Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

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Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine


Questionnaire for Formal Survey for the Assessment of Production Practices of Smallholder Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Farmers in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia

A. Introduction In this interview schedule, there is no wrong or correct answer. What is required is just your opinion on practices you use in potato production. This will assist in formulation of policies, research and extension programs that are appropriate to your area for the improvement of potato production and productivity. Therefore, your cooperation will be highly appreciated.

B. General Information Date of interview: ______Name of the respondent: ______Name of the enumerator: ______Woreda/District: _____ Kebele/Village ______

C. Farmer's Characteristics 1. Gender of the respondent (Encircle): 1) Male 2) Female 2. How old are you? (In years) (Encircle) 1) <15 years old 2) 15-65 years old 3) >65 years old 3. How many family members do you have in your household? ______4. Level of normal education (Encircle) 1) No education 2) Primary education 3) Secondary education 4) Above secondary education 5. Marital status (Encircle): 1) single 2) married 3) widow 4) divorced

D. Production Experience 6. How many years of experience do you have in farming? ______7. What is your total land size in hectare? ______8. Of this land area, how much hectares of land are used for cultivation? ______9. The land that you cultivate is (Encircle): 1) Your own 2) Rent 3) Sharecrop 4) Other (Specify) 10. Of the cultivated land, how many hectares of which are allocated to potato production? ______11. Why you are growing potatoes? 1) For food 2) For cash crop 3) For both food and cash crop equally 4) Other (specify if any) 12. How many times potato grown per year? ______13. What land use type do you use for your potato field? (Encircle) 1) Pure stand 2) Mixed cropping 3) Other land use (Specify) 14. If "Mixed" in Q13, what was the %age share of mixed crops? (Encircle) 1) 0-25% 2) 25-50% 3) 50-75% 4) 75-100% 15. Do you produce potato by irrigation? (Encircle) 1) Yes 2) No 1 16. If "Yes" in Q15, what method of irrigation do you use? (Encircle) 1) Furrow 2) Over-head by using water can 3) Other (Specify) 17. If Field irrigated, what was source of water? (Encircle) 1) River 2) Pond 3) Harvested water 4) Other (Specify) 18. Which one is better to produce potato? (Encircle) 1) Irrigation 2) rain-fed 3) Equally important 19. Who involved in the main potato production activities (decision maker related to production activities)? (Encircle) 1) Husband 2) Wife 3) Both husband and wife are involved

E. Occurrence of natural hazards 20. Was there any natural hazard(s) (e.g. drought, flood, etc) that affect your yield level during the last 3 seasons? (Encircle) 1) Frequently 2) Seldom

F. Adoption of Recommended Practices Practice 1: Use of improved potato varieties 21. What is the source of seed potatoes in your area? (Encircle) 1) Open market 2) Research institutions 3) NGOs 4) Keep their own seeds from their harvests 6) Agricultural bureau 22. Which potato variety did you plant last season? (Encircle) 1) Jalene 2) Gudane 3) Wachacha 4) Tolcha 5) Local 23. What are the recommended potato seed tuber varieties in this area? 1) Jalene 2) Gudane 3) Wachacha 4) Tolcha 5) Local 6) Other 24. How much seed do you plant per hectare? ______Quintals 25. What are the major problems in using any potato seed tuber for sowing? (Encircle) 1) Poor in health 2) Unsuitable and physiologically aging 3) Impurity (varietal mix-up) 4) Physically damaged 5) Inappropriate seed size (small) 6) Tuber seeds of unknown origin 26. What are the major problems in using improved potato seed tuber for sowing? (Encircle) 1) Expensive 2) Not accessible when required 3) poor sprouting 4) they carry diseases 5) mixed 27. Which improved variety do you regard to be the best in this area? 1) Jalene 2) Gudane 3) Bulle 4) Marachare 5) Danch 6) Tolcha 1) Don't know 2) Local 28. Price of local seeds used: ______(Eth. Birr/100 kg) 1) <300 2) 300-400 2) 400-500 3) >500 29. Price of improved seeds used: ______(Eth. Birr/100 kg) 1) 300-400 2) 400- 500 3) >500

Practice 2: Spacing 30. Do you have hint on spacing during potato planting? (Encircle) 1) Yes 2) No 31. If "Yes" in Q30, what type of spacing do you use? 1) Narrow 2) Medium 3) Wider 32. Is there any recommended spacing for potato planting in your area? 1) Yea 2) No 33. If "Yes" in Q32, what is the recommended spacing for potato planting in this area? 1) Broadcasting 2) 40 cm x 60 cm 3) 80 cm x 50 cm 4) 75 cm x 30 cm 5) 50 cm x 20 cm 34. What is the size of the seed tubers do you use? 1) Small 2) Medium 3) Large 4) Mixed 35. Is there difference between spacing when growing for seed and for consumption? 1) Yes 2 2) No 36. If "Yes" in Q35, which one is wider? 1) Spacing when grown for consumption 2) Spacing when grown for seed 3) Equal spacing

Practice 3: Fertilizer Application 37. Did you use fertilizer in your potato fields previously? (Encircle) 1) Yes 2) No 38. If "Yes" in Q37, what type of fertilizer did you use? (Encircle) 1) Organic 2) Inorganic 3) The integration of both 39. Do you use split fertilizer application method? (Encircle) 1) Yes 2) No 40. If "Yes" in Q39, which type of fertilizer you split? 1) Urea 2) DAP 3) FYM 4) Compost 5) Other 41. When do you split? 1) At planting time 2) As topdressing 3) Both

Awareness of Recommended Fertilization 42. Do you have awareness of recommended fertilizer rate for potato? 1) Yes 2) No 43. If "Yes" in Q42, fill the following table for the questions 43-47.

Table 2. Time and rate of fertilizer recommendation in the study area No. of Type At planting time As topdressing questions Yes = (1), No = (2) kg/ha Yes = (1), No = (2) kg/ha 43 Urea 44 DAP 45 FYM 46 Compost 47 Other

Practice 4: Pest (Disease, Insect and Weed) Control 48. What is the most important potato pest in this area? 1) Diseases 2) Insects 3) Weeds 4) Others 49. Which variety is the best tolerant to disease in your area? (Encircle) 1) Wochecha 2) Jalene 3) Gudene 4) Tolcha 5) Local 8) Other (if any) 50. What other control method (s) do you use against disease? 1) Chemical 2) Cultural 3) Both 51. The price of chemicals to control disease is: 1) Cheap 2) Expensive 3) Fair 52. What are the most important potato insect pests in your area? (Encircle) 1) Insects that attack foliage (e.g., potato leafhopper) 2) Insects that damage tubers (e.g., wireworms) 3) Insects that attack both foliage and tubers (e.g., potato tuber moth) 4) Insects that are important mainly because they transmit virus diseases (e.g., green peach aphid) 53. Which variety is the best insect tolerant in your area? 1) Jalene 2) Gudene 3) Tolcha 4) Marachare 5) Bulle 6) Dancha 7) Local 8) Other

3 54. What other control method (s) do you use to control insect pest? 1) Chemical 2) Cultural 3) Both 55. The price of chemicals to control insect pests is: 1) Cheap 2) Expensive 3) Fair

Pest management decision making within the household 56. In your household, who decides on how much money to spend on pesticides? 1) Husband 2) wife 3) Both husband & wife 57. What are the most important potato production constraints in this area in general? 1) Lack of access to credit 2) Lack of high yielding cultivars 3) Insufficient clean planting materials 4) Potato late blight 5) Storage problem 6) Low market price 7) Soil degradation 8) Lack of fertilizers and pesticides

G. Productivity 58. What is your average potato yield (quintal/ha)? (Encircle) 1) <115 2) 115-172 3) >172

Postharvest handling 59. To whom (where) did you sell your potato tuber yield? (Encircle) 1) Farm get market 2) Village market 3) Town market 4) Commission agent 60. Do you fetch satisfactory price from selling your potato? (Encircle) 1) Yes 2) No 61. If "No", in Q61, what is the reason? 1) Lack of storage 2) Family immediate case 3) Obligations 62. Do you store potato tubers for seeding and/or consumption when market condition is poor? (Encircle) 1) Yes 2) No 63. If "Yes" in Q63, where do you store? (Encircle) 1) In the soil 2) In the bright room 3) In the dark room 4) In modified diffused light storage (DLS) 4) Other (Specify) 64. Have you ever analyzed different varieties for their seed storability? 1) Yes 2) No 65. If "Yes" in Q65, which variety has longer storability? 1) Wachacha 2) Jalene 3) Gudene 4) Tolcha 5) Local 6) I don’t know


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