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Choose the Correct Answer




NAME: ______DATE: ______


Questions 5-7 refer to the following processes.

a) Photosynthesis

b) Eutrophication

c) Denitrification

d) Decomposition

e) transpiration

1. The rapid rate of this process in tropical forests results in low-nutrient soils.

2. The process in which glucose is synthesized by plants.

3. The process by which a soil nutrient is reduced and released to the atmosphere as a gas.

Questions 4-6 refer to the following processes

a) Nitrification

b) Denitrification

c) Assimilation

d) Ammonification

e) Nitrogen fixation

4. Ammonia is converted to nitrite, then to nitrate. 5. Plant roots absorb ammonium ions and nitrate ions for use in making molecules such as DNA, amino acids, and proteins.

6. Nitrate ions and nitrite ions are converted into nitrous oxide gas and

nitrogen gas. (N2)

Questions 7-10 refer to the following answers. a) Nitrates b) Nitrites c) Ammonia d) Atmospheric nitrogen e) Nitrogen dioxide

7. Produced in the atmosphere by lightening

8. Fixation in the nodules of legumes produces this form of nitrogen

9. Full oxidation during secondary sewage treatment produces these ions.

10. When mixed with water vapor, this forms acid rain.

11. Which of the following cycles is most responsible for transferring energy from one part of the Earth to another?

a) Carbon cycle

b) Nitrogen cycle

c) Phosphorus cycle

d) Sulfur cycle

e) Water cycle. Questions 12-15 refer to the following answers

a) Nitrogen cycle

b) Carbon cycle

c) Sulfur cycle

d) Phosphorus cycle

e) Water cycle

12. Does not involve a chemical reaction

13. Used in sewage treatment process

14. Involves respiration

15. Includes both the production of coal and acid rain.

16. Which of the following nutrient cycles has the greatest effect in regulating climate?

a) Carbon cycle

b) Sulfur cycle

c) Nitrogen cycle

d) Phosphorus cycle

e) Arsenic cycle

Questions 17-20 refer to the following answers a) Carbon cycle b) Nitrogen cycle c) Phosphorus cycle d) Sulfur cycle e) Water cycle

17. Includes fermentation and respiration

18. Nutrient is always in the form of the same polyatomic ion

19. Helps to drive the formation of hurricanes

20. Phytoplankton production in this cycle can cool global climate

21. The process by which plants release water is called

a) Condensation

b) Evaporation

c) Transpiration

d) Aporization

e) Perspiration

22. The atmosphere contains ______which is needed for photosynthesis

a) Nitrogen

b) Oxygen

c) Carbon dioxide

d) All of the above 23. Inorganic nutrients are released from dead organic wastes and animal wastes by

a) Decomposers

b) Secondary consumers

c) Autotrophs

d) Producers

24. Bacteria that obtain energy for organic compound synthesis from oxidizing inorganic compounds such as ammonia, nitrites, and sulfides are ______-

a) Photoautotrophs

b) Chemoautotrophs

c) Heterotrophs

25. What is true about the phosphorus cycle?

a) It enters the atmosphere

b) Weathering of sedimentary rocks makes phosphate available phosphate

c) Is incorporated into organisms’ proteins

d) All of the above

26. Which of the following is known as the sedimentary cycle because its reservoir is sedimentary rock?

a) Carbon cycle

b) Hydrologic cycle

c) Nitrogen cycle

d) Phosphorus cycle. 27. Nutrients from the ______cycle run from a terrestrial to an aquatic ecosystem which enriches the aquatic ecosystem

a) Nitrogen

b) Phosphorus

c) Sulfur

d) Both a and b

28. The cycling of water through the hydrologic cycle depends on ____

a) Transpiration from plants

b) Evaporation from the soil

c) Precipitation to the ocean

d) All of the above

29. Which of the following is true of the hydrologic cycle?

a) The supply of groundwater is unchanging

b) All freshwater eventually returns to the sea

c) Precipitation to the ocean exceeds evaporation from the ocean

d) Fresh water makes up about 75% of the world’s supply of water.

30. Which of the following is contributing to an overload of the carbon cycle?

a) Photosynthesis

b) Cellular respiration

c) Deforestation

d) All of the above.

31. The largest reservoir of carbon is the a) Soil

b) Atmosphere

c) Ocean

d) Vegetation

e) Sedimentary rock

32. ______- fixes carbon in green plants as simple sugars.

a) Denitrifiation

b) photosynthesis

c) Carbonation

d) Hydrolysis

e) Bacteria

33. In nutrient cycle in general, minerals tend to be dispersed through______

a) Plant action

b) Surface and subsurface runoff

c) Evaporation

d) Assimilation

e) Conduction

34. Which is the possible path of the movements of nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle? a) Soil-air-plants-air-animals-soil

b) Air-soil-plant-animals-soil-air

c) Soil-animals-plants-soil-air

d) Air-animals-soil-plants-air

35. The burning of fossil fuels has the greatest and most direct impact on the

a) Carbon cycle

b) Water cycle

c) Nitrogen cycle

d) Rock cycle




37. Plants use the phosphorus found in... a. air b. water c. rocks d. bones

38. Phosphorus is the major ingredient used in... a. photosynthesis b. protein synthesis c. cellular respiration d. bones and teeth

39. The harmful effects of phosphorus pollution occur in combination with... a. oxygen b. nitrogen c. high turbidity d. low temperatures 40. One effect of high dissolved phosphorus levels in a river is... a. high flow rates b. high turbidity c. the excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae d. better water quality Answers

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. A

10. E

11. E

12. E

13. A

14. B 15. C

16. B dimethyl sulfide blocks sun and cools the ocean and produced by phytoplankton and is therefore a part of sulfur cycle.

17. A

18. C

19. E

20. D

21. C

22. C

23. A

24. B

25. B

26. d

27. d

28. d

29. b

30. c

31. b

32. b

33. b

34. b

35. a 36. c

37. c

38. d

39. b

40. c

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