IT@JH Development and Diversity Council Meeting Minutes: January 18, 2011

Attendees: Wanda Cartwright, Eric Colliflower, Diana Gumas, Jo-Ann Hans, Mary Hayes, Jim Johns, Dawn Kemp, David Li, Farideh Majidi, Kim Makowy,

Unable to Attend: Cedric Barksdale, Theresa Caruso, Stacey Johnson, Kevin Kane, Kim Pippin, Alicia Richardson Debbie Savage, Neysan Sturdivant and Nidra Williams

Action Items Goals for the Coming Year:

 IT Managers’ Forum – There are no dates scheduled as of yet but, Mary will have more information by next meeting in February 2011.

 Improved Diversity Recruitment – When Dawn Butler returns the Council can speak with Dawn Butler and see if she can assist the Council with this goal.

 Promote Growth & Development of IT Staff –Mary will speak with Dawn about this to get some suggestions.

Update on Standing Items

Learn @ Lunch

 The January 2011 session will be with Data Center Services. This session will be a tour of the Data Center at Mt.Washington with a quick overview facilities and a possible tour of the PowerHouse at Mt. Washington.

Bulletin Board  Nidra will begin assisting JoAnn with the Bulletin board. Volunteer Information on Website  Volunteer Information for Our Daily Bread and Maryland Food Bank has been updated on the Diversity Website for 2011. If you would like additional information on volunteering for these organizations, you can contact Theresa Caruso All Staff Meeting  Mary has spoke with Stephanie about having the All Staff Meeting at Keswick and Stephanie thinks it will be a good idea.  Mary went to visit Keswick and the auditorium will only hold 250 people. In addition,  Stephanie will speak with some other people including the Diversity Committee about putting together an agenda for the All Staff Meeting.  One item that was discussed by Mary at the meeting was to have Epic update on the agenda.  Mary will speak with Steven Frantz about having a video conference and/or putting together a live meeting where people may not be able to see the meeting but can hear what is being talked about. Open Discussion  Kim Makowy suggested that we put information on the main IT website about Employee Recognition for hospital and university employees.  Nidra currently updates all information on the website. Please view the IT Diversity website: [email protected]/diversity

Next Scheduled Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 Time: 10:00am – 11:00am Location: Mt. Washington, Davis, Conference Room C-113