Section One: General Guidance
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Annual Salary Review for Teachers
Reference Pack 2016
Copyright Notice – Please Read
This reference pack is only available to schools that buy either the Human Resources SLA for Maintained Schools or the Human Resources Service Contract for Academies. The copying, reproduction, distribution (including by e-mail, facsimile or other electronic means), publication or transmission of these documents to any other party is STRICTLY PROHIBITED unless otherwise agreed by the author. If you are in any doubt about the permitted use of these documents, or believe they have come into your possession by means that contravene these instructions, please contact us. Contents
Section 1: General Guidance Page: 3
Section 2: Leadership Group Page: 7
Section 3: Other teachers Page: 22 Leading Practitioners Upper Pay Range Teachers Main Pay Range Teachers Unqualified Pay Range Teachers
Section 4: Transition from Main to Upper Page: 27 Pay Range
© Northumberland County Council 2 Section 1: General Guidance on Annual Salary Review Process
This section is designed to give relevant bodies general guidance on how they should carry out the annual performance pay review process for teachers.
Please read it before looking at the detailed information about each specific pay range in the sections that follow.
Who is the “relevant body” that needs to make decisions about pay?
In a school with a delegated budget – the relevant body is the governing body, which delegates this responsibility to an appropriate committee. In a school where delegation has been withdrawn and an Interim Executive Board (IEB) has been appointed, the relevant body is the IEB (care should be taken to ensure there is a separation of responsibilities between decision-making and appeals). In a school where delegation has been withdrawn and there is no IEB, or for centrally managed services, the relevant body is the local authority, which delegates this responsibility to the Pay Group within Children’s Services. In schools which have decided to formally collaborate to make joint appointments under the School Governance (Collaboration) (England) Regulations 2003, it will be the joint committee of the collaborating governing bodies.
As the majority of schools using this document will have a governing body, for ease of use that is the term used thoughout to denote the decision making body.
How should the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) be used in the process?
STPCD provides the statutory framework for any school pay decisions and should be consulted in any dispute concerning the application of the school’s pay policy.
How should the school/authority’s pay policy be used in the process?
The governing body needs to closely refer to the criteria it has set for awarding performance pay to staff paid on each payscale within its own pay policy when conducting the annual salary review. This will be the pay policy applicable for the period 1 September 2016–31 August 2017.
© Northumberland County Council 3 How should the 1% pay award be applied?
Under the provisions of the STPCD 2016 the pay award is reflected in the national pay ranges rather than in individual teachers’ pay. The agreed changes are:
1% uplift to the statutory minima and maxima of all the pay ranges including allowances
The governing body has the discretion in applying the pay award to all other salary points. Northumberland County Council have agreed with the teacher unions that the pay award will be applied to all existing payments, including all reference points set within the pay ranges.
What are the salary values from September 2016?
All pay ranges and discretionary reference points included in this document have been increased by 1% from 1 September 2016 consistent with the national pay award provided for by the STPCD 2016.
How is pay progression linked to performance from September 2014? September 2013 was the last time when teachers on the main pay scale received annual increments. From September 2014 performance-related pay progression provided the basis for all decisions on pay. Decisions on whether or not to increase the salary of teachers must be related to their performance as assessed through the school’s appraisal arrangements. All teachers who have completed a year of employment, defined as 26 weeks, will be eligible to be considered for performance-related pay progression on 1 September 2016. There is a clear expectation that good performance should lead to pay progression. You have the discretion to award progression increases as you judge to be appropriate in your particular circumstances and in accordance with the arrangements set out in your school’s appraisal and pay policies. Each school has the discretion to define what constitutes good performance and the decision to award a performance-related pay increase should be made with reference to the absolute and or relative performance measures as set out in your school’s appraisal policy.
Are there any general statutory requirements regarding performance pay?
The governing body needs to take note of the national statutory regulations and guidance in carrying out its performance pay review:
annual performance pay progression is not automatic; all eligible teachers will be considered for performance pay progression and will not be required to submit an application, except in the case of transition between the main and upper pay ranges; in making their decision the governing body will consider the recommendation on pay progression made by the teacher’s appraiser(s), in the case of the head teacher following advice from an independent external adviser; where the head teacher or head of service has delegated responsibility to other line managers under the governing body’s appraisal policy, appraisers’ pay
© Northumberland County Council 4 recommendations are submitted to the head teacher and the head teacher will pass these recommendations on to the relevant committee/authorised head of service; the appraiser(s) will make an assessment of the teacher’s performance against their objectives and relevant standards when reaching his/her recommendation and record this in a written appraisal report; in the interests of responsible decision-making, the governing body should be assured of the robustness of the appraisal process and the school’s appraisal policy should set out how governors are involved in moderation and quality assurance processes. The governing body will not make professional judgments about the effectiveness of individual teachers as that is the responsibility of appraisers.
What are the deadlines for completing the performance pay review?
There are no longer statutory deadlines for governing bodies to complete the annual salary review and each governing body should have set its own timescales within its 2016-17 pay policy. The timescales recommended in the model pay policy are: 31 October 2016 for all teachers, except heads; and 31 December 2016 for head teachers.
Therefore appraisals, including pay recommendations where relevant, must be completed before the governing body meet to review performance pay.
The school/service should have published its calendar for monitoring and reviewing performance and making decisions on performance pay progression in advance.
Actions after the performance pay review is complete
Once the governing body has made its decisions on performance pay progression, it needs to:
1. Leadership Group Teachers - notify its School Support Adviser on the Head teacher and Deputy head /head of school and/or Assistant Head Teacher Salary Review Forms so that compliance with the STPCD can be checked and payments by Employee Services arranged;
Teachers other than Leadership Group – notify its Employee Services Administrator on the NCC Change/Appointment statement*
2. provide written confirmation* of the decision to the teacher within the statutory deadline of one month including their right to appeal ; and
3. deal with any appeals that arise using the procedure and timescales set out in its pay policy.
* Template forms are provided in the Annual Salary Review Forms Pack 2016 on the HR Page of the Schools Information Website.
© Northumberland County Council 5 Section 2: Leadership Group
What is the salary range for the Leadership Group payscale? 1 September 2015 1 September 2016 Leadership Reference Point (LRP) Basic Salary (£) Basic Salary (£) (including 1% pay award) Minimum –LRP1 38,598 38,984 LRP2 39,564 39,960 LRP3 40,552 40,958 LRP4 41,563 41,979 LRP5 42,597 43,023 LRP6 43,665 44,102 LRP7 44,841 45,290 LRP8 45,876 46,335 LRP9 47,021 47,492 LRP10 48,228 48,711 LRP11 49,841 50,340 LRP12 50,620 51,127 LRP13 51,886 52,405 LRP14 53,180 53,712 LRP15 54,503 55,049 LRP16 55,951 56,511 LRP17 57,237 57,810 LRP18 58,096/58,677 * 58,677/59,264 * LRP19 60,131 60,7331 LRP20 61,623 62,240 LRP21 62,521/63,147 * 63,147/63,779 * LRP22 64,715 65,363 LRP23 66,318 66,982 LRP24 67,290/67,963 * 67,963/68,643 * LRP25 69,652 70,349 LRP26 71,375 72,089 LRP27 72,419/73,144 * 73,144/73,876 * LRP28 74,958 75,708 LRP29 76,814 77,583 LRP30 78,726 79,514 LRP31 79,872/80,671 * 80,671/81,478 * LRP32 82,676 83,503 LRP33 84,731 85,579 LRP34 86,825 87,694 LRP35 88,102/88,984 * 88,984/89,874 * LRP36 91,187 92,099 LRP37 93,454 94,389 LRP38 95,766 96,724 LRP39 97,128/98,100 * 98,100/99,081 * LRP40 100,548 101,554 LRP41 103,060 104,091 LRP42 105,642 106,699 Maximum - LRP43 107,210 108,283
© Northumberland County Council 6 The first value represents the top of the Headteacher group , The second value is for those that are mid-range and not yet at the top of their group size.
Changes to leadership pay ranges from 2014
The previous 43-point pay range has been replaced by a Leadership Pay Range. There is no longer a statutory requirement for leadership pay ranges to include a specified number of points. However, Northumberland County Council have agreed with the trade unions that current arrangements will continue ie. a 7 point pay range for head teachers and a 5 point pay range for deputy head / head of school and assistant head teachers. From 1 September 2014 the Individual School Range (ISR) was replaced by an Indicative Pay Range (IPR).
There is no requirement to reassess pay or allowances for existing leaders. The governing body may decide to review the head teacher’s pay range in circumstances outlined below.
Where the governing body increases the pay range for a Leadership Group teacher, any performance points awarded by the governing body for the previous year should be calculated on the basis of the lower pay range before the teacher’s pay is assimilated onto the higher pay range.
What action does the governing body need to take?
Task 1: Consider whether Leadership Group teachers eligible for performance pay progression should be awarded one or two points for performance. Decisions with regard to performance-related pay will be made under the STPCD 2016 and in accordance with the school’s 2015-16 Pay Policy.
Task 2: Decide if it is necessary to review the range of each Leadership Group post to consider whether it should be changed. Decisions to change the pay ranges of the leadership group will be made under the STPCD 2016 and in accordance with the school’s 2015-16 Pay Policy.
Task 3: Consider whether the Head teacher should receive any temporary payments (STPCD 2015) from 1 September 2016. This should include a review of any discretionary payments (see STPCD 2013) already awarded to determine whether the 1% pay award will be applied.
Task 4: Complete the Head Teacher, Deputy Head/ Head of School and Assistant Head Salary Review Forms provided in the Annual Salary Review Forms Pack 2016 on the HR Page of the Schools Information Website. If you have awarded performance pay and/or changed the range of the post and submit them to your School Support Adviser.
Task 5: Notify all Leadership Group teachers of the decision in writing.
Task 1: Consider whether Leadership Group teachers eligible for performance pay progression should be awarded one or two points for performance (subject to not exceeding the maximum of the range).
In order to move up the payscale, there must have been a sustained high quality of performance having regard to the results of the most recent appraisal for 2015-16. The governing body must have regard to any recommendation on pay progression recorded in the teacher’s written appraisal report.
© Northumberland County Council 7 Note: Where the member of the Leadership Group is at the top of his/her existing pay range, there is no scope for the governing body to award any performance points from 1 September 2016. The range can be reviewed from this date in line with the statutory guidance explained in task 2 below but this will only allow performance pay to be awarded from 1 September 2017 onwards. Please contact your School Support Adviser for further advice.
Task 2: Decide if it is necessary to review the range of each Leadership Group post to consider whether it should be changed.
Head teacher
The Head’s Individual School Range (ISR) Indicative Pay Range (IPR) must be reviewed as a result of the school moving to a different head teacher group.
The governing body may decide to review the ISR/IPR in the following circumstances: a leader’s responsibilities have significantly changed on or after 1 September 2015; if it is considered necessary to review the pay of all their leadership posts if this is required to maintain consistency with pay arrangements for new appointments to the leadership team made on or after 1 September 2015; as a result of the governing body determining that the ISR needs to be reviewed in order to retain the head teacher. If the governing body decides to change the current ISR/IPR the provisions of the STPCD 2016 will apply. This will normally be within the head teacher group range, taking into account: (i) the responsibilities and complexities of the role; (ii) permanent additional responsibilities and/or long term provision of services to other schools; (iii) any recruitment and retention issues.
© Northumberland County Council 8 Relationship between the IPR and the head teacher group
Appendix 1 of this section identifies the head teacher group for 2016 for each school in Northumberland based on either the total unit score for mainstream schools or the modified total unit score for special schools.
The table below shows the range of points on the leadership group pay scale applicable to each head teacher group:
Head teacher Total unit score – Modified total unit Indicative Pay Range group ordinary schools score – special 2016 schools £ 1 Up to 1,000 N/A 44,10 58,677 2 1,001 to 2,200 Up to 2,200 2 63,147 3 2,201 to 3,500 2,201 to 3,500 46,33 67,963 4 3,501 to 5,000 3,501 to 5,000 5 73,144 5 5,001 to 7,500 5,001 to 7,500 49,97 80,671 6 7,501 to 11,000 7,501 to 11,000 6 88,984 7 11,001 to 17,000 11,001 to 17,000 53,71 98,100 8 17,001 and over 17,001 and over 2 108,283 59,26 4 63,77 9 68,64 3 75,708
The IPR must be within the indicative pay range for the relevant head teacher group shown in the table above for a new appointment or where it was decided to change the ISR on or after 1 September 2014. There is no longer discretion for the governing body to set an IPR up to two head teacher groups above the group applicable for the school. However, where the governing body determines that the head teacher range does not provide the right scope they may go up to 25% above the group range. A decision to go above this 25% limit may only be made in exceptional cases and must be made on the basis of a business case and after taking external advice.
If the governing body has previously used its discretion to set an ISR up to two groups above the school group then this may continue unless the governing body decides to change the ISR, in which case the new indicative pay range should be within the relevant head teacher group for the school.
Where the school has changed to a higher or lower head teacher group in 2016 we will provide separate guidance to help relevant bodies understand the options available to them under the STPCD 2016.
Deputy/ Head of School / Assistant Head teacher
The deputy head / head of school and/or assistant head’s pay range can be reviewed as a result of:
(i) a significant change in responsibilities of the post; (ii) a decision to review the pay of all their leadership posts to maintain consistency with pay arrangements for new appointments to the leadership team made on or after 1 September 2015;
© Northumberland County Council 9 (iii) the governing body determining that the pay range needed to be reviewed in order to retain the deputy head/ head of school and/ or assistant head.
© Northumberland County Council 10 Notes:
There are now no statutory minimum differentials that must be observed between the pay ranges for leadership posts. However the pay range for a deputy head / head of school and/ or assistant head should only overlap that of the head in exceptional circumstances.
Increasing the range will not have an impact of the teacher’s salary on 1 September 2016 unless the minimum of the new range is higher than his/her salary point after performance points were awarded under Task 1. In other words, the review of the range must be completed after performance points are awarded and no further performance points can be awarded after the range has been reviewed.
Should the governing body determine that the pay range of an individual teacher should decrease (for example, because the school is in a lower head teacher group than previously or there has been a significant reduction in responsibilities of the post), safeguarding shall apply for a period of a maximum of three years where the teacher’s salary point from task 1 is above the maximum point of the revised range.
Task 3: Review any discretionary payments previously awarded ( see STPCD 2013) and consider whether the head teacher should receive any temporary payments (STPCD 2016) from 1 September 2016.
Discretionary payments ( see STPCD 2013) Relevant bodies may review any discretionary payments the head teacher may already be in receipt of and, where appropriate, may decide to increase or decrease the payment or end it. If the payment is to continue the governing body should determine whether the 1% pay award should be applied and agree the revised value.
Temporary payments (STPCD) 2016 Relevant bodies may wish to determine that additional payments be made to a head teacher for clearly temporary responsibilities.
Note: A 25% limit is applied to additional payments – see guidance on additional payments in Appendix 3 of this section.
Task 4: Complete the Head teacher, Deputy Head / head of school and/or Assistant Head Salary Review forms if you have awarded performance pay, changed the range of the post and/or awarded a temporary payment to a head teacher and submit them to your School Support Adviser
The forms should be returned to your School Support Adviser. They will check the committee’s decision complies with the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document 2016. The forms will then be sent to Employee Services to action any pay changes and for retention on the employee’s personal file.
Task 5: Notify all teachers of the decision in writing
The governing body must notify all Leadership Group teachers in writing including their right to appeal within one month of the decision. This should include those who have not been awarded performance pay or where the pay range has remained the same.
© Northumberland County Council 11 Appendix 1: Information on head teacher groups (in school number order based on May 2016 school census data)
School School May 2016 May 2016 Unit Total May 2016 Range of 2015 2016 No. Modified Unit if SEN not in special Headteacher points for Headteacher Headteacher Total class included Group 2016 Group Group headteacher compared with group 2015 Headteacher Group 1100 Pupil Referral Unit 252 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2002 Acomb First School 448 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2009 Allendale Primary School 784 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2015 Swansfield Park 1642 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2018 Amble Links First School 1061 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2019 Amble First School 714 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2030 Bedlington West End First School 1901 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2032 Bedlington Station Primary School 1470 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2033 Stakeford First School 921 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2035 Cambois Primary School 452 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2037 Choppington First School 683 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2041 Bedlington Stead Lane Primary School 1579 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2043 Bellingham First School 420 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2044 Belsay First School 476 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2046 Spittal First School 1043 2 L8-L21 1 HIGHER 2047 Tweedmouth West First School 1008 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2050 Tweedmouth Prior Park First School 1131 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2053 Branton Community First School 172 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2056 Broomley First School 945 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2070 West Woodburn First School 175 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2074 Eastlea Primary School 1397 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2076 Beaconhill Community Primary School 1383 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2077 Cramlington Shanklea Primary School 2492 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2091 Holywell First School 1106 2 L8-L21 2 SAME
© Northumberland County Council 12 2098 Broomhill First School 564 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2101 Red Row Community First School 788 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2103 Ellington First School 1309 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2105 Linton First School 186 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2121 Haltwhistle Community Campus Lower 1467 2 L8-L21 2 SAME Academy 2138 Stamfordham First School 546 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2142 Hexham East First School 964 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2185 Morpeth First School 2296 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2189 Netherton Northside First School 74 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2207 Seahouses First School 532 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2209 Otterburn First School 245 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2212 Pegswood County First School 1180 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2215 Ponteland First School 2272 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2217 Prudhoe Castle First School 574 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2219 Mickley County First School 518 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2220 Prudhoe West First School 2128 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2224 Rothbury First School 847 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2227 Beaufront First School 490 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2228 Seaton Delaval First School 1358 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2229 New Hartley First School 889 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2232 Seghill First School 774 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2234 Greenhaugh County First School 175 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2236 Slaley First School 382 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2398 Croftway Primary Academy 3043 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2239 Stannington First School 546 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2243 Prudhoe Adderlane County First School 672 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2246 Cambo First School 322 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2254 Kielder Community First School 91 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2268 Seaton Sluice First School 1075 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2270 Whittonstall First School 459 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2277 Wooler First School 1099 2 L8-L21 1 HIGHER
© Northumberland County Council 13 2278 Wylam First School 1036 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2281 Shilbottle First 861 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2291 Bothal Primary School 4333 4 L14-L27 3 HIGHER 2293 Swarland First School 420 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2299 The Sele First School 2940 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2323 Mowbray First School 2048 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2325 Belford First School 529 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2354 Abbeyfields First School 2370 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2360 Morpeth Stobhillgate First School 1215 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2370 Guidepost Ringway First School 1078 2 L8-L21 1 HIGHER 2372 Scremerston First School 532 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2397 Horton Grange Primary School 2643 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2407 New Delaval County Primary School 1551 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 2415 Newsham Primary School 2958 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2525 Hipsburn First School 875 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2526 Darras Hall First School 3196 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2527 Burnside Primary School 3140 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2529 Hareside Primary School 3161 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2530 Northburn Primary School 2219 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 2531 Ashington Central First School 4750 4 L14-L27 3 HIGHER 3001 Acklington C of E First School 84 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3046 Berwick St. Mary's C.E. First School 767 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3065 Chollerton C of E Aided First School 245 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3095 Felton CoE First School 396 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3129 Haydon Bridge Shaftoe Trust Primary 1047 2 L8-L21 1 HIGHER School 3133 Heddon-on-the-Wall St. Andrew's First 1096 2 L8-L21 1 HIGHER School 3135 Henshaw Church of England Aided Primary 280 1 L6-L18 1 SAME School 3173 Longhoughton C of E First School 546 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3210 Ovingham CE First School 945 1 L6-L18 1 SAME
© Northumberland County Council 14 3264 Whittingham First School 431 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3312 St Michaels CoE First School 928 1 L6-L18 2 LOWER 3333 Bedlington Whitley Memorial C of E First 1974 2 L8-L21 2 SAME School 2417 Malvins Close Primary Academy 1938 2 L8-L21 3 LOWER 3346 Holy Trinity CofE First School 1106 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 3347 Longhorsley St Helens CE First School 574 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3349 Greenhead C of E Primary School 245 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3355 Broomhaugh C of E First School 490 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 2405 Morpeth Road Primary Academy 2519 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 3367 Corbridge CofE First School 1050 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 3403 Ellingham C of E First School 371 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3408 Embleton Vincent Edwards C of E First 168 1 L6-L18 1 SAME School 3411 Hugh Joicey C of E Aided First 416 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3423 Harbottle C of E First School 168 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3443 Whitley Chapel C of E First School 175 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3447 Holy Island CE First School 28 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3454 Humshaugh C of E Aided First School 203 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3487 Morpeth All Saints CE First School 1397 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 3492 Newbrough C of E First School 350 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3542 Tritlington C of E First School 259 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3548 Wark C of E First School 217 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3550 Warkworth C of E First School 599 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3560 Whalton C of E First School 336 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3561 Whitfield C of E Aided Primary School 280 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3711 St Wilfrid's RC VA Primary School 2076 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 3713 St Paul's Roman Catholic VA First School, 1036 2 L8-L21 2 SAME Alnwick 3720 St Cuthbert's RC First School, Amble 756 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3726 St Aidan's First School 1484 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 3732 St Bede's RC Voluntary Aided Primary 1579 2 L8-L21 2 SAME School
© Northumberland County Council 15 3746 St Cuthbert's RC VA First School, Berwick 543 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3770 St Paul's RC First School, Cramlington 931 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3840 St Mary's RC Voluntary Aided First School 763 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3888 St Robert's RC First School 1001 2 L8-L21 1 HIGHER 3918 Cragside C of E Primary School 2534 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 3920 Norham St Ceolwulf's C of E First School 322 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3921 Herdley Bank C of E VA Primary School 252 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3922 Lowick Church of England VC First School 252 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 3923 Grange View CE First School 774 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 4001 Seahouses Middle School 806 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 4024 Bothal Middle School 3711 4 L14-L27 4 SAME 4079 Corbridge Middle School 2475 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4037 Guide Post Middle School 2303 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4122 Haltwhistle Community Campus Upper 1515 2 L8-L21 2 SAME Academy 4130 Haydon Bridge Community High School & 5117 5 L18-L31 5 SAME Sports College 4150 Ponteland Community Middle School 4841 4 L14-L27 4 SAME 4161 Seaton Sluice Middle School 2519 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4162 Whytrig Middle School 1661 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 4198 Highfield Middle School 3463 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4199 Ovingham Middle School 2814 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4290 Ashington Hirst Park Middle School 2431 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4328 Alnwick Lindisfarne Middle School 2746 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4332 Tweedmouth Community Middle School 2639 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4337 James Calvert Spence College - South 2849 3 L11-L24 3 SAME Avenue 3917 St Matthew's Catholic Primary School 1779 2 L8-L21 1 HIGHER 4361 Bellingham Middle School & Specialist 1136 2 L8-L21 2 SAME Sports College 4369 Prudhoe Community High School 8246 6 L21-L35 6 SAME 4370 Glendale Middle School 964 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 4401 Alnwick The Duke's Middle School 1204 2 L8-L21 2 SAME
© Northumberland County Council 16 4404 Berwick Middle School 2296 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4415 Ashington High School Sports College 12209 7 L24-L39 6 HIGHER 4417 Queen Elizabeth High School 14406 7 L24-L39 7 SAME 4424 Cramlington Learning Village 20705 8 L28-L43 8 SAME 4426 Ponteland Community High School 12118 7 L24-L39 7 SAME 4434 Bedlingtonshire Community High School 6935 5 L18-L31 6 LOWER 4437 Berwick Academy 7422 5 L18-L31 6 LOWER 4438 The Duchess's Community High School 11719 7 L24-L39 7 SAME 4442 The Blyth School Community College 483 1 L6-L18 6 LOWER 4439 James Calvert Spence College - Acklington 4078 4 L14-L27 4 SAME Road 4632 St Benet Biscop Catholic High School 3117 3 L11-L24 7 LOWER 4653 St Peter's RC Middle School 395 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 4441 Hexham Middle School 3521 4 L14-L27 4 SAME 4620 St Benedict's RC Middle School 1386 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 4654 St Joseph's RC VA Middle School 2675 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 4800 Richard Coates C of E Middle School 3836 4 L14-L27 4 SAME 4802 Dr. Thomlinson C of E Middle 1659 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 4810 St Paul's RC VA Middle School 1483 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 4818 Belford St Mary's C of E Voluntary Aided 712 1 L6-L18 1 SAME Middle School 5201 Thropton Village First School 375 1 L6-L18 1 SAME 5400 Astley Community High School 6035 5 L18-L31 5 SAME 7003 Cleaswell Hill Special School 5994 5 L18-L31 5 SAME 7006 Cramlington Hillcrest School 2520 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 7010 Barndale House Special School 1856 2 L8-L21 2 SAME 7012 The Grove Special School 2256 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 7018 Hexham Priory School 3736 4 L14-L27 4 SAME 7021 The Dales School 3400 3 L11-L24 3 SAME 7022 Morpeth Collingwood School 5274 5 L18-L31 5 SAME 7024 Atkinson House School 4020 4 L14-L27 4 SAME
© Northumberland County Council 17 For head teachers with permanent responsibility for more than one school e.g Executive Heads please consult with your School Support Adviser for the calculation of the school group size. Figures provided in the above table are for reference only in these circumstances.
© Northumberland County Council 18 Notes on head teacher groups
Every school is allocated to a head teacher group within the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document based on its total unit score.
The total unit score is calculated from the number of pupils at the school with weightings for different key stages and the number of pupils with statements of special educational needs. The total unit score for special schools is modified to also take account of staff to pupil ratios with different weightings for teachers and support staff. Further information about the calculation is available in paragraphs 6 and 7 of Part 2 of the STPCD 2016.
The total unit score for each school for 2016 above is based on data from the Annual School Census submitted by schools in May 2016 or the separate return for the Pupil Referral Unit. If the governing body expects that the school’s unit total score has risen or fallen by September 2016, it may assign the school to the appropriate head teacher group which would result after the expected change in numbers has taken place (for example, the school may have changed its age range). However, the governing body must first consult with the local authority by contacting their School Support Adviser initially.
In the case of mainstream schools the unit total must include the weighted number of pupils with a statement of special educational needs who are in a special class consisting wholly or mainly of such pupils. It does not have to include such pupils who are not taught in a special class as these are only included at the discretion of the governing body. The above data includes these discretionary pupils within the unit total. In no case would the exclusion of these discretionary pupils have made a difference to the assigned head teacher group. School Support Advisers will be able to confirm the detailed figures used if necessary.
The next section explains how to calculate the head teacher group for heads with responsibility for more than one school on a permanent basis. Head teachers only temporarily accountable for one or more additional schools must be rewarded by a temporary payment instead.
© Northumberland County Council 19 Appendix 2: Guidance on setting the Indicative Pay Range (IPR) for a head teacher with additional responsibilities
When determining an appropriate pay range the governing body must take into account all of the permanent responsibilities of the role, as well as any complexities or challenges that are specific to the role in the particular context of the school. Current discretionary payments such as allowances for recruitment and retention and any permanent additional responsibilities should be captured at this stage.
Pay ranges for head teacher’s should not normally exceed the maximum of the head teacher group.
Where it is determined that circumstances specific to the role or candidate warrant a higher than normal payment the governing body must ensure that the maximum of the head teacher’s pay range and any temporary payments made under paragraph 10 of the STPCD 2016 do not exceed the maximum of the head teacher group by more than 25% other than in “exceptional circumstances”. Guidance produced by the DfE provides some examples of additional factors that may suggest the pay range should be higher than provided for by the basic calculation.
In circumstances where it is determined that the circumstances justify exceeding the 25% limit the governing body must comply with the following requirements:
agreement to exceed the 25% maximum must be made by the full governing body; the relevant committee must submit a business case to the full governing body to consider; independent external advice must be sought to consider the provisions of the STPCD and whether these have been properly applied (this can be provided by the relevant HR Manager under the Human Resources SLA); and there must be a clear audit trail of advice and a full and accurate record of decisions made.
Head teacher permanently in charge of more than one school
The governing body will set the IPR by calculating the total number of pupil units across all schools that the head teacher is permanently accountable and responsible for, which will give a head teacher group for the combined schools. Detailed guidance is provided in Part 2 paragraph 6 and 7 of the STPCD 2016.
Issues regarding the governing body
Identifying the governing body to make decisions where head teachers are responsible for more than one school is dependent upon the contractual relationship between the school and the head teacher:
in the case of a hard federation there will be one governing body and the appropriate delegated committee will be the governing body; or in the case of collaboration, a joint committee formed from the governing bodies of each school may have been established which will act as the governing body; or in other cases, the head teacher may have a separate contract with each individual school and therefore the appropriate delegated committee of each governing body will be the relevant body.
© Northumberland County Council 20
Appendix 3: Guidance on salary determination for leadership group in respect of discretionary/temporary payments.
The expectation is that the new approach to setting pay for head teachers will make additional payments largely unnecessary. The only exceptions to this are:
temporary or irregular responsibilities; specific reasons for which it is not appropriate to incorporate into permanent pay such as housing or relocation costs.
The principles for awarding additional payments for members of the wider leadership team should be consistent with those for head teachers.
Review of discretionary payments
Discretionary payments cannot, other than in “wholly exceptional circumstances”, exceed 25% of the head teachers basic salary as at 1 September in that year.
For head teacher pay ranges determined before September 2014, the 25% limit is calculated as:
all discretionary payments made under paragraphs ( see STPCD 2013 para 39, 40, 41 and 12.3); less any payments made under paragraph 39 where the residential duties are a requirement of the post; less any payments made under paragraph 41 if these are relocation expenses solely related to the personal circumstances of the head.
Determination of temporary payments
Under the STPCD 2016 the governing body may determine that payments be made to a head teacher for additional responsibilities or duties that are clearly temporary. These circumstances must not have already been taken into account when determining the head teacher’s pay range.
The total sum of any temporary payments must not exceed 25% of the annual salary which is otherwise payable to the head teacher. The only exception to this are payments made in accordance with residential duties and relocation expenses. See Appendix 2 for actions that must be taken by the governing body if it is determined that temporary payments made to the head teacher will exceed the 25% limit.
Note: The total value of the salary and temporary payments made to the head teacher in any one year may only exceed the 25% above the top of the relevant head teacher group range in “wholly exceptional circumstances”.
© Northumberland County Council 21 Section 3: Other teachers
The governing body must have regard to any recommendations on pay progression recorded in the teacher’s written appraisal report and take into consideration evidence of “continued good performance”, as defined in the school’s 2015-16 pay policy. Pay decisions must be clearly attributable to the performance of the teacher in question.
Where schools have agreed reference points relevant bodies have the discretion to award more than one performance pay point up to the maximum of the appropriate pay range.
Which teachers does the governing body need to consider?
Relevant bodies need to consider whether to award performance pay to teachers who have completed a year of service, defined as 26 weeks, and are below the maximum point on the appropriate pay range.
What action does the governing body need to take?
Task 1: Consider whether eligible teachers should be awarded a performance-related pay increase.
Task 2: Complete the enclosed NCC Appointment/Change Statement for Teachers and submit it to Employee Services to arrange payment.
Task 3: Notify teachers of the decision in writing including their right to appeal within one month of the decision.
What are the available salary ranges for other teachers?
Salary tables are provided within each section below. The values for 2016 have been updated to include the 1% pay uplift.
The sub-sections give details of salary ranges for: Leading Practitioners Upper Pay Scale Teachers Main Pay Scale teachers
© Northumberland County Council 22 Leading Practitioners
From September 2013 schools have been able to create Leading Practitioner posts. Teachers on the pay range for leading practitioners should be an exemplar of teaching skills and lead the improvement of teaching skills in their school. They should take a lead in in developing, implementing and evaluating policies and practices in their workplace that contribute to school improvement. They may also be required to take on this role in other schools or in relation to teachers from other schools.
What is the salary range for leading practitioners?
The range for leading practitioners is a wide one. The minimum of the salary range for is the equivalent of leadership reference point 1 and the maximum of the range is equivalent to leadership reference point 18. Schools need to determine an individual post range and may have chosen in the Pay Policy for 2015-16 to use “reference points” as per the leadership group pay scale.
1 September 2015 1 September 2016 Point Basic Salary (£) Value Basic Salary (£) (including 1% pay award) Minimum 38,598 Minimum 38,984 Maximum 58,677 Maximum 59,264
© Northumberland County Council 23 Upper Pay Range Teachers
Criteria for Progression within the Upper Pay Range
Upper pay range teachers play a critical role in the life of the school. They provide a role model for teaching and learning, make a distinctive contribution to the raising of pupil standards and contribute effectively to the work of the wider team. They take advantage of appropriate opportunities for professional development and use the outcomes effectively to improve pupils’ learning.
To ensure that the achievements and contribution have been substantial and sustained, that relevant bodies will need to assess that the teacher has:
continued to meet post-threshold standards; and grown professionally by developing their teaching expertise post threshold
What is the salary range for Upper Pay Range Teachers?
1 September 2015 1 September 2016 Value Basic Salary Value Basic Salary (£) (£) (including 1% pay award) UPR Statutory Minimum 35,218 UPR Statutory Minimum 35,571 UPR Reference Point 2 36,523 UPR Reference Point 2 36,889 UPR Statutory Maximum 37,871 UPR Statutory Maximum 38,250
© Northumberland County Council 24 Main Pay Range Teachers
What is the salary range for Main Pay Range Teachers?
1 September 2015 1 September 2016 Point Basic Value Basic Salary (£) Salary (£) (including 1% pay award) MPR Statutory Minimum 22,244 MPR Statutory Minimum 22,467 MPR Reference Point 2 24,002 MPR Reference Point 2 24,243 MPR Reference Point 3 25,932 MPR Reference Point 3 26,192 MPR Reference Point 4 27,927 MPR Reference Point 4 28,207 MPR Reference Point 5 30,128 MPR Reference Point 5 30,430 MPR Statutory Maximum 32,509/32, MPR Statutory Maximum 831 33,160
The upper value represents the additional reference point created by the 2% uplift to the maximum of the pay range.
© Northumberland County Council 25 Unqualified Pay Range Teachers
What is the salary range for unqualified teachers?
1 September 2015 1 September 2016 Point Basic Salary (£) Value Basic Salary (£) (including 1% pay award) UQ1 16,298 UQPR Statutory Minimum 16,461 UQ2 18,194 UQPR Reference Point 2 18,376 UQ3 20,088 UQPR Reference Point 3 20,280 UQ4 21,894 UQPR Reference Point 4 22,113 UQ5 23,881 UQPR Reference Point 5 24,120 UQ6 25,776 UQPR Statutory Maximum 26,034
© Northumberland County Council 26 Section 4: Transition from Main to Upper Pay Range
Transition arrangements are set by the school within its 2015-16 pay policy.
Which teachers does the governing body need to consider?
There are no longer any barriers to movement onto the upper pay range that are connected with length of service. A teacher on the main pay range does not have to be paid on the maximum of that range before submitting an application to move onto the upper pay range. Qualified teachers in their induction period and those subject to capability proceedings are not eligible to apply.
In order to be eligible to be assessed teachers must have Qualified Teacher Status and apply to be paid on the upper pay range in accordance with the school’s 2015-16 pay policy.
What is the salary for Upper and Main Pay Range Teachers?
These tables are provided in section 3 above and section 5 below.
What action does the teacher need to take?
A request to be assessed against the post-threshold standards is an elective process and entirely a matter of choice for the individual. Qualified teachers should apply in accordance with the guidelines set out in the school’s 2015-16 pay policy.
What is the process for assessing applications to be paid on the upper pay scale?
For a teacher to progress to a salary value within the upper pay range they must demonstrate that they are:
highly competent in all elements of the Teacher’s Standards; and that their achievements and contribution to the school, are substantial and sustained.
The process for assessing applications is set out in the school’s 2015-16 pay policy in accordance with the following criteria in the STPCD 2015:
schools may decide to use their own application form that reflects their particular arrangements; if a teacher works in two or more schools simultaneously the teacher may submit an application to each school. A separate assessment will be made by each and the decision of one school will not be binding on the other; if a teacher has worked in two or more schools during the evidence period, the teacher should submit their application to the school they are contracted to work in, on the date of submission of their application; the evidence base will be the outcome of performance reviews and appraisals if the teacher is covered by the 2012 Appraisal Regulations and any additional evidence specified by the school’s Pay Policy.
© Northumberland County Council 27 Note: Successful applicants may be awarded any salary value within the upper pay range in accordance with the policy on starting salaries that the governing body has set in its 2015-16 Pay Policy.
What action does the head teacher need to take?
The School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document states that the governing body has the legal responsibility for the transition process. However it is required to delegate the receipt and assessment of requests for transition assessment to the head teacher (or head of service in the case of centrally employed teachers).
What action does the governing body need to take?
Task 1: The head teacher should notify the governing body of his/her decision on the request when it has been assessed.
Task 2: Where the governing body agree the teacher should progress to the upper pay range, complete the enclosed NCC Appointment/Change Statement for Teachers and submit it to Employee Services to arrange payment. The new salary value will need to be included as schools have discretion to appoint to any salary value within the upper pay range in accordance with the school’s 2015-16 pay policy.
Task 3: Ask the head teacher to notify all eligible teachers of the decision within the timescale specified in the school’s 2015-16 pay policy.
© Northumberland County Council 28