STEP THROUGH TIME: NASCAR through the Decades

Working in pairs, write a few paragraphs (on the back) about the decade assigned to you. Think about how you can explain this snapshot in time to someone newly visiting from another country or new to the sport. Discover any parallel or significant correlations between the decade’s history and NASCAR. Utilize the artifacts, textiles, spotlight cases, platforms, timeline and your knowledge to guide your thoughts on the following:

 What technology innovations were occurring and any parallel?

 What world events were happening and was there any impact on the sport?

 What social changes were occurring and its impacts represented in the sport?

 What do you think are the significands of the highlighted materials? Why were they selected?

 What changes may have been occurring with the sport?

1940s (don’t forget early years displays)

1950s (also look at platform with white car/outboard)


This is our Sport. This is our House. STEP THROUGH TIME: NASCAR through the Decades

1970s (look at platform with blue/orange car)



2000s (look at the safety platform with car in “pieces”)


This is our Sport. This is our House.