Bangor on Dee Community Council

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Bangor on Dee Community Council


A Meeting of Bangor on Dee Community Council was held on Tuesday 20th October 2015 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, Overton Road, Bangor on Dee.

Present : Councillors: Cllr G Tranter (Chair), G Hughes, R Forster, S Morrison, J Grice, T Adams, H Jones, B Huckle, R Skelland and PCSO L Maurice.

S Merry – Clerk.

Apologies: Councillors: J Jones.

The meeting was chaired by Cllr G Tranter.

At this point the meeting came out of Standing Orders to receive policing information. This was proposed by Cllr J Grice and seconded by Cllr T Adams.

PCSO L Maurice informed the council that the crime report for September/October 2015 was low.

The speed checks carried out on Whitchurch Road on the 3rd June, 8th June and 12th August were discussed. These checks carried out with an unmarked car, all showed an average speed under 30 mph. It was agreed that these figures should be made available to interested parties in the village and although below the speed limit, it was confirmed checks will continue on Whitchurch Road and Station Road.

In addition to continuing checks PSCO L Maurice highlighted the impact the new marked police car was having and felt this added presence would only assist the position.

There was a report of a 'dodgy' Scottish £20 note being used in the Middle Shop. The money was not accepted and no follow up was possible. In addition, there were two instances of suspicious vehicles in the area, a white panel van and a silver Jeep, the second was reported looking into an open garage.

Following the break in to the school property last month, PC H Goss has carried out a security survey and has provided security equipment to the school's Head Mistress.

PCSO L Maurice was thanked for her time and efforts, by Cllr G Tranter.

At this point Standing Orders were resumed. This was proposed by Cllr H Jones and seconded by Cllr B Huckle.


Cllr B Huckle stated his Declaration Of Interest regarding the retaining wall being built on the Overton Road which will form part of the village flood defences.


[1] The Minutes of the last meeting on the 15th September, having been circulated were reviewed and agreed as an accurate record. Proposed by Cllr R Forster and seconded by Cllr J Grice.


Matters arising out of the last meeting on 15th September are as follows:

Cllr H Jones thanked the Clerk for his prompt attention to the empty property on Abbey Gardens and the contact of Mr S Wynne the empty homes officer. Cllr H Jones was hopeful that the matter may be moved forward due to the deteriation of the property and the evidence of vermin in the area.

The Clerk confirmed he had contacted the community council insurers Zurich regarding the Scarecrow Competition and the insurance for the event. The current policy has cover for community councillors to conduct activities in the village, this area of the policy has been increased up to 12 volunteers. It is hoped this change will not only provide adequate cover for events such as the Scarecrow Competition but also the asset walks conducted by the flood wardens.

Following the request by Cllr S Morrison for a litter bin on Whitchurch Road, the Clerk confirmed he has contacted WCBC and Broxap (the supplier) and the new bin will be ordered shortly.

The Clerk provided an update on road markings and speeding signs in the village, Cllr R Skelland suggested that in addition to Mr D Green, the community council could contact Mr A Mytton in the Highways Department.

The clerk also confirmed the new village information sign for Riverside Walk has been ordered through Shelley Signs.

The Chairman clarified the position regarding the waste paper bin on Station Road, the bin which has not always been emptied when full, has now been removed completely. With the changes at the Buck House Hotel there are now no recycling facilities in the village.

With regards to the Memorial bench for Mrs J Jones, the Clerk has confirmed the site on the riverbank near the church tower was agreed with Mrs J Jones and Mr K Edwards at WCBC has also confirmed this site is acceptable.


The Clerk confirmed he had received an application from Mr S Harvey in regard of the outstanding councillor vacancy. Cllr J Grice confirmed she knew Mr S Harvey and of his interest in the vacancy. The council voted in favour of Mr S Harvey joining the council, this was proposed by Cllr H Jones and seconded by Cllr T Adams. Action: Clerk to contact Mr S Harvey.

The council discussed the alcohol licence application for the Racecourse. Cllr B Huckle noted the time (4am) and the fact the music event was being held in a marquee and not inside the Racecourse building and therefore some residents may be 'disturbed' by the event. The council agreed that they had no objections at this stage as it was a one off

[2] event and had not received any communication with village residents. If it transpired this may become a regular event or the council receives communication from local residents, the judgement may change. Action: Clerk to write to licensing department

The council were pleased that the Buck House Hotel had reopened, it noted that it was extremely busy on reopening day and not everything ran smoothly, as highlighted by an email to the Clerk. It was hoped as the activity settles down, service standards will resume.

The council have received an email regarding the Abbots Way Park, the request was different from previous emails and so the council wanted clarification of the intentions of the resident before any agreement could be provided. Action Clerk to liaise with resident.

The council noted it had received a donation request from the Salvation Army.


The planning application for Maesgwyn, Overton Road, Bangor on Dee P/2015/0707 was viewed as mainly internal and so there was no objection raised by the planning committee.

A further discussion and clarification followed for P/2015/0622 for Bank Farm Caravan Park, Whitchurch Road, Bangor on Dee, as per previous discussions it was agreed that due to the location and the low impact to the village, there were no objections raised.


Cllr G Tranter confirmed there was no further progress.


Cllr B Huckle confirmed that over the last few months 10 extra flood wardens have been recruited to meet the plans drawn up by Natural Resources Wales (NRW).

Following the resignation of Cllr R Spencer, who was also the Lead Flood Warden, Cllr B Huckle confirmed Cllr R Forster, the current Assistant, Would take over temporarily as Head Warden to cover the winter period through to March 2016.

Cllr B Huckle confirmed there was a flood warden meeting on the 9th October, which included representations from the police, NRW, WCBC and EPO (Emergency Planning Officer). Expenses incurred by Cllr B Huckle in hosting the meeting were agreed to be reimbursed by the community council.

NRW have confirmed that Householder packs will shortly be available for residents of the village. These will be hand delivered by the flood wardens, to reassure residents of the processes that are in place in the event of a flood situation. The Essentials magazine will also run an article to highlight and further reassure local residents. Cllr B Huckle thanked Cllr J Grice for her efforts in writing the article.

Additional copies will also be available for future new residents of the village.

Cllr B Huckle confirmed there is a trip planned on the 24 November, for the flood wardens to go to Bala, to see part of the River Dee flood defence system. Cllr G Tranter confirmed

[3] this was a good educational trip and would be of benefit. It was agreed by the community council that some financial assistance would be given to cover fuel costs.

With regard to insurance cover for the flood wardens, whilst they are completing the asset walk. Cllr B Huckle confirmed he would forward a Risk Assessment from NRW to the Clerk, so this matter can be finalised with the community councils insurers Zurich. Action: Cllr B Huckle to forward information to the Clerk.

Cllr R Skelland raised the issue again of a blocked flap on Graig Lane, this flap would be used to remove water from the village back to the river after high rainfall or a flood situation. It was felt that the current level of debris would stop the flap opening correctly. Action: Cllr B Huckle stated he would look into this.

Whilst on the issue of outstanding work, Cllr R Forster raised the point of vegetation on the Riverside Walk, especially by the tunnels. This hasn't been addressed for a number of years and the task of clearing gets bigger each passing year.


Cllr B Huckle confirmed that Cllr G Tranter and himself, had met with Mr A Smeaton on the 7th October to discuss the position of the Boat House. The issue of ownership and future responsibility was agreed that it belonged to the Royal Oak. Action: Clerk to formally write to Mr & Mrs Smeaton to confirm.

Friars Field

The Clerk confirmed he had had a meeting on site with Mr S Roberts, a local civil engineering contractor regarding the turning circle for Friars Field. Consideration was given to the position of the circle, the existing farm track and also the ownership of the access land and it was suggested the circle maybe easier inside Friars Field as opposed to being on the outside on the flood bank. This option was discussed and Cllr R Skelland confirmed this had been discussed previously in the early days of the planning.

Cllr G Hughes asked the council if it was time to re-establish a committee to deal with the remaining aspects of the Friars Field project. The original committee was Cllr's G Hughes, R Skelland and R Spencer as Chairman. With the recent departure of Cllr R Spencer, it was agreed Cllr G Hughes and Cllr R Skelland would continue the committee.

Cllr R Skelland felt it was time to consider approaching a Planning Agent to assist the committee in dealing with NRW and WCBC. Details were provided of a local agent Mr R Bennett. Action: Clerk to contact Mr Bennett.

The Clerk confirmed to the community council that the Scarecrow Competition on Friars Field appears to have been a success, both financially and accident free. Although full details were not known, there were rumours of another event planned for Easter. Given the success and the additional future events, a discussion followed on what the funds are for and how will they be allocated. Although the events are taking place on community council land, further plans and details are not known. Action: Clerk to try and obtain further information.

The community council have received an email from Mr S Hughes, the Tidy Towns Project Officer at Keep Wales Tidy, asking if a community litter pick up would be of interest during

[4] November. It was agreed this could be advantageous to a few areas and the Clerk was asked to make further enquiries. Action: Clerk to contact Mr S Hughes.


The Clerk confirmed the sales manager for Jones Lighting Ltd was currently away and so further discussions on the lampposts for Abbots Way have not been possible.

There were no new reports of street lights not working in the area.


Cllr G Hughes confirmed he had spoken to the Little Red Tractor Company and they had agreed to continue the grass cutting in the village at the same price for a further 12 months. A discussion followed on the quality of the service provided by the company and it was agreed to continue with the current contract, subject to investigation by the Clerk of the last tender. This was proposed by Cllr S Morrison and seconded by Cllr R Forster. Action: Clerk to review last tender date.

Cllr B Huckle sought expenses of £18.74 in respect of the flood warden meeting on the 9th October (see above).

Cllr G Tranter confirmed the community council has ordered a wreath for the War Memorial to be laid on the 8 November. It was agreed a donation of £50.00 to the British Legion Poppy Appeal would be made. This was proposed by Cllr B Huckle and seconded by Cllr J Grice. Action: Clerk to liaise with Mr P Furber on payment and delivery of the wreath.

The following payments have become due in the last month, all payments were agreed, proposed by Cllr H Jones and seconded by Cllr S Morrison.

WCBC Employee Costs (September) £228.25 101773 Jones Lighting Ltd (September maintenance) £115.27 101774 Scottish Power (September) £165.36 101775 Little Red Tractor Co (Village Cut October) £284.00 101776 One Voice Wales Training (Clerk) £35.00 101777 Cllr B Huckle Flood Defence Meeting £18.74 101778

Meeting closed at 9:15 pm


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