Terms of Reference for State Consultant Quality Education

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Terms of Reference for State Consultant Quality Education

TERMS OF REFERENCE Terms of Reference for State Consultant – Quality Education 1. BACKGROUND The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (commonly known as the RTE Act 2009) expects the state government to provide free and compulsory elementary education to every child of 6 to 14 year age group. Education Sector of UNICEF works with the government system, media, ju- diciary system, Panchayati Raj system and Civil Society Organizations, Universities and resource persons at dif- ferent level so that maximum support is mobilized for ensuring children’s basic rights as desired under RTE Act. Major areas of activities of the Sector include RTE related advocacy, capacity development, community mobi- lization, service delivery, partnerships, knowledge management, evaluation, monitoring, programming, so- cio-behavioural and cultural research etc. The Sector operates through its Project Staff to demonstrate school readiness among children, child friendly child centred learning processes, child friendly approach to learning as- sessment through continuous and comprehensive assessment tools, community based child friendly schools in multi-grade multi-level learning situations, mother tongue based early learning in tribal areas, school health and sanitation education programme through child cabinets, child reporters, operationalization of educational struc- tures through school leadership, etc. 1. PROGRAMME AREA AND SPECIFIC PROJECT AREA Programme area: Education PCR 2: Boys and girls live in a protective and learning environment and have equitable access to and utilise quality education and protection services

Intermediate Result 2.4: Government and partners have increased capacity to implement RTE and Child Friendly Schools 2. Specific project: This consultancy will focus on facilitating the Jharkhand Education Project Council (JEPC), Govt. of Jharkhand in developing strategies for strengthening systems, developing modules, teaching learning materials on RTE Act, capacity building and programme monitoring for the department in the areas related to education of equi- table quality 2. OBJECTIVES Consultant will work closely with Jharkhand Education Project Council (JEPC) and JCERT to facilitate out- come based planning and implementation of child friendly child centered pedagogical processes with focus on children’s school readiness, early grade reading, activity based learning, mother tongue based multilingual edu- cation, special training of out of school children, capacity enhancement of SMCs, learning assessment, etc. 1. DUTY STATION The incumbent(s) will be based out of Ranchi, with travelling to districts for monitoring and supportive supervi - sion 2. SUPERVISOR Education Specialist, UNICEF, Ranchi

3. MAJOR TASKS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED Task 1: Support preparation of plan of action for strengthening of JCERT and TEIs, and assist in development of two DIETs as Centres of Excellence in language and mathematics in partnership with resource agencies. Task 2: Assist JEPC in reducing dropout of children in districts through state level trainings, material develop- ment, supportive supervision, monitoring, baseline-end-line and documentation. Task 3: Track enrolment and transition of children from elementary to secondary level and strengthen transition rates in East Singhbhum. Task 4: Support School Education Support Mission (SESM), analyse data from all teams, prepare issues-strate- gy report and track action taken. Task 5: Document and share good practices related to Pariwartan, Baal Sansad, Vidyalay Chale Cha- layen Abhiyan, Shikshak Samagam, Kasturba Sangam, Pankh, Sports in KGBVs, MTB-MLE, SESM, SMCs, etc. Any other task as assigned by the supervisor MONTH-WISE TASKS/ DELIVERABLES

Major Tasks Key Deliverable(s) Estimated deadline Consultancy for completion of days deliverable Task 1: Support preparation of • i. Status and roadmap 20 days plan of action for strengthening with timelines for es- March 2017 (10%) of JCERT and TEIs, and assist in tablishment of ful- development of two DIETs as l-fledged JCERT in Centres of Excellence in lan- Jharkhand. guage and mathematics in part- • ii. Progress and moni- 20 days nership with resource agencies. toring plan for 2 DIETs April 2017 (10%) - Centres of Excel- lences in Language and Maths (5%) • iii. State Teacher Education plan for 2017-18 (5%)

Task 2: Assist JEPC in reducing i. Framework for tracking May 2017 20 days dropout of children in districts progress of dropout re- (10%) through state level trainings, ma- duction terial development, supportive i. Baseline report (1) on 20 days supervision, monitoring, base- dropout reduction in all June 2017 (10%) line-end-line and documentation. districts i. Report on role of Baal 20 days Sansads in reduction of (10%) dropout and improve- July 2017 ment in student learn- ing. Task 3: Support School Educa- SESM report on district 20 days tion Support Mission (SESM), visit and recommendations (10%) analyse data from all teams, pre- August 2017 pare issues-strategy report and track action taken. Task 4: Track enrolment and Report on transition of 20 days transition of children from ele- children from elementary September 2017 (10%) mentary to secondary level and to secondary level in East strengthen transition rates in Singhbhum based on DISE East Singhbhum. 2016-17 Task 5: Support School Educa- i. SESM report on district 20 days tion Support Mission (SESM), visit and recommenda- October 2017 (10%) analyse data from all teams, pre- tions (5%) Major Tasks Key Deliverable(s) Estimated deadline Consultancy for completion of days deliverable pare issues-strategy report and i. Report (2) on reducing track action taken. dropout from all dis- tricts (5%) Task 6: Document and share Separate reports on good 20 days good practices related to Pari- practices from Pariwartan, November 2017 (10%) wartan, Baal Sansad, Vidyalay Baal Sansad, and Vidyalay Chale Chalayen Abhiyan, Shik- Chale Chalayen Abhiyan. shak Samagam, Kasturba Separate reports on good 20 days Sangam, Pankh, Sports in KGB- practices from Shikshak December 2017 (10%) Vs, MTB-MLE, SESM, SMCs, Samagam, Kasturba etc. Sangam, Pankh, Sports in KGBVs, MTB-MLE, SESM, SMCs. Total 200 days

There could be overlap in some of the tasks for the above deliverables. If deliverables are delayed due to extra- neous circumstances (in extra ordinary cases and satisfaction of the supervisor) monthly payments can be claimed against submission of a Progress Report


1st March 2017 (starting from the day of contract) to 31st December 2017 1. OFFICIAL TRAVEL INVOLVED Travel is required within the state and in special cases, he/she may be required to travel outside the State. If such travel would contribute to the achievement of the assignment, as approved by the Super- visor. The Consultant will be on travel for approximately for 2 days in a month (approximately 20 days for the entire duration of the contract). The Consultant would be required to make own arrangement for travel and stay during travel, and bear the cost for the same. Consultant will submit the prospective travel plan to the Supervisor at the end of previous month.


- Post graduate degree/diploma in Education or, social sciences - Work experience of 4-5 years or more in the field of school education, and child development. - Experience of working with UN agencies, or international organizations will be an added ad- vantage - Understanding of social mobilization and behaviour change communication - Good analytical, negotiation and communication (oral and written) skills - Computer literate and conversant with MS Office and its application, internet, e-mail - Knowledge/familiarity with the national flagship programmes (SSA, MDM, Teacher education and others) and experience of working with Government is an asset - Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-disciplinary environment and to establish harmonious and effective working relationships with governmental, non-governmental and civil society orga- nizations - Knowledge of English essential, working knowledge of Hindi would be an added advantage Application Procedures

(1) Qualified female/male candidates are requested to please indicate their ability and availability to under- take the terms of reference above.

(2) We request you to please inform us where you have seen this advertisement. Please send your response to e-mail id: “[email protected]” latest by SEVEN CALEN- DER DAYS (ONE WEEK)from the date of publication of this advertisement with subject line "State Consultant - Quality Education” in separate files:

i. An application letter (Please mention your name in the file name while saving as per this for- mat “_application letter for State Consultant

ii. CV (Please mention your name in the file name while saving as per this format “_CV for State Consultant

iii. P11 form (P-11 can be downloaded from our website at http://www.UNICEF.org/india/over- view_1440.htm) (Please mention your name in the file name while saving as per this format “_ P11 for State Consultant

iv. A financial proposal in PDF format indicating deliverable based fee as per template attached. Please mention your name in the file name while saving as per this format “_Fi- nancial Proposal for State Consultant


Selection Procedures: 1. The selection will be on the basis of technical evaluation & financial proposal in the ratio of 80:20. 2. The criteria for technical evaluation is as follows:

Min Technical Evaluation Criteria Max Scores to Scores qualify Education Qualifications and Relevant Experience 15 9 Written Test 35 21 Interview 30 18 80 48 Qualifying Scores for Technical Evaluation 80 48 Minimum qualifying mark for Technical Evaluation will be 48 (out of 80)

The financial proposals of only those candidates, who are found technically responsive, will be opened. NOTE: 1. Any attempt to unduly influence UNICEF’s selection process will lead to automatic disqualification of the applicant. 2. Joint applications of two or more individuals are not accepted. 3. Only short-listed candidates will be called for written test/interview. 4. UNICEF does not charge any fee during any stage of the process. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 5. For any clarifications, please contact: Supply and Procurement- Focal Point

UNICEF Office for Jharkhand VISWA Complex, Near Jodapul (IICM) Kanke Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand Financial Bid

INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR Quality Education Major Tasks Deliverable (s) UNICEF Estimate Consultant's Proposal Estimated Estimated trav- Complete Cost (INR) deadline el required for timeframe Profession- for com- completion of for deliver- al fee pletion of deliverable able deliver- (please men- able tion destina- (please tion/ number mention of days) as days/mont hs) Task 1: Support prepara- • i. Status and 2 days to dis- tion of plan of action for roadmap with March trict strengthening of JCERT timelines for es- 2017 and TEIs, and assist in de- tablishment of 20 days velopment of two DIETs full-fledged (10%) as Centres of Excellence JCERT in Jhark- in language and mathe- hand. matics in partnership with • ii. Progress and 2 days to dis- resource agencies. monitoring plan April trict for 2 DIETs - 2017 Centres of Ex- 20 days cellences in (10%) Language and Maths (5%) • iii. State Teacher Education plan for 2017-18 (5%) Task 2: Assist JEPC in i. Framework for May 2017 2 days to dis- reducing dropout of tracking progress 20 days trict children in districts of dropout reduc- (10%) through state level train- tion ings, material develop- i. Baseline report June 2017 2 days to dis- ment, supportive super- (1) on dropout 20 days trict vision, monitoring, reduction in all (10%) baseline-end-line and districts documentation. i. Report on role of 2 days to dis- Baal Sansads in trict reduction of July 2017 dropout and im- 20 days provement in (10%) student learning. Task 3: Support SESM report on 2 days to dis- School Education Sup- district visit and August trict port Mission (SESM), recommendations 2017 analyse data from all 20 days teams, prepare issues-s- (10%) trategy report and track action taken. Major Tasks Deliverable (s) UNICEF Estimate Consultant's Proposal Estimated Estimated trav- Complete Cost (INR) deadline el required for timeframe Profession- for com- completion of for deliver- al fee pletion of deliverable able deliver- (please men- able tion destina- (please tion/ number mention of days) as days/mont hs) Task 4: Track enrol- Report on transi- 2 days to dis- ment and transition of tion of children Septem- trict children from elemen- from elementary to ber 2017 tary to secondary level secondary level in 20 days and strengthen transi- East Singhbhum (10%) tion rates in East based on DISE Singhbhum. 2016-17

Task 5: Support School i. SESM report on 2 days to dis- Education Support Mis- district visit and October trict sion (SESM), analyse recommendations 2017 data from all teams, pre- (5%) 20 days pare issues-strategy re- i. Report (2) on re- (10%) port and track action ducing dropout taken. from all districts (5%) Task 6: Document and Separate reports on 2 days to dis- share good practices re- good practices from Novem- trict lated to Pariwartan, Pariwartan, Baal ber 2017 Baal Sansad, Vidyalay Sansad, and 20 days Chale Chalayen Ab- Vidyalay Chale Cha- (10%) hiyan, Shikshak Sam- layen Abhiyan. agam, Kasturba Separate reports on 2 days to dis- Sangam, Pankh, Sports good practices from December trict in KGBVs, MTB-MLE, Shikshak Samagam, 2017 SESM, SMCs, etc. Kasturba Sangam, 20 days Pankh, Sports in (10%) KGBVs, MTB-M- LE, SESM, SMCs.

• TOTAL (in INR) 20 days to dis- tricts

Shaded area to be filled in by consultant

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