DUE DATE ______


SS4H3 The student will explain the factors that shaped British colonial America. Compare and contrast life in the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern colonies. Describe colonial life in America as experienced by various people, including large landowners, farmers, artisans, women, indentured servants, slaves, and Native Americans. SS4G2c Explain how the physical geography of each colony helped determine economic activities practiced therein.

You should choose one colony we studied for which to create a billboard. Examples: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Georgia

You will be given one piece of paper for your final billboard. You may use your own paper if you want (at least 9x11, no bigger than 10x18).

How you will be graded: At least 2 color pictures (colony or something related to colony) Name of colony/region At least 1 reason why colony was founded At least 2 positive qualities about the colony (job opportunities, geographic features, climate) Catchy slogan (persuasive) about your colony – Why would someone want to live there during colonial times? Name on back of paper and turned in on time

1 2 3 No colony name or Either colony name or Both colony name and region name listed region name is region name are listed missing No pictures relating to 1 color picture or 2 2 or more colored the chosen colony uncolored pictures pictures relating to the relating to the chosen chosen colony colony No reasons why 1 reason why colony 2 or more reasons colony was founded was founded why colony was founded No positive qualities 1 positive quality 2 or more positive about the colony about the colony qualities about the colony No slogan Slogan is not creative Creative, persuasive or persuasive slogan