Syllabus Content Outline

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Syllabus Content Outline

Valencia Community College Course Syllabus

CCJ 1010


Course Number (CRN): 16168

Course Description & Prerequisites: This course provides a study of the nature of crime and delinquency, causes and explanations of criminal behavior and rationale of crime control and treatment in the United States. This course includes learning activity designed to ensure competence in the basic use of computers.

Term & Year: Fall 200910

Name of the Instructor: James McDonald

Class Time and Room Number: 8:30 a.m.-9:45 a.m. Building 003, Room 103

Contact Info:

West Campus, Building 3, Room 251-Primary Office East Campus, Building 8, Room 113 Cell phone: (407) 310-3906 E-mail address: [email protected]

E-mail notification:

I will communicate through Atlas, please check your Atlas account regularly.

Office Hours:

1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday, West Campus 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday and Wednesday, East Campus

Course Text and Supplemental Materials:

Text: Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, 4th ed., Frank Schmalleger, Prentice Hall, 2006.

Course Outcomes:

This course will provide the student with a general understanding of the theories used throughout history in the study of criminology. Students will develop an

1 understanding of criminality, its causes and the effect it has on all levels of society and government. The student will develop an understanding of the psychological, sociological and biological theories of crime causation and be able to apply them to current criminological trends throughout the world.

Valencia Student Core Competencies This course seeks to reinforce the following Valencia Student Competencies:  Think clearly, critically and creatively by analyzing, synthesizing, integrating and evaluating symbolic works and truth claims.  Reflect on your own and others’ values from individual, cultural and global perspectives.  Communicate by reading, listening, writing and speaking effectively.  Act purposefully, reflectively and responsibly by implementing effective problem solving and decision making strategies.

CLAST Competencies:

Certain CLAST competencies are required in this course. These skills will include literal and critical comprehension, essay and use of the work choice, sentence structure, grammar and spelling.

Important Dates:

Part of Withdrawal Deadline (To Withdrawal After Deadline (To Date Range Term receive a 'W') receive a 'WF' or 'WP') Full 8/25/08- Term October 31, 2008 December 7, 2008 12/14/08 (1)

No-Show Reporting Periods for Fall 2008

Full Term (1) September 3-9

College Closed ( Credit Classes Do Not Meet) September 1, 2008 October 9, 2008 (East, West, Winter Park) Dates November 26-30 Dec 23-Jan 1, 2009

2 Course Schedule

Week 1: Orientation Chapter 1-What is Criminology?

Week 2: No Class on September 1st Quiz 1 Chapter 2-Patterns of Crime

Week 3: Research Paper Topic Due Chapter 3-Research Methods and Theory Development Chapter 4-Classical and Neoclassical Thought

Week 4: Exam 1 Chapter 5-Biological Roots of Criminal Behavior

Week 5: Quiz 2 Chapter 6-Psychological and Psychiatric Foundations of Criminal Behavior

Week 6: Chapter 7-Sociological Theories I: Social Structure

Week 7: Quiz 3 Chapter 8-Sociological Theories II: Social Process and Social Development.

Week 8: Exam 2 Chapter 9-Sociological Theories III: Social Conflict

Week 9: Chapter 10-Crimes Against Persons

Week 10: Quiz 4 Chapter 11-Crimes Against Property

Week 11: Research Paper Due-Nov. 5th Chapter 12-White-Collar and Organized Crime

Week 12: Exam 3 Chapter 13-Drug Abuse and Crime

Week 13: Quiz 5 Chapter 14-Technology and Crime

Week 14 Chapter 15-Criminology and Social Policy No classes for Thanksgiving Holiday: Nov. 26-30

Week 15 Chapter 16-Future Directions and Final Exam Review

3 Week 16 Final Exam: December 10, 2008, 7:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Attendance is Mandatory

Evaluation Process

Student evaluation will be based on the following:

 Three exams 15%  Research Paper 15% Final Exam 30% Participation 10% Extra Credit Quizzes + 5 points

Grading scale:

90 – 100% A 80 – 89% B 70 – 79% C 60 – 69% D Below 60% F


Quizzes are given for extra credit only. A total of five quizzes will be given during the course of the semester. Each quiz will be worth 1 point. A total of five points may be earned. Extra credit points earned from the quizzes will applied toward the final class grade average. A primary reason for giving quizzes is to reward attendance. Consequently, students who miss class during a quiz will not be given a make-up quiz.

Research Paper:

Each student will write a research paper about a topic that is covered in the book. The paper will have a cover page and a reference list at the end. All references must be cited throughout the paper using APA or MLA rules. The research paper will require a minimum of three sources and be three to six pages long. Wikepedia cannot be used as a reference.

Attendance & Withdrawal Policy:

Regularity in classroom attendance and punctuality is vital to academic success. Students are expected to attend class regularly and punctually. Students who do not maintain regular attendance and who fall behind in their work may be withdrawn by the professor. A student may withdraw at any time during the term in Atlas. Students will receive a W if withdrawn October 31, 2008 After this

4 date, if a student withdraws or is withdrawn by the professor for excessive absences or other reasons, the professor will assign a grade of WP (withdrawn passing) or WF (withdrawn failing), based upon the student’s academic achievement in the class as of the last day of attendance. W and WP will not be counted in the grade point average. WF will be calculated as an F in the grade point average.

Makeup Policy for Examinations and All Other Assignments:

Exams and quizzes are scheduled throughout the semester. Although the testing schedule may change from that listed within the syllabus, it will still be the responsibility of the student to be prepared for the exam at the assigned time. All tests must be taken on or before dates assigned. The final examination must be taken on the date published for final examination. Missing the final exam will result in a grade of “F” for the semester. No makeup tests are available without the explicit consent of the instructor, which will only be granted in cases of documented emergencies per Valencia Community College policy. . Expected Student Conduct:

Valencia Community College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia Community College, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty to leave the class. Violation of any classroom or Valencia’s rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. You will find the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook.

You may also reference the Student Code of Conduct.

Classroom Etiquette:

In order to avoid disruptions during class the use of cell phones, PDA’s, or other electronic devices and text messaging will not be allowed. If you must have a cell phone or pager on during class, it must be on a silent mode and the student will step out of the classroom before answering. The use of the above items will not be allowed for any reason during testing.

5 Academic Honesty Policy:

This is optional, but many instructors choose to include some guidelines here. It is useful to list specific examples of cheating for your course. Try to be specific concerning the difference between encouraged collaboration and cheating.

Students with Disabilities:

Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a notification from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the instructor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. The Osceola Campus Office is located in Building 1, room 140A.

Computer/Equipment Use Policy:

Use of computers in the Business, IT, and Public Service classrooms at Valencia Community College is restricted to those activities designated by the instructor to enhance the class materials. Any other use is strictly forbidden. Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to:

 Use of computer to send E-mail or access Internet sites not specifically assigned in class.  Use of computer for job, internship, homework or other activities not assigned in class.  Modifying any hardware or software system configuration or setting.  Activities not in accordance with the Valencia Student Code of Conduct

Use of computers in all departmental open labs is limited to those activities Involved with preparing homework or coursework in this department and is subject to the same restriction as listed above.

Computer use is remotely monitored; any student using computers inappropriately may be subject to dismissal from class or banishment from the lab. Subsequent offense may be sent to the campus administration for further disciplinary action.

Open Computer Lab: Osceola Campus: Building 3- Room 100

Valencia ID cards:

6 Valencia ID cards are required for the Library, Testing Center, and IMC usage. No other form of ID at those locations will be accepted. Possession and utilization of a Valencia ID is mandatory to obtain these services.

Disclaimer Statement

This outline may be altered, at the instructor’s discretion, during the course of the term. It is the responsibility of the student to make any adjustments as announced.


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