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Unit Two: the Home

Pinellas County Schools

Spanish II Unit Nine: Celebraciones Practice Test

6/2011 Spanish 2 Unit 9: Celebraciones Practice Test 1

Objective 1: Interpretive Listening: I can demonstrate understanding of key points on familiar topics (holidays).

Los días de fiesta: Identify the holiday and when and what people did in English.

a. b. c.

d. e.

Picture Activity

1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______

A 5/5 correct B 4/5 correct NY

Rev. 06/2011 2 Spanish 2 Unit 9: Celebraciones Practice Test 1

Objective 2: Interpretive Reading: I can determine main idea from simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary used in context.

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow in English.

El primero de enero es el Día de Año Nuevo, pero la celebración empieza con La Nochevieja, el treinta y uno de diciembre. La Nochevieja es una celebración divertida en todas las ciudades. Las familias preparan una cena de comida muy deliciosa. En algunos países, a las doce todos comen doce uvas, una uva para cada mes para tener suerte todo el año. En España, los muchachos cenan con sus familias a las diez de la noche y hablan hasta las doce. Después de celebrar el Año Nuevo con la familia, los jóvenes españoles salen a la calle a la una de la mañana para reunirse con los amigos. ¡Bailan hasta las cuatro o cinco de la mañana!

1. Why do some people eat 12 grapes?


2. When does the New Year celebration start?


3. What do young people in Spain do after midnight?


4. At what time do Spaniards get home?


5. What is the New Year’s Eve celebration like?


A 5/5 correct B 4/5 correct NY

Rev. 06/2011 3 Spanish 2 Unit 9: Celebraciones Practice Test 1

Objective 3 and DP1: I can use –er and –ir verbs in the preterite I can use –ar verbs in the preterite.

Conjugate the verbs to correctly complete the paragraph.

A mí me encanta mi cumpleaños. El año pasado yo lo 1. ______(pasar) muy bien. Mis amigos 2. ______(colgar) decoraciones en la casa. Yo 3. ______(recibir) muchos regalos. Mis hermanos también 4.______(recibir) muchos regalos. Mi abuela 5. ______(preparar) arroz con pollo y nosotros 6. ______(comer) mucho. Mi hermana y yo 7. ______(comprar) flan y un pastel y mi padre los 8.______(comer). ¿Qué 9.______(preparar) tú? ¿Qué 10. ______(recibir) tú?

A 10/10 correct B 9/10 correct NY

Objective 4 and DP2: I can answer questions using direct object pronouns. Answer the following questions in Spanish replacing the direct object with the direct object pronoun.

1. ¿Cuándo recibiste los regalos? ______

2. ¿Decoraron Uds. el gimnasio? ______

3. ¿Quién te invitó a la fiesta? ______

4. ¿Llamaste a las profesoras? ______

5. ¿Bebieron ellos la limonada? ______

A 5/5 correct with one minor spelling error. B 5/5 correct with three minor errors. NY

Rev. 06/2011 4 Spanish 2 Unit 9: Celebraciones Practice Test 1

Objective 5: I can use verbs in the present progressive.

Use the present progressive to tell what each person is doing.

1. Nosotros ______. 2. Tú ______.

3.Yo ______. 4. Los jóvenes ______.

5. Javier______.

A 5/5 correct NY

Rev. 06/2011 5 Spanish 2 Unit 9: Celebraciones Practice Test 1

Objective 6 and DP3: Interpersonal Communication: I can ask and answer a variety of questions about personal information (related to holidays).

Answer the questions in complete Spanish sentences.

1. ¿Con quién celebraste la Nochevieja?


2. ¿Qué hiciste en el Día de la Independencia?


3. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?


4. ¿Qué recibiste en tu cumpleaños?


5. ¿A qué hora te levantas para ir a la escuela?


6. ¿Qué planes tienes para el Año Nuevo?


7. ¿Qué comiste en la fiesta?


8. ¿Cómo se llama tu profesor de matemáticas?


A Well written. Good grammar and wide variety of vocabulary. B Language used accurately but limited use of vocabulary. NY

Rev. 06/2011 6 Spanish 2 Unit 9: Celebraciones Practice Test 1

Objective 7: Presentational Writing: I can write a description of a familiar experience or event.

Look at the picture and describe the party. Say what you think the celebration is and describe in the preterite any preparations that were made for the party. Use the present progressive to name three activities that the guests are doing now.


______I have at least 3 sentences in the preterite. ______I have at least 3 sentences in the present progressive. ______I have at least 8 sentences. ______I have checked for noun/adjective and subject/verb agreement.

A - See Novice Presentational Rubric B - See Novice Presentational Rubric NY

Rev. 06/2011 7 Spanish 2 Unit 9: Celebraciones Practice Test 1

Objective 8: Presentational Speaking and Interpersonal Speaking:  I can use verbal and nonverbal communication when making announcements.  I can exchange information about personal preferences, needs and feelings.  I can exchange information about an event and/or meeting someone.  I can use basic language skills supported by body language to express agreement/disagreement.

Situation#1: Presentational Speaking Your parents have given you the opportunity to host a party for a group of your friends on your favorite holiday. Make an announcement to your friends in which you describe your favorite holiday and tell them that you want to celebrate with them. Include the date, place and time of the party. Because you want to convince your friends to come to the party, enthusiastically tell them what you like to do at your parties. Be sure to use gestures to enhance your presentation. To convince your friends further, tell them what you did at last year’s party, which was a lot of fun for all. Tell them what you ate and drank, and mention something special that happened. (See Novice Presentational Rubric)

Situation#2: Interpersonal Communication In groups of three, act out a humorous scene in which two students are discussing the preparations for a surprise party. The three will exchange information about such things as date and location of the party and preferences (i.e., activities, foods) on which they do not all agree. They also express needs and feelings associated with the event. As they are asking each other what has already been done to prepare for the party, the third student overhears them and asks what they are doing. The other two students must try to cover up what they are doing, because the party is for the third student. They create humorous excuses about what they are doing. (See Novice Interpersonal Communication Rubric)

Rev. 06/2011 8 Spanish 2 Unit 9: Celebraciones Practice Test 1

Objective 9: Culture: I can demonstrate understanding of practices, products and perspectives of the target culture.

Your youth group is planning a mission trip but is having trouble deciding which country to travel to. You want to go to the Dominical Republic because you have two friends from there and they talk about it all the time. Use the graphic organizer below to give information about the Dominican Republic that you can use to convince the other youth group members to choose the Dominican Republic. Be as detailed as possible—you really want them to choose your idea!

A 6 responses with supporting details B 6 responses with some supporting details NY Incomplete answer/ no supporting details

Rev. 06/2011 9

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