1. Identifies the Different Types of Assessments Used in the Area of Literacy
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A comprehensive assessment system will involve multiple and varied types of evaluative tools designed to provide information that guides and informs instruction. The RtI Assessment Audit is a review of assessment practices implemented by a school in the area of literacy across grade levels. Conducting a RtI Assessment Audit serves several purposes: 1. Identifies the different types of assessments used in the area of literacy 2. Clarifies the purpose (screening, progress monitoring, diagnostic, and outcome) of each assessment tool 3. Identifies the construct being assessed (e.g.. concepts of print, comprehension, fluency, etc..), 4. Identifies training needs of staff members relative to the administration and interpretation of targeted assessments; 5. Provides an opportunity for a school to identify redundancies or gaps in the assessment process.
Directions: For each grade level, identify:
1. NAME OF THE ASSESSMENT TOOL administered – include full name of tool administered
2. PRIMARY PURPOSE - check the box next to the primary purpose for each tool listed
Purpose Description Examples: Screening Brief assessments designed to provide preliminary indication of which Phoneme Segmentation Fluency - students may be at-risk for reading difficulties Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills
Diagnostic Individually administered assessments used for the purposes of gaining Qualitative Reading Inventory a more precise picture of student’s skills and knowledge. Information Running Records obtained is used to plan instruction. Informal Phonics Inventory Progress Brief assessment typically administered for the purposes of Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Monitoring determining if a student is making adequate progress, Skills (DIBELS) – Oral Reading Fluency Outcome Assessments that are commonly administered on a group basis at the NYS ELA Assessment – Grade 3 end of the year. Primarily used to determine if particular instructional or policy goals are being met, though they may also be used to examine trends in learning.
3. CONSTRUCT ASSESSED: check the box(es) that indicate what specific literacy element or area is being evaluated.
4. FREQUENCY OF ADMINISTRATION: for each tool identify the number of times it is administered on a yearly basis
5. STAFF TRAINING REQUIRED: check yes or no to indicate whether the staff who are expected to administer the assessment are adequately trained.
6. REDUNDANCIES: list any assessments that duplicate the information obtained from another tool 7. VOIDS: identify gaps in assessment information
Construct Assessed l y t a s r c n e i a l t n e d g _ y s n n u o u _ o c i i s m l t o b t r _ Staff i i n e i p o a t _ s P c e
t n o c Assessment n Frequency of _ l n f o u g o A o l r _ e e
o o
F h Grade Purpose V Adequately P _ v / h
s l P _ e n g t e g e s
Tool a Administration r _ o n p D n R s i i
u i p r e t e t t g
d Trained? d c i e a m n p n r a r n h i v e o e l e i o t o l r t c W C R e C O a o n W p o w S M C A Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening N Diagnostic Initial Training
E Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring T Periodic Boosters Outcome R Screening A Diagnostic Initial Training
G Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters R Outcome E Screening D Diagnostic Initial Training
N Fidelity Checks
I Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters
K Outcome Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome
Construct Assessed l y a t s r c e n i a l t n s e d g _ y s n u n o c u _ o i i m l e t o b t r _
n Staff i i c i p o t a _ e s P o t n o c Assessment n Frequency of _ l n u f r g l A o o _ e e
o P F o
Grade Purpose V Adequately
_ v / h
c s
l P _ e
n t e g e s a
Tool r Administration _ g o p D n R s i
u i p
n r e t e i t g Trained? d d c e t a m n p n r i a n h i v r e o e l i o t e o l r t c C R e C O a W o n W p o w S M C A Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Diagnostic Initial Training E Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring
D Periodic Boosters Outcome A Screening R Diagnostic Initial Training
G Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters
T Outcome
S Screening
R Initial Training I Diagnostic Fidelity Checks F Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Construct Assessed l y a t s r c e n i a l t n e d g _ y s n u n o u _ o c s i i m l t o b t r _ Staff i i n e i p o t a _ s P c e t n o c Assessment n Frequency of _ l n f o u g A o o l r _ e e
o o
F h
Grade Purpose V Adequately P _ v / h
c s l P _ e n g t e g e s a
Tool r Administration _ o n p D n
R s i i
u i p
r e t e t t g
d Trained? d c i e a m n p n r a r n h i v e o e l e i o t o l r t c W C R e C O a o n W p o w S M C A Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening E Initial Training Diagnostic D Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring A Periodic Boosters Outcome R Screening
G Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks
D Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome N Screening O Initial Training Diagnostic C Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring E Periodic Boosters
S Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Construct Assessed l y t a s r c n e i a l t n e d g _ y s n n u o u _ o c i i s m l t o b t r _ Staff i i n e i p o a t _ s P c e
t n o c Assessment n Frequency of _ l n f o u g o A o l r _ e e
o o
F h Grade Purpose V Adequately P _ v / h
s l P _ e n g t e g e s
Tool a Administration r _ o n p D n R s i i
u i p r e t e t t g
d Trained? d c i e a m n p n r a r n h i v e o e l e i o t o l r t c W C R e C O a o n W p o w S M C A Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training
E Diagnostic Fidelity Checks
D Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome A R Screening Initial Training Diagnostic G Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters D Outcome
R Screening I Initial Training Diagnostic H Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring T Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Construct Assessed l y t a s r c e n i a l t n e d _ g y s n u n o u _ o c i i s m l t o b t r _ Staff i i n e i p o a t _ s P c e
t n o c Assessment n Frequency of _ l n f o u g o A l o r _ e e
o o
F h Grade Purpose V Adequately P _ v / h
s l P _ e n g t e g e s
Tool a Administration r _ o n p D n R s i i
u i p r e t e t t g
d Trained? d c i e a m n p r n a r n h i v e o e l e i o t o l r t c W C R e C O a o n W p o w S M C A Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening E Initial Training Diagnostic D Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring A Periodic Boosters Outcome R Screening
G Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks
H Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters T Outcome
R Screening Initial Training
U Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring O Periodic Boosters
F Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Construct Assessed l y a t s r c e n i a l t n e d g _ y s n u n o u _ o c s i i m l t o b t r _ Staff i i n e i p o t a _ s P c e t n o c Assessment n Frequency of _ n l f o u g A o o l r _ e e
o o
F h
Grade Purpose V Adequately P _ / v h
c s l P _ e n g t e g e s a
Tool r Administration _ o n p D n
s R i i
u i p
r e t e t t g
d Trained? c d i e a m n p r n a r n h i v e o e l e i o t o l r t c W C R e C O a o n W p o w S M C A Screening Diagnostic Initial Training Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic E Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring D Periodic Boosters Outcome A Screening R Initial Training Diagnostic
G Fidelity Checks
Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters
H Outcome
T Screening Initial Training F Diagnostic I Fidelity Checks
F Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome Screening Initial Training Diagnostic Fidelity Checks Progress Monitoring Periodic Boosters Outcome REDUNDANCIES Are there any Grade Identify redundancies? yes K no
yes 1 no
yes 2 no
yes 3 no
yes 4 no
yes 5 no VOIDS Are there any Grade Identify voids? yes K no yes 1 no yes 2 no
yes 3 no
yes 4 no yes 5 no
Assessment Audit Form adapted with permission - Stahl, Katherine A. Dougherty., and Michael C. McKenna. Reading Assessment in an RTI Framework. New York, NY: Guilford, 2013. Print Rev. 2/2016