The Gold Player

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The Gold Player

The Gold Player

I feel responsible and always do my share. Being a part of a team effort makes me feel good about myself. I take pride in running a class or in holding a position in school activities. I am a down-to-earth Gold because I know what I want and realize what I have to do to get it.

IN SCHOOL: I like teachers who set routines and have organized ways of conducting classes. I prefer teachers who stay on one topic at a time. I like subjects that are useful and traditional, such as business, accounting, history, and government.

WITH SPECIAL FRIENDS: I prefer people who are careful with their money and who make plans ahead of time. I like my . People can count on me dates to be loyal, dependable, and on time. I . My actions can be predicted am serious about love and show it in many . I am always ready for tomorrow practical ways. . I am loyal, giving, and like to take care of others WITH FAMILY: I like stability and . I need to be useful security and enjoy traditions and frequent . I am practical and sensible celebrations. I like to spend holidays with . I value home and family family members and plan on such gatherings . I have a strong sense of right and wrong for months and months. . I follow rules and respect authority

What’s great about me? I value traditional things in life. I am practical and I like structure. Being responsible and following rules is more important than excitement and feelings. I like family life, saving money, and I plan to really make something of myself. I life to belong to groups and want to help them run smoothly. I enjoy learning about things that are useful to me. Waste GOLD

Clearly established Gold may see self as: Others may see Gold expectations short and long- as:: term goals, and plans for Stable achieving them give specific Rigid measures of their Providing security performance and Controlling achievement. Dependable Dull, boring Tangible rewards have the greatest appeal. Firm Stubborn, pigheaded Provide clear, specific Always have a view feedback regarding the work Opinionated accomplished and its Efficient contribution to the System-bound organization. Realistic Unimaginative Traditions, rituals and ceremonies are meaningful. Decisive Judgmental When pre-planned, they provide incentives for Executive type performance. Bossy, controlling Good planner Hierarchical structure and Limiting flexibility clearly defined roles aid Gold Orderly, neat performance. Uptight Organizer person Sets own agenda Praise Their: Practical, expects same Predictable Accomplishments Goal oriented Rigid idea of time Thoroughness and sense of responsibility Finish what I started End justifies the means Provide a "pat on the back" Good at sorting, weeding regularly and consistently out Limited-not able to do many things at once Contributions to the growth and development Throws away good items of the organization and its needlessly performance traditions

They Dislike:


Ambiguity The Green Player

I enjoy showing how clever I can be. I like to find ways to design and invent something new in school. I like challenges and coming up with fresh, new ideas. I am a natural green when I can gain knowledge or solve problems. I like to ask, “Why?”

IN SCHOOL: I learn best by working by myself. I like to focus on my ideas until my desire for understanding is satisfied. I am easily bored if the subject holds no interest for me. Sometimes, it is hard for me to set priorities because so many things are of interest.

WITH SPECIAL FRIENDS: I may seem cool and without emotion. I am uneasy about being controlled by my emotions and I do not want relationships to be complex. To talk about my emotions, once I have expressed my feelings, causes doubt.

WITH FAMILY: I am probably seen as a loner because I like a lot of private time to think. . I am curious and form my own ideas Sometimes, I find family boring and have . I like to look at the big picture difficulty following family rules that don’t make sense to me. . I am cool, calm, and collected . I like to be smart and enjoy activities that require problem solving . I value intelligence and insight . I like to set my own standards . I enjoy seeking fundamental truths

What’s great about me? I value knowledge and new ideas. Discovering solutions and using my brain are more important than are feelings, rules, and non-stop excitement. I like to know how and why things work in a certain way. I prefer to work on my own and also need room to think so I can come up with new ideas and the right answers. GREEN Green may see self as: Others may see Green as: Clear expectations and project outcomes with the Superior intellect latitude to figure out how to Intellectual snob accomplish them works well. 98% right Arrogant Provide sincere recognition only when warranted. This Tough-minded color group does not Heartless appreciate "hoopla". Efficient Doesn't care about Assign tasks requiring people designing new models or Powerful thing up new approaches. Creative, visionary Ruthless Compliments relating to his/her intelligence are the Unrealistic greatest source of esteem. Original, unique

Reinforce through the Eminently reasonable Eccentric, weird contributions their knowledge provides for Emotionally controlled completing projects. Rational

Calm, not emotional Ignores people values Praise Their: Under control Cool, aloof, unfeeling Competence Precise, not repetitive Afraid to open up Quality of work Able to find flaws Covers subject from all Language capabilities angles Independent initiative Objective Ingenuity Critical, fault finding Task, goal focus Analysis abilities Not on my side Clear, logical explanations Holding firm to policy in precise terms Devaluing relational Seeking justice aspects Good ideas and capabilities Assuming things will be Having limited ability to well done see obvious differences They Dislike: Great planner Lacking mercy, unfair Incompetence Firm-minded, able to Unfairness reprimand Unappreciative, stingy with praise Injustice Doesn’t consider people in plans The Orange Player

I am at my best when being skillful. My speed and accuracy make me feel proud. The more I do, the better I feel about myself. I am a natural born entertainer and put lots of energy into sports and other school events. I am a lively orange and love variety and excitement.

IN SCHOOL: I need classed to be hands on. I like to play games, to compete, and to perform. I like change of pace and variety. My favorite subjects are music, art, and crafts. I often excel in sports. I like solving problems and negotiating for what I want. I can be direct and like immediate results.

WITH SPECIAL FRIENDS: Planning ahead bores me because I never know . I like fun, change, and excitement what I want to do until the moment arrives. I like to excite my dates with new . I live life to the limit and have a cheerful and different things, place to go, and outlook romantic moments. . I learn by doing . I am a trouble shooter WITH FAMILY: I need a lot of space . I like action! To go for it on a moment’s and freedom. I want everyone to have notice fun. It is hard for me to follow rules and I . I am witty, charming, and bold feel we should all just enjoy one another. . I see life as a game, here and now . I act on impulse, I like adventure, I like to compete, and I am skillful at what I do

What’s great about me? I value freedom and excitement. I think that being skillful is more important than structure, logic, and feelings. I like being spontaneous and I want to enjoy what I am doing. Planning things sometimes takes the fun out of doing it. I like games and competition. I also like to learn things that I can go out right away and put to use! ORANGE Orange may see self as: Outcome based short-term Others may see Orange goals will be most effective. Fun-loving, enjoys life as: Focus on behavior and performance more than Spontaneous Irresponsible the finished products. Flexible, adaptable Flaky Wish-washy Reward by freeing them to act on their own Carefree Not serious initiative Proficient, capable Spends time at things Tangible rewards and they enjoy competitive situations Hands-on person create stronger incentives. Not interested in ideas Practical Set high expectations, Indecisive which challenge their skills Problem-solver casing them, to know they Disobeys have really earned the Good negotiator rules recognition received. Here and Manipulative, not to be Clearly identify the impact now person trusted their performance has on the organization. Do many things at once Turn off to past- oriented blue Praise Their: Resourceful Turn off to future- Cleverness Can deal with chaos oriented green

Skill Curious, welcomes new ideas Not able to stay on task

Quickness Scattered, cluttered Superior ability to Spontaneity discriminate among options Uncontrollable

Versatility See shades of gray Resists closure or decision

Quick and timely responses


Motivational skills

They Dislike:



Rules The Blue Player

I feel real, honest, and sincere in everything I do. I like a warm, caring, creative atmosphere in school and at home. I thrive on successful relationships. I need to feel good about myself and to take pride in being True Blue with my friends, my family, and my teachers.

IN SCHOOL: I like my teachers, especially those who are friendly and take an interest in me. My favorite subjects are about people. Such as language, drama, literature, and psychology.

WITH SPECIAL FRIENDS: I always look . I look for meaning in my life for perfect love. I am very romantic and I . I like to get along with people enjoy touching, holding hands, love poems, . I like to look after people cuddling, and notes, flowers, and quiet talks. . I like to express myself WITH FAMILY: I like to be happy and . I am honest loving. I am very sensitive to rejection from . I like to be told I am doing well my family and to family conflicts. I really . I fit in well in situations and groups like to be well thought of and need frequent . I want to be important in people’s lives reassurance. I love intimate talks and warm . I think about the future, a perfect world, feelings. good friends, and love

What’s great about me? I value people. Being liked and having everyone around me getting along is more important than are facts, rules, adventures, or logic. I am sensitive to others and get real uncomfortable when there is conflict or competition. I like socializing and working with people. I learn best when my teachers really care about me and when they give me support and feedback. BLUE Blue may see self as: Others may see Blue as:

Clearly outline your Warm Caring Over-emotional expectations for performance in a Compassionate Bleeding heart friendly, but frank way. Romantic Mushy Recognize their contribution often. Spiritual Other-worldly Identify rewards for achievement individually Creative Flaky, unrealistic and in teams. This builds cooperation and excitement. Idealistic Hopelessly naive Couch our comments in feelings terms. "I value People person Too tender-hearted your uniqueness and your contribution. You are Willing to work tirelessly Easily duped important to me as a person, and I care for about how you feel." a cause Too "touchy feely"

Provide personal contact Unselfish Just pathetic through pats on the back or a light touch of approval. Empathetic Too nice

Recognize their creativity Affirming Naive, too trusting and the depth of feeling they put into their work. Expressive, expansive Smothering

Caretaker Teaching non-essentials Praise Their: Promoting growth, well- Slick, manipulative Unique contributions being Ignores policy, creates Personal achievements Social interaction expert chaos Personal characteristics that are valued and Able to see need for Stuck in-lives in the past meaningful exceptions Groveling, fawning, Honesty and sincerity Conscious of past soft Energetic and enthusiastic relations manner Talks too much Like to please people Contributions to the Obscures the issues performance of the group and the Sympathetic organization Great communicator

They Dislike: Trusting

Insincerity Wanting harmony

Hypocrisy Individual personal values Deception

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