PGCPS Student Learning Objective Template

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PGCPS Student Learning Objective Template

PGCPS Student Learning Objective Template Great By Choice Elementary Library Media Specialist Grades K-5, Literacy – Opinion Writing Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) are measurable instructional goals established for a specific group of students over a set period of time. SLOs serve as one of the measures of student growth for the Prince George’s County Public Schools Teacher and Administrator Evaluation models. Teacher Teacher: Administrator Review School: of SLO Information Date: Subject Area: □ Approved SLO Overview Grade: Date: Period: Check one: SLO #1______#2______□ Resubmit Time Period: Date: Date Reviewed: ______

Signature: Data Review The following data was used in the analysis process. The baseline Data Review data is identified: □ Did the teacher You may attach your data  Baseline: chart and/or enter your data identify specific data in the box to the right after The data reflected students’ strengths are in: sources in their completing the bulleted  analysis? information. The data reflected students’ weaknesses are in: □ Are the data sources FFT Connection:  current? Domain 1: Planning and Preparation, Element: Value, (Based on an On Demand Writing Prompt for the purpose for writing a book □ Did the teacher Sequence and Alignment review (evidencing growth in opinion writing), all students will complete a baseline-product task that is assessed using a rubric.) describe the strengths of the students? Mid- Interval Practitioner Review formative and summative data for progress towards meeting Review the SLO goal. □ Did the teacher describe the weaknesses of the students?

□ Approved: □ Resubmit:

Comments: Aligned A review of the data indicates the need to address the following Aligned Standards standard(s). List 1 to 3 standards. : Standards □ Does the SLO  specify which state/ Describe the specific national, national/ state, local or industry The essential knowledge and skills (critical content) that students international/ standard (s) to which this must master are: objective aligns. industry/local  standards to which What essential knowledge this objective is and skills must students aligned? master? □ Does the teacher FFT Connection: (NOTE: LMS add the appropriate AASL standards from the identify the essential Domain 1: Planning and crosswalk.) knowledge and skills Preparation, (K-2) CC.K-2Writing.1 Text Types and Purposes: Use a combination Element: Value, Sequence (critical content) that of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which students must 1 PGCPS Student Learning Objective Template Great By Choice and they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing master? Alignment about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is . . .). □ Approved: □ Resubmit: (3-5) CC.3.Writing.1.a Text Types and Purposes: Introduce the topic Comments: or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.

(3-5) CC.3.Writing.1.b Text Types and Purposes: Provide reasons that support the opinion.

(3-5) CC.3.Writing.1.d Text Types and Purposes: Provide a concluding statement or section.

Academic Goal Student Population: Academic Goal □ Does the SLO Which students will be  The number of students I teach in this content area is: summarize a targeted in a measurable,  The number of students targeted is: (Must be 20% of your long-term academic goal? students or 10 students minimum, whichever is greater) measurable, long- term academic goal  The demographics of the targeted group is: What pre and post for students? assessment will you use to Student Learning Objective: determine progress? □ Edusoft Custom Group What time period does it ______students will increase their scores by at least ______from cover? the pre-assessment to the post-assessment. □ Approved: □ Resubmit: Create your Edusoft custom *This must be a measurement that matches up with data from the group and attach the PDF to pre and post-assessment. If this is a specific module (ex. In this template. Science) or topic in Creative Arts provide that information. Please Comments: provide data according to that system.

FFT Connection: Ex. 20 sixth grade students taking Math 6 will improve their Domain 1: Planning and assessment score by 25% from the pre-test taken in August to the Preparation post- test taken in February. Please create and attach your student Element: Value, Sequence group. and Alignment, Clarity, Suitability for Diverse Learners Instructional Please list 2-4 content-specific instructional strategies that will Instructional support student growth in the identified standards. Strategies: Strategies for Attaining  Review the Library Media Common Core Crosswalk RELAK12 □ Did the teacher  Share the elements of a book review: (provides title and information describe the 2 PGCPS Student Learning Objective Template Great By Choice Objectives about the author, provides a summary of the book, analyses and instructional evaluates plot, characters, ideas; identifies strengths and strategies that they weaknesses of the book, identifies the intended audience.) (Note: will use to support Consider systemic, school and grade level rubrics in curriculum.) grade level priority the growth targets for instructional strategies that  Ensure that students will have regular time throughout the library this SLO? will best support goals. media class to review teacher-modeled book reviews and write book reviews on their own. □ Are the required FFT Connection strategies appropriate Domain 1: Planning and for meeting the Preparation Element: Balance, Suitability objective? for Diverse learners, Learning Activities □ Approved: □ Resubmit:

Comments: Evidence of How do you plan to monitor student growth between the baseline Evidence of Student data and the post-assessment? Consider the use of projects, Growth Student Growth activities, assessments, instructional best practices, etc.: Identify 2-3 measureable □ Did the teacher data sets that will be used to  Based on an On Demand Writing Prompt for the purpose for provide 3 activities monitor student progress. writing a book review (evidencing growth in opinion writing), all that can provide students will complete a baseline-product task that is assessed using evidence in regard to FFT Connection a rubric. student growth? Domain 1: Planning and Preparation □ Are they Element: Learning Activities measurable?

□ Approved: □ Resubmit:


Once the above information has been discussed and agreed upon by the teacher and evaluator, please sign below.

______Teacher Signature Date

______Evaluator Signature Date

Phase II Prince George’s County Public Schools Student Learning Objective (SLO) Form

Final Review:  Appropriate Data Received  Strategies Used and Data Provided Demonstrate Appropriate Student Growth: Yes/No  Reflection: How has the development and implementation of this SLO helped you to improve your practice?  Actual value is ______(total number of students who met the goal)

3 PGCPS Student Learning Objective Template Great By Choice Student Learning Objective Evaluation Rubric

Final Student Learning Objective Score

Teacher’s Signature______Date: ______

Evaluator’s Signature______Date: ______

Rubric for Approval of Teacher and Principal Written Student Learning Objectives

Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) contain various components including: Data Review/Baseline Data/Rationale, Aligned Standards/Learning Content, Academic Goal/Student Population/ Instructional Interval, Evidence of Growth/Strategies and Professional Development. Prince George’s County Public Schools has designed an SLO template and a Guidance Document for the Design of SLOs for teachers to use to construct their SLOs. Each of these components from the SLO template is included in the following scoring tool. The documents are housed on the systemic SLO website.


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