Ago Iwoye, Nigeria

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Ago Iwoye, Nigeria



PART 1 A. PERSONAL DATA 1. Name: OGUNYEMI, Ajibola Olusoga 2. Department: Psychology 3. Faculty: Faculty of social and management science 4. Date and Place of Birth: 5th December, 1970, 1jebu Igbo 5. Nationality: Nigerian 6. Marital Status: Married 7. No of Children: Two (2) 8. Name and Address of spouse: Mrs. Abiola Adejoke Olabisi Ogunyemi 139, Townhall Road,Obafemi Awolowo Avenue (West) Ojowo, Ijebu Igbo. 9. Name and Address of Next of Kin: Same as No. 8 above 10. Date of first Appointment with the University: 27th May, 2002. 11. Status of first Appointment and Salary: Assistant Lecturer UASS 8 step 1 (#192,164.64 P.A) 12. Present Position and Salary: Senior Lecturer HATISS 5 step 3 (#1,769,232 P.A) 13. Date of Last Promotion: 1st October, 2011 14. Date of Confirmation of Appointment: 30th May, 2006 15. If not confirmed, why: Not Applicable 16. Period of Present contract: Not Applicable 17. Total Number of years of Teaching and Research: 14 years a. Polytechnic 2 years b. University 12 years

1 B. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 1. Academic Qualifications/ Institutions Attended With Dates: i. West African Secondary School Certificate

Abusi Odumare Academy, Ijebu Igbo 1980-1985 ii. Teachers Grade 2 Certificate

Muslim Teacher Training College, Oru-Ijebu. 1986 -1988 iii. B.Ed (Hons) Guidance and Counselling

Ogun State University, Ago Iwoye.

(Now Olabisi Onabanjo University) 1990- 1995 iv. Masters in Personnel Psychology

Ogun State University, Ago Iwoye.

(Now Olabisi Onabanjo University) 1997-1999 v. Masters in Counselling Psychology (Career Counselling)

University of Ibadan, Ibadan 2002 - 2004 vi. Ph.D Applied Psychology (Personnel)

Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye 2000 – 2006 vii. M.Sc. Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

University of Ibadan, Ibadan 2010 - 2012 viii. B. Sc. Psychology (Undergraduate academic transcript)

Psychology department, University of Ibadan 2010-2011

2. Current Higher Degree Programme Registered for (If Any): NILL

3. Awards and Distinctions:

i. Comrade Fellow of the Students’ Union (CFSU), 1992. Ogun State University Students’ Union Government (now Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye).

ii. Grand Commander of the Students’ Union (GCOSU), 1993. Ogun State University Students’ Union Government (now Olabisi Onabanjo University).

iii. Award of Excellence (1994), Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ogun State University Chapter (now Olabisi Onabanjo University).


I. Previous Work Experience outside the University system: a. Class Teacher, Area Schools Board, Ijebu Igbo. 1989-1990 b. Head Teacher, Bola Immaculate group of schools, Ikorodu, Lagos. 1997-1998 c. Marketing Manager, Jumlar Nigeria Limited, Area 10, Garki, Abuja. 1999-2000 d. Administrative Officer I, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta 2000-2002

2. Previous Work Experience in other Universities:

C.i.1.a.Associate Lecturer, University of Ado Ekiti 2000 -2002

C.i.1.b.Associate Lecturer, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma 2000 -2002

C.i.1.c.Associate Lecturer, Lagos State University, Ojo 2006 -2007

C.i.1.d.Facilitator, Nigerian Open University, Ibadan Study Centre 2007 -2010

C.i.1.e.Facilitator, Nigerian Open University, Awa Study Centre 2007 -2010

C.i.1.f. External Examiner for Med/MPP, Counselling Psychology Programme

Guidance and Counselling department, University of Ibadan 2011 – 2012

C.i.1.g.External Examiner for Ph.D Programme for Counselling Psychology

Programme, Guidance and Counselling Department

University of Ibadan 2013– till date

3. Details of professional experience at Olabisi Onabanjo University:

(i.) Teaching Function:

a. Undergraduate Teaching:

Course Code Course Title Status

1. EFM 103 Psychology & Education 2C

2. EGC 104 Teachers and Counselling 2C

3. DLR 107 Trade Union I 3C

4. DLR 107 Trade Union II 3C

5. EGC 203 Personality and Social Development 3C

3 6. EGC 204 Techniques of Appraisal 2R

7. EGC 209 Group Psychological Testing 2R

8. NPE 211 Introduction to Statistics 3C

9. EFM 301 Research Methodology 3C

10. EGC 302 Vocational Theories & Adjustment 2C

11. EGC 410 Behavioural Modification 2C b. Postgraduate Teaching: Course Code Course Title Status 1. EDU 801 Research Methods 3C 2. EGC 810 Behaviour Modification 2R 3. EGC 812 Social Psychology 2C 4. EPP 829 Group and inter Group Relationship 2C 5. EPP 830 Organisational Psychology 3C 6. EPP/EGC 914 Personality Assessment 3C 7. EGC 921 Advance Work in Vocational Psychology 3C 8. EGC 902 Advance Statistics 3C c. Research Functions:

a. Supervising B.A/B.Sc (Ed) research project in guidance and counselling

b. Supervising Masters & Ph.D students (M.PP, M.ed & P.hD) research projects/thesis

(ii.) Research (Completed/Ongoing) 1. Ogunyemi A. O. & Adesoye E. O. – Emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills training programmes as strategies for fostering team work behavior, work attitude and psychological sense of community at work among civil servant in Ogun State. 2. Ogunyemi A.O. & Olaleye F.A. – Rightwing extremism, intolerance of ambiguity and ethnocentrism as determinants of propensity for xenophobic behavior among South African university undergraduates. 3. Ogunyemi A. O. - Increasing Job Involvement of Personnel of Police Force: The effects of Perceived Organizational Justice, Organizational Support and Group Efficacy 4. Ogunyemi A. O. – Job demand and Job decision latitude influences on mental strain among Nigeria immigration officer: The Mediating role of perceived organizational support.

4 (iii.) Administrative Functions and Contribution to the University: a. Staff Secretary, Department of Educational Foundations and Management, OOU, Ago Iwoye 2002-2004 b. Course Adviser (200level), Department of Educational Foundations and Management, OOU, Ago Iwoye 2002-2004 c. Member, Faculty of Education Sandwish Students Project Distribution Committee 2002 – 2006 d. Member, Faculty of Education Sandwish Students Project Distribution Committee 2002 – 2006 e. Staff Secretary, Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling, OOU, Ago Iwoye 2004– Feb. 2006

f. Course Adviser (200level), Department of Educational

Foundations and Counselling, OOU, Ago Iwoye. 2004 -2006

g. Member, Students Project Distribution Committee,

OOU, Faculty of Education, Ago Iwoye 2004 - 2006

h. Member, Journal and Publication Committee,

Department of Educational Foundations and

Counselling, OOU, Ago Iwoye 2004 till Date

i. Member, Teaching Practice Committee, Faculty of

Education, OOU, Ago Iwoye 2004 - 2006

j. Examination Officer, Department of Educational

Foundations and Counselling, OOU, Ago Iwoye 2006 – 2007

k. Staff Adviser, Discovery Camp,

Olabisi Onabanjo University Chapter 2006-till date

l. Staff Adviser, Fun House Entertainment,

Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye. 2006-till date

5 m. Member, Faculty of Education Teaching Practice

special monitoring committee 2007-tll Date n. Postgraduate Programmes’ coordinator,

Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling,

OOU, Ago Iwoye 2007 -2009 o. Member, Teaching Practice Committee, Faculty of

Education, OOU, Ago Iwoye 2012 till date p. Sub-Dean, Faculty of Education,

Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye 2012 – 2014 iv. Contributions to the Nation: a. Speaker, Students’ Counselling Association of Nigeria

OSU Chapter (Now Olabisi Onabanjo University) 1991 - 1992 b. Speaker, Nigerian University Education students’ Association,

OSU Chapter (Now Olabisi Onabanjo University) 1992 – 1993 c. Speaker, Ogun State University Students’ Union Government,

(Now Olabisi Onabanjo University) 1993 – 1994 d. Chairman, Electoral Commission, National Association of

Nigerian students (NANS) 1994 -1995 e. Public Relation Officer (P.R.O), Ogun State University

Alumni Association (Now Olabisi Onabanjo University)

Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. 1999 – 2000 f. Member, Abeokuta Unique Lions Club 2002 – 2005 g. Managing editor, Ogun journal of counselling studies 2007 - 2009


1. Member, Nigeria Association of Educational Psychologist

2. Member, Counselling Association of Nigeria (CASSON)

6 3. Member, Institute of Personnel Management (IPM)

4. Member, Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychologist (#116039)


I. Thesis/Dissertation:

b.i. Ogunyemi, A.O. (1999). “Correlates of effective workers productivity”. Unpublished M.PP research project, Ogun State University (Now Olabisi Onabanjo University). b.ii. Ogunyemi, A.O. (2004). “The buffering effects of self-efficacy and emotional intelligence on occupational stress and job satisfaction of academic staff in a Nigerian University”. Unpublished M.Ed research project, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. b.iii. Ogunyemi, A.O. (2006). “Differential effectiveness of provocation, brainstorming and emotional mastery in fostering creativity and emotional intelligence of adolescents”. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, Faculty of Education, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye, February, 2006 b.iv. Ogunyemi A.O (2012): The mediating roles of Organisation-Based self- esteem and organizational Commitment in spirituality at work and organizational citizenship behavior. M.Sc Psychology Research Project, University of Ibadan, Ibadan

II. Book: Ogunyemi A.O (In press). Contemporary Issues in Human Organisation.

III. Monographs: Nill

IV. Journal Articles (Published)

1. Ogunyemi A.O. (2003). “The counsellor and other school personnel: Practical collaboration for quality education”. The Counsellor, 19 (2), 27-42.Offical journal of the counselling Association of Nigeria, Ibadan. ISSN 0189-0263.

2. Adeyemo D.A., Ogunyemi A.O. (2003). The combined and relative effects of emotional intelligence and self-efficacy on job satisfaction of academic staff in a Nigerian University. Journal of Research In Counselling Psychology, 9 (1), 1-7. Publication of the Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye. ISSN 978-37191-3-0

3. Mabekoje S.O., Ogunyemi A.O. (2003). Emotional Intelligence within the classroom context: The Influence of gender and sociometric status. Journal of Research in Counselling Psychology, 9 (1), 94-102. Publication of the Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye. ISSN 978-37191- 3-0

4. Ogunyemi A.O. (2004). Counselling for effective school management: A practical approach. Sokoto Educational Review, 6 (2), 26-40. Publication of faculty of education and extension services, Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. ISSN 079436653

7 5. Ogunyemi A.O. (2004). Influence of conflict handling behaviour on job stress of workers in a manufacturing industry. Nigerian Journal of Applied Psychology, 8 (1), 156- 169. Publication of Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. ISSN: 0189-5656.

6. Ogunyemi A.O. (2004). Sex, Religion and Work experience differentials on conflict resolution strategies among Primary School Teachers. Nigerian Journal of Applied Psychology, 8 (2), 213- 229. Publication of Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. ISSN: 0189-5656.

**7. Adeyemo, D. A ., Ogunyemi A.O. (2005). Emotional intelligence and self-efficacy as predictors of occupational stress among Academic staff in a Nigerian University. Electronic Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership, volume 4. available at

**8. Ogunyemi A.O. (2006a). Gender, socio-economic status and educational level as determinants of career maturity of Nigerian adolescents. Gender & Behaviour, 4 (1), 696 - 700 . Publication of Ife Centre for psychological studies, (Ife, Nigeria) & Psychologia (Ghana) Ltd, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana. ISSN: 1596-9231

**9. Eweniyi G.B., Ogunyemi A.O. (2006b). An analysis of Nigerian University Undergraduates awareness of HIV/AIDS epidemic: Implications for national development. The African Symposium (An Online African Educational Research Network) 6 (1 & 2), 46 – 54. Available a Publication of University of Swaziland & Albany State University, USA. ISSN# TX 6-342-323

10. Ogunyemi A.O. (2006). Gender, religion-affiliation and socio-economic status as determinants of career choice of adolescent. International Journal of Applied Psychology and Human Performance, 1 (1) 181- 195. ISSN. 1473-9237

**11. Ogunyemi A.O., Mabekoje S.A (2007a). Self-efficacy, emotional stability and mental health as predictors of risk-taking behaviour among Nigerian University Undergraduates: Implication for national development. Ife Psychologia, 15,(1) 173-192. Publication of Ife Centre for psychological studies, (Ife, Nigeria) & Psychologia (Ghana) Ltd, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana. ISSN: 1117-1421

**12 Ogunyemi A.O., S.O. Mabekoje (2007b). Self-efficacy, risk-taking behaviour and mental health as predictors of personal growth initiative among University Undergraduates. Electronic Journal of research in Educational Psychology,5,(2) 349-362. Published by The University of Almeria (Spain), available at ISSN: 1699-5880

**13. Ogunyemi A.O. (2007c). Nurturing leaders’ emotional intelligence (EI) through brainstorming and emotional mastery training programmes: Implication for human resources management. E-journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership, 7(2) available at

**14. Ogunyemi A.O. (2007d). Psycho-social factors and career decision-making of Nigerian adolescents: Implication for career counselling. African Journal for the Study of Educational Issues, 1(1&2) 54-59. Publication of University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana. ISSN: 0892-21786

8 15. Ogunyemi A.O. (2007e). Training, motivation and perceived leadership style as predictors of workers productivity. Ogun Journal of Counselling studies, 1,(1) 73-83. Publication of Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ogun State Chapter. ISSN 978-987-082-399-3

16. Ogunyemi A.O., Musa N.T (2008g). Influence of personal variables on emotional maturity among sales representatives in manufacturing industries in Ogun State. Ogun Journal of Counselling Studies, 2(1&2) 34-43. Publication of the Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ogun State Chapter. ISSN 978-987-082-399-3

17. Ogunyemi A.O. (2008b). Influence of gender, self-efficacy and emotional intelligence on motivation for occupational preference among University Undergraduates. Journal of Management and Organisational Behaviour, 1, (1). 41 - 53

**18. Ogunyemi A.O. (2008c). Measured effects of provocation and emotional mastery techniques in fostering emotional intelligence of Nigerian adolescents. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 15(6) 281-296. Published by The University of Almeria (Spain), available at ISSN: 1699-5880.

**19. Hassan T., Ogunyemi A.O. (2008d). Differential effectiveness of provocation, brainstorming and emotional mastery programmes in fostering creative competence skills of Nigerian adolescents. The African Symposium: An online African Educational Research Journal, 8, (2) 32 – 43. Available at Publication of University of Swaziland & Albany State University, USA. ISSN# TX 6-342- 323

20. Ogunyemi A.O. (2008e). Career counselling: A proactive approach for career change for adults in career transition. Ogun Journal of Counselling Studies, 2(1&2) 114-119. Publication of Counselling Association of Nigeria, Ogun State Chapter. ISSN 978-987-082- 399-3

21. Ogunyemi A.O., Coker O.O (2008f). Zero and partial correlations of some human resource activators: Implication for personnel selection and recruitment in education industry. Journal of Applied Education and Vocational Research, 6, (1) 49 - 66. ISSN 1597- 8540. Publication of the College of Vocational and Applied Education, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Ogun State.

**22. Ogunyemi A.O., Musah K.T (2009). The Influence of Personal and Psychological Factors on the Proneness of Athletes in Ogun State to Abuse Drugs. An International Journal of Psychology in Africa, Ife Psychologia 17, (2) 65 – 78. Publication of Ife Centre for psychological studies, (Ife, Nigeria) & Psychologia (Ghana) Ltd, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana. ISSN: 1117-1421

23. Ogunyemi A.O., Hassan E.M., Okwuazu U. (2009). Gender and anti-retro viral drug effects on the HIV-Self efficacy of patients living with HIV/AIDS in South-West Nigeria. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR),2, (1) 57 – 65. Publication of the Post graduate Schools, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye

24. Ogunyemi A.O. (2009). Some psychological factors differences in Job performance of bank workers in South-West Nigeria. African Journal of Research in Personnel & Counselling Psychology, 1(1) pp 144-152. Publication of the Department of Educational Foundations and Management, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye.

9 25. Ogunyemi A.O. (2009). Managing organisational stress for personnel efficiency and effectiveness. African Journal of Research in Personnel & Counselling Psychology, 1(2) pp 115-123. Publication of the Department Educational Foundations and Management, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye.

**26. Ogunyemi ’Bola (2010a). Differential Effectiveness of Provocation, Brainstorming and Emotional Mastery in Fostering Emotional Intelligence (EQ) among Nigerian adolescents. Academic Leadership Journal (The Online Journal), 8 (3) ISSN 1533 – 7812. Available at www. Publication of Fort Hays State University, USA

**27. Ogunyemi ’Bola., U. Okwuazu. (2010b). Gender and anti-retro viral drug effects on the health locus of control of patients living with HIV/AIDS. Academic Leadership Journal (The Online Journal), 8 (3) ISSN 1533 – 7812. Available at www. Publication of Fort Hays State University, USA

**28. Ogunyemi A.O (2010). Provocation and emotional mastery programmes as strategies for fostering creative thinking competence of Nigerian adolescents. Journal of Social Sciences, India, 22 (1) ISSN 0971-8923 available at

**29. Ogunyemi A.O., Hassan E.M. (2010d). Academic self-efficacy, study habit and attitude in school-based assessment. African Journal for the Study of Educational Issues, 4 (3 & 4). Publication of the University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana Available at

30. Musa K.T., Ogunyemi A.O.., Ogunyanwo O.O., Sebionuga-lawal M.Y., B.A. Odunuga (2011). Emotional intelligence within the classroom context: Influence of Mental Health and Socio-metric Status. Nigerian Journal of Health Promotion 4(1) 111-122. ISSN 0995- 3895. Publication of the Health Promotion Research Association of Nigeria.

***31. Ogunyemi Ajibola O., Omosinmidele T. Awoyele (2013). Turnover Intent and effective Performance of Bank workers: A predictive Study. Journal of Strategic and International Studies. 8 (3) 1-5. Publication of the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Florida, USA. ISSN 2326-3636.

***32. Ogunyemi A. O. (2014). The Mediating roles of Organization-Based Self-Esteem (OBSE) and Organizational Commitment (OC) in Spirituality at Work and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development (IJIRD),3 (2), 61 – 71. India. ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online) available at

***33. Ogunyemi A. O., Awoyele O.T. (2014). The buffering effects of Critical life event, organizational climate and social support effect on subjective well being of bank workers. Journal of Education and practice. Journal of the international Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE), 5 (8), 159 – 168. P.O. Box 5934, New York, NY 10016, United States. ISSN 2222-1735.

***34. Ogunyemi A.O. & Ayodele K. O. (2014) influence of employees’ attitudinal variables on organizational citizenship behaviour and job commitment. African Journal of the international Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE), P.O. Box 5934, New York, NY 10016, United States. ISSN 2222-1735.

10 ***35. Ogunyemi A.O., Akinlaja S.O., Adesoye E., Akindele-Oscar A., Azeez R.O & Omolade M.A (2015). Organisational Variables & Effective Performance of Employees in Oil & Gas Sector: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Psychological Studies 7 (1).PP 23 – 31. A publication of Canadian Centre of Science and Education. ISSN 1918-7211

***36. Ogunyemi A.O. & Olaleye F.A (2015). Achievement motivation of university staff: Predictive value of person-organisation fit and job satisfaction. Journal of Psychology and Social Studies 9 (1), PP 36 - 43. A publication of the Organisation for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies (Academic OASIS)TM. ISSN 2327-7017. Issued by the Library of the Congress of The United State of America, Washington, D.C., USA.

***37. Ogunyemi A.O. & Akintola O.A (2015). Job demand and mental strain: The mediating effect of achievement motivation with Nigerian bank workers. Journal of Psychology and Social Studies 9 (1), PP 80 - 89. A publication of the Organisation for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies (Academic OASIS)TM. ISSN 2327-7017. Issued by the Library of the Congress of The United State of America, Washington, D.C., USA.

** International Publication before last Promotion *** International Publications after last promotion

V. Paper Accepted for Publication with Letter of Acceptance:

38. Ogunyemi A.O. (in press) - Conflict and Conflict Management in Academic Institutions: The Governor and Governed Perspectives. In Muyiwa Adeyemi & Anselm C. Managing school for effectiveness.

VI. Contributions in Books:

39. Adenuga, A ., Ogunyemi Bola (2004). Conflict Resolution and Management. ISBN: 978-36001-2- 5

40. Edun Taiwo ., A.O. Ogunyemi (2010). “Writing Skills”. In R. Alaba Adenuga, et al (ed). Study Skills & Techniques, ISBN 978-978-911-364-4 A Book of Reading of the General Studies Unit, OOU, Ago–Iwoye

41. Ogunyemi A.O. (In press). “Basic Guidance Services” In Sotonade O.A.T & Ajibola O. Ogunyemi (ed). Elements of Guidance and Counselling: A book of Readings of the department of Educational Foundations and Counselling, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye

42. Ogunyemi A.O. (In press). “Ethical Issues in Counselling”. In Sotonade O.A.T & Ajibola O. Ogunyemi (ed). Elements of Guidance and Counselling: A book of Readings of the department of Educational Foundations and Counselling, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye

VII. Published Conference Proceedings: NIL

VIII. Technical Reports: NIL

IX. Manuscripts submitted for Publications:

11 1. Ogunyemi A.O. - Emotional intelligence, value orientation, self-concept as determinants of potential for academic cheating. Nigerian journal of Applied Psychology. Publication of the Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.

2. Ogunyemi A.O. - Gender differences in emotional intelligence of school going Nigerian adolescents. Gender and Bahaviour Journal

3. Ogunyemi A. O. & Ayodele Wole. - Mediating role of career plateauing on turnover intention and job satisfaction of Nigerian employees in private university: Implication for HRM

4. Ogunyemi A.O. & Akintola O.A. – General Self-efficacy, Achievement striving behavior and personal growth initiative as determinants of Entrepreneurial aspiration of Business education postgraduate students.

5. Ogunyemi A.O. - Gender and socio-economic status differentials in creative thinking skills of Nigerian adolescents. Clute Institute of Academic Research

6. Ogunyemi A.O. - Cognitive ability, cognitive style and academic performance of adolescents from different family types. Australian Psychologist

7. Ogunyemi A.O. - Self efficacy, cognitive styles and achievement motivation differentials in academic performance of secondary schools students in Ogun State. Electronic Journal of Research in Psychology

8. Ogunyemi A.O., Adigun K.O – Teacher sense of efficacy and emotional intelligence in prediction of goal setting and achievement striving behaviour of secondary school teachers in South-West Nigeria. Journal of Educational Research in Africa. Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership.

9. Ogunyemi A.O. - Emotional intelligence, goal setting and achievement striving behaviour as predictors of risk taking behaviour among Nigerian police force in Oyo State. Journal of Research in Counselling Psychology, 10 (1).

10. Mabekoje S. O. & Ogunyemi A.O. – Influence of Job role quality on Teachers’ work motivation, job involvement and career commitment. Journal of Psychology and Social Studies

X. Unpublished Conference/Workshop Papers and Public Lectures:

1. Ogunyemi A.O. - Self efficacy, cognitive styles and achievement motivation differentials in academic performance of secondary schools students in Ogun State. Electronic Journal in Research in Psychology


i. Annual National Conference of Counselling Association of Nigeria held at University of Benin, Benin, Nigeria from 12th – 15th August, 2002: Paper read:“The Counsellor and other school personnel: Practical Collaboration for quality education”.

ii. International Conference on Human Development organized by Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria, 2005. Paper read:

12 (a) Gender, socioeconomic status and educational level as determinants of career maturity of Nigerian adolescents.

(b) Self-efficacy, risk-taking behaviour and mental health as predictors of personal growth initiative among Nigerian University undergraduates.

iii. 1st Annual International Conference on Applied Education and Vocational Technology organized by Tai Solarin University of Education between October 17th - 22nd 2007: Paper read:“Gender, Religion-affiliation and socio-economic status differentials in adolescents vocational choice: Implications for National Development”.

iv. Annual National Conference of Counselling Association of Nigeria held at Covenant University Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria from 14th – 17th August, 2007. Paper read: “Nurturing Leaders’ Emotional Intelligence (EI) Through Brainstorming and Emotional Mastery Training Programmes: Implication for Human Resource Management”.

v. National Association of Evaluators and Researchers (NAERE). 9th National Conference held at Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye, Ogun State from 3rd – 6th December 2007. Paper read: “Academic Self-Efficacy, Study Habit and Attitude in School-Based Assessment”.

vi. Annual National conference of Nigerian School Health Association held at Benue State University, Makurdi between 5th – 8th December 2007. Paper read: “Gender, Educational Level, Achievement Striving Behaviour and Self-Efficacy Differentials in Potential for Drug Abuse among Sports Men and Women in Ogun State”.

vii. Annual workshop of S.O.S kindergarten school held between Friday 26 and Saturday 27 November, 2010 at S.O.S village Owu – Ikija, Ogun State, Nigeria. Paper Read: “Managing organizational stress for personnel effectiveness and efficiency”.

viii. Education Trust Fund Research Methodology Capacity Building Workshop for Lecturers of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria held at Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State, May 2010.

ix. 2011 MDGS capacity building Workshop for Head teachers of Public Primary Schools in Nigeria on “Effective School Management” organized by National Institute for Educational planning and administration (NIEPA) between November 28 and December 17, 2011.

x. 2013 ISIS- San Antonio International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference organized by Institute of Strategic and International Studies. between October 18 – 20, 2013, Texas, USA. Paper read: Turnover Intent and effective Performance of Bank workers: A predictive Study

xi. 2015 Key West Academic OASIS / IAABR International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference organized by Academic organisation for advancement of Strategic and International Studies (ACADEMICOASIS). and International academy for advancement of business research www.IAABR.COM between March 15 – 17, 2015, Key West Florida, USA. Paper Read: (a) Achievement motivation of university staff: Predictive value of person-organisation fit and job satisfaction

13 (b) Job demand and mental strain: The mediating effect of achievement motivation with Nigerian bank workers

G. CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LIFE: 1. Within the University: As stated in Section C 3(III) above 2. Outside the University: As stated in Section C 3(IV) above

Applicant Signature Date


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