Antingham Parish Council

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Antingham Parish Council

THORPE MARKET PARISH COUNCIL ORDINARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING ( 01692 402998 – clerk to council – [email protected] Raynham house,10 new road, north walsham, Norfolk, nr28 9df

Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting Held on Tuesday 24th November 2015 @ 7.30pm - Thorpe Market Village Hall

Present: Naomi Perowne (Chair) Jan Woodison, Pat Aronson, Linda Perry and Bob Harden

Apologies: Mandy Hayward and Peter Turner

Others: Hilary Cox - NCC, Sue Arnold - NNDC 6 members of the public

1. To receive declarations of interest and Pecuniary Dispensation Forms to be authorised

None were necessary

2. To receive apologies

Mandy Hayward and Peter Turner - accepted by the Council.

3. To Approve Minutes of the Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting on

 6th October 2015 Resolved to approve

4. To open the meeting for public participation (15 mins maximum but this can be extended by the Council)

Resolved to open. Sue Arnold - NNDC informed on progress of Local Plan, NNDC finances and the date of the Planning Seminar at Bodham. An update on Antingham and Southrepps School was detailed from Steve Blatch. The School was doing extremely well and it was suggested that Councillors visit the school to offer their support. A 3 year agreement has been signed with CAB and they would offer services in all major towns in North Norfolk.

Hilary Cox - NCC reported that there had been a crayfish outbreak on the river Wensum and advised that all fishermen were to clean all their items before using them elsewhere. NCC has free HIV testing kits available. A flood alert has been announced for Wednesday/Thursday. There is a campaign "Norfolk says NO" to hitting children. The cycling and walking initiative is doing well and there was a recent event to celebrate this.

Broadband and mobile services are being upgraded and NCC has signed a further agreement for this with BT.

1 Resolved to close.

5. To report on Matters Arising (updates and for information)

5.1 Police report - the Clerk read out the Police report which informed that there had been no crimes reported during the last period.

5.2 Defibrillator - Funding all in place and additional award from the BHF had been given.

5.3 Thorpe Market website - There was no update.

5.4 Telegraph poles around the green - Peter Turner had supplied the information however, this needed further work. The Clerk and Chair would now take this project and develop the specification. EP/NP

5.5 Infill of pipes at play area This would be chased again by the Clerk. EP/NP

5.6 New signatory to Bank Account - with Barclays

5.7 Topps Hill/A149 - cutting back for visual splay - ref 522076 This had been completed.

5.8 Flooding at Gunton Station Bridge - Highways informed and aware this was being worked on with Network Rail.

5.9 Suffield Arms - informed NNDC - planning application 12/1416 This is being investigated by the Enforcement Team.

5.10 Footpath along the A149 - area had been trimmed back and the Landowner had been thanked.

5.11 Overgrown hedge footpath rear to the play area - the landowner had actioned this and the work acknowledged by the Council.

5.12 Northrepps Airport - a complaint had been forward and this had been acknowledged. Anyone with any issues needs to write/email immediately to the airport as they are keen to keep on top of any issues.

5.13 Football goalposts - replacement items purchased the Clerk had not received these and would chase them again. EP

5.14 Tennis nets - funds received, banked and acknowledged 5.15 Parish Council - Meeting dates for 2016 were circulated

6. To consider and agree purchase and installation of community defibrillator

The Parish Council had been successful in receiving a further award from the British Heart Foundation for a Defibrillator. The terms and conditions were that the Council had to forward a cheque for £400 and in return a Defibrillator would be sent from the BHF.

2 The cabinet needed to be purchased and the electrical installation had been quoted at approximately £150-£200 depending on the work involved.

Funds had been secured for this project from the following sources

NNDC Big Society Fund of £750 Old Trouts and Young Birds fund raising team £707 Sale of tennis nets/line marker £100 Total of fund raising and grants £1,557 Thorpe Market Parish Council from earmarked reserves up to £500

Financial Standing Orders were suspended in order that the Clerk could expedite this matter on behalf of the community. The Clerk was requested to purchase the necessary items and work with the electrical contractor on this project to completion.

The following expenditure was authorised:

Contribution to the BHF for the defibrillator £400 Purchase of external metal cabinet £1,200 incl VAT Electrical contractor installation (if necessary) £200 Total expenditure expected to be incurred £1,800

The Clerk would organise the project and update the Council Members on progress. EP

A Council Member would investigate the possibility of training although the BHF had forwarded items for training needs. This would be stored hopefully in the village hall. There was also an opportunity for the community to join together with Southrepps for training in March 2016.

7. To consider and review planning if received Continued use of residential 15/1246 Annexe at 3 The Green annexe for holiday let Refused

15/1034 Gunton Arms Relocation of storage shed PERMITTED External alterations and ext of 15/0979 Italska, Cromer Road rear dormer windows PERMITTED

8. To consider and review correspondence

NNDC - Big Society Fund - Award of Grant

East Anglian Air Ambulance - request for donation Agenda

British Heart Foundation - Award of Defibrillator

Clerks and Councils Direct

East Anglian Air Ambulance Agenda

3 9. Finance

9.1 To approve payments Payee Amount Cheque No

Elaine Pugh (salary) £228.00 481 HMRC (Clerk's Tax) £57.00 482 British Heart Foundation (Defibrillator) £400.00 483 Elaine Pugh (office expenses) £59.15 484

Cheques paid external to the meeting

Evergreen - grass cutting (August) £175.00 474 Evergreen - grass cutting (September) £175.00 475 Evergreen - grass cutting (October) £175.00 476

Resolved to pay enbloc.

Income received

Donation from Old Trouts & Young Birds £707.00 (village fund raising group for defibrillator) Donation towards tennis net and line marker £100.00 (allocated towards the defibrillator) NNDC - Big Society Fund - defibrillator £750.00 NNDC - Precept £2,250.00

9.2 To consider and agree Precept for 2016-2017

The Clerk had circulated a budget forecast for the next 3 years and in order to undertake projects identified and keep reserves at an acceptable operational level it was necessary to increase the Precept. Members had not found this an easy option however, if the community wanted progress there were costs attached to them.

The meeting was opened to allow members of the public to speak and have their say on this item.

Comments were received but there were no objections to the suggested increase of £500 per annum and those present viewed the increase financially as a small amount of per annum although realised that in essence the reflected percentage would be high.

The meeting was closed to the public.

Members considered the figures and individual items were discussed. It was resolved that the Precept be set at £5,000 for

4 the year 2016-2017. The Clerk would forward the necessary paperwork to NNDC. EP

10. To consider and review Standing and Financial Orders and adopt a Complaints Policy (draft prepared)

The Standing Orders and Complaints Policy were discussed, adopted and approved. The Financial Orders would be reviewed at the next meeting. Agenda

11. To receive Councillor Reports and Agenda items for February 2016 There was a tree which needed to be looked at the top end of Topps Hill Lane - near to the A140. The Clerk would inform Highways as they would know who the landowner was. EP

12. To confirm the date of the next meeting:

Thorpe Market Parish Council Ordinary Meeting Tuesday 23rd February 2016 @ 7.30pm Thorpe Market Village Hall

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.30pm.

______23rd February 2016 NAOMI PEROWNE

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