Acceptable Use Policy s2

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Acceptable Use Policy s2

Name: ______

Study Guide - Acceptable Use Policy Answer the following questions completely.

1. What is an AUP?

2. Why do rules exist for using computers?

3. List 3 types of organizations that use AUP’s.

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4. In Humble ISD, who is expected to follow the rules for computer use?

5. Finish this sentence. If you are unsure about what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in your class, ______.

6. List eight examples of computer violations here at PACE.

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7. Explain, using complete sentences, two good reasons why students should not open the internet and/or go to unapproved websites while you are in class. 8. Please read the following statement and match it with the corresponding violation. Giving other students access to your computer account. ______

9. Read the following statement and match it with the corresponding violation. The use of any internet based mail program unless instructed and supervised by a teacher. ______

10.Read the following statement and match it with the corresponding violation. You were not accepted at PACE to play, FOCUS on your course work. ______

11.Read the following statement and match it with the corresponding violation. You may not plug any device into your computer. ______

12.Read the following statement and match it with the corresponding violation. Takes up campus server space, network security, non academic, copyright violation, and district or campus liability. ______

13.Read the following statement and match it with the corresponding violation. This is sort of like sending notes during class but doing so by using the computer. ______

14.Read the following statement and match it with the corresponding violation. Includes any file sharing program and/or viewing any site containing pornography, violence, drugs, or weapons unless it is part of an assignment given to you by your teacher. ______

15.Read the following statement and match it with the corresponding violation. Giving or sharing any of your work, including by email, file sharing, using common folders or flash drives. ______

Acceptable Use Policy An acceptable use policy (AUP; also known as acceptable usage policy or Fair Use Policy) is a set of rules applied by the manager of a network, website or large computer system that restrict the ways in which the network site or system may be used. These rules are found in all areas of society, not just at school. AUP documents are written for corporations,[1] businesses, universities,[2] schools,[3] internet service providers,[4] and website owners[5] often to reduce the potential for legal action that may be taken by a user. These rules are intended to protect providers as well as users. It is for this reason that you (and/or your parent) has signed an AUP and agreed to follow the rules that have been established by your school. The Humble ISD and the PACE program are no different. Users of the computer and network systems here are all expected to follow the rules outlined in the policy; this includes students as well as teachers and staff. If you are unsure about what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in your class, ask your classroom teacher. Acceptable Use Policies are an important part of computer information security policies; it is often common practice to ask new members of an organization to sign an AUP before they are given access to its information and computer systems. The following definitions explain what are considered unacceptable uses of the computer and network in Humble ISD. If you have any questions regarding any of these definitions, please feel free to visit with the PACE technology teacher, Mr. McAndrews. Definitions of Computer Violations • Inappropriate Use of the Computer • Instant Messaging • MP3 Files (using computer to listen to music) • Downloading • Sharing Log-in (Username and/or Password) • Sharing Assignments • Games/Web sites not assigned by teacher and/or curriculum related • E-mail Inappropriate Use of the Computer Students are not permitted to use the school computer for any reason other than to complete assigned class work. Your goal at PACE is to graduate. In order to accomplish this goal, you must focus on completing your academic graduation plan. If you are using the computer for anything other than your school work, you will lose you privilege to use the computer and will be seated at a table away from the computer. Definition: Includes any file sharing program and/or viewing any site containing pornography, extreme violence, drugs, or weapons Justification: Inappropriate use of the network, non-academic, allows students to share files, network security (allows outside access to our network files) Instant Messaging This is sort of like sending notes in class but doing so by using the computer. There is no reason that any student should have a need to IM during class. Definition: The use of any Internet-based chat program Justification: Non-academic, network security, student safety, district/campus liability MP3 Files This includes any music listening device. You may not use the computer to listen to music. Streaming video and audio, including music, will slow the system down for others who are using the system for school work. You may not plug any device, including your phone, into the computer. Definition: Downloading, saving, or listening to MP3 files, unless instructed to do so Justification: Copyright violation, takes up campus server space Downloading The school district has strict rules against downloading anything to the computer, mainly because it could violate copyright rules. You will learn about copyright later. Definition: Saving or installing an executable program to the computer Justification: Takes up campus server space, network security, non-academic, copyright violation, district/campus liability Sharing Log-in (Username and/or Password) You should never, ever share your username or password. If you do, other students can destroy your work and/or use your login to use the computer in a manner that could get you into trouble. Definition: Giving another student access to your computer account Justification: Student accountability, accessing of other student folders can lead to cheating and destruction of student files Sharing Assignments / Cheating / Plagiarism You should place all of your computer generated assignments in your student network folder. Never share your work by any means including, but not limited to email, folder sharing, flash drives, etc. as this is considered cheating. Never copy and paste when completing assignments or making notes as this is not your original work and is considered plagiarism. Definition: Sharing work, cheating, and not producing original student work on assignments. Justification: Student accountability, accessing of other student folders can lead to cheating and destruction of student files. Plagiarism is unethical and possibly illegal and not tolerated in the academic community. Games/Web sites not Curriculum Related Whenever you open a game or go to a website that is not intended for a school assignment, you are using up network resources. You were not accepted at PACE to play games. If you truly want to finish and graduate, get off of the internet and get off of the games and FOCUS on your course work. Definition: Viewing any site or playing a game that you were not instructed to view Justification: Non-academic, misuse of system resources E-mail As stated above under web sites not curriculum related, email is not to be opened at school unless specifically part of an assignment and supervised by a teacher. Students who violate this rule will be subject to having their computer privileges revoked. Definition: The use of any Internet-based mail program unless instructed and supervised by a teacher. Justification: Non-academic, network security, district/campus liability, student safety. Humble Independent School District Acceptable Use Policy (For Students)

Student's Name: Student's ID#: Computer Password: I have read the Acceptable Use Policy, understand it, and agree to adhere to the principles and procedures detailed within.

I understand and accept the conditions stated in the Acceptable Use Policy and agree to hold blameless, and release from any liability, the Humble Independent School District, the sponsoring school, its subcontractors, and employees.

I understand that a network user is expected to use good judgment and follow the Acceptable Use Policy as printed in the student handbook published by the school and as presented to me with the AUP student assignment. I further understand that any student who violates any provision of the Acceptable Use Policy will lose all network privileges on the Humble ISD network.

I understand that any activity described above takes away from the learning process and slows the internet down for everyone. I also understand that it is my responsibility to follow the policy without any teacher having to verbally threaten me with disciplinary action.

I promise to conserve on printer paper and toner by printing only school related assignments and only when the teacher specifically asks me to print an assignment.

By signing this I promise to abide by the Acceptable Use Policy by refraining from randomly surfing the internet, playing mindless internet games, browsing for songs to listen to during class as well as not downloading programs, using an online chat or using email (unless it is with teacher permission for school related assignments).

Student Signature:______

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