Florida Emergency Nurses Association s1

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Florida Emergency Nurses Association s1

.Florida Emergency Nurses Association State Council Minutes Date: April 20, 2016 Facilitator: Dennise Mathis Location: Halifax Health Medical Center Daytona Beach, FL Recorder: Paula Davis Start: 10:00am End 2:00pm Officers: Dennise Mathis (President); Anne Blevins (President-Elect); Paula Davis (Secretary); Catherine Edmisten (Treasurer); Isabella Discepolo (Treasurer-Elect); Leona Stout-Demps (Immediate Past-President) Parliamentarian: Dottie Hindman Co-Parliamentarian: Larry Williams Board Liaison: Patricia (Patti) Howard (not present) Members: Darleen Williams, Jay Brosnan, Ann Brown, Christine Townsend, Penny Blake, Cathy O’Neil, Robin Powers, Terri Repasky, Sue Brenton, Grace Green, Ann Brown, Teresa Murphy, Pat Hogan Hazel Griggs, Michael Rushing, Michelle Artman, Naxcie Merchant, Bonnie McIntosh, Michelle Inglis, Stephen Brennan, Katrin Breault, Barbara Pesson-Humphrey, Gay Sedacca, Frances Boules Guest: Eddie Brouse Daytona State College, Kimberly Nali

TERMINOLOGY: FENA Executive Committee or Board – Officers and Parliamentarian FENA State Council Board of Directors Meeting – Quarterly state meetings

FENA State Council Board of Directors – Officers, Committee Chairs/Co-chairs and Chapter FENA State Council - All members of the state Representatives

Items Responsible Notes Call to order/Introductions/Recognitions/Celebrations Dennise Mathis Dennise Mathis and several FENA members attended - New attendees/Student Nurses/Other national student conference and recruited 50 new members - Congratulations: for ENA Happy Birthday Penny Blake Bonnie McIntosh passed CEN exam Darleen Williams and Katrin Breault were accepted for podium lecture presentation at annual ENA conference. Robin Powers was accepted to present lecture for two subjects during annual ENA conference. Congratulations to Dr. Robin Powers Story on obtaining her Doctorate in Nursing. Sandy Hickey past FENA president and long-time FENA member recently passed away and moment of silence observed with card being signed by members and sent to her mother. Verification of Quorum Dottie Hindman  Quorum verified at 1010 Chapter Reports to Secretary (online or in person) Paula Davis  Chapter reports were turned-in or submitted electronically to FENA secretary. Approval of Meeting Minutes Paula Davis  Motion to approve minutes made by Pat Hogan; second Jay Bronson. Motion to approve minutes with corrections as amended passed. Treasurer’s Report: Catherine Edmisten  Budget presented and accepted  Current budget report  See attachment for budget  Signatory on all chapter accounts  All chapters will need to send their budgets for  ENA State Challenge 2017 to FENA so this can be included in FENA budget. This is new change from national ENA  Discussed strategies for fund raising for ENA Foundation  Make sure all chapters have the FENA treasurer as a signatory on their accounts so if chapter go inactive the account can still be accessible Parliamentarian Report: Dottie Hindman  Conflict of interest statements signed and updated  Proposed amendment FENA bylaws  Awards and Scholarships Committee policy updated  Terri Repasky working on obtaining restaurant for delegate dinner on Monday September 12 with General Assembly being held Tuesday September 13 full day and half day on September 14th.  So far we have 22 delegate applications. Deadline for application is June 1st and will be notified by State Captain on June 15th. The delegate responsibilities were discussed.  Motion to approve delegate reimbursement to include maximum 3 nights hotel and airfare up to $1200 total for delegates mad e by Robin Powers Story. Second by Penney Blake. Motion passed.  Discussed shirt sizes and need to notify Dottie for new shirts. Group voted and approved new Hawaiian shirts as second shirt. Will continue to wear Aqua shirt.  Dottie finally got approval for new FENA pins and we have purchased 300 pins. Grace Green motion to sell pins for $3 second by Christine Townsend. Motion passed. Money will go to ENA scholarship funds. Fundraising Activity Dennise Mathis  Fundraising activities discussed and today have  Cathy Sakers Triage Book, Gas card and gift card. Total Rachelle Zahniser donation raised was $123.00 and the winners were Barbara Humphrey, Frances Bowles, and Michelle Inglis.  Donation cards can be brought by chapters to next meeting for fund raising. Dennise will send out reminder to chapter presidents FENA Officer Election Leona Stout-Demps  Open positions for 2017 Secretary  Open positions Announcement:  Will have candidates send written resume to  Secretary present with members to discuss at July meeting with voting to occur October meeting

Website Updates Cathy Edmisten  Still having difficulties getting updates done but  Tabs Cathy and Michael are continuing to work on the  Event Calendar updates and will be forthcoming  Links Delegate shirts Dottie Hindman  Discussed new FENA shirts and purchase. New  Long sleeve Leona Stout-Demps pin logo can be digital reproduced for new shirts.  Polo shirt  Long sleeve shirts discussed by Leona Demps for option 1; Cathy Edmisten discussed polos for option 2. Patrick Hogan for option 3 for Hawaiian shirts. Budget of $2660 was budgeted for delegate shirts. Motion made to table discussion until after lunch made by Michael Rushing and second by Penney Blake .Motion passed.  Discussion re-opened discussing shirts at 1226. Penny Blake discussed shirts. Motion by Robin Powers Story that order new pattern Hawaiian shirt for one day and for day 2 use existing Aqua shirts and then next year order new Aqua shirts. Penny Blake second. Motion passes. Dottie will work with Patrick to get shirts ordered. EM Days Report Melissa Melissa was unable to attend Lunch & Learn Medical Solutions Presentation by Coleen Brady on ThermaCor Infusion Inc Device FENA Strategic Plan 2015-2021 Leona Stout Demps  Reviewed by Leona and discussed how we will  Member recruitment, engagement, retention meet FENA’s goals and who is responsible for Volunteer NSNA reaching those goals. Promote ENA to the Public and Schools of Nursing  Needs to align with national ENA goals and the Send welcome letter chapters need to pick one or two goals but Committee work national focus is on membership recruitment. Leadership  Denise has received cards from nursing schools CLO to come talk about Emergency Nursing during Evidence-based practice student conference.  Knowledge  New letters sent out to new FENA/ENA o TNCC/ENPC members  CLO held April 19, 2016 and talked about o ClinCon evidence based practice and recent legislation o Symposium by the Sea  Funding for the future and support legislation to o Scholarships for TNCC/ENPC Promote Safe Nursing practice discussed at  Advocacy CLO o Day on the Hill o Updates on legislation issues o Work Place Violence o Support legislation to Promote Safe Nursing Practice  Technology o Maintain and update FENA website o Update FENA Facebook page  Funding our Future o Maintain balanced budget o Recruit and maintain members Committee Chairs & Co-Chairs Positions Dennise Mathis  Goals Government Affairs Report Penny Blake  Day on the Hill May 10 and 11, 2016. Agenda for Tammy Lalmansingh discussion probably going to be mental health reform but no final agenda yet. Other legislation discussed  DEA has proposed that EMS may no longer be able to carry controlled substances on their trucks. There is legislation being discussed about this issue  ARNP and PA legislation for controlled substance authority has passed and will be in effective January1, 2017. Psychiatric ARNP’s will now be able to evaluate and initiate Baker Act.  Florida did pass to become part of the Compact State RN licensure  See attached Government Affairs report for all issues TNCC / ENPC Report/Discussion Robin Powers/  Still have large number of TNCC instructor (38) Cindy Garlesky candidate that need final verification.  2016:1st quarter 65 TNCC courses and only received paperwork on 45 courses from course directors. 3 instructor courses were held. Providers candidate:. 468 attended with 445 passed  Guidelines have been put together for TNCC FENA state faculty and presented to FENA board. All current members will need to submit new application to continue for FENA State faculty.  No report on ENPC from Cindy Garlesky Committee Reports (10-15 minutes per committee) Committee Chairs  Education Committee: Ann Brown working Awards and Scholarships with EMLRC on ClinCon 2016 and conference Advanced Practice lectures. Will offer nursing CE’s. Communications/Informatics  Awards and Scholarships: Leona Demps Emergency Preparedness/ Disaster Management presented. There is an opportunity for ClinCon Education scholarships and the application needs to be EMS Advisory Council turned in by May 30, 2016. The new scholarship EMSC Advisory Council forms are ready to load on the website by May1 Fundraising for all scholarships. The remainder are due by General Assembly/Nominating September 1, 2016 Injury Prevention/IQSIP  Advanced Practice: Darleen Williams attended national ENA meeting for Advanced Practice. Membership JEN has decided to have section for Advanced Practice Nursing. Darleen is the journal section co-editor for Advanced Practice.  Informatics: See above  Disaster: Jay Bronson presented. Region 5 (Central Florida) had exercise to test system in their area. Region 1 has hurricane exercise coming up in May 2016. Region 6 and 7 has not had exercise for their healthcare coalition. Zika virus on DOH radar screen and making sure Florida is prepared. Homeland Security pushing active shooter education and drills. No consistent code for active shooter and lot of variability from each facility. One day course in May coming up in Tampa about active shooter. FEMA sponsors course in Anniston Alabama for disaster training. FEMA has multiple free courses in disaster go to FEMA website for more information.  EMS- C presented by Michael Rushing and he has been appointed to committee to provide care readiness for pediatric patients  Fundraising: $123 for fund raising opportunity and $125 for pin. Money collected by Cathy Edmisten for ENA Foundation.  EMS Advisory Council: Ann Brown now appointed as ENA representative for council  General Assembly: See above and discussed Flomingo and other state collaborations she has created. Instagram account for:FloNJ 2016 to see pictures  Injury Prevention: Cathy O’Neil presented. No new information but needs help with seatbelt safety.  Membership: no report Open Discussion/Round Table:  Suggested Facebook page that public could like but not post comments would be good PR for FENA. Will explore this suggestion

2016 FENA State Council Meetings Dates:  April  April-Halifax Hospital  July  July 13– Orlando Doubletree Universal  October  October 14– Jupiter Medical Center 2016 Dates to Remember  July 11-14 Clincon – Orlando  August 3-7 Symposium by the Sea - Naples  September 13-17 ENA Annual Meeting – Los Angeles  Delegate Dinner September 12 Adjournment  Motion to adjourn Robin Powers Story and second by Teresa Murphy. Motion passed and meeting adjourned at 1400.

2015 Committee / Position Chairperson Co-Chair Board Liaison Press Secretary Bethany Beard NA Dennise Mathis Awards/Scholarships Marlene Bachrach N/A Leona Stout-Demps Advanced Practice Darleen Williams Paula Davis Paula Davis Communications/Informatics Michael Bonn Catherine Edmisten Dennise Mathis Emergency Preparedness Jay Brosnan NA Paula Davis Education Ann Brown Christine Townsend Anne Blevins Fundraising Cathy Sakers Rachelle Zahniser Catherine Edmisten State Captains Dottie Hindman Leona Stout Demps Leona Stout-Demps Government Affairs Penny Blake Tammy Lalmansingh Catherine Edmisten IQSIP/Injury Prevention Cathy O’Neil NA Anne Blevins Membership Elizabeth Bonner Katrin Beault Anne Blevins Pediatrics/ ENPC Cindy Garlesky Robin Powers Dennise Mathis Trauma/TNCC Robin Powers Cindy Garlesky Dennise Mathis Nominations/Elections Leona Stout-Demps NA Dennise Mathis EMS Advisory Council Pattie Stadler Terri Repasky Dennise Mathis Pediatric EMS Advisory Council Michael Rushing N/A Anne Blevins

Thank you for all you do on behalf of ENA, FENA and your Local Chapter FENA Executive Committee & Officers

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