Lawrence County High School Senior Beta Club Requirements

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Lawrence County High School Senior Beta Club Requirements

The National Senior Beta Club recognizes outstanding achievement, promotes character and social responsibility, encourages service involvement to school and community, fosters leadership skills, grants scholarships, and provides settings for our children to develop interpersonal relationship skills.

Lawrence County High School Senior Beta Club Requirements

Grade Level Requirement:  Students must be in or entering 10th – 12th grade.  National Honor Society members are not eligible for Senior Beta Club membership.

Academic Requirement:  Students must have a cumulative 3.3 grade point average (GPA) or higher prior to application to the Lawrence County High School Senior Beta Club.  Students must maintain a minimum 3.3 GPA in order to remain an active member. o Students who fail to maintain a minimum 3.3 GPA will be placed on academic probation for a period of one semester. Students who have not achieved and maintained a minimum 3.3 GPA by the end of the probation period will be dismissed from the Senior Beta Club; national membership will be inactivated. o Students dismissed from Senior Beta Club because of failure to maintain academic requirements may reapply as a new member during any academic school year after the probation period has ended.

Service and Leadership Requirement:  Students should actively participate in non-profit community organizations.  Students should be involved with one extra-curricular activity.  Students must actively participate in Senior Beta Club events, meetings, and projects. o Students who fail to maintain any of the above service and leadership requirements may be dismissed from the Senior Beta Club.

Character Requirement:  Student’s behavior should be exemplary in the classroom, at school, and while representing Lawrence County High School and the Lawrence County High School Senior Beta Club. o Any student with three or more discipline referrals or one COPS referral is not eligible for membership. o Any active member who accumulates three or more discipline referrals or one COPS referral will be expelled from the Senior Beta Club; national membership will be inactivated. o Students dismissed from Senior Beta Club because of failure to maintain character requirements will have their national membership inactivated and will not be allowed to reapply for future membership. Lawrence County High School Senior Beta Club Application:

Eligible students must complete the application using only blue or black ink.

The application includes:  Completed application form  Required student/parent signatures  Two teacher recommendations  Handwritten essay

Students from Speake High School who are active members of National Senior Beta Club are considered existing members and will be automatically transferred into the Lawrence County High School chapter as long as the minimum eligibility requirements are met.

New members are required to pay a fee of $20.00 upon acceptance. Fifteen dollars is required by the National Beta Club organization for pins, certificates, and membership. Five dollars will go to the Lawrence County High School Senior Beta Club for basic supplies. Thereafter, annual membership fees for all active members will be $5.00. If invited to join, fees are due on October 30th.

Completed application packet with student/parent signatures, handwritten essay, and teacher recommendations are due to Mrs. Stults no later than 2:45 pm October 20, 2009. Late submissions WILL NOT be accepted!

I have read and understand the qualifications and requirements for Senior Beta Club Membership:

______Student’s Signature Date

______Parent’s Signature Date National Senior Beta Club Application Form ~ Lawrence County High School

Directions: Complete all sections – please print legibly. As soon as possible, write your name and recommending teacher names on the last page and give the recommendation forms to your teachers. Allow teachers plenty of time to complete the form before the October 20 deadline! Please note that your completion of this form does NOT guarantee an invitation to membership.

Section 1 – Administrative Information

Applicant’s Name: ______Preferred Name: ______Address: ______Home Number: ______Cell Number: ______Applicant’s Email Address (if any): ______Current Grade Level: ______Parent/Guardian Name: ______Parent Telephone Number: ______Names of the two teachers who will be submitting recommendations for you: Recommending teacher: ______Recommending teacher: ______

Section 2 – Activities and Awards We recognize that you may not have an extensive list of activities and awards; however, it is important for you to begin thinking about the importance of participating in activities that will demonstrate to others that you have potential for success. These activities should demonstrate strong moral character and scholarship, along with a service orientation, and leadership potential.

School Activities and Awards: List all school activities in which you have participated during high school. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, etc., and list major accomplishments in each. List any school awards that you have received.




Community Activities and Awards: List other activities (not listed above) in which you have participated. For example: church groups, community athletic teams, non-school clubs such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, other community organizations, etc., and list any major accomplishments/awards in each.



Section 3 – Essay

Write a 100 – 150 word essay in your own words about why you want to be a Senior Beta Club member and what contributions you can make to the club. Must be hand-written; not typed.














Section 4 – Student and Parent/Guardian Statements:

I grant permission for the Senior Beta Club Faculty Review Committee to review any transcripts, records, and discipline reports in order to determine my eligibility for membership in the Lawrence County High School Senior Beta Club. I understand that upon review of my application, my teacher recommendations, and my official records, I MAY be given an invitation to join the Lawrence County High School Senior Beta Club. I understand that I will be notified of acceptance on October 23rd. I also understand that if I with to accept the invitation, I must submit the induction sheet and $20 non-refundable national and local fees to Mrs. Stults no later than October 30th, and that no exceptions will be made, even in the case of my absence from school on October 30th.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

I have read the information provided by my son/daughter on this form and can verify that it is true, accurate, and complete in its presentation. I understand that my son/daughter MAY receive an invitation to join the LCHS Senior Beta Club on October 23rd, and if he/she wishes to accept the invitation, he/she must submit the induction sheet and $20 non-refundable national and local fees to Mrs. Stults no later than October 30th. I understand that no exceptions, including absence, will be made for accepting these items after October 30th.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______Student Applicant: Please cut on the dotted lines, place your name and the teacher’s name on each recommendation form; give a form to one of your core teachers from this school year, and to one of your core teachers from last school year. If you are new to LCHS this year (and not from Speake), give one form to a core teacher and one form to an elective teacher. ………………………………………………… cut here ………………………………………………………… Teacher Recommendation for Student Applying to LCHS Senior Beta Club

Student, write your name here: ______

Name of teacher: ______Subject: ______

Please rate the following categories: “1”= very low, “3” = average, and “5” = commendable.

Category Rating

Moral Integrity (Has no record of cheating or intentional dishonesty) ______

Classroom Behavior (Makes positive contributions to your classroom) ______

Industrious Attitude (Willing to go the extra mile) ______

Role Model (Is an outstanding role model to peers. Upholds school ideals) ______

Additional Comments: ______

Teacher’s Signature: ______Date: ______Please return this form to Mrs. Stults or place in my mailbox by October 20th. DO NOT return this form to the student/applicant. …………………………………………………. Cut here ………………………………………………………. Teacher Recommendation for Student Applying to LCHS Senior Beta Club

Student, write your name here: ______

Name of teacher: ______Subject: ______

Please rate the following categories: “1”= very low, “3” = average, and “5” = commendable. Category Rating

Moral Integrity (Has no record of cheating or intentional dishonesty) ______

Classroom Behavior (Makes positive contributions to your classroom) ______

Industrious Attitude (Willing to go the extra mile) ______

Role Model (Is an outstanding role model to peers. Upholds school ideals) ______

Additional Comments: ______

Teacher’s Signature: ______Date: ______Please return this form to Mrs. Stults or place in my mailbox by October 20th. DO NOT return this form to the student/applicant.

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