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Whitney Independent School District



Parent/Student-Athlete Handbook

1 Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your son or daughter has expressed a desire to participate in the Athletic Program in Whitney ISD. It is the belief of the coaching staff that athletics can do more for your child than teach him/her to play the sport he/she has chosen.

We believe athletics instills the desire to win, attain personal goals ensuring maximum team effort, builds strength of body, and strength of character. The latter of these qualities determines the success of the first three.

It is our belief that strength of character is the foundation upon which to build the will developed, well polished individual. Athletes, as people in any specialized field, have a unique role to play. Athletes are constantly being monitored by their peers, teachers, and the community. By constantly being under this scrutiny, athletes must have strength of character and be constantly aware of the role they have assumed. They must be certain they present to their peers, teachers, and community respect, sincerity, and honesty expected of a young lady or gentleman.

We believe very strongly that our athletes should possess these qualities. Because of this belief, we have established the following set of guidelines to be followed by all athletes in the Whitney ISD.


1. Abide by all University Interscholastic League (UIL) rule specifications, and abide by local athletic policy. 2. Attend every practice session and athletic contest unless ill or emergency situations. (Parents or athlete must call in if the athlete is not attending a practice session.) 3. At all times, respond to every situation as a young lady or gentleman. 4. Abide by all Whitney ISD, Athletic Department, and campus guidelines and policies. 5. Maintain academic intensity to achieve success in the classroom.

Violation of these policies will result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken against the student and could result in his/her removal from the athletic program. Therefore, we ask your cooperation in motivating your son or daughter to observe these rules so that he or she will receive the maximum benefit from the program.

Enclosed is an information handbook for Whitney ISD Athletics, which includes guidelines and policies for the student-athletes. We have discussed these rules with your son or daughter. Please read them and discuss them again with your son or daughter.


Kenneth Gilchrist Director of Athletics


COACHING CHAMPIONS Whitney ISD Athletics is committed to Coaching Champions through academic achievement, athletic excellence and national recognition of our student-athletes, teams and programs. We provide our student- athletes with all the necessary tools for them to be Champions in their sport and in life. We coach our student- athletes character, to act with honor, and to be proud of their accomplishments. The integrity of our program will be rooted in the tradition and spirit that we will teach each student athlete. This will bring honor and distinction to our school and community.

“It takes a little more to make a Champion.”

Philosophy of Whitney ISD Athletics The Whitney Independent School District believes that a dynamic program of student activities is vital to the educational development of the student.

The Whitney ISD Department of Athletics should provide a variety of experiences to enhance the development of positive student habits and attitudes that will prepare them for adult life in a democratic society.

Athletics should function as an integral part of the total curriculum. It should offer opportunities to serve the institution, to assist in the developing of positive relationships and good will, to promote self-realization, all- around growth, and good citizenship qualities.

The Whitney athletic program is based on the premise that athletes are students first and that athletic participation is a privilege rather than a right. Students learn teamwork and group responsibility. They also learn to deal with success and to overcome adversity.

3 SPORTS OFFERED Boys Girls Basketball (7-12) Basketball (7-12) Baseball (9-12) Softball (9-12) Cross Country (7-12) Cross Country (7-12) Football (7-12) Volleyball (7-12) Golf (7-12) Golf (7-12) Track (7-12) Track (7-12) Tennis (9-12) Tennis (9-12) Power-lifting (9-12) Power-lifting (9-12)


 To provide a positive image of school athletics in Whitney ISD

 To strive always for playing excellence that will produce winning teams within the bounds of good sportsmanship

 To ensure growth and development that will increase the number of participants; that will give impetus to increased contest attendance; that will enhance a program of maintenance of athletic facilities

 To provide opportunities that will allow the program to teach students how to handle situations similar to those in the contemporary world

 To provide a superior program of student activities that includes appropriate activities for every participant

 To provide an opportunity for students to experience success in those activities he or she selects

 To provide sufficient activities to respond to a wide variety of student interests and abilities

 To provide student activities which will offer the greatest benefits for the greatest number of students

 To create a desire to succeed and excel

 To develop high ideals of fairness in all human relationships

 To practice self-discipline and emotional maturity in learning to make decisions under pressure

 To be socially competent and operate within a set of rules, thus gaining a respect for the rights of others

 To develop an understanding of the value of athletics in a balanced educational process


 Increase participation of student-athletes at all levels  Reach a 100% passing rate for all student-athletes  Promote improvement through self-evaluation  Retain, attract, and hire exemplary coaches  Promote consistency and unity throughout the athletic department  Increase parent and community partnerships with the Athletic Department  Increase faculty/staff awareness and involvement with the Athletic Department  Maintain a high level of expectation for success  Use athletics as a tool to prepare our student-athletes for life after athletics  Promote athletic programs and activities with aggressive communication  Win championships with class and character EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENT-ATHLETES

 To get an education  To give your total effort, to make the most of what you’ve got.  To give unselfish love and respect towards your teammates.  To practice to the best of your ability.  To be totally honest in all your dealings.  To be extremely loyal to your school, administration, teachers, coaches, teammates, families, and friends.  To be prompt.  To be courteous.  To always encourage.  To be positive and enthusiastic. WHAT STUDENT-ATHLETES CAN EXPECT FROM THEIR COACHES

 To be loyal to you in all areas.  To be totally honest.  To provide the leadership and training necessary to achieve our goals.  To assist you in any way possible now and after you graduate.  To treat you as a young-adult and to love and respect you.  To demand that you give your maximum effort.  To make all decisions predicated on what is best for the team and then what is best for the individual.  To do everything within our power to improve our facilities and make Whitney ISD the best place in Texas to go to school and be an athlete.  To help you mature and grow as a person.  To help you reach your goals. 5 Parent/Coach Relationships Reprinted from the UIL Parent Information Manual Both parenting and coaching are very difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding between coaches and parents, both are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide a more positive experience for everyone. Parents have the right to know, and understand, the expectations placed on them and their children. Coaches have the right to know if parents have a concern, they will discuss it with the coach at the appropriate time and place.

Communication parents should expect from their child’s coach:

1. Coach’s philosophy. 2. Expectations the coach has for your son or daughter, as well as other players on the team. 3. Locations and times of practices and contests. 4. Team requirements, i.e., fees, special equipment needed, school & team rules, off-season expectations. 5. Procedures that will be followed for your child becomes injured during participation.

Communication coaches expect from parents:

1. Concerns regarding their son or daughter expressed directly to the coach at the appropriate time and place. 2. Specific concerns in regard to the coach’s philosophy and/or expectations. 3. Notification of any schedule conflicts will in advance. As your child becomes involved in interscholastic athletics, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. It’s important to understand there may be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. These are the times discussion with the coach is encouraged.

Appropriate concerns to discuss with a coach:

1. The mental and physical treatment of your child. 2. What your child needs to do to improve. 3. Concerns about your child’s behavior. It is very difficult to accept your child is not playing as much as your may hope. Coaches’ make decisions based on what they believe is in the best interests of all students’ participation. As you can see from the list above, certain things can and should be discussed with your child’s coach. Other things, such as those listed next, must be left to the discretion of the coach.

Issues NOT appropriate for discussion with your child’s coach: 1. How much playing time each athlete is getting. 2. Team strategy. 3. Play calling. 4. Any situation that deals with other student-athletes. There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and parent. These are not discouraged, as it is important for each party to have a clear understanding of the others’ position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedure is suggested to help promote resolution to the issue.

If a parent has a concern to discuss with the coach, the following procedure should be followed: 1. Call the coach to set up an appointment. 2. If the coach cannot be reached, call the athletic director or assistant athletic director and ask him or her to set up a meeting with the coach for you. 3. Think about what you expect to accomplish as a result of the meeting. 4. Stick to discussing the facts, as you understand them. 5. Do not confront the coach before, during or after a practice or contest. These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach. Meetings of this nature do not promote resolution of the situation, but often escalate it.

What should a parent do if the meeting with the coach didn’t provide satisfactory resolution? 1. Call the athletic director to set up a meeting with the AD, coach, and parent present. 2. At this meeting, an appropriate next step can be determined, if necessary. Students’ involvement in co-curricular activities has been proven to increase their chances of success later in life. We hope the information contained in this handout helps make that experience more enjoyable for everyone involved. 6 Whitney Independent School District Athletic Guidelines and Code of Conduct ATHLETIC CODE OF CONDUCT

The discipline code for athletes has been developed to comply with the District’s Board-approved Whitney Student Code of Conduct, but with increased requirements due to the leadership role assumed by athletes. It is the intent of the athletic staff of Whitney ISD to emphasize that self-discipline is an integral and essential part of any successful academic and athletic program. Specific definitions of the various levels of discipline violations can be found in the Board-approved Student Code of Conduct which is given to every student at the beginning of the school year when they enroll. Students disciplined for infractions at the campus-level will also receive one or more of the following consequences as a result of the athletic code of conduct.

Dismissal Policy

1. A student is not required to take part in athletics, nor is it required for graduation. Therefore, athletics is a privilege. Consequently, when high ideals and standards are violated, this privilege can be revoked. All athletes WILL be expected to conduct themselves with pride and dignity.

2. The general philosophy of a school districts’ athletic program should be to attempt to help an individual who has made a mistake; however, if a mistake is repeated, the welfare of the team must take priority. (A mistake may mean a violation of training rules, missing practice, poor attitude, etc.)

3. Coaches have the right to discipline athletes on their individual teams but should exercise sound judgment in evaluating specific penalties. Keeping in mind the welfare of the team as well as the welfare of the individual, coaches must discipline consistently.

4. Any athlete removed from a sport by the head coach for disciplinary reasons will be ineligible for any other sport for the remainder of the school year. All major disciplinary action(s) will be reported in writing to the principal and director of athletics, within twenty-four (24) hours of the player’s suspension.

5. Due Process Procedure: a. Suspension for three (3) days from the particular sport b. Notification of the principal and director of athletics, within 24 hours c. Notification of the parent(s) within 24 hours d. Conference with parent(s), if needed, with the three day suspension period e. Decision rendered at the end of the three day suspension f. Any students removed from the athletic program for disciplinary reasons will not be eligible in any other athletics program for the same amount of time proscribed in #4

Conduct and Behavior

1. Alcohol on Campus – Athletes found in possession of or under the influence of alcohol while on campus or at a school- sponsored activity will be suspended from athletics immediately and from athletics for the remainder of the school year following a decision by a committee.

2. Alcohol off Campus - a. First Offense- Athletes who are found to be in possession of, fined, or arrested for possession of or use of alcohol away from campus will be suspended for ten percent of the total scheduled games or events for the sports the athlete participates in during the calendar year. b. Second Offense- The second offense within the same school year will result in removal from athletics for the remainder of that calendar year.

7 3. Illegal Drugs- Athletes fined or arrested for drug use or possession will not be tolerated. First offense will result in dismissal from athletics for the remainder of the school year.

4. Criminal Conduct- will not be tolerated. First offense may result in suspension. Second offense will result in suspension and/or dismissal from athletics. Any athlete who is indicted for a felony will be suspended until his name is cleared.

Whitney Independent School District Athletic Guidelines and Code of Conduct ATHLETIC CODE OF CONDUCT

5. Tobacco- will not be allowed. First offense may result in suspension. Second offense will result in suspension and/or dismissal from athletics.

6. Stealing- Taking things that do not belong to you, especially from your teammates, will not be tolerated. First offense may result in suspension. Second offense will result in suspension and/or dismissal from athletics.

7. Profanity- will not be allowed. First offense will result in disciplinary action. Habitual offenses may result in suspension. Profanity by athletes is not acceptable. It will not be permitted or condoned at any level or in any sport.

8. Conduct- We expect you to conduct yourself as a lady/gentleman at all times. This means that you are to follow school rules and procedures while attending any school sponsored activities or events at Whitney High School. Coaches should receive “Yes Ma’am/Sir” or “No Ma’am/Sir” responses from players when talking to them. Players in return will be treated with respect by their coaches. Whenever a coach is speaking with you, either individually or as a group, you will give him/her your undivided attention and always establish eye contact. You are expected to act properly in class, giving your teachers and administrator’s courtesy and respect. We know that each of you do not have the same abilities, but we expect you to perform to the best of your ability. Failure to adhere to the above code of conduct will result in a conference and possible disciplinary action.

9. Unsportsmanlike Conduct- Any athlete removed from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct, whether towards an opponent, coach, or official, will be counseled by the head coach, principal, and director of athletics the next day and before the athlete participates in another game or match. Should the principal not be available for such a conference, the Athletic Director will assume the position. Should this action be repeated in the same school year, the player may be removed from all athletic events for the remainder of the school year. Due process will be followed in this matter as in all other dismissals.

10. Dishonesty- Lying to a coach or person in charge will not be tolerated. Forging a parent’s, guardians, or teacher’s signature on any document is lying. The parents should be contacted when this matter occurs. First offense may result in suspension. Second offense will result in suspension and/or dismissal from athletics.

Dress and Appearance 1. Dress- should be very professional while in uniform and out. Everyone will wear his uniform in the same manner. We are not individuals. Take care of your equipment. You have the best that money can buy. Your appearance at school should reflect the same class and pride that you show in our program. Shirts or practice jerseys are to be worn at all times, in the gym, on the field, and the weight room. Team dress for practice will be uniform, in that all players will dress in athletic issued equipment and wear the scheduled uniform for the day.

2. Appearance- For safety reasons, and to attain a good team appearance, athletes are not allowed to wear earrings/other piercings in any athletic facility, on any athletic sponsored trip or while in any Whitney athletic uniform. Jewelry is not to be worn during games or practices. No facial hair is to be worn by male athletes during their season and the sideburn length is not to extend below bottom of ear lobes. Athletes will not wear bows in any competition.

Attendance and Participation 1. Quitting- If at any time an athlete quits or is dismissed from athletics in or out of season, that athlete gives up all rights to any honors, which they may have earned but have not yet received. The athlete forfeits his/her right to participate in that sport or in any other sport for a full calendar year. Each coach will be required to have a trial period for one week. During this period a player may choose to quit without having any other consequence on the other sports they want to play. 8 2. Excused absences from practice- If an athlete has an excused absence from a scheduled practice, they must make up the practice through a predetermined amount of running and conditioning that is to be completed after the practice and before the next competition. If a student leaves school and does not notify his/her coach, this will be considered an unexcused absence. If you must miss a practice, be sure that it can’t be helped. Don’t make appointments on our time. If you must be absent, call one of the coaches before practice starts. If you fail to call, this will be considered an unexcused absence. Use the appropriate telephone number: Athletics: 254-694-7510

Whitney Independent School District Athletic Guidelines and Code of Conduct ATHLETIC CODE OF CONDUCT

3. Unexcused absences from practice- If an athlete has an unexcused absence from a scheduled practice, they must make it up through a prescribed amount of running and conditioning and will also be suspended from competition. They may also be placed on a lower team status. If a player has a second unexcused absence, then he/she will be dismissed from the team.

4. Unexcused absence from a scheduled contest- If an athlete has an unexcused absence from a scheduled contest, that player will be dismissed from the team and athletics for the remainder of the school year.

5. Supervision- All participants in an athletic contest will remain with the team and under the supervision of the coach until dismissed by the coach. If players are ejected from the contest or substituted for in the contest, they will remain under the supervision of the coach until the coach dismisses them. In case of an injury, the coach, trainer, or doctor may become the supervisor if the player is removed from the site of the contest.

6. In the event of a conflict of activities, the following guidelines should be followed: a. School related activities should come first. b. Sponsors of conflicting school activities must be given sufficient notice by students in order to work out the best solution. c. When multiple activities are involved, students will be asked to declare a primary activity. Students are then obligated to attend all practices and games for their primary selection before attending secondary activities. (District games and playoffs excluded.) Coaches may work out other arrangements if mutually acceptable.

7. In order to letter, athletes must meet the following criteria: Athletes should participate at the varsity level for at least 50% of the season, attend practice on a regular basis, and contribute to the team as needed to the best of their abilities. The final decision for lettering will be of the head coach of that sport and the Athletic Director. The policy is designed to allow athletes, regardless of their athletic skill level, to letter in recognition of their contributions to the program.

8. Student athletes are prohibited from taking part in any type of hazing and/or initiation activities of any type at any time anywhere. Each case will be handled on an individual basis; based on the facts and severity of the situation, consequences may include any and all listed consequences including a permanent expulsion from athletics.

9. Athletes who remain ineligible for 2 consecutive grading periods may be removed from athletics and/or the current sport (and placed in off-season) at the discretion of the coaching staff.

Equipment  You will be held personally and financially responsible for the equipment that is checked out to you.

Locker Room Guidelines 1. Since you will be spending a great deal of time in the locker room, we expect you to keep this facility neat and as sanitary as possible. 2. We want you to take great pride in this facility. We expect each member of our team to adhere to the following locker room guidelines. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. a. Hang all equipment in your locker in the proper place. Lock up after practice.

9 b. Keep all your valuables locked up. Your locker provides a lock for your convenience in storing valuables. (If not, turn valuables in to your coach. Do not leave valuables sitting out in the open!) c. Do not throw tape on the floors. Trash receptacles are in our locker rooms for this purpose. d. Keep the floors neat and clean. e. Do not leave cups or bottles in the lockers or on the floor. f. Do not leave towels on the floor. Return towels to towel bags. g. Absolutely no horseplay in the locker room. h. Do not bring visitors into the locker room without first clearing it with a coach. i. Remove muddy workout shoes before entering locker room. j. No cleats will be worn in the field house at any time.

Whitney Independent School District Athletic Guidelines and Code of Conduct ATHLETIC CODE OF CONDUCT

k. Clean your equipment weekly and your locker daily. l. Use the lock issued to you! All personal locks will be cut off! m. By using the athletic lockers, players agree that coaches and appropriate school personnel have full and complete rights to search lockers and belongings within the locker rooms. Failure to Follow the Above Guidelines May Result in Removal from the Athletic Locker Rooms.

We feel that we provide you with the finest equipment that money can buy. We want you to always look sharp and it is up to you to take care of all equipment issued. It is extremely important that all equipment that is issued fit properly. This is important for safety reasons. If a piece of equipment does not fit, make sure that you see the equipment coach for a change. Whitney Independent School District Athletic Guidelines and Code of Conduct

For any behavior that requires mandatory expulsion from school and all school-sponsored/school related activities. Athletes will automatically be suspended from the athletic program for a period of one calendar year from the date of the incident. Upon completion of this suspension from athletics, athletes who desire re-entry into the program must meet with the Athletic Disciplinary Council and be accompanied by their parent/guardian. At this meeting, a probationary contract will be developed outlining the requirements for re-entry. If all parties agree to the contract, as evidenced by their signatures, the student will be allowed to re-enter the program on a probationary basis. After 6 months the athlete can be reviewed to be allowed back into off-season. After being reviewed at 6 months the student- athlete can be re-instated to play in the next available sport if the student athlete is recommended and has followed the guidelines laid out by the Athletic Disciplinary Council.

Drug Violations Student athletes who are arrested and charged with selling, giving, or delivering to another person or possessing, using, or being under the influence of drugs (including steroids) whether on or off campus, will be automatically suspended from the athletic program until guilt or innocence is determined. Athletes found guilty of an alleged offense will be suspended from all athletic participation of any kind for a period of one calendar year from the date of the incident. In cases where a campus has jurisdiction to take disciplinary action, athletes must complete any campus-level disciplinary sanctions before being eligible to return to the athletic program.



Whitney ISD student-athletes are representatives of the school and community. The athletic department requires student-athletes to exercise good judgment in their use of social media websites, and to conduct these activities in a responsible and respectful manner.

 It is impermissible for student-athletes to post information, photos, or other representations of sexual content, inappropriate behavior (e.g., drug or alcohol use), or items that could be interpreted as demeaning or inflammatory.  Student-athletes are required to abide by all team policies, athletic department policies, and WISD student code of conduct rules when utilizing social media websites.  It is not permissible to comment on injuries, officiating, or team matters that could reasonably be expected to be confidential to team members.  It is not permissible to commit on or trash talk any opponents that we play at WISD.  Student-athletes are required to follow all respective social media website rules.

Best Practices and Reminders

 Think twice before posting. If you wouldn't want your coach, parents, or future employer to see your post, don't post it.  Be respectful and positive.  Remember, many different audiences view your posts including fans, alumni, kids, local authorities, parents, faculty, etc.  The internet is permanent. Even if you delete something, it's still out there somewhere. Be in the right state of mind when you make a post. Do not post when you're judgment is impaired. Coaches and administrators monitor social media websites. Potential employers use these social media websites to screen candidates. Use the privacy/security settings made available on these sites.

Violation of the Student-Athlete Social Media Policy may result in disciplinary action-- including temporary or permanent suspension from the team--as determined by athletic director and head coach.

Deferred Adjudication Deferred adjudication does not infer innocence. A judge may, after receiving a plea of guilt or a plea of nolo contender, defer further proceedings without entering an adjudication of guilt, and place a defendant on community service. In effect, if the defendant complies with the conditions of probation as ordered by the judge for a specified period of time, the defendant would receive the benefit of not actually being found guilty of the offense as charged. During the period of deferred adjudication, athletes will remain suspended from participation in any athletic activities.

Indictment for a Felony Athletes, while under indictment for a felony whether on or off campus, will not be allowed to participate in any capacity in the athletic program. (This includes exclusion from both practices and games.) When guilt or innocence is established, re-admission to the athletic program will be determined based upon the outcome. In cases where a campus has jurisdiction to take disciplinary action, athletes must complete any campus-level disciplinary sanctions before being eligible to return to the athletic program. Likewise, students on deferred adjudication will need to complete the probationary period specified by the judge prior to consideration for reinstatement in the athletic program.

Appeals Disciplinary actions resulting from a violation of the Whitney ISD Athletic Code of Conduct are not appealable.

11 Insurance Coverage Please be advised that WISD does not have insurance on your athlete. If they receive an injury due to participation in any sport, you will have to use your personal insurance or pay out of pocket. There are companies that sell accident insurance.

Whitney Independent School District Athletic Guidelines and Code of Conduct ATHLETIC CODE OF CONDUCT

For athletes to re-enter the athletic program after having been removed for any reason, the following procedure will be followed:

*Athletes and their parent(s)/guardian(s) will meet with the Athletic Disciplinary Council*. At this meeting a probationary contract for re-entry into the athletic program will be developed. After discussing the specific contents and obligations outlined in the contract, all parties present will be required to sign the contract.

*The Athletic Disciplinary Counsel shall be composed of the Athletic Director and Girls Athletic Coordinator, the head coach of the sport involved, and the principal or an appropriate assistant principal of the campus. Upon re-entry into the program on a probationary status, athletes will be suspended from any participation in any competition other than practices for a period of ten consecutive school days. The suspension will begin on the first day of re-enrollment on the school campus. During the ten-day suspension, athletes will be required to complete additional sport-appropriate conditioning activities as directed by the coach.

I have read and agree to abide by the Whitney ISD Athletic Department Policies. I understand that these policies will ensure the highest degree of personal dignity and safety while promoting a proactive TEAM CONCEPT!

Athlete’s Signature: ______

Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number ______

Parent/Guardian Email ______

Athletic Director Signature: ______


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