Course: Dna &Dpe

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Course: Dna &Dpe





PART -A (2MARKS) 1. Define molecular mass of a substance. 2. Define mole 3. What is molecular formula? 4. State Avogadro’s hypothesis? 5. What is known as vapour density? 6. Define gram molecular volume? 7. Define Avogadro’s number? 8. Define equivalent mass of an element? 9. Define gram equivalent mass? 10. What is Arrhenius theory of acids and bases? 11. What is Lowry-Bronsted theory of acids and bases? 12. What is Lewis theory of acids and bases? 13. Define pOH and pH? 14. What is ionic product of water? 15. What is a Buffer solution? 16. Give any two examples for indicators? 17. What are the types of bonding? 18. Define ionic bond? 19. What is metallic bond? 20. What are the Limitations of Arrhenious Theory?

PART- B (4 MARKS) 21. What are the applications of Avogadro’s hypothesis? 22. Derive the relationship between vapour density and molecular mass? 23. What are significances of molecular formula?

24. How many grams of SO2 are present in 0.4 moles of SO2? 25. How is equivalent mass of metal determined by oxide method? 26. When 1.986g of a metal was oxidized 2.47g of its oxide was obtained calculate the equivalent mass of the metal? 27. A metal oxide of contains 63% of the metal. Find the equivalent mass of the metal? 28. 6g of the oxide of an element left 4.545g of the element on reduction what is the equivalent mass of that element? 29. Explain the Lowry-Bronsted theory of acids and bases with a suitable example? 30. Explain the Lewis concept of acids and bases with examples? 31. Define pH.Calculate the pH of a solution whose Hydrogen ion concentration is 1x10-6 gram ions / litre? 32. Write a note on indicators? 33. Explain electrovalent bond with an example? 34. Explain covalent bond with an example? 35. Explain co-ordinate covalent bond with an example? 36. Explain metallic bond by electron sea model theory? 37. Explain oxidation and reduction by electronic concept? 38. What are the advantages of Lewis Theory (electronic concept)? 39. Define co-ordinate covalent bond and covalent bond? 40. Calculate the number of gram equivalents of HCL in 80 g of it (Eq.mass of HCL is 36.5)


41. Calculate the molecular mass fir the following.

a) Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) b) Water (H2O)

c) Potassium permanganate (KMnO4)

d) Carbondioxide (CO2)

e) Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) 42. How many moles are present in the following? a) 220 g of carbon di oxide b) 72 g of water c) 196 g of sulphuric acid d) 8.5 g of Ammonia 43. Define the following a)Molecule (b)Mole (c)Molar volume ( d)Avogadro’s number (e) Atom 44. Solve the following problems: a) Calculate the number of gram equivalent of oxygen in 48 g of oxygen. b) What is the mass of 3 gram equivalent of chlorine? 45. Solve the following problems a) A metal oxide contains 17% of oxygen .Find the equivalent mass of the metal? b) 0.48.g of a metal was converted into its oxide by oxidation. The weight of metal oxide formed was 0.80 g. Calculate the equivalent mass of the metal?

46. One gram of tin on treating with conc.HNO3 and on heating gave 1.27 g of tin oxide. Calculate the equivalent mass of tin. 47. Write a note on applications of PH n industries. 48. Explain about PH scale. 49. Explain the classification of buffer solution. 50. Solve the following problems: a) Calculate the PH of a solution whose hydrogen ion concentration is 4.6x10-4 ions/litre. b) Calculate the PH of 0.003MHCL solution. c) Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution whose PH is 4.45. 51. Predict the nature of the bond in the following and give explanation. (a) NaCl (b) NH3 (c) NH4+ 52. Explain about the following: (a) Covalent bond (b) co-ordinate covalent bond (c) metallic bond 53. Write about Electrovalent bond or Polar bond. 54. What are the concept of Arrhenious theory?and mention their limitations. 55. Explain the concept of acids and bases with example. 56. Explain briefly about indicators. 57. Difference between molecular mass and vapour density. 58. Find the volume occupied by the following a) 16 g of oxygen at NTP b) 44 g of carbondioxide at NTP c) 28 g of nitrogen at NTP 59. Find the mass of the following a) 1000mlof CO2 at NTP b) 2litres of ammonia NTP c) 96 g of oxygen at NTP 60. How many molecules are present in the following? a) 4 g of Nitrogen b) 16 g of Oxygen c) 32 g of Methane


61. Define molarity. 62. Define molality. 63. Define a molar solution. 64. Define molal solution. 65. Define mole fraction of solute. 66. Define normality. 67. Define deci-nomal solution. 68. Define hard and soft water. 69. What is rain water harvesting? 70. Mention any two disadvantages of hard water. 71. What is osmosis? 72. What is ppm? 73. What are boiler scales? 74. What is priming? 75. What is foaming? 76. What is an ionic solid? 77. Name four types of crystalline solids. 78. What is BBC and FCC packing of metals? 79. Give examples for BBC and FCC metals. 80. What is thermionic emission?

PART- B (4 MARKS) 81. Calculate the Molarity of a solution containing 5.2 g of calcium bromide

(CaBr2) in 200ml. 82. Calculate the Molarity of a solution containing 6.516 g of sodium chromate

(Na2 CrO2) in 100ml of solution. 83. Find the mass of urea (Moleular mass=60) required to prepare a decimolar solution of it, in 250ml of solutios. 84. An aqueous solution contains 10% glucose by weight.Find the mole-fraction of both solute and solvent. 85. Find the normality of 0.5M sulphuric acid solution. 86. Find the molarity of a 2N solution of sulphuric acid solution. 87. Find the mass of oxalic acid present in 500ml of a decinormal solution of oxalic acid. 88. List the problems caused by hard water? 89. What is rain water harvesting? How is it carried out? What are its goals? 90. Explain Ion Exchange method of softening of hard water. 91. What is regeneration of Ion-exchange plant? How is it carried out? 92. Explain EDTA method of estimating hardness of sample water. 93. Explain caustic embrittlement, priming and foaming in boilers. 94. Explain corrosion of boiler scale. 95. Give any five problem caused by boiler scale. 96. Explain any two types of crystalline solids. 97. Explain the properties of metals. 98. Explain FCC packing of metal atoms with a neat diagram. 99. 100mlof a sample of water consumed 25ml of 0.005M EDTA.

Calculate the degree of hardness (i) in mg /l of CaCO3 (ii) in ppm of caco3 100. 100ml of sample water require 18ml of 0.01M EDTA. 100ml of the same sample boiling required 13ml of the same EDTA. Calculate i) carbonate hardness ii) non-corbonate hardness in ppm of caco3.


101. Describe the method used in water supply schemes to get potable water.

102. Calculate the hardness of a sample of water containing 12.5 mg of caco3 in 100 ml of water both in mg/litre of acaco3 and in ppm of caco3. 103. A sample water contains 12mg of MgSO4 in 250 ml. Express the hardness in terms of ppm of CaCO3. 104. What is HCP packing of metals? Explain with a neat diagram with examples. 105. Describe BCC packing in metal crystal with a neat diagram. How this type of packing explains the properties of BCC metals. 106. What are ionic and molecular solids? Distinguish between them 107. A sample of 50ml of water when treated with 0.01M EDTA solution consumed 6.2 ml of EDTA. Calculate the hardness of this sample of water in ppm of CaCO 3. 108. .A water sample contains 204 mg of CaSO per litre. Calculate the hardness in terms of CaCO3 equivalent. 109. Asample of water has 15mg of MgSO in 500ml.Express the hardness of this sample of water in ppm of CaCO3. 110. 100ml of a sample of water consumed 25ml of 0.005M EDTA. Calculate the degree of hardness (i) in mg/l of CaCO3 (ii) in ppm of CaCO3. 111. A sample of water contains 30 mg of MgSO in 100 ml of water.Calculate the hardness of the water sample in terms of mg / litre of CaCO3 and in ppm of CaCO3. 112. Describe the method used in water supply schemes to get potable water 113. What are boiler scales? List the problems caused by boiler scale. 114. Explain caustic embrittlement, priming and foaming in boilers. 115. Explain the four types of crystalline solids. 116. Describe BCC packing in metal crystal with a neat diagram. How this type of packing explains the properties of BCC metals. 117. Explain Ion Exchange method of softening of hard water. 118. What is regeneration of Ion-exchange plant? How is it carried out? 119. List the problems caused by hard water? 120. Explain corrosion of boiler scale.


121. What is a colloid? 122. Give any two examples for colloid. 123. What are the two types of colloids? 124. Give any two examples for lyophilic colloid. 125. Define Tyndall effect. 126. What is called Brownian movement? 127. What is meant by electrophoresis? 128. Define coagulation of colloid. 129. What are nano particles? 130. Mention few unique characteristics of nano particles. 131. What is called ground state of an atom? 132. Define excited state of a chemical entity. 133. Give any two example of fluorescent light. 134. Name any two fluorescent substances. 135. What are the three types of photo electric cell? 136. What is coated on the cathodic area of a photo emissive cell? 137. Define photosynthesis. 138. What is the role of chlorophyll- in a green leaf? 139. Mention the disadvantage of deforestation. 140. Define photo chemistry.

PART- B (4 MARKS) 141. Distinguish between true solution and colloidal solution. 142. Write the two differences between lyophilic and lyophobic colloids? 143. Write notes on (i) Brownian movement. 144. Write notes on (i) Electrophoresis. 145. Write down any five applications of colloids. 146. Mention few applications of nano technology in engineering. 147. Write any four applications of biomaterials. 148. How come the nano technology becomes useful in the field of medicine? 149. Write notes on (i) flurescence 150. Explain chemi luminescence. 151. Explain the mechanism of photo synthesis. 152. Explain the importance of photosynthesis in preventing acid rain. 153. Write notes on Phosphorescence. 154. Write notes on (i) Tyndall effect. 155. Write notes on Coagulation of colloids. 156. Write four properties of colloids. 157. Write about mechanism of photosynthesis. 158. What are the general chemical reactions in photo synthesis? 159. Write notes on chemiluminescence. 160. Write notes on Dark reactions.


161. What are the differences between lyophilic and lyophobic colloids? 162. Explain briefly about colloidal solution. 163. Explain briefly about true solution. 164. Write notes on lyophobic colloids. 165. Write notes on lyophilic colloids. 166. Write notes on (i) flurescence (ii) Phosphorescence. 167. Write notes on (i) Brownian movement (ii) Tyndall effect. 168. Write notes on (i) Electrophoresis (ii) Coagulation of colloids. 169. Explain briefly about Industrial applications of colloids. 170. Write notes on (i) Photo Electric cell (ii) Photo Emissive cell. 171. Explain briefly about acid rain. 172. Explain briefly about photo chemistry. 173. Give brief note on Nano particles. 174. Give brief note on properties of colloids. 175. Give brief note on application of Nano particle technology in medicine. 176. What are the differences between colloidal solution and true solution? 177. Give brief note on important terms used in photo chemistry. 178. Explain the applications of biomaterials. 179. a) What are the general chemical reactions in photosynthesis? b) What are the mechanisms of photosynthesis? 180. a) What is the difference between soap and detergent? b) Why silver iodide powder is sprinkled over clouds for artificial rain? c) What is Cottrell’s method? UNIT-IV PART -A (2MARKS)

181. What is an electrolyte? 182. Give two examples for strong electrolytes. 183. Give two examples for weak electrolytes. 184. Define strong electrolyte. 185. Define weak electrolyte. 186. Define electrolysis. 187. Give any two industrial applications of electrolysis. 188. What is electroplating? 1. What is an electrochemical cell? 189. Give two examples for electrochemical cell. 190. Define single electrode potential. 191. What is galvanic cell? 192. Write an example for a galvanic cell. Define a storage battery. 193. What is a primary battery? Give example. 194. What is a secondary battery? Give example. 195. Define a fuel cell. 196. What is dry cell? Give an example. 197. Write short representation of lead - acid storage cell. 198. Give any two fuel batteries. 199. What is a green fuel cell? Why is it called so? 200. Give any two use of lead – acid battery. PART- B (4 MARKS) 201. Write notes on electroplating? 201. Mention any four factors affecting the stability of coating. What is chrome plating? 202. What is the anode and electrolyte used in chrome plating? 203. Write notes on plating? 204. Give any two advantages of electro less plating over electroplating. 205. Give any two applications of electro less plating. Define electrochemical series. 206. Write any two applications of electrochemical series. 207. Write notes on concentration cell. 208. What are the types of concentration cells? Give examples. 209. Give short notes on electrode concentration cell. 210. Give short notes electrolyte concentration cell 211. Write notes on chrome plating? 212. Write notes on Nano particles? 213. Mention few unique characteristics of Nano particles. 214. Write notes on chrome plating? 215. What is the anode and electrolyte used in chrome plating? 216. Write notes on electro less plating? 217. Give any four advantages of electro less plating over electroplating. 218. Give any four applications of electro less plating. 219. Write notes on concentration cell. 220. What are the types of concentration cells? Give examples.

PART- C (14MARKS) 221. Explain construction and working of dry cell with example. 222. Explain the construction and working of lead – acid battery. 223. Describe a nickel – cadmium battery with cell reactions. 224. What is green fuel cell? Explain its working. 225. Explain the construction and working of flow battery with example. 226. Write a note on solar cell. 227. Explain the uses of solar cells. 228. Explain electrochemical cell with example. 229. Explain the construction and working of Daniel cell. 230. Describe a galvanic cell with cell reactions. 231. What are the applications of electrochemical series? 232. Explain the construction and working of a concentration cell with example. 233. Explain electrolysis with a suitable example. 234. What are the steps involved in preparation of surface? 235. What are the factors affecting the stability of coating? 236. Explain electroplating with an example. 237. Describe chrome plating with a neat diagram. 238. Explain electro less plating with an example. 239. a) what are the advantages of electro less plating over electroplating? b) Give the applications of electro less plating. 240. Mention any two factors affecting the stability of coating. UNIT-V PART -A (2MARKS)

241. What is an electrochemical cell? 242. Give two examples for electrochemical cell. 243. Define single electrode potential. 244. What is galvanic cell? 245. Write an example for a galvanic cell. 246. What is Daniel cell? 247. Define a storage battery. 248. What is a primary battery? Give example. 249. What is a secondary battery? Give example. 250. Define a fuel cell. 251. What is dry cell? Give an example. 252. Write short representation of lead - acid storage cell. What is corrosion? 253. What is dry corrosion? 254. What is wet Corrosion? 255. What type of corrosion takes place in a metal when anode is small and Cathode is large. Why? 256. What are its merits & demerits of tinning? 257. Differentiate between galvanizing and tinning. 258. What are the factors that affect electroplating? 259. What is anodizing. How is it carried out? 260. What is tinning? PART- B (4 MARKS) 261. Explain the Galvanic cell formation theory. 262. Explain the differential aeration theory with suitable examples. 263. What are the factors affecting the rate of corrosion. 264. Differentiate between galvanizing and tinning. 265. What are the factors that affect electroplating? 266. What is anodizing. How is it carried out? 267. What is tinning. What are its merits &demerits? 268. Write short notes on cathodic protection. 269. What are the components present in the paint. Explain their functions. 270. How is oil varnish prepared? 271. Write a short note on special paints. 272. Write short notes on Dyes. 273. What are the Advantages Distempers? 274. What are the Advantages of aluminum paint? 275. Write short notes on Special paints. 276. Difference between paint and varnish. 277. Explain the two types of varnishes. 278. Write the functions of Filler. 279. Write the functions of functions thinner. 280. What are the four functions of pigment? PART- C (14MARKS) 281. Write short notes on: i) Dry Corrosion. ii) Wet Corrosion. 282. Explain the Factors that affecting the rate of corrosion. 283. a) Explain electrolysis with a suitable example b) What is electro less plating? Explain with a suitable example. c) Describe a lead –acid storage cell with a neat diagram. 284. a) Explain the formation of concentration cell. b) What is galvanization? How is it carried out? 285. Explain Galvanic cell formation of theory of corrosion. 286. What are the factors influencing the rate of corrosion? Explain any two factors. 287. Explain Cathodic protection method of preventing corrosion. 289. What are varnishes? Explain the preparation of oil varnish. 290. Explain briefly about special paints. 291. Explain briefly about Varnishes. 292. Explain briefly about components of paints and their functions. 293. What are the two methods of cathodic protection? Explain. 294. Explain the factors affecting electroplating. 295. Explain briefly about metallic coating. 296. a) What is corrosion? b) Why corrosion often takes place under metal washers? c) Welded joints are better than riveted joints. Why? 297. a) What is electroplating? b) Why moderate current density employed during electroplating? c) Chromium anode is not used in chromium plating. Give reason. 298. Define the following: (a)Toners (b) Enamel (c) Paint (d) Varnish (e) Dyes 299. Explain about dyes with examples. 300. Describe briefly about physical state of a metal.

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