Holywell Town Council

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Holywell Town Council



Minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held in the Council Chamber, Bank Place Offices, Holywell on Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 6.30pm. ------

PRESENT: Councillor P.J. McGarry (Chairman). Councillors: Mrs. M. Auty, Mrs. K. Davies, Mrs. R. Dolphin, D.W. Jones, Mrs. M.D. Phelan, H.G. Roberts, K. Roberts, B. Scragg, E. Watkinson and P.A. York.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Councillors J.M. Johnson, E.B. Palmer (Mayor) and Mrs. S.E. Wallbanks.

IN ATTENDANCE: D.C. Pierce (Clerk).


The following declaration of personal interest was made and the relevant form completed for the Clerk to forward on to Flintshire County Council’s Monitoring Officer.

Minute No. Name of Councillor Personal Prejudicial Nature of Interest

F9. Mrs. R. Dolphin √ - Member of Carmel Bowling Club



That the public and press be excluded from the meeting for minute F9. on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted arising from the supporting financial and other information provided with the applications.


Members considered requests received for financial assistance from various organisations together with a schedule of the organisations and events supported by the Council in 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14. The Clerk read out supporting background and financial information provided by each organisation. A statement of donations made to date in the current (2014/15) financial year was also provided with details of budget provision (£5,000), balance (£3525) and the Council’s policy on donations.


(1) That the following donations be made:- £ - Carmel Bowling Club 200 - Cymdeithas Thomas Pennant/ Thomas Pennant Society 100 - Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd – Sir y Fflint 2016 Pwyllgor Apêl Treffynnon a’r 5 Pentref/Holywell + 5 Villages Appeal Committee 1,000 ____ 1300

(2) That a further donation of £1,000 be made to the Holywell & 5 Villages Appeal Committee (making a total of £2,000) towards the 2016 Urdd National Eisteddfod in Flint, such sum to be paid by one or more contributions from the available budget provision for donations in 2015/16 and/or 2016/17 financial years.

(3) That a donation of £600 from the earmarked budget provision be made to the Estuary Voluntary Car Scheme (EVCS), such sum to be presented by the Council’s appointed representative(s) at the next Trustees’ meeting following appointment.

(4) That the EVCS be requested to continue to send copies of the minutes of the Drivers’ and Trustees’ meetings to the Council.


Bank Reconciliation Statements for the year 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 and for the quarterly periods 1 April 2014 to 30 June; 30 September and 31 December 2014 were circulated. There were no questions raised by Members.

The Clerk also drew attention to five unpresented cheques (four long- term) referred to in minute A12. of the Audit Sub-Committee at its meeting held on 3 December 2014. RESOLVED:

(1) That the Bank Reconciliation Statements, as presented, be received and noted.

(2) That unpresented cheques No’d 104454 (£50); 104492 (£4); 104493 (£3.80); 104494 (£3.99) and 104679 (£3,000): Total £3061.79 be cancelled/written off and other than for the payee to cheque No. 104679 (where a replacement cheque No. 104710 has been issued and presented for payment) any claim which may subsequently be received for the issue of a fresh cheque be favourably considered.


Members considered lists detailing the estimates/probable income and expenditure for 2014/15 and estimated figures for 2015/16 together with the Clerk’s accompanying report. The Clerk identified and explained certain items for Members’ information and also answered questions.

The Clerk also referred to potential future expenditure items (some brought forward from last year) to be kept in mind. These included the future of the CCTV arrangements (subject to ongoing review) and other issues arising from the County Council’s ‘Big Budget Conversation’, as the Authority continued to look at ways to deal with the significant expenditure cuts facing it in the coming years. Members were again reminded that since Communities First left No. 14 Bank Place for the Old Town Hall as part of the Flintshire Connects centralisation project, there was a reduced annual income to the Town Council of about £8,000.

Unfortunately, the proposed conversion works to establish a Council Chamber on the ground floor at No. 14 would not be started in the current financial year as CADW support for the works had not long been received and the Contract Administrator intended to arrange and oversee the works had recently withdrawn his interest – alternative arrangements were presently under consideration. Any continued interest in the Tower Gardens public conveniences would now require to be moved forward as part of the County Council’s ‘Community Assets Transfer’ process. The formalities for the long-awaited Notice Board for the grounds of Holy Trinity Church, Greenfield were expected to be completed for it to be in place before the end of March.

The draft budget for 2015/16 had been prepared to take account of changes in expenditure levels since April of last year and using available funds in other budget heads, where possible to emphasise the Council’s support to date to develop its ‘events base’. Match funding schemes had been continued by the County Council. This had enabled upgrading works to be earmarked for another play area (Strand Walk) with a contribution of £10,000 from the Town Council. With the ongoing budget pressures, there was however no guarantee that the County Council would be able to carry on much longer with such arrangements and which could involve in some cases the withdrawal of support altogether for a service.

By reference to the Clerk’s written report and supporting correspondence copied with the agenda/circulated at the meeting, Members’ attention was drawn to the following matters requiring confirmation or consideration and decision.

- Match Funding Play Area Upgrade (scheme to be confirmed and site identified) - Community Transport Funding Contribution - Community Endeavour Awards (extended remit) - Woodland off Halkyn Road (essential maintenance etc) - Ground floor conversion to Council Chamber (14 Bank Place) - Public toilets – Tower Gardens - Weathervane (Old Town Hall) - Line Dancing/Country Festival - Replacement Hanging Baskets - Additional Provision for Watering Arrangements (Wales in Bloom) - Wheeled Sports Facility, Greenfield - Support Staff (Bank Place Offices) - Proposal(s) put forward by Members generally, or in relation to the circulated questionnaire replies to the Council’s ‘Planning for the Future’ initiative.

The Committee also had before it, as a general guide, the effect on the Holywell Communities Band D properties Council Tax of increasing the precept in various increments over and above its precept sum for 2014/15 (£151,500), together with precepts and charges in the individual communities across the County in the current financial year. As a general guide, every £1,000 increase in precept above £151,500 would roughly mean an additional 31p in Council Tax per Band D charge.


(A)BUDGET 2015/16

(1) That the Annual Estimates of Income and Expenditure, as presented, be approved subject to the following:-

(2) That £10,000 be allocated to a Leisure Services fund towards a contribution in respect of play area improvements within the community of Holywell and/or the proposed Wheeled Sports Facility in Greenfield. (3) That, in view of its financial support for the Estuary Voluntary Car Scheme, the Council does not make a contribution to Welsh Border Community Transport

(4) That an additional sum of £100 be allocated to the Community Endeavour Scheme 2015 (making a total of £200) to take account of its proposed extended remit to include Youth Awards.

(5) That a sum of £3,000 be allocated towards Maintenance/Development and Legal fees in respect of the Woodland off Halkyn Road, Holywell.

(6) That the Council endorses its earlier decision to progress ground floor conversion works at No. 14 Bank Place and that an additional provision of £17,000 be made in the budget for Council Offices towards the contract.

(7) That no provision be made in the 2015/16 budget in respect of the public toilets – Tower Gardens but that the Holywell and Greenfield Development Sub- Committee be requested to consider its future when considering submitting formal expressions of interest to the County Council for possible Community Asset Transfers, to apply in the 2016/17 financial year.

(8) That the proposal to provide a Weathervane (with Council Crest) on the roof of Flintshire Connects (Old Town Hall), High Street, Holywell be supported and that a sum of £2,000 be allocated towards its cost and any required consents.

(9) That a sum of £1,500 be set aside for a Line Dancing/County Festival on a date to be agreed.

(10) That in support the Council’s entry in the 2015 Wales in Bloom Campaign and other environmental Competitions, a provision of £3,000 be made for replacement hanging baskets in Holywell and an additional provision of £1,000 for watering/ hanging basket supports/safety checks.

(11) That the Council support the recruitment of support staff at its Bank Place Offices within an allocated budget sum of £10,000 and that the Clerk report to the Audit Sub-Committee in the first instance with recommendations. (12) That the following item be confirmed as an earmarked reserve to be carried forward to 2015/16:

“Arquest” football pitch £5,000

(13) That the outline proposals submitted by Councillor Mrs. M. Auty in respect of generating income for Holywell; and encouraging increased use of the Greenfield Valley and its Heritage Park be supported in principle pending further consideration once supporting information has been received from her and the legal, financial and practical aspects assessed for the 2016/17 or later financial year.

(B) PRECEPT 2015/16

That a precept of £161,500 be issued on Flintshire County Council for the financial year 2015/16 (an increase of 5.6p per week on 2014/15).


Consideration was given to reviewing/approving the Council’s Financial Regulations.


That the Financial Regulations, as presented, be approved without change.



To note/approve the following appointments in respect of the financial year 2015/16, subject to any changes that may be notified by the Wales Audit Office:

External Auditors – UHY Hacker Young of Chester. Internal Auditors – JDH Business Services Ltd, Pantymwyn. F14. COUNCIL MEETING – TUESDAY, 17 FEBRUARY 2015

Members noted that the Council returned to St. Peter’s Church, Rosehill, Holywell for its next meeting – 6pm start.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm.

……………………………….. Chairman

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