Math 7 Accelerated/ Math 7 Classroom Guidelines

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Math 7 Accelerated/ Math 7 Classroom Guidelines

Algebra Honors and PVMC 7/8 Accel. Classroom Guidelines Ms. T. Kuykendall 2017-2018 Class Guidelines  Be on time. Be in your seat when the bell STARTS TO ring or you will be tardy.  Show respect to others and their property.  DO NOT chew GUM!!  Sharpen pencils BEFORE the bell rings or AFTER a lesson. NEVER sharpen pencils when some one is speaking.  You will remain in the classroom for the entire period. You will not be allowed to leave the room during class time. (You will receive 3 passes to leave class/excused tardy- for emergencies. You MUST sign out and back in when you leave. If you do not use the passes they are extra credit points at the end of the trimester IF they are turned in NO LATER than one week before the trimester ends.  Show respect to all substitutes.  Take notes –everything I have in my spiral, you should have in your spiral  Bring supplies EVERYDAY. If you are missing supplies, it counts against your grade. Supply List  8 ½ X 11 spiral notebook w/perforated sheets and pockets and 8 ½ x 11 notebook paper (Notes, class work, worksheets, homework, tests, and quizzes need to be in ONE spiral. Organize in order by date.)  3 sharpened pencils or mechanical pencil with extra lead AND ONE REGULAR PENCIL  2 RED pens  2 thin EXPO white board markers  Calculator – A SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR  Graph paper- in a spiral notebook NOT A COMPOSITION BOOK  Small stapler (optional)  hand held pencil sharpener-optional but needed  Small three hole punch (the kind that fits in your binder- optional)  Box of tissues and/or baby wipes or disinfectant wipes Grading Policy Citizenship: Your citizenship grade will be based on preparation, participation, organization, behavior, attitude, and study habits. Letter Grade: Your letter grade will be based on the number of points you earn out of the number of points possible for each trimester. Homework: Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday and it is worth a minimum of 2 points. Friday’s classwork is due on Tuesday, along with Monday’s homework. It must be neat. Do not fold your paper. Parents: please do not send notes excusing students from incomplete homework due to a busy schedule. (follow the “homework musts” that you copied onto the first page of your spiral.)  Copying or giving your homework to someone to copy is considered cheating. Please see the consequences for cheating in the student handbook.  Homework must be graded by you BEFORE you come to class. It must be graded with a red pen with the number of problems WRONG marked at the top of the page. (if you miss Zero… YOU MUST WRITE -0 ) 1. Correct heading on the paper: date and page number with problems to be done 2. Complete ALL of the problems assigned 3. Copy the problem. Write your answer in the answer column 4. Show ALL work. No work? No credit. (that means a zero on the assignment) 5. It must be completed in pencil. 6. Correct your homework with a RED pen. 7. Turn your homework in on time. Late homework will NOT be given any credit. You will have access to the assignments: on the board, on edline (this is a backup posting, so not rely on edline as your main source for homework), and a study buddy.

Homework Grade: Your homework grade is based on the completion of homework, which is stamped daily. (full credit, partial credit –missing one problem or more but more than half completed, or no credit- completed half or less of the assignment)

Homework Quiz: For each question on the quiz/check you must have all of the following: problem as copied from the text, all correct work show, correct answer reflected by your work and the date of the assignment. There is no partial credit for a homework quiz/check. Homework check is to be sure students are grading AND correcting HW.

Tests/Quizzes: There will be a test at the end of every chapter. You will receive advance notice of all chapter tests. You will be given a review so that you may study. If you have an excused absence on the day of a test, you will be required to make up an alternative test at the discretion of the teacher. YOU must arrange a time with the teacher. If you wait more than two days to arrange a time to retake the test, you will receive a zero on the test. All tests will be handed back when every student has completed the test. There may be situations where a student is out for a week, so I thank you in advance for your patience. Projects/Labs: There will be projects and labs throughout the year. I will give you either individual or group projects. Failure to turn in projects on time will result in a loss of one full grade each day. Projects more than 2 days late will NOT be accepted. Absences: You will find school difficult if you are absent frequently. Vacations are unexcused absences. If you plan to be away from school, get your work from me in advance. (Independent Study is an excellent way to keep on track with assignments) When absent, you will need to copy someone’s notes. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed while you were absent and it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make up all of the work in a timely manner. (you can call one of your study buddies and check edline for assignments) You will have one day for each day you are absent to make up any missed work. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to reschedule a missed test or quiz. You must find two study buddies in class that you can contact if you are absent and/or if you have questions. **Homework is written on the white board and it is usually posted on edline** Tardies: You must be in your assigned seat, quiet and ready to work when the bell rings. Four tardies will result in an “N” in citizenship. More than seven tardies will result in a “U” in citizenship. Each trimester you are allotted three passes to sign out and leave the room/or to remove a tardy from your attendance. After the third time you have signed out to leave the room they will count as tardies. KEEP THESE GUIDELINES IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. YOU WILL NEED TO REFERENCE THEM ON ANY NOTEBOOK QUIZ THAT I GIVE.


I have read and I understand Ms. Kuykendall’s classroom guidelines.

______Student’s signature Parent’s signature

______print student’s name print parent’s name

Parent daytime phone number______

Parent home phone number______

Parent email address______

Date turned in______

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