This Financial Risk Assessment Was Prepared by Iona Appleyard, Clerk to North Stainley s1

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This Financial Risk Assessment Was Prepared by Iona Appleyard, Clerk to North Stainley s1


DATE: Wednesday 21st October 2015 TIME: 19.00 hrs LOCATION: West Tanfield Memorial Hall PRESENT: Councillors Peter Hull (Chairman), David Dumbleton (Vice-Chairman from item 6.2) and David Webster (also District Councillor). IN ATTENDANCE: Iona Taylor (Clerk) County Councillor John Weighell P.C.S.O. Heather MacPherson (until after item 4.1). Mr Richard Alton

1. WELCOME FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL Councillor Hull welcomed all those present to the meeting, including Councillor Webster who has been appointed by Hambleton District Council to serve on the Parish Council after the resignation of Steven Houston.



4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS OR STATEMENTS 4.1 Report from North Yorkshire Police. P.C.S.O. MacPherson read a report including the following points:  North Yorkshire continues to be one of the safest counties in England and Wales to live, work and visit.  Following Board Meetings at North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority (NYFRA), the Commissioner has approved plans to build a new co-located facility on the current NYFRA site at Stonebridgegate, less than half a mile away from the existing Ripon Station site. It is planned that the new facility will be completed in summer 2017.  North Yorkshire Police have been rated as ‘good’ in a recent HM Inspectorate of Constabulary report.  Members of the public are urged to continue to report any suspicious activity as prompt reporting helps to prevent and detect crime The following incidents have been reported in Tanfield parish since 1st June 2015:  08/08/15 – Domestic incident during which allegation of assault made. Case closed victim declines to make complaint.  27/08/15 – Outbuildings and insecure vehicles entered overnight, nothing taken. Case closed no offender identified, no CSI witnesses or forensics.  27/08/15 – Motorcycle stolen overnight. Case closed no offender identified. The full report will be displayed on the Council’s website.

4.2 County Councillor Locality Budgets. Councillor Weighell reported on a new County Councillor Locality Budget. This is a grant scheme which has £5,000 to distribute in each division of the County. Details of how to apply will be distributed in the parish and displayed on the Council’s website.

5. APOLOGIES – none.

6. APPOINTMENTS 6.1 Co-option of a Parish Councillor – no applications received.

6.2 Election of Vice-Chairman. It was resolved that Councillor Dumbleton be elected as Vice-Chairman and his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and agreement to abide by the Council’s Code of Conduct was duly signed and received.

6.3 Quarry Liaison Representative. It was agreed that Councillor Webster should represent this Council at future Quarry Liaison meetings, until such time as additional Councillors are co-opted to the Council and permanent arrangements can be made.

Minutes – 21st October 2015 Page 1 of 6 Chairman’s Initials: Tanfield Parish Council MINUTES OF A PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 6.4 Staffing Committee. It was resolved that Councillor Dumbleton should be appointed to the Council’s staffing committee, to serve alongside Councillor Hull.

7. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the last meeting held on 30th September 2015 were agreed and signed.

8. ITEMS CARRIED FORWARD FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS 8.1 Recording of meetings. It was agreed that it is not currently felt necessary to make audio recordings of Parish Council meetings.

8.2 Bringing faster broadband to Nosterfield and Thornborough. There was no progress to be reported on this item as the necessary infrastructure upgrade at Sutton Bank has not yet taken place.

8.3 Improving mobile coverage in Nosterfield. A date for a site visit with EE is still awaited.

9. APPOINTMENT OF CLERK 9.1 Advertisement of vacancy. The Clerk reported that the vacancy is now being advertised with YLCA and within the parish. It will also be included in the next edition of the parish magazine.

9.2 Invoice 406-15 from Yorkshire Local Councils Associations. It was resolved that this invoice, for £15, in connection with advertising services be paid.

10. DEFIBRILLATORS 10.1 Application to Tour de France Legacy Fund. It was noted that the Parish Council’s application for funding to purchase a defibrillator had been turned down, due to the current availability of free machines from the British Heart Foundation.

10.2 Siting of machines in Nosterfield and Thornborough. Nosterfield Enquiries will be made to see if adjacent residents would be prepared to provide electricity if a defibrillator were sited in the Parish Council’s bus shelter. If this option is not viable then investigations will be made to see whether it would be possible for it to be sited on a lamppost or at the Yorkshire Water pumping station.

Thornborough Letters have been sent asking two households, whose boundaries face on to Main Street, whether they would consider allowing a defibrillator to be sited on their property. If this option is not viable then investigations will be made to see whether it would be possible for it to be sited on a lamppost or at the Yorkshire Water pumping station.

10.3 British Heart Foundation defibrillator programme. It was noted that the British Heart Foundation has launched a programme whereby community organisations can apply for up to 5 free defibrillators, including external mounting cabinets. They also provide training materials. Details of the programme can be found online: It was agreed that the Parish Council should apply for 3 machines to be sited in West Tanfield, Nosterfield and Thornborough. It was further agreed that the Parish Council will meet any ongoing costs necessary to make the scheme viable (replacement pads, batteries and electricity costs if required).

11. COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH INITIATIVE It was noted that a requested update on this scheme had not been received in time for this meeting. Minutes – 21st October 2015 Page 2 of 6 Chairman’s Initials: Tanfield Parish Council MINUTES OF A PARISH COUNCIL MEETING P.C.S.O. MacPherson was requested to obtain information in relation to the checks carried out in West Tanfield over the summer and the future of the scheme.

12. RECREATION 12.1 Preparation of a public open space, sport & recreation plan. Hambleton District Council has a process in place to allocate developer contribution that are paid to the Council towards the improvement of public open space, sport & recreation. To access this funding each Parish Council is asked to submit a Public Open Space, Sport and Recreation Action Plan which provides a comprehensive list of eligible projects in priority order. This process ensures that funds received from a parish are spent within that parish if there are eligible projects in need of funding. It was agreed that to progress the preparation of such a plan the Parish Council should carry out a survey of all organisations in the parish which provide green open spaces, children’s play areas, teenage recreation spaces, outdoor sports facilities allotments or community gardens. Members of the public will also be asked to put forward ideas for projects. Once a list of projects is identified then work will be undertaken to prioritise them.

12.2 Recreation provision in Nosterfield. There was no progress to be reported, other than in connection with the above.

13. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES 13.1 West Tanfield Memorial Hall Management Committee. The following report has been received from David Parkinson: “The AGM took place on July 29. Brenda Raw was elected chairman and Anthony Cumming Secretary & Treasurer. Both agreed to hold office for one year. Funds in hand totalled £4,552.42. Anthony Cumming emphasised the importance of fund raising to maintain a sound financial footing. The committee met immediately afterwards. It was agreed to open the hall toilet facilities for the use of public. It was agreed to house a defibrillator should the Parish Council acquire one. There was discussion about replacing the old wooden trestle tables.”

13.2 Quarry Liaison Representative (Clerk). The Council noted a written report including the following points:  Consultations with interested parties about the future transfer of ownership of the southern and central henges are ongoing, although it is expected that a transfer to Historic England will take place in April 2016.  The final area of extraction is being worked on the Ladybridge site. Restoration works will take place in autumn 2015 and spring 2016.  Tarmac hope that the Langwith planning application will be determined at the County Council’s February 2016 committee meeting. Transfer of ownership of the Henges is linked to approval of this application.  Thoughts are turning to the submission of a planning application for the Oakwood extension. It is likely that this will occur in the next couple of years.  Nosterfield Quarry is now owned by ‘Tarmac’ following the company’s takeover by the CRH group.  The next meeting will be in April 2016.

14. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 14.1 Consultations on applications. It was resolved that the Parish Council has no objections to the following applications:  15/02154/FUL | Installation of 960 260W Polycrystalline Photovoltaic modules for electricity generation and associated infrastructure | Rushwood Hall East Tanfield North Yorkshire HG4 5LW  15/02270/FUL | Change of use of former mill to form 3no. dwellings | Tanfield Mill Hydro Tanfield Mill West Tanfield North Yorkshire HG4 5LE

Minutes – 21st October 2015 Page 3 of 6 Chairman’s Initials: Tanfield Parish Council MINUTES OF A PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 14.2 Updates and decisions on applications received from Hambleton District Council since the last meeting. Application No. Proposal Decision 15/01423/FUL Construction of single storey side extension, addition of new windows to Passed. rear elevation and conversion of loft to include new rooflights at White House, Thornborough. 15/01717/FUL Proposed construction of an agricultural pig finishing building with 2 feed Passed. silos at North Tanfield Farm.

14.3 Sale of Station Yard site. It was noted that Station Yard in West Tanfield now has a sold sign on it. This is an important point as the site is allocated for significant housing development in Hambleton District Council’s Development Plan.

15. CORRESPONDENCE The Clerk reported on items received, including: 15.1 Came & Company Local Council Insurance – notice of merger. An announcement has been received that Came & Company Local Council Insurance Brokers has joined the Stackhouse Poland Group from this month ( The Parish Council has recently taken out a policy with Came & Company. They have advised that it will be business as usual, continuing to concentrate on delivering service to their clients

15.2 Goal posts. Safety information about freestanding goal posts, received from Hambleton District Council, was forwarded to Tanfield Estate and West Tanfield Memorial Hall representatives.

15.3 Rural Action Yorkshire – Good Neighbour Scheme. Rural Action Yorkshire has written to inform Councils about ‘Good Neighbours’ schemes which offer practical support to people living in rural areas. The schemes are volunteer led by local residents. It was agreed that the scheme should be publicised in the Council’s newsletter and on its website.

15.4 Surface water flooding, West Tanfield. Correspondence about an ongoing issue in respect of the surface water drains’ capacity to take away heavy rainfall in West Tanfield has been received from a resident. It was agreed that, subject to the resident’s consent, this correspondence should be forwarded to County Councillor John Weighell to follow up.

15.5 RAF Leeming. It was noted that there will be increased air activity from RAF Leeming during October 2015.

15.6 Parish Liaison Meeting. The date of the next Parish Liaison meeting with Hambleton District Council was noted as being on 19 th November 2015. Councillor Webster was asked to report back to this Council after the meeting.

16. FINANCIALS 2014/15 16.1 External Auditor’s opinion on the 2014/15 accounts. The External Auditor has reported that: “On the basis of our review of the annual return, in our opinion the information in the annual return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.” There were no other matters to draw to the attention of the Council. The fully completed annual return is now displayed on the Parish Council’s website, and relevant sections are currently on display on the noticeboards in the parish. There was no charge for the external audit.

2015/16 Financial Year 16.2 Bank reconciliation to 30 th September 2015. It was resolved that the monthly bank reconciliation to 30th September 2015 be approved and signed by the Chairman. Minutes – 21st October 2015 Page 4 of 6 Chairman’s Initials: Tanfield Parish Council MINUTES OF A PARISH COUNCIL MEETING

16.3 Mid-year monitoring against budget report. It was resolved that the mid-year monitoring budget report be approved. It shows that half-way through the year the Council is approximately £797.59 under budget. This is because of lower than expected election costs and because North Yorkshire County Council had decided to contribute to the cost of verge grasscutting. It was noted that the figures in this document will change significantly before the end of the financial year on 31/3/16, although the Council should still finish the year under-budget.

16.4 Mid-year balance analysis report. It was resolved that the mid-year balance analysis report be approved. The report showed that the Council has unallocated funds of £4203.28 and is back in a healthy financial position as this figure is in line with recommended guidance.

16.5 Hambleton Citizens’ Advice Bureau. It was resolved that a donation of £50 be made to this organisation.

2016/17 Financial Year 16.6 Draft budget. It was resolved that the draft budget be accepted as proposed.

16.7 Precept requirement. It was resolved that a precept of £7,688 be applied for.

Day-to-Day Financials 16.8 Financial report. It was resolved that a report containing the following information be approved: Bank Balances as at 1/10/15: NatWest Current a/c - ****4884 £4,544.00 NatWest Business Reserve a/c - ****2668 £5,487.97 TOTAL £10,031.97

Payments to be approved and recorded: Payee Details Iona Taylor Clerk's Wages - July 2015 £155.14 Iona Taylor Clerk's Wages - August 2015 £48.95 Iona Taylor Clerk's Wages - September 2015 £183.37 Iona Taylor Clerk's Expenses - July 2015 £30.39 Iona Taylor Clerk's Expenses - August 2015 £13.45 Iona Taylor Clerk's Expenses - September 2015 £25.95 DTMS Ltd Caretaker, Invoice 7082 £90.00 DTMS Ltd Caretaker, Invoice 7192 £126.00 DTMS Ltd Caretaker, Invoice 7198 £209.10 Farm & Land Services Ltd Grasscutting, Invoice 4336 £432.00 West Tanfield Memorial Hall Hall Hire, Invoice AS182 £14.00 YLCA Invoice 406-15 £15.00 West Tanfield Memorial Hall Invoice AS186 £14.00 TOTAL £1,357.35

Receipts to be recorded: Received From Details Computershare Interest on Consolidated Stock (April & July) £0.82 North Yorkshire County Council Grasscutting Reimbursement £176.10 Hambleton District Council Precept, 2nd Part £3,844.00 HMRC VAT 1/6/15 - 30/9/15 (Applied For) £214.85

Minutes – 21st October 2015 Page 5 of 6 Chairman’s Initials: Tanfield Parish Council MINUTES OF A PARISH COUNCIL MEETING TOTAL £4,235.77

17. COUNCIL’S DOCUMENTS It was resolved that updated versions of the Council’s Standing Orders and Asset Register be approved and adopted.

18. PARISH CARETAKER It was agreed that the following tasks be included on the list to be undertaken:  Clearance of roadside ‘grips’ near East Tanfield.  Clearance of leaves on pavements through Main Street, West Tanfield.

19. NEXT MEETINGS 19.1 Next meetings. The next meeting was confirmed as being on 27th January 2016. A planning meeting will be held, if necessary, on 30th November 2015.

19.2 2016 schedule. The draft schedule of meetings was approved.

20. ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AT THE NEXT MEETING  Outcome of annual playground inspections.

Meeting closed at 20.00 hrs. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Clerk to the Parish Council.

SIGNED: ...... (Chairman)

DATE: ......

Minutes – 21st October 2015 Page 6 of 6 Chairman’s Initials:

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