Service Directory 2016

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Service Directory 2016


Directory 2016 Referral Forms


Page 1 of 77 The following folder includes all paper copies of the referral forms as referred to in the Service Directory. If you have any difficulties completing the forms or require additional support and advice please contact the service provider (contact details can be found in the Service Directory). We hope these forms are helpful and will enable you to complete the referral process quickly and efficiently in order to provide the best possible care for your residents.

Useful Websites Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group Bristol Community Health Bristol City Council Personal Dementia Support for Bristol People St Peters Hospice Well Aware A signposting and information service for health and wellbeing organisations and events


2 Bowel and Bladder Care Service - Continence Assessment Form

Bristol Community Health Bladder and Bowel Service Assessment Form

Admission Date: Client registered as (please tick): Residential Date of Assessment: Nursing

Patient’s Name: Date of Birth:

NHS Number: Male/ Female

Address (Please include Unit or Floor): GP Surgery

Post Code: Post Code

Telephone Number: GP Telephone Number

3 All please complete section 1- 8

1. Presenting Bladder / Bowel Problem Action Urinary Yes No If referrals made to Urology/ Faecal Yes No Gastroendology etc. include letters and Nocturia/ Nocturnal Yes No investigations. Polyuria If bladder problems complete a 4 day bladder diary and symptom profile

Date of onset of problem Who else have they consulted re this problem:

Name ……………………….NHS number…………………………………. Date of Birth……………

3. Patient’s and/or Carer’s Aims and Goals for If pads required please state type & Treatment size. Include hip & waist measurements to ensure correct fitting product.

4. Current Management: Please give brief details: Toileting Regime Yes No Pads Yes No Sheath Yes No ISC Yes No Indwelling Catheter Yes No Urethral or Supra-pubic Other

5. Relevant Health History Action Number of pregnancies: Add details as relevant to the assessment: Difficult deliveries Yes No Constipation Yes No Back Problems Yes No Parkinson’s Yes No MS Yes No Hysterectomy Yes No

4 Dementia Yes No Spinal Injury Yes No Previous repair surgery Yes No Depression Yes No Psychiatric history Yes No Cystoscopy Yes No Diabetes Yes No Prostatectomy Yes No Learning disability Yes No Weight Other

Name ……………………….NHS number…………………………………. Date of Birth……………

6. Current Medication Action Consider referral for medication review by GP or Pharmacist OR add MARS sheet

7. Bowel Habit Action Daily Yes No If bowel problems complete 14 day food, stool and medication diary Alternate days Yes No Less often Yes No Faecal incontinence Yes No Please refer to the Bristol Stool Chart Does resident have Yes No awareness of the need to open bowels?

Consistency of stool:

8. Contributory Factors Action

5 Memory impaired Yes No

Awareness of needing to pass Yes No Change in behaviour observed? urine Independently mobile to the Yes No toilet Mobile with carer Yes No If yes how many carers?

Mobile with aid Yes No State Aid used:

Mobile with aid and carer Yes No

Ability to hold a utensil and Yes No Please state any adaptions used drink unaided Can manage clothes quickly Yes No Consider Velcro on clothing

Name ……………………….NHS number…………………………………. Date of Birth……………

SECTION 9 & 10 TO BE COMPLETED BY NURSING HOMES ONLY AND MUST BE SIGNED BY A REGISTERED NURSE (or if a Healthcare Assistant completes the form then a Registered Nurse MUST countersign)

9. Urinalysis Action Results If leucocytes/ nitrites Nitrites present or symptoms Ketones of UTI, send a clean Blood catch specimen Protein (CSC). Suspend Ph assessment Glucose until treatment is complete. Specific gravity Dysuria

10. Physical Examination Action Verbal Consent Yes No Observe for Atrophic Penile Observation Yes No vaginitis (vulval area Vulval Observation Yes No can be red and sore, or Skin Condition Satisfactory Yes No pale dry and sore). Refer to GP for oestrogen therapy. Other comments

Signature of Assessor: ………………………………… Registered Nurse  Yes  No

Print Name: …………………………………...... Date: ………………………………

6 Community Dental Service – Special Care Referral Form


Head and Neck Suspected Cancer referrals must be submitted via the Fast Track Office, either via Choose & Book (preferred method) or via fax on 0117 342 3266 PATIENT DETAILS Surname: …………………………………….……………… First name: ……………………..……………… Date of Birth: …………………. ……… SECTION 1 - REFERRAL INFORMATION URGENT ☐ ROUTINE ☐ SUITABLE FOR STUDENT TREATMENT ☐ (please tick) If recommended for student treatment, please ensure patient is aware of potential wait for treatment. Is this referral for: A) Specialist Opinion Only? ☐ OR B) Specialist Opinion and Treatment? ☐ (please tick) RADIOGRAPH Is a diagnostically acceptable RADIOGRAPH included YES ☐ NO ☐ Reason if not…….. with this referral? ……………………………………………. CLINICAL REASON FOR REFERRAL. Please detail reason for referral and what you want us to do for your patient.




7 MEDICAL HISTORY - Please include significant hospitalisation, operations, ongoing treatment and smoking/drinking history as needed. YES ☐, please detail. NONE ☐

MEDICATION - Please state type and dosage details. YES ☐, please detail. NONE ☐

ALLERGIES - Please state allergy and description of reaction, if known. YES ☐, please detail. NONE ☐

OTHER INFORMATION (E.g. Living arrangements, Legal guardian)

SECTION 4 – PATIENT PARENT/GUARDIAN, SCHOOL SECTION 3 – FULL PATIENT DETAILS NURSE OR CARER DETAILS (if applicable) Mr ☐ Mrs ☐ Miss ☐ Ms ☐ Dr ☐ Other ☐ Mr ☐ Mrs ☐ Miss ☐ Ms ☐ Dr ☐ Other ☐ Male ☐ Female ☐ NHS Number: Relationship to patient: Surname: Surname: First name: First name: Date of Birth: Date of Birth: Address: Address:

Town/City: Town/City: Postcode: Postcode: Telephone Number: Telephone Number: Work Number: Work Number: Mobile Number: Mobile Number: E-mail Address: E-mail Address: SECTION 5 - REFERRER DETAILS SECTION 6 - PATIENT GP DETAILS (if not the referrer) Mr ☐ Mrs ☐ Miss ☐ Ms ☐ Dr ☐ Other ☐ Mr ☐ Mrs ☐ Miss ☐ Ms ☐ Dr ☐ Other ☐ Surname: Surname: First name: First name: Job Title: Practice Name: GDC/GMC Number: Practice Address: Practice Name: Practice Address: Town/City: Postcode: Town/City: Telephone Number: Postcode: E-mail Address: Telephone Number: 8 E-mail Address:

SECTION 7 - COMMUNICATION & SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Does the patient communicate in a language or mode other than English? YES ☐, please detail. NO ☐ Is an interpreter required? YES ☐, please detail. NO ☐ Does the patient have any special requirements? YES ☐, please detail. NO ☐ SECTION 8 - PATIENT CONSENT TO REFERRAL AND ASSOCIATED TREATMENT Has the patient understood and consented to the referral? YES ☐ NO ☐ SECTION 9 – CONFIRMATION AND SIGNATURE OF REFERRING PRACTITIONER I confirm that this patient referral meets the current referral guidelines as issued by the Bristol Dental Hospital. (Referral guidelines are available on the BDH website). I understand that incomplete and/or inappropriate referrals will be returned for revision and may delay patient treatment. Please tick to confirm. ☐

Print Full Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………......

Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………… Please return fully completed forms to: Patient Access Team, Bristol Dental Hospital, Chapter House, Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol, BS1 2LY. Fax: 0117 342 4994. Call Centre Tel: 0117 342 4422.

9 SECTION 10 - SPECIALITY SPECIFIC INFORMATION – PRIMARY CARE DENTAL SERVICE – SPECIAL CARE PATIENT DETAILS – Please enter patient identifier at top of each page. Surname: …………………………………….……………… First name: ……………………..……………… Date of Birth: …………………. ……… Surgery Visit ☐ OR Domiciliary Visit ☐ Please note: Only those who are house bound who are totally unable to leave their home are seen on a domiciliary basis. Special care needs:

Social history:

Exempt from charges: NO ☐ YES ☐ Benefit:…………………………… (Please attach copy of qualifying exemption certificate) NHS dental charges will be applied unless proof of exemption is provided. NB: If you are in receipt of the following you are not exempt: ●Aged over 65, ●Disability living allowance, ●Incapacity benefit including, income based. Sensory impairment: Hearing ☐ Vision ☐ Communication ☐ Can manage stairs ☐ Can walk with frame ☐ Can weight bear ☐ Mobility: Wheelchair ☐ Bed-bound ☐ Hoisting required ☐ Details: Are you currently under the care of a doctor or having YES ☐ NO ☐ hospital treatment for any condition? Are you/could you be pregnant? Due date? YES ☐ NO ☐ Do you have/have you ever had any of the following: CVS HEART DISEASE (e.g. angina, heart attack, heart YES ☐ NO ☐ murmurs, valve problems, heart surgery)? Rheumatic fever, Endocarditis? YES ☐ NO ☐ High blood pressure, Stroke? YES ☐ NO ☐ Bleeding disorder, Taking anticoagulants, anaemia? YES ☐ NO ☐ RS ASTHMA, Bronchitis, TB other chest disease? YES ☐ NO ☐ Smoker (past/present) – how many per day? YES ☐ NO ☐ GI HEPATITIS, jaundice, other liver disease? YES ☐ NO ☐ GU KIDNEY, urinary tract or sexually transmitted disease? YES ☐ NO ☐ CNS EPILEPSY, convulsions, neurological disease? YES ☐ NO ☐ Learning difficulties? YES ☐ NO ☐ Mental illness/ Psychiatric problems? YES ☐ NO ☐ Alcohol or Drug addiction (past/present)? YES ☐ NO ☐ END DIABETES, thyroid, other hormone disorders? YES ☐ NO ☐ LM Bone or joint disease? YES ☐ NO ☐ Skin disease e.g. Eczema, dermatitis? YES ☐ NO ☐ ALLERGIES (E.g. penicillin, aspirin, paracetamol, latex, YES ☐ NO ☐ Elastoplast)? Any other diseases or conditions? YES ☐ NO ☐ Previous operations? YES ☐ NO ☐ Previous serious illness or admissions to hospital? YES ☐ NO ☐

10 Signed by patient/parent/carer: Date:

Community Respiratory Service - Bristol Community Pulmonary Rehabilitation Referral Form

11 Amelia Nutt Clinic, Queens Road, Withywood, Bristol BS13 8QA FAX: 0117 987 8432

Patient Details (please print) NHS No ______

Surname ______Tel No: H ______

Forename ______W ______

Address ______M______


Post Code ______Communication needs ______

DOB ______M/F

Transport Required. No / Yes

Is there any possible risk to staff seeing this patient in clinic/at home? _____

Clinical Details


Recent discharge from hospital? Yes/ No. Date: No. of episodes in last 12 months?

MRC Degree of breathlessness related to activities : Please tick

1 Not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise

2 Short of breath when hurrying or walking up a slight hill

Walks slower than contemporaries on level ground because of breathlessness, 3 or has to stop for breath when walking at own pace

4 Stops for breath after walking about 100m or after a few minutes on level ground

5 Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing or undressing


Symptomatic shortness of breath Unstable cardiac conditions

Chronic respiratory disease Severe cognitive deficit

Motivated Metastatic cancer or renal failure

12 Immobile

FOR INFORMATION: Criteria for Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme:

Referral Details (please print)

Name ______Signature______Designation______

GP Name ______Consultant ______

GP Address & Tel No ______Date ______

Community Therapy (Including Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy) Referral Form To facilitate prioritisation and processing of this referral please complete every section fully.

13 Personal Details (please print) Referral Details (please print)

NHS Number: Referrer’s Name:

Surname: Title: Designation:

Forename(s): Contact Address:

Date of Birth: Sex M/F Tel No:

Address: Consultant: GP : GP Practice: Postcode: GP telephone number:

Tel No: Date of Referral: First Language: Communication or Cultural needs:

Risk factors, must be completed.

Lives alone Y/N Main carer of another Y/N

Recent marked deterioration in abilities Y/N Community services expressing concern Y/N

Recent hospital discharge Y/N

Please provide details of current problem, related medical intervention and results of diagnostic tests:

Please state reason for referral and treatment goals:

Has the patient agreed to participate in treatment: Yes/No

Please indicate which professional is required: Physio □ OT □

Referrals made to other agencies and NHS services involved: Risks:

Send to: Community Therapy Service – Complex Elderly Team Tel: 0117 9190290 Knowle Clinic Fax: 0117 9190296 Broadfield Road, Bristol, BS4 2UH

OR E-MAIL : [email protected]

Date received: Prioritised by: Classification: Diagnosis code:

Complex Elderly Team Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Referral Form Guidelines

Please list your request under the following headings:

14 1. Assessment and Advice on Activities of Daily Living, e.g. Dressing, Washing/Bathing, Toileting, Cooking/Household Chores, Transfers, Mobility /Stairs, Leisure, Employment

2. Wheelchair Assessment - for patients privately purchasing a wheelchair.

3. Posture and Seating

4. Pressure Care Advice – please include the grade of sore and any manual handling issues.

5. Protection and Care of Joints

6. Hand Function

7. Manual Handling

8. Advice to Carers

9. Anxiety Management (where the patient presents with physical symptoms)

10. Rehabilitation Programmes

11. Falls Assessment

12. Mobility Assessment and Walking Aid Provision

13. Musculoskeletal Assessment and Treatment

Major Adaptations, e.g. level access showers and stair-lifts, should be referred to the Adult Community Care via Care Direct (0117) 9222700.

For NHS provision of wheelchairs please refer direct to Wheelchair Services (0117) 3403450.

Continuing Healthcare (CHC) - Fast Track Tool Referrals Form and Equality Monitoring Form

NHS Continuing Healthcare Fast Track Tool To enable immediate provision of a package of NHS continuing healthcare

Date of completion of the Fast Track Tool ______15 Name D.O.B.

NHS number: Permanent address and Current location (i.e. name of telephone number hospital ward etc.)

Gender ______Please ensure that the equality monitoring form at the end of the Fast Track Tool is completed

Contact details of referring clinician (name, role, organisation, telephone number, email address)

(please turn over)

Fast Track Pathway Tool for NHS Continuing Healthcare November 2012 To enable immediate provision of a package of NHS continuing healthcare

The individual fulfils the following criterion: He or she has a rapidly deteriorating condition and the condition may be entering a terminal phase. For the purposes of Fast Track eligibility this constitutes a primary health need. No other test is required.

16 Brief outline of reasons for the fast-tracking recommendation: Please set out below the details of how your knowledge and evidence of the patient’s needs mean that you consider that they fulfil the above criterion. This may include evidence from assessments, diagnosis, prognosis where these are available, together with details of both immediate and anticipated future needs and any deterioration that is present or expected. When outlining reasons why a clinician considers that a person has a rapidly deteriorating condition that may be entering a terminal phase, the clinician should consider the following definition of a primary health need: Primary health need arises where nursing or other health services required by the person are: a) where the person is, or is to be, accommodated in a care home, more than incidental or ancillary to the provision of accommodation which a social services authority is, or would be but for the person’s means, under a duty to provide; or b) of a nature beyond which a social services authority whose primary responsibility is to provide social services could be expected to provide.

17 (continue overleaf)

18 Please continue on separate sheet where needed. This should include the patient’s name and NHS number, and also be signed and dated by the referring clinician.

Name and signature of referring clinician Date

Name and signature confirming approval by CCG Date

Equality Monitoring Form

19 About you (the patient) – equality monitoring

Please provide us with some information about yourself. This will help us to understand whether everyone is receiving fair and equal access to NHS continuing healthcare. All the information you provide will be kept completely confidential by the Clinical Commissioning Group. No identifiable information about you will be passed on to any other bodies, members of the public or press.

1 What is your sex? Tick one box only.

Male Female Transgender

2 Which age group applies to you? Tick one box only.

0-15 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+

3 Do you have a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010?

Section 6 of the Equality Act 2010 defines a person with a disability as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Tick one box only.

Yes No

4 What is your ethnic group? Tick one box only.

A White 20 British Irish Any other White background, write below

B Mixed White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Any other Mixed background, write below

C Asian, or Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Any other Asian background, write below

D Black, or Black British Caribbean African Any other Black background, write below

E Chinese, or other ethnic group Chinese Any other, write below

5 What is your religion or belief? Tick one box only.

Christian includes Church of Wales, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations.

None Christian Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh Other, write below

6 Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?

21 Tick one box only.

Only answer this question if you are aged 16 years or over.

Heterosexual / LesbianStraight / Gay GayWoman Man Bisexual Prefer not to answer Other, write below

Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing Care – Application for Consideration of Eligibility Consent Form and Multi-Professional Assessment Form - CM7

Name of patient: DOB:

22 Date of application: NHS No:

Current address:

Home address (if different from above):

General Practitioner:

I/my representative have had an explanation regarding this application and process for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing Care. I also understand that this may affect any benefits and/or allowances that I am currently entitled to claim. I understand that any decision to award NHS Funding will be subject to continuous review.

Yes No

This consent form must be completed by either the individual to whom the application relates to, or their legal representative.

I *do/do not wish to have my representative/advocate identified below present at my assessment/review (*please delete)

Representative Name: Relationship:

Contact Number:

I agree that confidential information relating to the individual named above may be disclosed to the Clinical Commissioning Group reviewing the case, only in so far as is necessary for a decision to be made about this application and the arrangement of care. This information may not be used in relation to any other case or in relation to any other matter I may wish to raise with the Clinical Commissioning Group concerned. Yes No

Consent to The Assessment Process & Information Sharing

The Mental Capacity Act set out the definition of a person who lacks capacity. These sections of the act say that a person lacks capacity if he, or she, has a temporary or permanent impairment of/or a disturbance in the functioning of the mind or brain when the decision needs to be made, and as a result is unable to:

 Understand the information relevant to that decision  Retain that information  Weigh up information as part of the process of making the decision or  Communicate his/her decision (whether by talking, using sign language or any other means)

Where the person is incapacitated and unable to consent, information should only be disclosed in their best interests and then only as much information as is needed to support their care. For further guidance, see the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice on and the guidance booklet “Making Decisions: a guide for people who work in health and social care” on capacity/mibooklets/booklet03.pdf

Mindful of this, who holds formal decision making responsibility? Self or Other? Date of decision made: (as below) 23 Lasting Power of Attorney: Level of Power Health/Welfare Financial


Enduring Power of Attorney: Level of Power Health/Welfare Financial

Additional Information:

Advanced decision to refuse treatment: Yes No

Date decision made:

Located where:

If the person is deemed to have capacity: Has their consent been obtained for this assessment? Yes No

Have they given consent to have information shared with their NOK, main carer or Yes No advocate?

Has their consent been obtained for sharing information contained within this assessment Yes No with potential care providers?

If the person is deemed to not have capacity to consent, how was this determined?

How has it been decided, and by whom, that it is in the person’s best interests to complete this assessment?

Assessor: Designation:

Signature: Date:

Signature of Assessed Person:

OR Signature of Assessed Person’s Representative:

24 MULTI-PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT – CM7 IMPORTANT This assessment should be undertaken by appropriate members of the Multi-Disciplinary Health Care Team. The overall responsibility for ensuring that this assessment document is completed rests with the designated health care professional who might be the nurse responsible for care on the ward, or in the community. The assessment will be used by social services or continuing health care to assist in formulating a care plan. This may result in formulating a package of community support services, day care, or providing care in a Residential or Nursing Home.

A. Patient Details


Date of Birth……………………………………... NHS No: ………………………………………. Age………………………………………………… Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………...… Postcode... ……………………… Home Telephone ……………………………………Mobile …………………………………………… Closest Contact: ………………………………. Address: ………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….. Home Telephone: ………………………………… Mobile: ………………………………………………

25 GP Name: ………………………………………….. Address: …………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….. Telephone …………………………………………. District Nurse/Community Matron ……………………………………… Telephone……………….

B. Patient’s Current Location Consultant:………………….. Hospital + Ward……………………. Reason for Admission: …………………………………………………………………………………… Date Admitted: …………………. Nursing Home/Temporary Location: ……………………………

C. Summary of medical history/diagnosis (with dates) To be completed by Consultant or designated Medical deputy

Name …………………………………………….. Designation ………………………………. Address ………………………………………….. Telephone ………………………………… Signature ………………………………………… Date ………………………………………..

26 D. Housing

Lives alone? Yes  No  Details (e.g. lives with) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

House  Flat  Bungalow  Mobile Home 

Sheltered/Extra Care Housing  Residential Home  Nursing Home 

E. Details of Health and Social Care Professionals Currently Involved

E.g. CPN, CLDT, Social Worker, etc.

Name: ……………………………. Address: ……………………………. Telephone: ……………

Name: ……………………………. Address: ……………………………… Telephone: ……………

Name: ……………………………. Address: …………………………….. Telephone: ……………

Name: ……………………………. Address: …………………………….. Telephone: ……………

The information in this assessment document may be shared with the service user and their carers during discussions about the Care Plan. The information may also be shared with the providers of any services.

Please retain a copy in the health records.

1. Communication How does this person communicate?

Verbally  Sign Language  Makaton  Unable to reliably communicate  Other  Give details: ………………………………….

Language Spoken…………………….. Interpreter Required? Yes  No 

Does this person have dysphasia? Yes  No  What helps with effective communication? Give details: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

27 2. Mental Health Does this person have a mental health diagnosis? Yes  No 

Diagnosis………………………….. Date of diagnosis…………………………………… Folstein Score……………………………………….. Has a psychiatric referral been made? Yes  No  Date of referral and to whom? ……………………………………………………………….. Please describe any behavioural issues (e.g. challenging, non-compliance, etc.) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

How is this being managed – what helps? (re-assurance, medication, etc.) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Please describe this person’s current emotional well-being (e.g. withdrawn, quiet, sociable) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please describe this person’s cognitive ability ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Has this person been assessed as having the mental capacity to decide where they live?


3. Management of Medication – tick all that apply

Self - Medicating  Help Required  Non-Compliant 

Dossette Box  Large Print Labels Needed 

Names and dosage of current medication:





28 4. Symptom control/monitoring Cause of pain ……………………………………………………………………………………… How is this person’s pain being managed e.g. positioning, comfort aids ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… … Referred for pain management? Yes  No  Name of professional referred to: …………………………… Date of referral: ………………… Medication Required Yes  No  Frequency: ……………………… Other Symptoms – Give details: ………………………………………………………………………. …………….……………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Monitoring – Give details: (e.g. blood tests): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Risk Factors e.g. falls, drug/alcohol abuse, safeguarding issues, challenging behaviour Give brief details: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………

Have Social Services been alerted to Safeguarding concerns? If yes, give details: ………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………

6. Environmental/Equipment Needs Have you been made aware of any issues/hazards within the home environment Yes  No  If yes please describe …………………………………………………...... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Has there been OT involvement? Yes  No 

Is an O.T. Home Visit Required? Yes  No 

Any equipment required (e.g. raised toilet seat, etc.) give details: ………………………………………………. 29 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………

7. Personal Care Does this person require assistance? Yes  No 

How many carers are required? ……………………………………………………………………..

Bath/Showering Independent  Requires help  Describe help given: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Skin Care/Wound Care (Please describe condition, treatment and care needed) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Pressure Areas Does this person have pressure sores? Yes  No  Grade (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel):

Please describe (e.g. site and treatment): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………….

Responding to treatment? Yes  No 

Please describe care provided:

Positioning: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Equipment: …………………………….…..………………………………………………………………… Has a referral to Tissue Viability Nurse been made? : Yes  No  (if yes, include details in Part E above)

9. Foot Care Diabetic Yes  No  Blisters Yes  No  Hard Skin/Corns etc. Yes  No  Ulcers: Yes  No  Other (please describe) ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Is there a need for a chiropodist/podiatrist? Yes  No  Has referral been made? Yes  No  30 Date of Referral and To Whom: ……………..………………………… Use of Dressings, Ointments, Creams etc.

Please Describe ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Oral Health Independent Yes  No  Does this person wear dentures Yes  No  Top set  Bottom Set  What assistance is provided with oral care ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Has Dental Referral been made? Yes  No 

Date of Referral and to Whom: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

11. Mobility Is this person independently mobile? Yes  No  Please note assistance required ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Transferring independently? Yes  No  Please note assistance required ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Hoisting required? Yes  No  Give details: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……

Managing stairs? Yes  No  Give brief details: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

31 Has there been Physiotherapy involvement? Yes  No  Outcome: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Aids used ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

How many carers required to assist? 

Has this person fallen on the ward? Yes  No  If yes, how often…………………………………

Is there a history of falls at home? Yes  No  Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Has a falls assessment been completed? Yes  No  Has a referral to the falls adviser been made? Yes  No  Date and to Whom: ………………

12. Rehabilitation (to be completed by Therapists) Ongoing rehabilitation needed? Please describe (e.g. ICT, community rehab, community physio).

13. Continence Continent  Incontinent  if incontinent please see below

Urine  Day  Night  Faeces  Day  Night 

Does this person need prompting to use a commode? Yes  No  Does this person need prompting to use the toilet? Yes  No 

How are you managing their incontinence? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Stoma Care? Describe …………………………………………………………………………………….

Future Plan for Catheter Catheter In Situ?  Reason for catheterisation: ……………………………………………… Date last changed: ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Need for aperients 

Describe …………………………………………………………………………………… (e.g. laxatives)

Has a referral to a continence advisor been made? Yes  No  (If yes, include details in part E)

14. Vision Does this person have any visual difficulties? Yes  No  32 Is this person registered blind/partially sighted? Yes  No  Does this person wear glasses? Yes  No 

Does this person use aids? (i.e. magnifying glass, talking book, Braille) Describe ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Eye Care required? (e.g. use of creams)

Describe……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……...... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

15. Hearing Does this person have any hearing difficulties? Yes  No 

Use of hearing aid Yes  No  Lip Reading Yes  No  Sign Language Yes  No 

Use of other equipment (i.e. communicators) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

16. Diet and Nutrition

Speech and Language assessment? Yes  No  Date and to whom referred: ……………………………………………………………………

Outcome recommended? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Enteral feeding? Yes  No  Describe: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Does this person require: Prompts to eat meals? Yes  No  Can they feed themselves? Yes  No  If no please describe help being given …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Has the O.T. recommended the use of any equipment? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Does this person have any food allergies/intolerance/special diet? Please describe ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

33 Can this person prepare meals? (see O.T. assessment) Yes  No 

Weight on admission…………………….. Date……………………. Weight currently…………………….. Date………………….

17. Care at night – for completion by Night Staff Does this person have a sleep disorder? Yes  No  Give details: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Does this person require assistance at night time? Yes  No  Does this person require assistance with positioning at night? Yes  No  How often during the night is assistance needed and what help is given? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Describe usual night time routine (ask patient or carer). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Sedation: Yes  No  Describe: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

18. Has this assessment been discussed with: The patient? Yes  No  The carer? Yes  No  Please record these views to assist the planning of services ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please state reasons if no discussion has taken place ………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………..

19. Patient’s Right to Continuing NHS Care

This patient has been screened against the National Framework for NHS Continuing Health Care eligibility. Both the referral and its outcome have been discussed with the patient/carer.

I can confirm this patient: Has  Has Not  been forwarded for a full NHS Continuing Health Care Assessment.

This patient has been referred for Fast Track Continuing Health Care Assessment 

Health Care Professional co-ordinating this assessment:

Name …………………………………… Designation ……………………………………….

Address…………………………………. Telephone ……………………………………….. 34 Signature ……………………………….. Date………………………………………………..

Bristol Dementia Partnership Dementia Wellbeing Service Referral Form (Care Homes with Nursing)

Please Fax to: Central 0117 904 5155 North 0117 301 3919 South 0117 947 3129 email to [email protected] (must be from a secure email address) To make urgent contact or advice please telephone the access point on: 0117 9045151 available 8am until 8pm Mon-Fri and 9am-1pm Saturdays. Most Bank Holidays are also covered 9am – 5pm

PATIENT DETAILS Full Name: NHS No: DOB: Phone: Address & Postcode: Contact details GP Surgery of significant other & relationship Informed of Phone No. Address referral? Yes/no REFERRER DETAILS Referrer REASON FOR REFERRAL Is an Interpreter required? ( Please specify language ) Yes / No Why are you referring this Resident to the service? Please include diagnosis current medication and significant health issues. Have you discussed this referral with the patient/family? What has been done so far?

Seen by GP/Physical Date? examinations Is this a referral for new assessment Yes No Please indicate perceived level of urgency: Assessment of change Emergency (consider 999, likely Yes No not for our service) Urgent- (48hr response) Advice/support only from Practitioner Non urgent 1-2 week Routine Yes No

35 Date Referred

Dermatology Referral Form

Please complete both pages, save and then send to: [email protected], or post to the address at the end of this form.

PATIENT’S DETAILS Patient's surname …………………………………………….. Age …………..…..M/F…………..……

Patient's first name……………………………………………….. DOB ……../………/…………..

Name patient wishes to be known by………………………………… NHS No: ………………………

Patient/carer’s name…………………………………………………... Contact No: ……………………

Patient's address……………………………………………………….…………………………………….



Name ……………………………………………………G.P ………………………………………..……

Title …………………………………………………… Practice ……….……………………………..…

Contact address ……………………………………… Practice address ………………………………..

………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………..

Post code ………………………………………….…. Post code ………………………………………..

Phone No: ………………………………….………… Phone No: ……………………………………….

Email …………………………………………………. Email…………………………………………….

Fax No…………………………………………………. Fax No……………………………………………

36 PROTECTION/AT RISK DETAILS Please complete if relevant Name of social worker………………………………………………………………………………………

Social worker contact details…………………………………………………………………………………

Relevant information to be taken into account for this referral……………………………………………….


………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Do you wish to do a joint consultation Y/N Please contact the office on the telephone number below if any details need to be discussed prior to appointment.


Diagnosis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Length of time with symptoms ……………………………………………………………………………….

Areas affected …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Reason for referral ……………………………………………………………………….…………………..

(e.g.: further management / education / support) ………………………………………………………………

Current treatments …………………………………………………………………………………………….


Past prescriptions ……………………………………………………………………………………………..


Further Information

To include PMH, medication and allergies


Signature………………………………. Date ………………………………

PLEASE SEND TO Primary Care Dermatology Service,

William Budd Health Centre, Knowle West Health Park, Downton Road, Knowle

Bristol, BS4 1WH

TEL: 0117 944 9782 / 0117 944 9783

Email: BRCM@[email protected]

39 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding Referral Form

Safeguarding Adults Referral Form

This form should be faxed / emailed to:

Bristol Care Direct

Fax: 0117 9036688

Email: [email protected]

If you believe that a crime has been committed please call the Police on 101 for further advice and email or fax a copy of this form to Bristol Care Direct

Client details PARIS / RIO No. Name Date of birth Gender Ethnicity

Permanent address GP name and practice details (including address)

Unit / Ward

(if applicable)

Referrer details Relationship to Name of referrer adult at risk

Organisation / Contact tel. no. Company (if applicable)

Contact email Details of concern or incident

40 Date of incident Date reported

Placement address at the time of the incident

(if different from above) Type of service provided at the placement

(if applicable)

Dom Care If Domiciliary Care please specify Unit / Ward which agency

(if applicable)

Summary of incident / concerns

What type of abuse is being referred?

Relationship of alleged perpetrator to the adult at risk

Is this domestic Is this a hate crime? abuse? Further information

Is an urgent response Is the person aware required today? of this referral?

Other notified agencies

41 Other agencies involved with the care of the adult at risk

Source of funding

Any known views of the service user / carer? Has the adult at risk consented to the referral being made? Have they said what they wish to happen?

Details of any previously reported concerns

42 Diabetes and Nutrition Services Referral Forms A & B and Equality Monitoring Form

BCH Diabetes & Nutrition Services REFERRAL FORM A For Diabetes Referrals Only

This form should be completed by the referrer. The person you are referring must be informed that their details are being forwarded to the Diabetes & Nutrition team office. Diabetes & Nutrition Services (DANS)

John Milton Clinic Crow Lane, Bristol, BS10 7DP Tel: 0117 9598970 Fax to: 0117 9598971 Email to: [email protected] Please use this form for Diabetes referrals only Please complete with as much detail as possible, including the equality monitoring form.

Date of Referral: GP’s Name:

Referred by: GP Practice and Address:

Patients details: Title: NHS Number:

First Name: Date of Birth:

Last Name: Male Female

43 Address: Preferred Contact Options: (please provide details) Post Phone Text Postcode: Email

Daytime Phone Number: Mobile Number: Email Address:

Relevant test date taken: Relevant Date results: test results: taken: Fasting blood mmol/l eGFR glucose ml/min HbA1c mmol/mol Blood pressure mmHg HDL mmol/l cholesterol Weight LDL mmol/l kg cholesterol Height Total mmol/l m cholesterol BMI Triglycerides mmol/l kg/m2 Other Waist circumferenc cm e Other: (please state)

44 Social / Activity levels: Special Needs? e.g. wheelchair access, language interpreter, special diet, hearing loop, learning difficulty, etc. Yes No Please Specify: DANS Referral Form A Jan 2014

Diabetes Diagnosis: Diabetes Treatment(s): Type 1 Diet and Activity Type 2 Diet, Activity and Medication: (include details of Other: (please specify): type & dose)

Date Diagnosed: Oral Hypoglycaemic tablets:

GLP1: Insulin:

Other Relevant Medical History: Other Relevant Medications:

Any Known Other comments: allergies?

Reason for referral: Please tick box(es) of service or all 3 services you require if appropriate Education sessions:

Living with Diabetes Information pack given? Yes No 1 day course for people newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (within the last 12 months) with option of ½ day follow up 6 months later. (Please complete a referral form even if your patient declines to attend and advise us “DECLINED AT SURGERY”) Can I Eat Bananas? 2 day course for people with Type 2 diabetes who have started on Insulin treatment. Carbohydrate Awareness 3 hour group introducing carbohydrate counting, how it can improve diabetes control and what is involved. 45 Food Freedom Intensive Type 1 carbohydrate counting course run for 1 day a week for four weeks for patients on basal bolus insulin regime. Skills for Life Living a healthy life and sharing experiences – course for Type 1’s. Run for 3 hours a week for 6 weeks.

Dietitian Please use Nutrition & Dietetics referral form B if not diabetes Newly diagnosed (type 2 diabetes) Existing Type 2 diabetes Carbohydrate counting (type 1 diabetes) Reduce lipids Reduce weight

Diabetes Nurse Specialist to start/has started insulin/GLP1 (please select) insulin switch assessment hypo/hyperglycaemic management (poor control)

For office use only: D. Ed Dietetics DSN

DANS Referral Form A Jun 2013

If you have any queries, please telephone us on 0117 9598970

Equality Monitoring Form

46 Bristol Community Health wants to provide you with a good service. It can only do this if it understands who its patients are. We hope you will help us by filling in the following questions. The information you provide is confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes only.

1. How old are you? Please tick one of the following  15 & under  16 – 24  25 – 44  45 – 64  65 – 74  75 & over

2. What gender are you? Please tick one of the following  Female  Male

How do you describe your ethnic origin? Please tick one of the following Black or Black British  African  Caribbean Other Black (please African describe):  Somali 

Chinese or Chinese British  Chinese

Dual heritage / Mixed race) Asian and Black African and  White  White Other mixed (please Black describe):  Caribbean  and White South Asian or South Asian British  Bangladeshi  Pakistani Other Asian  Indian  (please describe):

White  British  Irish Gypsy/ Other white  Romany/  (please describe): Traveller  Polish 47 Other ethnicity (please describe):

48 3. What is your preferred language?

4. How do you describe your religion/ belief? Please tick one box (or write, if “other”)

 Buddhist  Christian  Hindu  Jewish  Muslim  Sikh  Agnostic  Other – please describe:  None  Prefer not to say

5. Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?

(The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”.)

 Yes  No

If you have answered “Yes”, please tick any of the following that apply to you.

Physical impairment (describe): Mobility issues  

Learning difficulty (describe): Visual impairment (not corrected by

 glasses/ contact lenses) 

Mental health needs (describe):  Hearing impairment 

Another cause (describe): Living with a progressive condition e.g.

 multiple sclerosis, cancer 

 Prefer not to say

6. How do you describe your sexual orientation? Please tick one of the following Heterosexual/ Gay Woman/ Prefer not to Bisexual Gay Man Other    Straight  Lesbian   say

Thank you for answering these questions Diabetes & Nutrition Services REFERRAL FORM B For Nutrition & Dietetic Referrals Only

Please send to: This form should be completed by the referrer. The person you are referring must be informed that their details are being forwarded to the Diabetes & Nutrition team office. Diabetes & Nutrition Services (DANS) John Milton Clinic Crow Lane, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 7DP Tel: 0117 9598970 Fax to: 0117 9598971 Email to:[email protected]

Please use this form for Nutrition & Dietetic referrals only Please complete with as much detail as possible, including the equality monitoring form.

Date of Referral: GP’s Name:

Referred by: GP Practice and Address: :

Patients details: Title: NHS Number:

First Name: Date of Birth:

Last Name: Male Female

Address: Preferred Contact Options: (please provide details) Postcode: Post Phone Daytime Phone Number: Text Mobile Number: Email Email Address:

date date Relevant test taken: Relevant test taken: results: results: Fasting blood mmol/l eGFR ml/min glucose HDL cholesterol mmol/l Blood pressure mmHg

LDL cholesterol mmol/l Weight kg Total cholesterol mmol/l Height m

2 Triglycerides mmol/l BMI kg/m Other investigations Waist circumference cm e.g.: coeliac screen Other: (please state)

Social / Activity levels: Special Needs? e.g. wheelchair access, language interpreter, special diet, hearing loop, learning difficulty etc, Yes No Please Specify:

Diagnosis: Treatment(s):

Date Diagnosed:

Other Relevant Medical History: Other Relevant Medications:

Any Known Allergies? Other Comments:

Reason for referral: NB: Please use this form for Nutrition & Dietetics referrals only. For diabetes referrals please use form A

IBS Known Coeliac disease Reduce lipids Nutritional deficiencies (please specify) Reduce weight (must have a co-morbidity) Malnutrition (“MUST” screening tool nutrition risk score ≥ 2) Impaired glucose tolerance Other gastric (please specify) Other (please give details)

Has any dietary information already been given? Yes No

Please give details:

For office use only:

DANS Referral Form B Jun 2013

If you have any queries, please telephone us on 0117 9598970

Falls Specialist Nurse (BCH) - Multi Factorial Falls Risk Assessment Tool Form

Patient Name: NHS No: DoB: Form Completed By: Time:

Signature: Date:

Description of Circumstances Actions 1. History of Falls Consider referral to rapid response if Year Month Number of falls in the last risk of hospital admission. Does this Week Is this a new problem Yes No patient need comprehensive geriatric assessment? Circumstances e.g. inside, outside, what was patient doing

Any associated symptoms e.g. light head, Yes No If unexplained fall, blackout or dizziness, blackouts new arrhythmia consider Record pulse Arrhythmia Yes No specialist geriatric assessment Did patient know they were falling Yes No –discuss with GP Unable to get up Yes No If yes Physio and / or OT referral Any near miss or falls back onto sofa or bed Yes No required following discussion with GP, Community Matron or CNOP. Care Unable to summon help Yes No direct for information on personal alarms Could this patient be acutely unwell Yes No Discuss with GP or integrated nursing team as appropriate. Fear of falling Yes No Consider OT and physio. Give staying steady and what to do if you fall leaflets 2. Medications 4 or more medications? Include over the counter drugs Yes No Consider referral for medication Antidepressants / Anti-psychotic / Sedative / review by GP, pharmacist or Blood pressure / Diuretic / (Circle) community matron Recent changes in medication Yes No Taken as prescribed Yes No 3. Postural Hypotension Postural Hypotension if drop of 20mm Lighthead or dizziness on standing or getting Yes No Hg on systolic (top number), out of bed drop of 10mmHg on diastolic (bottom number) or if systolic Check lying to standing BP after lying for 10 mins is lower than 90mmHg. Lying Standing at 1 min Standing at 3 mins Discuss with GP Give advice on coping strategies 4. Alcohol Intake - units of alcohol consumed If more than 1 unit per day use brief Per day Per week intervention tool to discuss likely harm to patient 5. Nutrition and Osteoporosis Height Weight BMI Unplanned weight loss in last 3 – 6 months? Yes No MUST Score = Indigestion Yes No

Patient Name: NHS No: Calcium & Vitamin D Yes No Bone sparing agent e.g. bisphosphonate Yes No Check taking correctly

If no bone protection- did parent fracture hip Yes No Check FRAX and discuss with GP -premature menopause Yes No 6. Vision Date of last eye test Eye test more than 1 year ago or Has vision deteriorated since last eye test Yes No deterioration in vision - prompt eye test (information on home eye tests Wearing incorrect glasses Yes No if needed) Use Eyes Right Screener if patient reluctant to Not wearing prescribed distance glasses or attend eye test Find correct wears bifocals or varifocals Yes No glasses

7. Hearing Check for wax Yes No Difficulty with hearing conversational speech Refer back to audiology if known to Assessment required for hearing aid Yes No this service or refer to GP for initial referral 8.Walking / Gait Check if previous physio referral. If Unsteady on feet or shuffles taking uneven Yes No not consider referral to Physio steps or holds on to furniture /group*. If yes, request last therapy Obvious foot problems. Please look at bare discharge from GP/ RiO to see if Yes No feet as able further intervention appropriate Is it unsafe to walk patient Yes No Consider podiatry referral Urgent referral to GP or Rapid Response unless longstanding medical reason for this. 9. Transfers If manual handling problems Has difficulty with or appears unsteady Yes No identified consider referral for Physio when transferring with or without a carer and/or O.T. If problem is urgent may require Rapid Response. 10. Function Difficulty with ADLs e.g. washing / dressing / Yes No food preparation / stairs / Consider OT referral and equipment Are strategies already in place Yes No needs

11. Continence Use symptom profile and access Urgency Nocturia Frequency Daily fluid intake 12. Environmental Hazard Educate patient regarding potential Any obvious hazards risks of falls. Advise/refer patient to Care & Repair, Home adaptations team (via Care Direct)

13. Cognition Problems with forgetfulness over the last 12 Use cognition test if patient willing Yes No months that have caused patient significant Discuss with GP problems Outcome: Referrals to GP CM CNOP OT CRT Podiatrist Pharmacist Falls Nurse Specialist Care Direct Rapid Response Rehab Centre Dietician Dom Physio *Strength & Balance group Care and repair Other Other: specify Leaflets Given Staying Steady What to do if you fall

Abnormal blood results Form Completed By: Time: Signature: Date:

Multi Factorial Falls Risk Assessment January 2015 – produced by Bristol Community Health

Palliative Care Services - Bristol Care Coordination Centre (Coordinating end of life care)

Date: Time: Source (i.e. Phone/Fax/email): Referral Form Forename: Surname: Preferred Name: NHS Number Patient Address:

Postcode: Contact Telephone Home: Mobile: Number(s): D.O.B: Age: Gender: Ethnicity: Does the patient live alone Yes ☐ No ☐ (if No, with whom?) Name/Relationship: Current Location of Patient Home ☐ Hospital ☐ Other ☐ Site Hospital: Contact Details Place Other: Contact Details Referrer Details: (Name, Designation, Address, Tel Number) GP GP Details: (Name, Practice Name, Address, Tel Number) Key Worker Details: Name, Designation, Address, Telephone Number Involvement in Care (Please give details) Consent for Referral Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐ DNAR Order in Place Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐ Preferred Place for Care Preferred Place of Death

Religion (Please state) Heterosexual ☐ Gay ☐ Lesbian ☐ Sexual Orientation Bisexual ☐ Other ☐ Medical/Diagnostic details


Any Concurrent illnesses

Prognosis (Hours, days, weeks)

Estimated By (Name/Role)

Is the patient aware of prognosis?

Are the relatives aware of prognosis?

Any Further Comments:

Syringe driver and/or injectable medication prescribed/in place? Anticipatory Medication: Prescribed/ In place?

Any known Allergies? If Yes please provide details

Date of Risk Assessment / Care Plans

Location of Risk Assessment / Care Plans

Keysafe Number

Parking/Access Details Any issues please specify

Home/Environmental Risks (Pets, Smokers, Other) If other please provide details Carer/Family/Significant Relationship Details

Name: Involvement in care and/or support of patient Relationship:

Contact Tel Number:

Care Needs (please add as much detail as possible)

Mobility (in/out of bed)

Eating and Drinking

Personal care (hygiene and comfort)

Continence Yes ☐ No ☐

Is a catheter present?


Day times needs Yes ☐ No ☐ Details

Night time needs Yes ☐ No ☐ Details

Carer respite needs

Nursing needs (specifically requiring registered nursing involvement)

Any uncontrolled symptoms Any other factors

Equipment in place/required to support above care needs

Any specific services/referrals required?

Palliative Care Patient Referral Form - St Peters Hospice


Charlton Road, Brentry Bristol BS10 6NL Tel: 0117 915 9495 Fax: 0117 981 1405 Email: [email protected] Please also enclose copies of any relevant hospital letters/reports– lack of information will delay referral

Surname: Next of kin: Fore name: Name: D.O.B: Relationship: Title: Address: Marital status: Address: Postcode:

Tel no: Postcode: Mob no: Tel No:

Mob No: Main carer: Address (if different): NHS No: Occupation: Religion: Ethnic Group:

GP: DN: Practice Address: Base Address:

Tel. No: Tel. No: Fax No: Mob. No:

Current location of Patient: GP consent to referral: Yes / No

Patient consent to referral: Yes/ No Do we need to contact the referrer prior to making contact with patient? (N.B. without consent the referral cannot be accepted) Yes / No

URGENCY OF REFERRAL: URGENT □ (contact within 2 working days of receipt) ROUTINE □ (contact within 2 weeks of receipt)

If you are seeking a response outside these parameters, please call the Referrals Team on: 0117 915 9495.

SERVICE REQUESTED (see guidance notes):

Home Visit –Community Nurse □ (with/without IPU Admission □ Specialist GP/DN)

□ (with/without Home Visit –Doctor Day Hospice □ GP/DN) Medical Op Appointment □ (Can be one off) Fatigue Management – use separate referral form All REFERRAL FORMS available via our website: For Office Use Only: Date received……………………………………….. Received by C/T……………………………………. Patient’s name:…………………………… MEDICAL DETAILS

Primary diagnosis: Other medical conditions:

Date of diagnosis:

Known metastases: Adverse drug reactions/Allergies

Internal Defibrillator: Yes / No

Pacemaker: Yes / No

Consultant(s): Hospital: Hospital number:


Please also enclose copies of any relevant hospital letters/reports– lack of information will delay referral

Reasons for referral: Assessment for hospice Emotional/psychological □ □ admission support Carer support Pain/symptom control □ □

Other (please state) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Current problems and specific aims of referral to hospice Specialist Palliative Care team:

Patient and family insight:

Are you aware of any significant conversations about advance planning/preferred place of care? Please specify:

Signed: ………………………… Place of work/department: …………………... Tel no: …………………… Print name:…………………………………. Mobile No.………………..

Designation:………………………………... Date:………………………………

Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist Referral Form

Please Refer to the PNS Criteria and Complete All *Mandatory Fields before Submitting

Patient Details *Surname: *Forename:

*Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms other (state) *Date of Birth: *Age: *Address: *Ethnicity:

*Post Code: *Telephone No: *GP Name: *NHS No: *GP Practice & Address:

*GP Telephone No: *GP Fax: *Next of Kin Name: *Relationship to Patient: *Next of Kin Address:

*Telephone No: *Is The Patient Known To The PNS Yes No Parkinson’s History *Date Diagnosed: *Name of Parkinson’s Consultant /Specialist: (If any) *Reason for Referral:

*Current Parkinson’s Medication:

*Previous Parkinson’s Medications/Sensitivities:

*Other (Non-Parkinson’s) Medications:

Patient History *Other Medical Conditions:

*Does the Patient have any Cognitive Impairment or Dementia?

*State the Patients Level of Mobility:

*Does the Patient have any Communication Needs?

*Any Relevant Social History / Circumstances:

Multidisciplinary Team Involvement Please Provide Name and Contact Details : (If Known) Physiotherapist: Occupational Therapist: Speech & Language Therapist: Social Services: Other: (Psychiatry/Memory Clinic/Continence/Dietician/Podiatry) Referral *Have you followed the referral criteria and the anticipatory care management guidance located at; http :// www.brisc o / o ur - services/parkinsons - nurse - specialist

Yes/No: If no please state the reason why:

*Is there any possible risk to the nurse seeing the patient in the clinic/ or home environment? Yes/No: If yes, please state why: Before submitting please consider whether this referral may be more appropriate for another discipline: e.g. difficulties with swallowing refer the patient to SLT. Each referral will be assessed and prioritised by the PNS according to the needs of the patient and within the confines of the service and resources available *Name of Referrer: *Designation: *Tel No:

E-Mail: *Location/Contact Details:

*Signature: *Date Submitted:

*Is the Individual Aware of the Referral? Yes : No:

Submit to; Kay Baggley Tel. 0117 919 0289 Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist Fax: 0117 919 0296 Knowle Clinic Broadfield Road Email: [email protected] Knowle Bristol BS4 2UH Office Use: Date Referral Received: Date Patient Contacted

Podiatry Clinic Referral Form


Podiatry Clinic Referral Form V6 July 2014

Please return your completed form to: Podiatry Department, Knowle Clinic, Broadfield Road, Knowle, BS4 2UH Tel: 0117 919 0275 Fax: 0117 9 190 259 Please complete all the sections of this form. If we require more information to process your application we may return this form to you. Please make sure that you provide a day time contact telephone number. WE DO NOT PROVIDE A TOE NAIL CUTTING SERVICE. All treatment will be based on medical & podiatric need.


Title Forename D.O.B Male/Female

If under 18 do you have a social worker yes/no

Surname Tel no home

Tel no work

Address Mobile

If you do not wish to receive a txt reminder of your Post Appointment please tick this box. code

E mail

Interpreter Required Yes No


Language Spoken


Title Forename


Surname Practice Address


AddrePost code

Telephone no


Telephone no


Patients Name: ……………………………………. ……. NHS: ………………………………………..

Do you have an open wound on your foot? (Delete as appropriate) YES / NO

If YES please give details:

If NO Please tell us as much about your thoughts on your foot problem as you can:

My main foot or nail problem is: Medical History - Please list or attach print out from GP Surgery:


Medication - Please attach a prescription or provide a list of all medications

(include any that you may self prescribe):

Additional Information: Please complete as much as possible:

Diabetes Yes / No Last HBA1c:

Last foot screen result Low / Increased / High / Ulcerated

Neuropathy Peripheral Yes / No Yes / No arterial disease

Is the patient receiving treatment at any hospital? – please provide Yes / No details

Completed by: Podiatrist GP Nurse AHP Guardian Self

Signed Contact Tel no: Dated

Name Printed Office Use only:

Date received Triaged by & date

Priority status Urgent Routine . Diabetic


Speech and Language Therapy Service Referral Form (Adult)

Please do not refer if the person also requires occupational therapy/physiotherapy (refer to SLT within Bristol Community Health).

PATIENT DETAILS REFERRER DETAILS N.H.S. No: Name: D.O.B.: GP Practice: Surname: GP Telephone No.: First Names: Address:

Postcode: Telephone No. Contact No. & person, if not the patient: First language: Ethnicity: Requires transport: Yes / No Requires home visit: Yes / No

To aid triage please give as much information as possible

Medical Diagnosis:

Reason for Referral:

Priority: Urgent / Routine (delete as applicable) Medical History and Medication (separate GP medical history and medication sheet may be attached)

Risks (please delete as appropriate) Lives alone: Yes / No Significant change in swallow and/or communication: Yes / No Choking: Yes / No Current safe guarding concerns: Yes / No

Email completed form to: [email protected]

Wound Care Service Referral Form

Wound Care Service Referral Form Please return the completed form to the Wound Care Service at Knowle Clinic by fax - 0117 9190370 Failure to complete this form fully may result in the referral being delayed Patient details:

Name: NHS number:

Ethnicity Address: Date of birth: :

Telephone: Land:


Postcode: Referral Information: Date of Referral: Date EMIS received: No: Referring person: Address: (& role)Name Telephone: Priority weighting 1 or 2 (see referral criteria)

Service required from WCS: - home visit / clinic appointment / telephone advice / other Has the patient been seen by WCS previously? Yes / No / Not sure

GP details: GP name, address, telephone and fax:

GP code (if known): Patient next of kin: Name: Address: Telephone: Postcode: Wound information: Type of wound:- leg ulcer / surgical wound / pressure ulcer / other Medical history: (if medical summary attached then no need to complete this section) Diabetes: Rheumatoid arthritis / inflammatory disease: Infection or cellulitis present: Recurrent cellulitis: Major surgery: Vein surgery / DVT: Other significant medical history: Allergies: Significant medication: (if possible please include list of medications) Patient Name: NHS Number:

Reason for referral to Service:

Wound - site, description, measurements, duration and previous wound history:

Current dressings / bandage regime used:

Information related to wound: Any problems with past dressings, treatments, concordance or other issues

If leg ulcer - last Doppler results Inc. sounds, date and where (if available send Leg Ulcer Care Pathway):

Ankle circumferences: If pressure ulcer suspected: Category:- 1 2 3 4 unknown (please indicate)

Any other Services involved with patient: (please indicate) eg - Community Nurses, Practice Nurses, Podiatry, Community Matron, Secondary Care, Dermatology, others

Has patient been referred to any other Service: (please indicate) e.g. - Dermatology, Vascular, Plastics, Podiatry, others

Please return the completed form to the Wound Care Service at Knowle Clinic by fax - 0117 9190370

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