PYP Of The IB: Template For Program Of Inquiry

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PYP Of The IB: Template For Program Of Inquiry

IST PYP Program of Inquiry 2016-2017 Integration of Specialists & World Languages

C & S Community & Service Action Using Compass Model

Grade An inquiry into An inquiry into An inquiry into An inquiry into An inquiry into An inquiry into Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet

An inquiry into the nature of the An inquiry into orientation in place An inquiry into the ways in which we An inquiry into the natural world An inquiry into the An inquiry into rights and self; beliefs and values; personal, and time; personal histories; homes discover and express ideas, feelings, and its laws; the interaction interconnectedness of human- responsibilities in the struggle to physical, mental, social and and journeys; the discoveries, nature, culture, beliefs and values; between the natural world made systems and communities; share finite resources with other spiritual health; human explorations and migrations of the ways in which we reflect on, (physical and biological) and human the structure and function of people and with other living things; relationships including families, humankind; the relationships and the extend and enjoy our creativity; our societies; how humans use their organizations; societal decision- communities and the relationships communities, and cultures; rights interconnectedness of individuals and appreciation of the aesthetic. understanding of scientific making; economic activities and within and between them; access and responsibilities; what it means civilizations, from local and global principles; the impact of scientific their impact on humankind and to equal opportunities; peace and to be human. perspectives. and technological advances on the environment. conflict resolution society and on the environment. Gr. 5 Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet #5 #1 #3 #2 #6 #4 Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Humans experience physical, Human migration can be a response People use different techniques to People transform energy in various Economies depend on the ability People share responsibility for the emotional, and social changes to challenges and opportunities. persuade others. ways to serve a specific function. to produce goods and supply world by taking action on local and throughout adolescence that shape services that can be exchanged. global issues. identity. Key Concepts: Causation, Perspective Key Concepts: Form, Perspective Key Concepts: Function, Related Concepts: Migration, Culture Related Concepts: Opinion, Choice Responsibility Key Concepts: Connection Key Concepts: Reflection (Students Key Concepts: Change, Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Related Concepts: Transformation, Related Concept/s: Supply & will identify) Responsibility  My family’s migration  Forms of persuasion Systems Demand, Fair Trade Related Concept/s: Action, Impact Related Concepts: Growth, story  Different persuasive Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Adolescence, Identity  The reasons people techniques  How energy produces  Determining the value  (Students will inquire Lines of inquiry: migrate  Places we see persuasion heat, light, and motion of goods and services into areas of their  Puberty and the physical  The effects of migration in action  Simple and complex  The role of supply and interest) changes that take place on communities, cultures circuits as a system demand in the  Transitioning from and individuals. Learner Profile: Communicator,  Making responsible economy Learner Profile: Caring, Elementary to Secondary Thinker choices with energy use Courageous, Knowledgeable school Learner Profile: Thinker, Open- Attitudes: Independence, Creativity Learner Profile: Reflective, Attitudes: Enthusiasm,  Feelings, issues and minded Learner Profile: Thinker, Inquirer Principled Commitment, Appreciation, questions we have in Attitudes: Empathy, Tolerance Specialist integration with: Attitudes: Curiosity, Cooperation Attitudes: Integrity Independence relation to changes taking  Information Literacy place Specialist integration with:  Danish Specialist integration with: Specialist integration with:  Chinese  French  STEM  Information Literacy Learner Profile: Balanced,  German  Art Principled  C & S Community & Service Action Attitudes: Independence, Integrity Music Using Compass Model Specialist integration with:  PE Gr. 4 Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet #1 #6 #2 #5 #4 #3 Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Children’s access to their rights Exploration can lead to discovery and People use different forms of artistic People apply scientific and Governmental systems and laws Living things interconnect, balance, varies worldwide. new understandings. expression to convey a perspective. technological principles in order to inform, guide, and regulate the and sustain an ecosystem. invent and innovate. lives of citizens. Key Concepts: Responsibility, Form Key Concepts: Causation, Change Key Concepts: Perspective, Reflection Key Concepts: Connection, Related Concepts: Rights, roles, Related Concepts: Discovery, Related Concept/s: Interpretation, Key Concepts: Causation, Function Key Concepts: Form, Causation Values Exploration Self-Expression Related Concepts: Mechanics, Responsibility Related Concept/s: Sustainability, Technological Advances Related Concept/s: Citizenship, Interdependence, Lines of Inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: roles  UN Declaration of the  Why people explore  Different forms of art Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Rights of the Child  How methods of  The arts that we connect  Inventions in our Lines of inquiry:  Features of ecosystems  The relationship navigation have changed with and appreciate everyday lives  Different types of  Food chains between rights and over time (ex: stars  Applying artistic  Simple machines and government  Effect of natural and responsibilities compass GPS) techniques to express how they work together  Rules and laws human influences on  Organizations that work  Consequences of ourselves to create more complex  The impact of rules ecosystems to protect children exploration machines and laws on citizens Learner Profile: Reflective,  Impacts of inventions on Learner Profile: Principled, Learner Profile: Caring, Balanced Learner Profile: Courageous, Communicator societies Learner Profile: Principled, Open- Knowledgeable Attitudes: Empathy, Respect Knowledgeable Attitudes: Creativity, Appreciation minded, Attitudes: Commitment, Integrity Attitudes: Curiosity, Independence Learner Profile: Inquirer, Thinker Attitudes: Integrity, Tolerance Specialist integration with: Specialist integration with: Attitudes: Enthusiasm, Confidence,  PE Specialist integration with:  Music Cooperation Specialist integration with:  Information Literacy  STEM  Art  Information Literacy  Danish Specialist integration with: Using Compass Model  French  Chinese ______C & S Community & Service Action  STEM SY 2017-18: Central Idea: People depend on the Earth’s Using Compass Model resources and use them in a variety of ways.

Gr. 3 Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet #5 #1 #6 #3 #2 #4 Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Human body systems work Innovative thinkers change society in The beliefs and values of a society People employ the scientific People design cities to meet the People experience and resolve together to promote physical different ways. provide a framework for social method to understand the needs and wants of the conflict in various ways. health. behavior. changing states of matter. inhabitants. Key Concepts: Connection, Key Concepts: Function, Perspective Key Concepts: Causation, Perspective Key Concepts: Change, Reflection Key Concepts: Form, Function Key Concepts: Responsibility, Connection Related Concepts: Innovation, Related Concepts: Diversity, Beliefs Related Concept/s: Transformation Related Concept/s: Systems, Causation Related Concept/s: Systems, Revolution Interdependence Related Concepts: Conflict, Identity Interaction Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:  The beliefs and values of  States of matter and Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry:  Thinking “Outside the cultures their properties  Characteristics of a  Impacts of conflict  Physical health and well- Box”  Different belief systems  How and why matter city  Methods for solving being  Great thinkers of their influence behavior and traditions changes  What people need conflict  Different body systems and time and how they were  Similarities and differences  How a scientific method and want in a city  Peacemakers how they work together agents of change among belief systems can be used to answer  Infrastructures to  When a system  Big ideas that have questions meet needs Learner Profile: Caring, malfunctions influenced society Learner Profile: Open-minded,  How cities are Communicator Reflective Learner Profile: Inquirer organized Attitudes: Cooperation, Empathy Learner Profile: Knowledgeable Learner Profile: Principled, Attitudes: Respect, Tolerance Attitudes: Curiosity, Commitment Attitudes: Appreciation, Courageous Learner Profile: Balanced, Specialist integration with: Enthusiasm Attitudes: Confidence, Independence C & S Community & Service Action Specialist integration with: Thinker  French  STEM Attitudes: Integrity, Creativity  Information Literacy Specialist integration with: Specialist integration with:  Chinese  Music C & S Community & Service Action Specialist integration with:  PE  Danish  Art  Information Literacy  German  STEM

Using Compass Model

Updated April 2016 Page 1 of 2 IST PYP Program of Inquiry 2016-2017 Integration of Specialists & World Languages

C & S Community & Service Action Using Compass Model

Gr. 2 Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet #1 #3 #2 #6 #5 #4 Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: People create artifacts Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: The choices people make play a Characteristics of civilizations can to tell stories. The Earth’s position in the Solar People process resources in Human actions can preserve or role in health and well-being. endure or change over time. System regulates life on Earth order to satisfy needs and wants. endanger living things. Key Concept: Perspective, Key Concepts: Reflection, Key Concepts: Form, Change Connection Key Concepts: Change, Key Concepts: Responsibility, Responsibility Related Concept/s: Culture, Related Concepts: Communication Key Concepts: Form, Function Related Concept/s: Needs & Causation Related Concept/s: Nutrition, Chronology Related Concept/s: Cycles, Wants (Consumption), Related Concepts: Balance Lines Of Inquiry: Movement, Time Production Interdependence, Conservation Lines of inquiry:  Forms of storytelling Lines of inquiry:  Characteristics of Ancient China artifacts (weaving, Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:  The components of a  Ways that our locality (Tianjin) has quilting, cave painting,  The characteristics of  Natural resources &  Ecosystems and the healthy lifestyle changed/remained the same pottery painting, dream the Earth, Sun and Moon materials interdependence of  How healthy/unhealthy  Why some ideas endure and catchers, carvings, digital and their place in the  The process of change living things lifestyle choices affect others change media, etc) solar system that resources go  Our responsibilities our bodies  Why people choose  How the sun and Moon, through towards keeping living  Reflective choice making Learner Profile: Communicator, different mediums for regulate life on Earth  Why humans change things from becoming Thinker expression  Seasons and cycles of resources and how endangered or extinct Learner Profiles: Balanced, Attitudes: Appreciation, Tolerance  How different artifacts are time they use them Knowledgeable created Learner Profile: Caring, Attitudes: Independence, Specialist integration with: Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Learner Profile: Thinkers, Knowledgeable Commitment, Integrity  Music Learner Profile: Courageous, Inquirer Reflective Inquirers Attitudes: Appreciation,  Chinese Attitudes: Creativity, Enthusiasm, Attitudes: Curiosity, Commitment Attitudes: Cooperation Commitment, Empathy Specialist integration with:  STEM Confidence  Chinese Specialist integration with: Specialist integration with: Specialist integration with:  PE Specialist integration with:  Art  STEM  Information Literacy ______ Danish  Information Literacy SY 2017-18:  Chinese Central Idea:  German Using Compass Model People share the responsibility of  French C & S Community & Service Action treating one another with respect.  STEM

Gr.1 Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet #2 #3 #6 #4 #1 #5 Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: People tell stories for Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: The choices people make play a Members of a family share a unique different reasons and in different People use forces to make changes Members of a community work Mini-beasts perform functions in role in health and well-being. history that shapes identity. ways. in motion. together to meet a common goal. the environment that maintain balance among living things. Key Concepts: Reflection, Key Concepts: Connection Key Concepts: Perspective Key Concepts: Form, Causation Key Concepts: Connection, Responsibility Related Concept/s: Identity, History Related Concept/s: Communication, Related Concept/s: Cause & Effect, Function Key Concepts: Function, Change, Related Concept/s: Nutrition, Performance Forces Related Concepts: Roles, Connection, Balance Lines of inquiry: Collaboration Related Concepts: Classification,  Different family groups Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Interactions, Transformation Lines of inquiry:  Significant events that are  What a story is  What forces are Lines of inquiry:  The components of a important to a family  Why people tell stories  What forces do  Examples of Lines of inquiry: healthy lifestyle  How our personal histories  Different ways that stories  The different ways communities and their  Identifying mini-beasts  How healthy/unhealthy are the same and different are presented people use forces function and their environment lifestyle choices affect  Communities we  How mini-beasts grow our bodies Learner Profiles: Open-minded, Learner Profiles: Courageous Learner Profiles: Inquirers, belong to and change  Reflective choice making Communicators Communicator Thinkers, Reflective  Roles of people who  The role of mini-beast in Attitudes: Respect, Tolerance Attitudes: Confidence, Creativity Attitudes: Cooperation, Enthusiasm are part of our the environment Learner Profiles: Balanced, communities Knowledgeable Specialist integration with: Specialist integration with: Specialist integration with: Learner Profiles: Caring, Thinkers Attitudes: Independence,  Chinese  Music  PE Learner Profiles: Attitudes: Curiosity, Empathy Commitment, Integrity  Danish  Art Communicators, Principled  French  STEM Attitudes: Cooperation, Specialist integration with: Specialist integration with:  German Appreciation  Information Literacy  Chinese  PE

Using Compass Model

C & S Community & Service Action

Gr. Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet KG #3 #2 #1 (All year) #4 #5 #6 Central Idea Central Idea: Homes reflect cultural Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Sensory awareness informs choices and local conditions. Celebrations reflect cultural, Animal characteristics help them Communities plan and design Living things share the limited and relationships with others. traditional, and personal events. adapt to the environment. transportation systems to meet water on Earth. Key Concepts: Change, Connection, their needs. Key Concepts Perspective, Related Concept/s: Place, Relocation Key Concepts: Form, Perspective Key Concepts: Form, Function, Key Concepts: Causation Reflection Related Concepts: Traditions, Related Concept/s: Adaptation, Key Concepts: Connection, Responsibility Related Concept/s: Perception, Lines of inquiry: Customs Classification Function Related Concepts: Environment, Discovery  What makes a home Related Concept/s: Community, Choices, conservation  Similarities and differences Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Systems Lines of inquiry: between homes  What people celebrate  How animals grow and Lines of inquiry:  What we can discover  Why people live where they  Similarities and change Lines of inquiry:  Sources and uses of water about ourselves through do differences of celebrations  How an animal’s  Types of  Effects humans can have on our senses characteristics help them transportation water sources  Similarities and Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Learner Profile: Open-Minded, live in their habitat systems  Our responsibilities when differences between Communicators Courageous  How communities use using water others Attitudes: Confidence, Independence Attitudes: Enthusiasm, Creativity Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, transportation  How our likes and Inquirers systems Learner Profile: Caring, Reflective dislikes influence our Specialist integration with: Attitudes: Curiosity, Respect  Why people choose Attitudes: Integrity, Commitment relationships  Chinese one transportation  German Specialist integration with: system over another Specialist integration with: Learner Profile: Principled,  Danish  Art  Information Literacy Balanced  French Learner Profile: Inquirers, Attitudes::Empathy Tolerance, Thinkers, C & S Community & Service Action Attitudes: Cooperation Using Compass Model Specialist integration with: Appreciation,  PE  Danish  French  Music

Updated April 2016 Page 2 of 2 IST PYP Program of Inquiry 2016-2017 Integration of Specialists & World Languages

C & S Community & Service Action Using Compass Model

Gr. Who we are How we express ourselves How the world works Sharing the planet Pre-K #1 #2 #3 #4 Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Relationships develop through People express and respond to Properties of materials determine Plants support life on Earth and choices and behaviors. feelings in different ways. how people use them. contribute to people’s lives. Early Years only complete Four Units Early Years only complete Four Key Concepts: Connection, of Inquiry Key Concepts: Perspective, Reflection Key Concepts: Form, Change Units of Inquiry Key Concepts: Responsibility, Function Related Concept/s: Interpretation, Related Concept/s: Properties, Causation Related Concept/s: Behavior, Relationships Classification Related Concept/s: Plants Growth Communication Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry:  What feelings are  Different kinds of  Caring for plants  How relationships can  Ways people experience materials and their  How people use plants be developed and express emotions properties (rope, food, medicine,  What friends do for  Ways in which stories,  How materials are used dyes) each other drama and music can and why  How plants contribute to  Roles and behaviors show and share emotions  How different materials life on Earth within a relationship can change  Different kinds of Learner Profile: Reflective, Balanced, Learner Profile: Thinkers, Principled relationships Courageous Learner Profile: Inquirers, Attitudes: Appreciation, Attitudes: Empathy, Confidence, Knowledgeable Commitment, Integrity Learner Profile: Communicators, Tolerance Attitudes: Curiosity, Enthusiasm, Caring, Open-minded Creativity Specialist integration with: Attitudes: Respect, Independence, Specialist integration with:  Library Cooperation  Music Specialist integration with:  Library  Library Specialist integration with:  World Languages  STEM Using Compass Model  PE C & S Community & Service Action  Library  World Languages Gr. Who we are How we express ourselves How the world works Sharing the planet Nurser #1 #3 #2 #4 y Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Self-identity develops by making Early Years only complete Four Units People use art to share ideas and Purpose, imagination and the Animals and people interact in connections with people and of Inquiry explore imagination. understanding of scientific Early Years only complete Four different ways in different contexts places. principles influence how people Units of Inquiry Key Concepts: Perspective, design and construct. Key Concepts: Responsibility, Key Concepts: Form, Reflection Connection Change Related Concept/s: Identity, Related Concept/s: Choices, Key Concepts: Function, Causation Related Concept/s: Classification, Relationships Imagination Related Concepts: Properties, animals Lines of Inquiry: Behavior, Consequences Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry:  How we use art to Lines of inquiry:  Different roles animals  Ways in which we are represent our ideas and  Ways we construct play in different lives similar and different feelings  Principles that affect  Suitability of particular  Things I can do  The process that we use to construction animals for specific  Places and groups we create art  How our imagination functions belong to  Sharing and responding to influences our  Our responsibility for art construction the well-being of Learner Profile: Caring, Open- animals minded, Courageous Learner Profile: Principled, Learner Profile: Thinker, Inquirer, Attitudes: Confidence, Communicator, Reflective Attitudes: Appreciation, Creativity, Learner Profile: Knowledgeable, Independence Attitudes: Curiosity, Enthusiasm, Respect Balanced Commitment Attitudes: Cooperation, Empathy, Specialist integration with: Specialist integration with: Integrity  Library Specialist integration with:  Library Specialist integration with:  Music, Library  STEM  Library

Using Compass Model C & S Community & Service Action

Updated April 2016 Page 3 of 2

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