Garlow Lesson Plans

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Garlow Lesson Plans

Teacher – Christopher Grade 5 Week 7:Oct 24-28 Monday 10/24 Tuesday Wednesday 10/26 Thursday 10/27 FRIDAY 10/28 10/25 (absent) (absent)

8:25-9:00 Daily Oral Language (2 sentences) Daily Math Daily Oral Language (2 sentences) Daily Math Problems (3-5 Daily Oral Language (2 Problems (3-5 problems) sentences) problems) 9:00- SOL's: USI.1f,g The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis and responsible citizenship. The student will analyze and interpret 9:40 maps to explain relationships among landforms and water features and will learn to distinguish between parallels of latitude an meridians of longitude. USI.2a, b The student will use maps, globes, photographs, pictures, or tables to locate the seven continents and five oceans; locate and the describe the eight geographic regions of North America. USI.2c The student will locate and identify the water features important to the early history of the United States. USI3a,b The student will demonstrate knowledge of how early cultures developed in North America. USI 4a European Exploration The student will be able to: Describe how archaeologists have recovered material evidence of ancient settlements including Cactus Hill. Locate where the American Indians Social lived with emphasis on the Inuit, Kwakiutl, Lakota, Pueblo, and Iroquois. Students will become familiar with English, French and Spanish explorers Studies Essential Vocabulary- Cactus Hill, archaeologists, Inuit, Kwakiutl, Pueblo, Lakota, Iroquois, Eastern Woodland, natural, human, and capital resources, motivations and obstacles, gold, God, glory.

Research-Based Instructional Strategies: Materials Needed:

Activating prior knowledge Identifying X text x notebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board similarities & differences audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN X Summarizing& note taking Reinforcing X activity sheets thesaurus/dictionary manipulatives effort & providing recognition scissors glue calculator Nonlinguistic representations Setting other: computers on wheels, Mr. Saunders' website, COWS, blog, UBD units, STAR, Interwrite, ELMO teacher made goals & providing feedback X Structured small groups Generating & activities testing hypothesis Homework & practice X Differentiation Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Anticipatory Set:Daily Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Anticipatory Set:Daily Pre-assessment: Geography Anticipatory Anticipatory Set:Daily Geography Geography Anticipatory Set:Review Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: Set:Daily Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: Direct Instruction/Input & weekly homework/Daily Present/Review: 4 Obstacles to Exploration Geography Independent Practice/Assessment: Modeling: Geography and Direct Begin completing European Exploration GuidedPractice: Direct Instruction/Input 3 Accomplishments of Exploration Instruction/Input from 1400 to 1700 graphic organizer Independent Practice: Modeling:Whole group Assessment: & Modeling: Work from IAN Assessment: completion of projected Closure:Eight Regions song. with teams to Finish European Exploration Interaction of European and complete Closure:Study Buddies from 1400 to 1700 graphic American Indian Cultures HW: Monthly menu Cooperative or HW:Monthly menu organizer from IAN from IAN Conflict Closure:Study Buddies Guided/ assignment. HW:Monthly menu Independent Practice: -Review explorers Assessment:Quia quiz on activity sheets Explorers Assessment: Guided/Independe nt Practice: Complete bubbles on Early European Explorers Closure:Study buddies HW:Monthly menu

9:40-10:40 SOL's: 5.15 The student, given a problem situation, will collect, organize, and interpret data in a variety of forms, using stem-and-leaf plots and line graphs. 5.16 a) describe mean, median, and modes as measures of center; b) describe mean as fair share; c) find the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data; and d) describe the range of a set of data as a measure of variation

Math Essential Vocabulary: point, ordered pair, line graph, trend, x and y axis, stem-and-leaf plots, mean, average, median, mode, range Research-Based Instructional Strategies: Materials Needed:

Activating prior knowledge X text x notebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board Identifying similarities & differences audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN Summarizing & note taking X activity sheets thesaurus/dictionary manipulatives Reinforcing effort & providing recognition scissors glue calculator Nonlinguistic representations Setting other: COWS, blog, UBD units, STAR, Interwrite, ELMO goals & providing feedback Structured small groups teacher made activities Generating & testing hypothesis Homework & practice Differentiation Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: review HW Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: review HW from Thursday review HW Direct Instruction/Input & Direct Instruction/Input & and Friday Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: Modeling: Modeling: Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: Direct TE. Pg 440B Develop the Concept Guided/Independent Guided/Independent Instruction/Input pg. 440 Another Example: Steam and Practice: Practice: & Modeling: -TE pg. Leaf Plot -TE pg 438 # 8-14 Assessment: -Daily Spiral Guided/Independent Practice: 450 Visual Learning -TE pg 441 # 1-2 -TE pg 442 #10-19 Review 18-5/Quick Check 18- Assessment: Bridge take notes -Math Anchor Activities 4 -discuss vocabulary Guided/Independent Practice: (Enrichment) Closure: -TE pg 6-9 Assessment: textbook Closure: HW: create your own stem and leaf plot -Math Anchor Activities (Enrichment) assignment is graded HW Guided/Independen Assessment: Closure: t Closure: HW: Practice: HW: -TE pg. 450 # 1-7 -TE pg. 450 # 17-22 -Math Anchor Activities (show new activities with key copy)

Assessment: Closure: HW: -TE pg. 450 # 11- 16

Students in need of extension assist with Students in need of support work in pairs or small group, one on one with teacher/TA students in need of support (reciprocal teaching), enrichment activities

10:40- SEE READING PLANS 11:10 SOLS. Objective(s) Students will Essential Vocabulary:

Research-Based Instructional Strategies: Materials Needed:

Activating prior knowledge X text x notebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board Identifying similarities & differences audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN Summarizing & note taking X activity sheets thesaurus/dictionary manipulatives Reinforcing effort & providing recognition scissors glue calculator Nonlinguistic representations Setting other: COWS, blog, UBD units, STAR, Interwrite, ELMO Writing goals & providing feedback teacher made activities Structured small groups Generating & testing hypothesis Homework & practice Differentiation

Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: . Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: Direct Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: Direct Instruction/Input & Direct Instruction/Input & Instruction/Input Guided/Independent Practice: Modeling: Modeling: Guided/Independent Practice: & Modeling: Assessment: Guided/Independent Guided/Independent Guided Closure: Practice: Practice: /Independent Assessment: Practice: Closure: Closure: Closure: Assessment: Closure:

Resource Computer Lab Library PE Music Art 11:20- 12:00 Recess 12-12:20 Recess 12-12:20 Recess 12-12:20 Recess 12-12:20 Recess 12-12:20

Lunch 12:20-12:50 Lunch 12:20- Lunch 12:20-12:50 Lunch 12:20-12:50 Lunch 12:20-12:50 12:50

1:00-2:30 SOL 5.4b The student will expand vocabulary to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meaning words. SOL5.5 b,c,d,i,k,lThe student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry. Students will differentiate between story elements and comprehend character development. SOL 5.6 a,e,f, h, j The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. SOL Language Objective(s) The student will be able to:Make, confirm, or revise predictions. Students will learn to identify and ask questions that clarify various points of view. Students will practice summarizing supporting Arts details from text. Students will describe the development of plot and explain the resolution of conflicts. Students will describe the characteristics of free verse, rhymed, and patterned poetry. Students will (Reading/ practice making inferences and reaching conclusions based on information provided in text by the author. Students will be able to recognize structural patterns, locate causes and effects, and compare and Spelling/ contrast new and previously identified information from text. Students will summarize and identify new information gained from reading and reviewing charts and graphs. Essential Vocabulary :fiction, predict, clarify, multiple meaning words, paraphrase, summarize, sequence, character, plot, climax, resolution, inferences and conclusions Writing) Research-Based Instructional Strategies: Materials Needed:

Activating prior knowledge Identifying text notebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board similarities & differences audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN Summarizing & note taking Reinforcing X activity sheets thesaurus/dictionary manipulatives effort & providing recognition scissors glue calculator Nonlinguistic representations Setting other:__COWS, Blog, Interwrite, ELMO______teacher made activities goals & providing feedback

Structured small groups Generating & testing hypothesis Homework & practice Differentiation Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Pre-assessment: Anticipatory Set:Review last weeks Daily Shared Reading: Shared Reading: “Scavenger Anticipatory Set: Reading Review sheet Guided Reading: Hunt – Monty’s Mysterious Classroom Feud vocabulary Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: (60 minutes – 20 Makeover” January 2011 game. Review homework procedures and format for per group) See StoryWorks Shared Reading: reading and spelling homework. below schedule Guided Reading: Guided Reading:(60 minutes – Review/discuss vocabulary, story elements, Guided/Independe (60 minutes – 20 per group) 20 per group) See below story map. nt Writing: See below schedule schedule Whole group reading of this week’s basal Read Aloud:Ponds Independent Writing: story, “The Marble Champ” Press Independent Independent Reading: Guided Reading:Students will complete story Assessment: Reading/Writing: Read Aloud: Picture book on map after story is read. Selection test on Read Aloud: Ponds Press American Indians Assessment: “The Marble Assessment: Closure: Champ.” Homework: Daily Assessment: reading review Homework: Daily reading review Homework: Daily Reading Review

Students in need of extension: Independent Students in need of support. Parnters/ small group work/ one on one reading reading (student choice) assist students in need of support (reciprocal teaching) 2:30-3:10 5.1 (ongoing) 5.7 The student will investigate and understand how the Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Key concepts include a) the rock cycle including identification of rock types Science b) Earth history and fossil evidence; c) the basic structure of the Earth’s interior; d) plate tectonics (earthquakes and volcanoes); e) weathering and erosion; and f) human impact

Objective(s) The student will be able to: Demonstrate understanding of the rock cycle. Identify the basic types of earth’s rocks and that they are changed by weather and erosion. Demonstrate an understanding of fossils and that they provide humans with evidence of the earth’s history, and that humans impact what is occurring to the earth. Essential Vocabulary : igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, weathering, erosion, fossils, impact Research-Based Instructional Strategies: Materials Needed:

Activating prior knowledge Identifying Xtext x notebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board similarities & differences audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN XSummarizing& note taking Reinforcing X activity sheets thesaurus/dictionary manipulatives effort & providing recognition scissors glue calculator Nonlinguistic representations Setting other: UBD units, STAR, Interwrite, ELMO teacher made activities goals & providing feedback X Structured small groups Generating & testing hypothesis Homework & practice X Differentiation Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Pre-assessment: Anticipatory Set: Pre-assessment: Anticipatory Set: Pre-assessment: Anticipatory Set: review Friday’s quiz Brain Pop video Anticipatory Set: Direct Instruction/Input Anticipatory Set: Rock Cycle Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: Modeling: Direct Instruction/Input Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: Direct Guided/Independent Modeling: Instruction/Input Guided/Independent Practice: Practice: Guided/Independent Assessment: & Modeling: -IAN page 18 answer questions -Must complete rock cycle Practice: Guided/Independent Practice: IAN 14 pg -Review ?s IAN pg writing activity from previous -Metamorphic Rocks interactive note taking, and pg 15 answer ?s 15 Assessment: Writing Activity: day Worksheet Closure: -IAN page 16 and Paragraph that describes the rock -Weathering and Erosion -Igneous Rock Worksheet HW: 17 interactive note cycle and how humans may impact it. Worksheet Assessment: menu taking Must include facts (paraphrased) -Sedimentary Rocks Closure: Guided/Independen assignment is graded Worksheet HW: t Practice: Assessment: Closure: Assessment: -Study Buddies HW: menu Closure: Closure: HW: Monthly menu HW: menu Groups for Reading: GUIDED READING #3: GUIDED READING #1:Inuits GUIDED READING #2:Pueblos Kwakiutls Students: William, Raekwon, Students: Colby, Gavin, Keturah, Students: Linhdan, Luke, Jacari, Linwood, Taleigha, Amber, Megan, Logan, Camrie Kayla, Anthony, Elijah Aleaha, Alexis Text: Leveled Reader Text: Leveled Reader Text: Challenge Reader Head First Was Isn’t Possible Listening to Crickets, A Story About Rachel Carson

Stations Inuits Pueblos Kwakiutls Station One: Tuesday Tues : Formal writing Formal writing Skill Formal writing P.M. See below Lesson/Guided Wednesday: Wednesday: What Isn’t Wednesday: “from Listening to Reading/Writing Head First (find story elements: Possible (find story elements: Crickets, A Story about Rachel (Ms. conflict, climax, resolution) conflict, conflict, resolution) Carson” (write a good summary Christopher) of the passage, detailing the Thursday: Thursday: main ideas of the selection) Page 278 from Reading Practice Page 278 from Reading Practice book book Thursday: Review selection test on “The Review selection test on “The Page 278 from Reading Practice Marble Champ” Marble Champ” book Review selection test on “The Friday: Marble Champ” Friday: Word Study – 2ndAdding –ing Word Study – (double, e-drop, nothing) EXTRA: Homophone pairs – Long vowel Writing/Grammar End of Year sounds Skills Test “The Weather Capes”

Friday: Word Study – Noun Suffixes Words Their Way

Station Two: Word Tues: Tues: Tues: Study/Guided Writing (Pelfrey)

Station Three: Independent Wed: SS writing: Imagine Wed: SS writing: Imagine that SS writing: Imagine that Reading/Writing Wed: that you were in one of the you were in one of the Native you were in one of the Native Native American Tribes we are American Tribes we are learning American Tribes we are learning learning about. Write a journal about. Write a journal entry about. Write a journal entry entry describing a day in your describing a day in your life. describing a day in your life. life. What did you do? What What did you do? What was the What did you do? What was the was the weather/climate like? weather/climate like? Describe weather/climate like? Describe Describe the people, houses, the people, houses, animals, etc the people, houses, animals, etc animals, etc around you. Make around you. Make sure to use around you. Make sure to use sure to use correct facts correct facts according to what correct facts according to what according to what tribe you tribe you belong to. tribe you belong to. belong to.

Station Four: Friday - Rotation Two Friday- Rotation Three Friday - Rotation One Computers A. R./Spelling testing/Quia A. R./Spelling testing/Quia A. R./Spelling testing/Quia quiz quiz quiz

Station Three Tuesday A. M. : Tuesday A. M.: Tuesday A. M. : Word Study/Guided Rotation Three Rotation OneStudy Skills Rotation Two “ Reading 1) “The Marble (Unit 6 Skills Test pgs 20-21) A Night on Balsam Champ“passage Mountain” 2) Have students Wednesday A. M. complete an illustration Complete formal writings or or a scene from the story work on biography papers Wednesday A. M. or use “marbles, thumb, Complete formal writings championship, and Thursday A. M.: or work on biography trophy” to retell the story Rotation One papers in writing. Review line graph sheets Thursday A. M.: Wednesday A. M. Friday A. M.: Rotation Two Complete formal writings Rotation One Review bus schedule or work on biography Finish any incomplete work tables papers for the week. Friday A. M. : Thursday A. M.: Rotation Two Rotation Three Finish any incomplete Review line graphs sheets work for the week.

Friday A. M.: A.M. Rotation Three Rewrite a nursery rhyme Finish any incomplete in pairs or individually by work for the week and/or changing words with the read independently. use of a thesaurus and/or dictionary.

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Rotation Two Rotation Three Rotation One Selection test on “The Selection test on “The Selection test on “The Marble Champ” Marble Champ” Marble Champ” Station Four Independent Thursday Thursday Thursday Reading/Writing Rotation Two Rotation Three Rotation One Written response to Written response to Written response to StoryWorks Scavenger StoryWorks Scavenger Hunt. StoryWorks Scavenger Hunt. Hunt. 1st rotation: Inuits (me), Pueblos (Pelfrey), Kwak (ind) 2nd rotation: Pueblos (me), Kwak (Pelfrey), Inuits (ind) 3rd rotation: Kwak (me), Inuits (Pelfrey), Pueblos (ind)

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