Dual Credit: Chem 100

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Dual Credit: Chem 100

General Chemistry : SCI 03201.1 Dual Credit: Chem 100

Instructor: Dr. Diane Kallmeyer Meeting Times: Lectures: Sec. 1 = MWF 9:00-9:50 A.M. (BU210) Labs: Section 1 = Tues. 2:00-3:50 (BU 210)

Office: WA154 (across from Nurse’s office) Office Hours: TBA  for other open times, please see My Schedule on Blackboard (posted under “Information”) Please arrange all others by appointment. Phone: 765-285-7408 E-mail: [email protected]

Course Texts and Materials: Dingrando, L., Tallman, K., Hainen, N. & Wistrom, C. (2013). Chemistry: Matter and Change. Columbus, OH: Glencoe. Mikulecky, P.J., Brutlag, K., Gilman, M.R., & Peterson, B. (2008). Chemistry Workbook for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Course Materials: 1. It is necessary for you to purchase a scientific calculator now if you don’t have one. It will be difficult for you to do the calculations required in this course without it.

2. You will be required to maintain a notebook for this course. You will need a large (1.5 – 2 inches thick) 3-ring binder. It should be divided into 4 sections: 1.) reference material (syllabus, safety, lab equipment list, formula sheet) 2.) class notes and handouts 3.) laboratories 4.) miscellaneous: graded homework, written projects and literature reviews

Course Description: General Chemistry examines the concepts of the structure of matter, the states of matter, chemical bonding, reaction types, stoichiometry, equilibrium, acid-base theory, kinetics, thermodynamics, oxidation-reduction, and an introduction to organic chemistry. The course emphasizes chemical calculations and the mathematical formulation of principles. Laboratory work emphasizes both qualitative and quantitative experiences and introduces the use of technology in the lab.

NOTE: Students may be held financially responsible for replacing broken glassware and/or other damaged equipment.

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 1 Guidelines for Success (Study Skills)

1. Attendance is vital to your understanding of the subject material in this class. Often times, just reading the book is not enough. I feel that each of you needs to be present during each class meeting to take part in the classroom discussions. Make certain that you are clearly aware of the attendance policy here at the Indiana Academy.

2. Read your book. Be certain to read the text and any other resources provided before you come to class. Although I will be discussing many of the highlights found in the text in some detail, reading the material in advance will aid you in learning. Use the textbook as a tool for understanding.

Read with purpose. Be an active reader. Note carefully all bold-faced or italicized words.

Sometimes it helps to read a portion of a chapter once for general understanding, come to class and hear my explanation of the material, and then read it a second time for details and writing notes. It may help to read out loud. Hearing something reinforces the information in a very positive way and helps you remember.

3. Be prompt in completing assignments. Work on problems well in advance, so you can ask any questions before the due date. There is a penalty of 20% off per day on all late assignments and laboratories. No assignments will be accepted after graded material has been returned to the class. NO EXCEPTIONS! You can slide completed late assignments under my door, but they will most likely be recorded as “received” on the following day unless I happen to be in my office.

4. I expect each and every one of you to participate in the classroom. This will allow you to gain points. Keep in mind….I need some justification to “bump up” a borderline grade. If you participate in class in a meaningful way on a regular basis, this will influence my decision. Participation in laboratory is mandatory.

5. Throughout the semester, I may make written assignments from material which you will find in the library, in journals, or on the Internet. Take these literature review assignments seriously since they count as part of your semester grade.

6. In class, take careful notes with purpose. Do not attempt to write down everything that is said or to write information in complete sentences. Your notes should be short, concise, with only key words and phrases recorded. More detailed definitions and explanations are in your textbook. Copy down all sample problems we complete during class. The most important thing you can do in class is to listen and ask meaningful questions.

7. Review your notes each day after class. Add brief comments to your notes from class discussions. Review your notes again, reading them out loud if possible. Do not choose one night before an examination and study for long hours. This is

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 2 counterproductive, as you will remember the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes, but little or nothing in between. Instead, study often throughout the week using the supplemental materials for extra practice on problems. Take breaks every 15-20 minutes to allow you to return to the material with more attention.

8. Use a highlighter while you study. Highlight the information or practice problems in your notes that you don’t understand. Ask questions about these points of confusion during class and/or during my office hours. Your questions and the discussions that follow during class time will help other students.

9. Learning should not be a competitive exercise. You can best help yourself by helping others. Form study groups or try to tutor a student who seems to be having difficulty. While attempting to explain concepts to others, you will become aware of your own depth of understanding and those areas you need to study further.

10. Before a test, pre-test yourself. The best way to do this is to employ the “Blank Page Test”. Take a blank sheet of paper and write down everything you know and understand about the unit. You only need to bother studying the material that you stated incorrectly or did not remember.

11. Remember these words of wisdom from Chinese proverbs …

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

“Teachers open the door You enter by yourself.”

“I hear, and I forgot. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.”

" To merely know is nothing compared to being interested to know, being interested to know is nothing compared to deriving joy from learning it." - Confucius

and the famous Vince Lombardi quote:

[The] “Dictionary is the only place that ‘success’ comes before ‘work’. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.”

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 3 Grading Policy

Your semester grade will be calculated using the following weighted average. I have designed this method of grade calculation to give you credit for all the work you do for class and not just base your grade on examinations and quizzes.

Examinations, Quizzes, and Final ………………………………………………… 50 %

Laboratory Performance and Reports ……………………………………………... 25 %

Assignments, Projects, Participation ..………….………………………………….. 25 % a.) Participation – Participation points will be assigned to those students who write out their answers to problems on the board and those who answer questions on a regular basis in class. b.) Safety – I will be looking for safe laboratory procedures. Students who have been safe and careful in the laboratory will be rewarded. Unsafe behavior will result in loss of privileges, loss of points, grade deductions, and/or dismissal from the course. c.) Breaking equipment – if glassware / equipment is broken, notify the instructor immediately for proper clean-up and disposal. The student may be held responsible for the cost of replacing glassware / equipment.

Grading Scale

Percentage Grade 93.0 – 100 A 90.0 – 92.9 A- 87.0 – 89.9 B+ 83.0 – 86.9 B 80.0 – 82.9 B- 77.0 – 79.9 C+ 70.0 – 76.9 C 65.0 – 69.9 C- ≤64.99 D*

Note: I reserve the right to make positive adjustments to borderline grades at the end of each semester for those students who show motivation and interest in the subject. This is at my discretion and is non-negotiable. Don’t assume you are entitled to this privilege.

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 4 General Behavior Guidelines

1. Be in your seat and have the necessary items for class before class begins. Necessary items would include: pencils/pens, notebook, textbook, paper, and calculator. I do not lend writing utensils, calculators, or paper.

2. Talking while others have the floor is rude and disrespectful. I will afford you 100 % of my respect, unless you provide me with an instance to feel otherwise. Persistent disruptions may result in point deductions from homework or course participation grade.

3. No food, gum, and/or drinks are to be brought into a science classroom.

4. Only bring your laptop on the days I request. If you forget to leave your laptop in the dormitory, leave it in your backpack and have it shut down.

5. No cell phones are to be “on” or used during class time. Cell phones will be confiscated from anyone texting during class. If I confiscate a cell phone, you will be required to have a meeting with me and your SLC in order to have it returned. Subsequent confiscations will result in a meeting with me and Mr. McClure or Dr. Smith.

6. Purses and backpacks are to be left under your desk.

7. Tardy to class is unacceptable, especially on an habitual basis. After 5 minutes, you will be considered tardy and will be marked as such. You will receive a warning for the first tardy to class. Subsequent instances of being tardy can be marked as class absences.

8. Laying your head down and/or sleeping in class will result in a class absence being recorded, regardless of your reason or excuse. This is considered a safety hazard and is non-negotiable.

Makeup Work

1. Here at Indiana Academy, much higher expectations are placed upon you than you may be accustomed. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to consult Blackboard and other classmates to find out what information you have missed. I will make every attempt to keep Blackboard current with handouts given in class.

2. You may have the length of time equal to the length of your absence to make up any missed work. For example, if you miss class one day, you may have one day to make up any missed work.

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 5 3. Being absent from class does not excuse you from assignments which were due. If you are ill and cannot attend class, it is your responsibility to either send your assignment with a classmate or to send it via an e-mail attachment before the beginning of class. E-mail attachments sent after the beginning of class will be considered to be late and will receive late credit.

4. In the event you miss laboratory for an excused reason, you must arrange a meeting with me as soon as possible. All missed laboratories must be made up within one week of the missed laboratory session.

5. If you are absent for an exam, the exam MUST be made up within the week of your return. If you have an unexcused absence, then the exam will be treated as a late assignment and late penalties (20% off) will be applied when making up the exam. In the rare event that a student misses another exam due to a second unexcused absence, then there will be no make-up of the exam and the score will be recorded as “0” for that exam. Consequently, the student might consider dropping Chemistry at that point, because the course grade will likely not recover from test scores of “0”. Make-up work for pre-arranged absences should be negotiated with the Dr. Kallmeyer in advance.  Unexcused absences – The instructor reserves the right to accept or not accept make-up work for unexcused absences as directed by Academy Handbook policy. Students may not have the ability to make-up any work that was missed and the grade will be recorded as “0” in Powerschool. Exceptions might be made on a case- by-case basis. Please note: suspensions count as unexcused absences. Academic Integrity

As stated in the student handbook, “All members of the Academy community have a responsibility to promote the highest possible academic integrity. Students should always remember that the Academy Code of Conduct includes a commitment to ‘integrity in all things.’”

Collaboration on homework is acceptable. However, every effort should be made to make sure you write homework answers in your own words. Clearly, collaboration on examinations and quizzes is unacceptable.

You will be assigned a laboratory partner. You and your partner will work on the collection of data cooperatively. However, treatment of the data and all graphs and answers to review questions should be your own, unique creation. In certain cases, you will be told to share data and/or printouts of graphs. You will be informed by me when that will be acceptable.

Each group will be required to verify/record their data with the instructor before leaving the laboratory. Use of any data other than that which were collected by your group during the laboratory session is dishonest and a violation of academic integrity.

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 6 Plagiarism (using someone else’s academic ideas without citing that person), copying homework (even if it is one answer), and/or cheating on quizzes or examinations are clear violations of the Student Academic Integrity policy. As a result, any involved students will be reported to the Academic Integrity Board. Be aware that the person who allows his/her work to be copied and/or plagiarized will also be reported and face punitive actions. Plagiarized work will receive a minimum penalty of “0” for that assignment and/or reduction of the overall course grade as deemed appropriate to the severity of the infraction.

Special Circumstances

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building needs to be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. If you are struggling with study habits, stress and/or personal issues, I encourage you to discuss this with your SLC and/or contact the Guidance Office for help in dealing with these issues so that you can thrive at the academy. There is a variety of resources available and important contact information is listed below:

For Academic assistance: Mr. Michael McClure ([email protected]) phone: 765-285-8108 office: WA 160-B For Tutoring: Ms. Shannon Crouch ([email protected]) phone: 765-285-2889 office: WA 160-D Mental Health Therapist: Dr. Mindy Wallpe ([email protected]) phone: 765-285-8130 office: WA 160-C

Spring 2017: Course Outline

Unit Topics Chapter Readings Glencoe Text Review Review of Semester 1 Exp. 12 – Guided Inquiry Lab – “Stoichiometry” – 1/10 (Lab Report)

7 Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms 5 a.) Properties of Light b.) Atomic Spectra c.) The Quantum Model of the Atom d.) Atomic Orbitals

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 7 Unit Topics Chapter Readings Glencoe Text e.) Electron Configurations

7LAB Exp. 13: Atomic Spectra and Flame Tests – 1/17

8 The Periodic Law 6 a.) History of the Periodic Table b.) The Periodic Table and Electron Configuration c.) Periodic Properties and Trends

8LAB Exp. 14: Periodic Properties of the Elements – 1/24

9 Chemical Bonding 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 8.1, a.) Ionic Bonding 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 b.) Covalent Bonding c.) Lewis Structures d.) VSEPR and Molecular Geometry e.) Polarity f.) Hybridization 9LAB Exp. 15: Molecular Modeling – 1/31 Exp. 16: Covalent & Ionic Bonding – 2/21 {Extended Weekend (2/4 – 2/7)}

EXAM 1 Examination 1 – 2/14 Ch. 5 & 6

10 Energy and Chemical Change 15 a.) Energy b.) Heat Transfer c.) Thermochemical Equations d.) Enthalpy Changes e.) Reaction Spontaneity

10LAB Exp. 17: Calorimetry – 2/28

11 Gases 12.1, 13 a.) Gas Properties b.) The Gas Laws

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 8 Unit Topics Chapter Readings Glencoe Text c.) Ideal Gas Law d.) Gas Stoichiometry

11LAB Exp. 18: The Gas Laws – 3/14 (Spring Break 3/6 – 3/11) Exp. 19: Preparation and Properties of Common Gases – 3/21

12 Liquids and Solids 12.2-12.4 a.) Forces of Attraction b.) Liquids and Solids c.) Phase Changes

12LAB Exp. 20: Vapor Pressure – 3/28

13 Solutions 14 a.) Types of Mixtures b.) Solution Concentration c.) Factors Affecting Solvation d.) Colligative Properties of Solutions

13LAB Exp. 21: Solution Concentration and Beer’s Law – 4/11 Exp. 22: Colligative Properties – 4/18

EXAM 2 Examination 2 – 4/4

14 Chemical Equilibrium 17 a.) A State of Dynamic Balance b.) Factors Affecting Chemical Equilibrium c.) Using Equilibrium Constants

14LAB Exp. 23: Equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s Law – 4/25

15 Acids and Bases 18 a.) Introduction to Acids and Bases b.) Strengths of Acids and Bases c.) Hydrogen Ions and pH d.) Neutralization

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 9 Unit Topics Chapter Readings Glencoe Text 15LAB Exp. 24: Properties of Acids and Bases – 5/2 Exp. 25: Acid/Base Titration – 5/3

FINAL Semester 2 Final Exam – TBA

I reserve the right to change the syllabus on an “as needed” basis. Students will be notified of any changes, as they might occur. Please be sure to check Blackboard and your e-mail regularly for announcements.

Kallmeyer – 1 / 8 / 17 Page 10

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