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Southern New Hampshire University s2

Southern New Hampshire University Intramurals 5 v.5 Basketball Rules (2015)

Eligibility  Students, faculty, and staff are eligible to participate with valid SNHU ID. o NO ID= NO PLAY, NO EXCEPTIONS  Please see varsity athlete participation rule for each sport.

Players  Games are played between 2 teams of 5 players each. Teams may not play with less than 4 players at any given time. Less than 4 players will result in a team forfeit.  Rec league- must have at least 2 females and 2 males on the court at all times.  Teams have a 10-minute grace period before that start of the game for the right about of players.  Substitutions are made from the score table and only during a dead ball, time out, or before a second free-throw.

Equipment  All teams must wear numbered shirts of similar color. Pinnies will be available for all teams.  All players must wear athletic shoes.  Baseball hats are not permitted  Jewelry, casts, or any other items deemed dangerous by the Supervisor may not be worn during the game. Medical alert bracelets are permitted.

The Game  Games are divided into 2, 18 minute halves running time. The clock will stop in the last two minutes of each half for any dead balls, time-outs, fouls, or violations. o Exception: if a team is ahead by 15 or more points any time during the last two minutes of the second half; the clock will continue to run without stopping until the point differential is below 15 points. Timeouts  Each team will have two (2) 30 second time outs per half. Time outs may NOT be carried over from the first half. Referees may stop the clock at any time (i.e., injury, rule explanation). o Timeouts can be called by any team member during the game that is on the floor.  The game will begin with a jump ball. The team that does not receive possession will be awarded possession on the next “jump ball” situation. Thereafter the possession arrow will alternate between teams.  After any called timeout, the ball is awarded out of bounds for a throw-in at the spot nearest to where the time-out was called.  The Ball is re-jumped if… o Referee makes a bad toss o Teams commit simultaneous violations  If one team commits any violation the ball is given out of bounds to the opposing team  Team committing violation will receive the possession arrow  If ball is knocked out of bounds on the jump, opposing team gains possession.  Possession arrow goes to the team who knocked the ball out of bounds  The jumper may not: o Catch the jump ball o Touch the ball more than twice o Leave the center circle before the ball is secured o Control the ball before a non-jumper has had the opportunity

Alternating Possession  To start the second half, the throw in shall be from out of bounds at the division line opposite the scorer’s table  Alternating possession throw shall result when: o A jump ball occurs o When a ball is touched by both players going out of bounds simultaneously o Simultaneous floor or free throw violations o A live ball lodges between the backboard and ring or comes to rest on the flange, unless a free throw or throw in follows o The ball becomes dead when neither team is in control o Opponents commit simultaneous goaltending or basket interference violations o Double personal, technical or simultaneous fouls occur and the point of interruption is such that neither team is in control at the time  After a stopped clock, time will resume when the ball is touched inbounds. The clock will continue to run after a basket is made.  Regular season games can end in a tie.  Playoffs: o The length of each extra period will be three minutes. o The clock will run continuously until the last minute of each extra period when it will stop for all fouls, violations, dead balls, and timeouts. o Each team is allowed one, one minute timeout for each overtime period. . Timeouts from regulation will not carry over to overtime. . Personal and team fouls will carry over. Scoring  Points are the same for females and males. o Free throw- 1 point o Field goals- 2 points o Three point shots- 3 points

Substitutions  All subs must report to the score table.  Subs must wait to be beckoned in by the officials. o A team will be given a technical for subbing on the fly. . A player who is bleeding or has blood on their uniform, must be removed from the game & uniform must be changed in order to play again  During free throws, subs may enter before the last shot is taken. o Subbing for shooter: Made shot- stop play and allow sub. Missed shot-wait for the next dead ball.

Player Violations  Traveling, double dribble, carrying/palming the ball, [intentionally] kicking the ball (below the knee), back court, ten seconds, 5 seconds fully pressured, and three seconds in the lane.  After a violation is called the ball is awarded at the spot out of bounds to the opposing team.  The team has 5 seconds to release the ball inbounds. If this is not done, the other team will receive possession in that spot out of bounds. Free Throws  A player fouled in the act of shooting will shoot 2 foul shots. If the basket goes in, the player fouled will only shoot 1 free throw.  Once a team receives their 7th team foul, a 1&1 situation will be awarded to the player fouled. On the 10th team foul, 2 free throws will be awarded to the player fouled. o No players may occupy the lowest space of the marked lane spaces o Foot on or over the line results in a lane violation . On offense: Shot is negated, no re-shot (blow dead) . On defense: Shot good = no re-shot; missed re-shoot (delayed whistle) o Players may enter the lane after the ball touches the rim or backboard o Defense MUST be in 1st spot above block; offense CAN’T o Offense “entitled” to spot #2, defense “entitled” to spot #3 o Maximum of 4 defenders and 2 offensive players

Free Throw Violations  Try must be attempted between the foul line and within the free throw semi-circle  Player taking free throw cannot fake a shot or do anything to cause an opponent to violate lane  No player can enter or leave a space once the shooter has the ball  Players cannot enter the key until the ball has made contact with the rim  The player taking the free throw must shoot the ball within 10 seconds, otherwise it is a violation  If shooting team violates… o Ball is immediately dead and any basket is disallowed  If shots remain, continue to the next shot  If it is the final attempt, opposing team gets the ball out of bounds on the side

Fouls & Penalties  On a players 5th personal foul, he/she must leave the game.  Fouls occur when a player attempts to gain an advantage offensively or defensively. o Illegal use of hands, arms, legs, feet, and/or torso. o Pushing, holding, grabbing, tripping, and/or hooking an opponent.  Technical Foul (dead ball) o Result: Two shots and possession at half-court is awarded o If a double technical is called then no free throws are awarded possession is determined by the arrow  Intentional Foul o Is designed to keep the clock from stopping or starting o Tries to take away an obvious advantage by the opponent while not trying to play the ball . Result: Two shots and possession at the point of interruption are awarded  Flagrant Foul (fights) o Can be any technical or intentional foul that results in ejection from the game . Result: Two shots and possession is awarded*  Player Control Fouls o A foul committed by a player when he/she is controlling a live ball, or when a teammate commits a foul away from the ball . Result: No shots are awarded, even if the offended team is in the bonus

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