School, St Helens, Merseyside. Qualifications: O’Levels in; English Lit, English Language, Biology, Art, Religion, Economics and Geography.

Continuous Professional Development:

I hold a NEBS Certificate in Supervisory Management, an IMS Certificate in Management Studies and a Diploma in Management Studies. In September of 2000 I began a Masters Degree in Business and Administration (MBA), however, due to family and financial constraints I had to put this on hold. I have also successfully completed a Masters Degree in Health and Social Care Management at Chichester University.

I am an accredited Practice Teacher and have supervised numerous students and fully believe in ongoing professional development. I have also recently completed an Executive Coaching Training Programme (ILM Level 7) to enable me to coach senior managers.

I have also undertaken training in the following:  Leadership Training  Coaching & Mentoring  Understanding Poverty  Independent Thinking  Public Law Outline  Supervision Skills

Personal Statement

I worked for the Isle of Wight Social Services Department for sixteen years. I began my career as a Social worker in 1995.

For the past thirteen I have been a Team manager in four different teams within Isle of Wight Children’s Services, and latterly held a more senior, strategic role as a Group Manager for Looked After Children. I feel that I was an active and enthusiastic member of the Isle of Wight Senior Managers group and I would say that my management ‘style’ was strongly underpinned by a motivational, transformational and pro-active approach.

I am fully aware of the relevant legislation, policies and procedures that make up the framework in which we provide Public Care for children and young people, (Children Act 1989 & 2004, Care Standards Act, Care Leavers Act, Fostering Service Regs, UK National Standards for Foster Care, Care Planning Regs, various Adoption Acts & guidance etc).

Having managed a number of teams over the past thirteen years I feel that I have a clear understanding of the issues and difficulties experienced by Looked After Children and Foster Carers. I also feel that I am a good leader and motivator. There have been significant changes within the department following an “inadequate” Ofsted inspection in 2012. I was part of the senior management team leading and driving forward the positive and necessary changes identified within the improvement plan. These changes however were not without their challenges including resistance, fear, and apprehension. However, by developing a shared vision and shared ideas, coupled with good communication and consultation I feel that I have played a key role in successfully surmounting many of the obstacles and taking staff along with us on this journey. This will improve the future outcomes for Looked After Children on the Isle of Wight.

I managed an annual budget of £1.5 million, and through creative financial acumen, careful monitoring and control, and ensuring Best Value, my service area usually ended each year with at least a 15% under-spend.

In my substantive post on the Isle of Wight I had strategic responsibility within the Looked After Children’s Service for the planning, design and delivery of all core services to children in care, and subsequent outcomes for these children I met regularly with the Lead Member for Children’s Services to provide service updates, problem solve and to discuss and plan future initiatives to improve the outcomes for our looked after population.

From a Safeguarding perspective, I have extensive knowledge and experience and I regularly chaired legal planning meetings, Permanency Planning meetings and oversaw Section 47 investigations. I was the consultant for the development of a safeguarding training video for teachers that is used nationally and I have recently developed a safeguarding mobile App for use by the Third Sector.

I was in my previous senior management role for two and a half years, followed by a short term contract in Adoption, and I feel that I am now ready to further develop my strategic role and capabilities and take on new challenges.

I believe that the skills that I possess are wholly transferable and that my motivational and people development skills will be invaluable to any organization within which I work. I am committed to the development of anti-discriminatory issues, and I am aware of my own values and beliefs and their impact upon both team members and young people. To me “Equal Opportunities” is not just a buzz word, but an ethos underpinning how we do business

I consider my work to be consistent and of a high standard. I have a good sense of humour and a sound knowledge of management perspectives and models of adult learning and child development.

I am skilled in the use of computers and Information Technology. I have a strong belief in life long learning and development. I feel that I work well as a team member, but I am comfortable working alone

I would very much welcome the opportunity to be part of developing and implementing new and inspirational initiatives that will strengthen and build capacity, and ultimately improve outcomes for children and young people.

Dave Crewe

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