PYP Language Scope and Sequence of ISÄ (Writing)

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PYP Language Scope and Sequence of ISÄ (Writing)

PYP Language scope and sequence of ISÄ (writing)

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 • Uses a wide range of ambitious vocabulary accurately and precisely. • Can develop ideas through controlled use of: elaboration or imaginative detail. • Can use different techniques to conclude work appropriately, (e.g. opinion, summary, justification, comment) • Uses a range of stylistic features to create within the text e.g. rhetorical questions, repetition, figurative language, passive voice, metaphor, simile, alliteration, onomatopoeia, impersonal voice or universal appeal. • Use planning, drafting, editing and reviewing processes independently and with increasing competence. • Can extend sentences  Write engaging stories • Identify and describe using a wider range of that have a elements of a story – connectives to clarify recognizable and setting, plot, character, relationships between appropriate structure and theme. points and ideas (e.g. when, because, if ,after, while, also as well) • Can use correct  Have a fluent and • Can open and close grammatical structures in legible style of writing in interesting, sentences (nouns, verbs) handwriting and show unusual or dramatic ways, competency in word when appropriate. processing • Organize ideas in a  Use standard spelling • Edit and proofread their logical sequence for for most words and use own and peers’ writing example, write simple appropriate resources before completing a final narratives with a to check spelling. copy. beginning, middle and end. • With teacher guidance,  Use figurative language • Write independently and publish written work, in appropriately in writing with confidence, showing handwritten form or in (e.g. simile, metaphor, the development of their digital format. alliteration, idioms) own voice and style . • Use familiar aspects of  Recognize and use the • Choose to publish written language with main parts of speech written work in increasing confidence and correctly (noun, verb, handwritten form or in accuracy, for example, pronoun, adjective, digital format spelling patterns, high adverb) independently. frequency words, high interest words. Beginning to use some • Use increasingly  Use appropriate • Use a range of tools and common spelling patterns. accurate punctuation and techniques to produce grammatical constructs grammar (e.g. written work that is semicolons, colons, attractively and effectively apostrophes, presented. quotation marks) Can make recognizable • Use graphic organizers to  Edit and proofread • Locate, organize, attempts at the spelling plan writing, for example, their own and peers’ synthesize and present words not known, (most Mind Maps®, storyboards writing before written information decodable without child’s completing a final obtained from a variety of help) copy. valid sources. Uses capital letters for • Use feedback from  Use appropriate • Write using a range of beginning of sentences, teachers and other paragraphing. text types in order to names. students to improve their communicate effectively, writing. for example, narrative, instructional, persuasive Uses full stop when • Enjoy writing and value • Can use adjectives and  Revise writing to clarify • Use written language as necessary. their own effort. adverbs for description. ideas, provide a means of reflecting on examples, change their own learning. sequence and to improve smooth flow of ideas. • Participate in shared • Create illustrations to • Engage confidently with  Use a variety of • Adapt writing according writing, observing the match their own written the process of writing. strategies for to the audience and teacher’s writing and text. collecting and demonstrate the ability to making suggestions. organizing ideas, engage and sustain the details and interest of the reader. information. • Listen and respond to • Write an increasing • Use a dictionary, a  Use a range of • Vary sentence structure shared books (enlarged number of frequently thesaurus and word banks prewriting strategies. and length. texts), observing used words or ideas to extend their use of conventions of print, independently. language. according to the language(s) of instruction • Show an awareness of • Demonstrate an • Proofread their own  Use a range of models • Demonstrate an sound–symbol awareness of the writing and make some in writing: Narrative, increasing understanding relationships and begin to conventions of written corrections and descriptive, of how grammar works. recognize the way that text, for example, improvements. persuasive, and some familiar sounds can sequence, spacing, expository. be recorded- directionality. • Begin to discriminate • Write to communicate a • Write about a range of  Use knowledge of • Use a dictionary, Between message to a particular topics for a variety of written code patterns thesaurus, spellchecker letters/characters, audience, for example, a purposes, using literary to accurately spell confidently and effectively numbers and symbols- news story, instructions, a forms and structures high- frequency and to check accuracy, fantasy story. modeled by the teacher familiar words. broaden vocabulary and and/or encountered in enrich their writing. reading. • Illustrate their own • Form letters/characters • Overtime, create  Write for a range of • Use standard spelling writing and contribute to conventionally and legibly, examples of different purposes, both for most words and use a class book or collection with an understanding as types of writing. creative and appropriate resources to of published writing. to why this is important informative, using check spelling within a language different types of community. structures and styles according to the purpose of the writing Show individuality and creativity in writing styles. Writes from left to right. • Participate in shared and • Write legibly and in a  Plan, organize and • Use appropriate guided writing, observing consistent style. complete writing paragraphing to organize the teacher’s model, projects of increasing ideas asking questions and length and complexity offering suggestions. Leaves space between • Illustrate their own • Can use interesting and  Reread, edit and revise • Can use the full range of words writing and contribute to varied word characters. to improve their own punctuation, almost a class book or collection writing, for example, always accurately and of published writing. content, language, precisely, including for organization.(Use sub- division, effect, appropriate writing listing, direct speech, process independently parenthesis. and confidently to communicate effectively and fluently.)

Prints all letters lower • Discriminate between • Is experimenting with a  Participate in an • Can write neatly and case formations. types of code, for wide range of appropriate writing accurately at speed, example, letters, punctuation, although use process( e.g. group preferably in a joined numbers, symbols, words/ may not be accurate (e.g. discussions, style. characters. commas, inverted brainstorming, commas, exclamation webbing, planning, marks and apostrophes. drafting, revising, editing) Prints all letters upper • Connect written codes • Can use sentence  Write independently • Can vary front for the case formation with with the sounds of spoken punctuation accurately, and with confidence, effect or emphasis when ascenders and decenders. language and reflect this full stops, capitals and demonstrating a appropriate(italic or understanding when question marks. personal voice as a capitalization) recording ideas. writer.

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