2016-17 Provisional Facilitators Conference Calls

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2016-17 Provisional Facilitators Conference Calls

2016-17 Provisional Facilitators Conference Calls

Host: Aimee Newswanger X Y Host: Julia Slater X Y Western Region Central Region Eastern Region Scott Semow Y Sharon Emerick X Loriann Hoffman Y Jodi Wolpink X Jessica Jenkins Y Kevin Hubbard Amy Shuffstall Y Jen Sweitzer X Stephanie Blake Kim Taylor Y Susan Blackburn Romy Steinauer Shyno Thomas X Pamela Prowell Y Lis Clark Y Luanne Gould Y Mary Whiteman X Cindy Sunderland X Stacy Delaney X Jamie Cunningham X Johanna Morales Robyn Lacy X Kim Farmer X Jennifer Hockensmith Y Patti Chapman Y Mary Lee Salerno Y Suzanne Hoyes Kim Tomlinson X Diane Deane Y Janna Gohl Y Christopher Rouse Lisa Stash

IF: IF: IF: IF: IF: IF: SLT: Lisa Gragg X Y SLT: DeVoka Gordon X Y SLT: Winnie Richards X SLT: Donna Miller Y Sue Zeiders X IF=Independent Facilitator, SLT=State Leadership Team Member X=present during Friday call, Y= present during Monday call

Dates: January 20 & 23, 2017

Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in

All provisional facilitators. Welcome and Introductions Interested independent facilitators. Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in

Interested state leadership team members. Where are you in your leadership team Monday: development? Just starting this year, working on getting a parent on the core leadership team. Right now just orienting everyone on the leadership team what PBIS is, getting good What are you challenges? discussion from the team members and their various roles. Some of the roles represented: Supervisor, Para, and Speech Therapist, member from Include Me From the Start, Facilitator/Consultant, and Teacher.

Core team: Director, 3 staff members and 2 staff members are also parents (their children are in the center) and have reached out to a parent who is not a staff member.

If the teachers on core leadership team are enthusiastic and are sharing back and forth (Between leadership team and other teachers), that enthusiasm is contagious. One champion on the staff can make all the differences.

Very proud of core leadership team at Bucks IU – really have someone from every area including a parent! They got the parent to participate (is a Head Start and IU parent), they presented the idea to her and said they would be honored to have her on the team, and she was very excited. She became part of the bulletin board committee and became very active. On a previous core team, they approached a parent, one parent wanted to be involved, and they asked when they could have the meetings to support the parent.

Had a solid core team, and have added an Occupational Therapist, a teacher from each county they support and then one person who had a large amount of knowledge Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in

recently exited the team. Team has all different places in their understanding of where they were historically vs. where they are now. We’re thinking of waiting to invite a parent until they know more about what they would like to accomplish. Considering the BIR data base system, were trying to make SWIS work, but is having difficulty translating that to Early Intervention. Additionally moving forward to put team back on track. Last year’s team was working through a behavioral matrix and last week had a staff development training and discussed what the behavior matrix would like in the classroom. They have met 4 times so far – feels like once a month is not enough time. Going to request to meet 2x a month. Want to take time to go back and educate the new leadership team members and make sure they understand the entire process.

Shared a letter from a parent sharing how happy she has been with SPEC and how much they have helped her son specifically and thanking all the staff.

**Note – having a parent on the core team can be incredibly helpful in developing a mission and vision statement. It’s important to include families and authentically learn the process with the group. They provide a perspective that adds depth to the planning/installment process.

Question: They have a wonderful core team that is very large and just had 2 parents join (a couple who has a child in both Early Head Start and Head Start). One staff member is very concerned about confidentiality. As parents are included, how have you managed the idea of Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in


**Did not discuss individual children. Kept systems conversations about systems. Using technology helped Have folks started to play with providing the focus the conversation. Also having family come later or modules? leave early and leaving all individual child/teacher or classroom conversation during the parts of the meeting the parent is not there. Additionally, just stating up front discuss the importance of confidentiality and the expectation of maintaining confidentiality and any information to be shared will be agreed upon by all.


The primary challenge is time.

Some programs have been doing it as soon as morning kids get on bus for dismissal. (Have am/pm sessions)Try to provide a small lunch so folks don’t have to leave to get month. Try to get it in before PM kids come for the afternoon session.

Coaching a staff member, and is on core team, and has not bought in at all. It has been very difficult to help her make some of the changes everyone else is working at making. Some baby steps have been made (matrix up finally and a few other things).

**Feedback: Helping to support a core team several years ago and one member was so resistant and it went on for months! She was not in a classroom but had an important Further questions? role. At some point there was a switch and she started to see that this was really making a difference for children. There were things she started to see that made a Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in

difference for children and families. Kept the core team “honest” and presented thoughts that folks had to wrestle through and think about the “why”.

**Tier 3 applies to children. Tier 3 for grown ups can often be HR. Linda Broyles quote “The decisions you are making are career limiting in this organization.” This does not happen the first year (or two). Be aware of intentional sabotage vs. folks that are just struggling wrapping their mind around the concepts.

**Keep providing the data of what is happening vs. what he/she thinks is happening. Find her doing “good” or at least trying.

**One person resisted who had a self-contained classroom. Eventually Donna Hit on the right coaching question – “What would you like to see different? What makes a perfect day?” and she began to identify the answers and built her approach from those questions.

Challenge with recruiting a parent on the core team of a child care. It’s challenging because parent’s work. Have bought into Parent Cafés – activities bring them in, they have food and fun activities (i.e. massage and relaxation).

**Wonder with families “What would make it easier to participate being on the leadership team?” One parent could re-arrange her time and participate via speaker phone, or skype, or face time.

One team is rather large – the one previous was much smaller. But because programs are merging it was felt it was important to have enough staff from the IU and Head Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in

Start, have been doing ice breakers to build relationships.

Staff turnover and vacancies has put a strain on the work toward PBIS. Has anyone faced this and what strategies did they use to keep the momentum going?

**Take small bites – keep going though. Pour in acknowledgement on the teachers going above and beyond to keep the center moving.


Started Leadership team last year in a large center and this year they are at a smaller center, but have representation from each area. Currently reaching out to families at the center (Shyno did a presentation to the families at the center). Have shared expectations and rolling out developing rules that go with the expectations.

The presentation to families started with the bucket filling books at the center and families wanted to know more about those. Using visuals with families (many Spanish speaking families) to share with what the buckets were for and what it meant. They had a matrix to share with the families that was not yet developed, working to translate the PPT in Spanish to send home or re-present to Spanish-speaking families.

Note that data is not just assessment tools, but anecdotally what is happening in the classrooms. This is important data to bring back to the core leadership team to pose as how to bring folks together and support folks.

Keep in mind your “why”. Sticking close to the principals Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in

of PBIS, why we want to bring everyone together. Bringing those conversations to the team to give everyone something to move forward.

Starting Module 1 training for some programs.

Staff buy in all the way up to the administration/supervisors of staff.

Some teams are starting to do module one training for the leadership team. Took time to identify people’s understanding of PBIS and through that process identified problems with staff morale, “ownership to their job, language of appreciation, etc.” and with that data are starting to target staff morale and gather more data to use that information to inform their staff buy in. Focusing on the health and mental wellness of their staff right now to use as the foundation to buy in.


Only challenge is making sure time is available to attend the online calls due to staffing concerns. Also keeping up with the expectations to becoming a provisional facilitator.

Seeing some folks are “ready to pounce” along with staff members who have experience with PBIS and seeing folks bringing in what they “used” to do in PBIS and now just trying to bring folks together to THIS school’s expectations.

Different staff with varying levels of experience. Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in

Staff turnover, bringing new staff on board.

Some struggling to gather everyone on board to even meet. “We’re not available”. Some admin say they are on board, but when faced with the reality of attending the meetings, they are “not available”. Thinking of moving backwards to train the whole staff including administration on the “Why”.

Being a “guest” in a program as a facilitator. People “holding out” hoping it goes away.

When facing challenges – don’t hesitate to reach out to your administration for support and don’t forget your Regional Facilitators!!

Some programs are just now starting to break some sections down to slowly roll out the information. Developing a monthly training a schedule with small chunks of the modules.

**Suggestion – pull out the script for Module one. When you go to the modules (Lesson learned) spend a lot of time with the infant toddler and preschool script. Spend time looking at the timed agenda and topics to see where you can align topics for both developmental stages.

Also use the practice implementation checklist on the TACSEI website. They are aligned with the Inventory of Practices and the modules. These checklists can pull the modules and coaching together.

You can download the CSEFEL modules from Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in


Also check out the PD Registry for local training on the CSEFEL module in your area that provide PQAS hours for that time.

Key links: Julia: referenced PBIS website where videos can be www.PAPBS.org shared with staff or CLT.

TIPS workbook: http://www.papbs.org/filestorage/moduleupload/7_Team %20Initiated%20Problem%20Solving%20Handbook.pd Next Call: February , 2017; Topic: Review Leadership Team and Staff Buy In

PAPBS Network Events to be Aware of:

January 26, 2016 – PAPBS Network Coaches Day

February 2 – 3, 2017 – TPOT Reliability, Harrisburg PaTTAN Expected Participants Topics for discussion: review leadership team and Notes from Discussion staff buy-in

Agenda items for next month Reports on how leadership team and staff buy in are going and opportunity for questions and problem solving.

Key links: Please remember you can reach out to your regional www.PAPBS.org facilitators: Julia Slater – Eastern – [email protected] Lisa Gragg – Western – [email protected] DeVoka Gordon – Western – [email protected] Aimee Newswanger – Central – [email protected]

Please go to this survey link to provide feedback on the call: http://surveys.eita-pa.org/428796/lang-en

Did the webinar(s) provide Yes, I learned something I didn’t know before. I am not sure No, I already knew No, I think the you with useful everything covered additional information? information and - Unsure why no resources confused one answered this me question both times – I may have not properly shared it via the adobe room. Friday Monday Was the conference call a Yes, I learned more about applications of Yes, I got my Somewhat, but I No, I didn’t learn good use of your time? principles questions still have questions anything beyond answered what was in the webinar. Friday Monday Friday: Suggestions for Improvement:


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