Natlaw Rug E-Submit Services Form

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Natlaw Rug E-Submit Services Form

NATLAW RUG E-SUBMIT SERVICES FORM: INSCRIPCIÓN (Registration) Notes:  This form was created from the RUG’s (Registro Único de Garantías Mobiliarias) electronic system and includes all required and optional fields that appear within the RUG’s system for the above referenced type of e-filing.  NatLaw E-Submit will input the information exactly as it is completed in this form into the RUG.  NatLaw has provided English translations of the fields below as a courtesy to its users. These translations are not official and should not be relied upon as such.  All required information fields in this form must contain some text to process this e-filing. NatLaw will not verify the accuracy or completeness of the information in these fields but will return the form to the USER if a required field is left blank.

Special Notes:  In registration forms, all grantors must be identified by a number which varies depending on the type of grantor, whether individual or entity. Furthermore, some debtors have already been assigned this number (e.g., companies previously registered as such with the Mexican Public Registry of Companies) while the RUG will assign such a number for other grantors (e.g., Mexican nationals). For the subsequent registrations, the USER should use this same grantor identification number.  If the USER does not provide the number of months that the filing will be in effect, the RUG automatically provides for a 12 months effective registration. Registrations may be renewed at any time before the cancelation date.

Important: Fields with asterisk ( * ) are REQUIRED to complete this e-filing.

I. DATOS DE OTORGANTE DE LA GARANTÍA MOBILIARIA, DEUDORES Y ACREEDORES ADICIONALES (Information of the Grantor of the Security Interest, Secured Debtors and Other Secured Creditors)

1. OTORGANTE DE LA GARANTÍA MOBILIARIA (Grantor of the Security Interest) * Seleccione el Tipo de Persona (Select Type of Entity): Persona Moral (Legal Entity) ☐ o Persona Física (Natural Person) ☐

1a. If you selected Legal Entity complete this section: *Nacionalidad (Nationality): Mexico ☐ o (or) Otra (Other – Enter Country): If Nationality is Mexican: *Sociedad Mercantil (Commercial Company) ☐ o (or) Otra (Other)☐ *Denominación o Razón Social (Commercial or Corporate Name): Click here to enter text. *El Otorgante cuenta con Folio Electrónico en el RUG (The Grantor has a Registration Number in the RUG): Si (Yes) ☐ o No ☐ *If YES, Folio Electrónico (RUG Registration Number): Click here to enter text. If Nationality is not Mexican: *Denominación o Razón Social (Commercial or Corporate Name): Click here to enter text.

1 Copyright © 2015, National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade *El Otorgante cuenta con Folio Electrónico en el RUG (The Grantor has a Registration Number in the RUG): Si (Yes) ☐ o No ☐ *If YES, enter Folio Electrónico (RUG Registration Number): Click here to enter text. *Número de Identificación Fiscal en el país de origen (Tax ID No. in Home Country): Click here to enter text.

1b. If you selected Natural Person complete this section: *Nacionalidad (Nationality): Mexico ☐ o (or) Otra (Other – Enter Country): Click here to enter text. If Nationality is Mexican, complete this section: *El Otorgante cuenta con Folio Electrónico en el RUG (The Grantor has a Registration Number in the RUG): Si (Yes) ☐ o No ☐ *If YES, enter Folio Electrónico (RUG Registration Number): Click here to enter text. *Nombre (First Name(s)): Click here to enter text. *Apellido Paterno (Last Name): Click here to enter text. Apellido Materno (Second Last Name): Click here to enter text. *CURP (Unique Number in the Population Registry): Click here to enter text. If Nationality is not Mexican, complete this section: *El Otorgante cuenta con Folio Electrónico en el RUG (The Grantor has a Registration Number in the RUG): Si (Yes) ☐ o No ☐ *If YES, enter Folio Electrónico (RUG Registration Number): Click here to enter text. *Nombre (First Name(s)): Click here to enter text. *Apellido Paterno (Last Name): Click here to enter text. Apellido Materno (Second Last Name): Click here to enter text.

2. DEUDORES (Debtors) *El Otorgante de la Garantía Mobiliaria es Deudor: ☐ (The grantor of the security interest is the secured debtor) * If it is not, complete this section *Seleccione el Tipo de Persona (Select Type of Entity): Persona Moral (Legal Entity) ☐ o Persona Física (Natural Person) ☐

2a. If you selected Legal Entity complete this section: *Nacionalidad (Nationality – Enter Country): Click here to enter text. *Denominación o Razón Social (Commercial or Corporate Name): Click here to enter text.

2b. If you selected Natural Person complete this section: *Nacionalidad (Nationality – Enter Country): Click here to enter text. *Nombre (First Name(s)): Click here to enter text. *Apellido Paterno (Last Name): Click here to enter text. Apellido Materno (Second Last Name): Click here to enter text.

3. *ACREEDORES ADICIONALES (Other Secured Creditors): Si (Yes) ☐ o No ☐ * If you selected Yes, complete this section *Seleccione el Tipo de Persona (Select Type of Entity): Persona Moral (Legal Entity) ☐ o Persona Física (Natural Person) ☐

2 Copyright © 2015, National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade 3a. If you selected Legal Entity complete this section: *Nacionalidad (Nationality – Enter Country): Click here to enter text. *Denominación o Razón Social (Commercial or Corporate Name): Click here to enter text. *Teléfono (Phone number): Click here to enter text. *Correo Electrónico (e-mail): Click here to enter text. Correo Electrónico 2 (e-mail): Click here to enter text.

Domicilio para efectos del RUG (Address to receive RUG’s notifications) *País de residencia (Country of residence): Mexico ☐ o (or) Otra (Other – Enter Country): If Country of residence is Mexico: *Calle (Street): Click here to enter text. *Número Exterior (House Number): Click here to enter text. Número Interior (Ste. or Apartment Number): Click here to enter text. *Código Postal (ZIP or Postal Code): Click here to enter text. Estado (State): Click here to enter text. Delegación Municipio (Municipality): Click here to enter text. Colonia o Localidad (Neighborhood): Click here to enter text. If Country of residence is NOT Mexico: *Domicilio 1 (Address Line 1): Click here to enter text. Domicilio 2 (Address Line 2): Click here to enter text. Población (Locality): Click here to enter text. Zona Postal (ZIP or Postal Code): Click here to enter text.

3b. If you selected Natural Person complete this section *Nacionalidad (Nationality – Enter Country): Click here to enter text. *Nombre (First Name(s)): Click here to enter text. *Apellido Paterno (Last Name): Click here to enter text. Apellido Materno (Second Last Name): Click here to enter text.

II. DATOS DE LA GARANTÍA MOBILIARIA (Information about the Security Interest)

1. Acto o Contrato que crea la Garantía Mobiliaria (Security Agreement).

*Tipo de Garantía Mobiliaria (Type of Security Interest): ☐ Prenda sin Transmisión de Posesión (Non-Possessory Pledge) ☐ Derivada de un Crédito Refaccionario (Security interest granted for acquisition of a business floating assets) ☐ Derivada de un Crédito de Habilitación o Avío (Security interest granted for acquisition of a business fixed assets) ☐ Derivada de una Hipoteca Industrial (Special security interest granted on the entire productive unit of agricultural, livestock, industrial, commercial goods or of professional or artisanal services. These mortgages encompass, as parts or components of the productive units, concessions, licenses and authorizations, if any, as well as all the real or personal property used in the exploitation of the business) ☐ Constituida sobre una Aeronave (Security interest over aircraft) ☐ Constituida sobre una Embarcación (Security interest over ships)

3 Copyright © 2015, National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade ☐ Derivada de un Arrendamiento Financiero (Financial Lease) ☐ Cláusulas rescisorias y de reserva de dominio en compraventas mercantiles (Conditional Sales or Sales Subject to the Seller- Creditor’s Retention of title until full payment by the buyer-debtor) ☐ Derechos de Retención (Rights or Retention of Collateral, whether agreed upon or set forth as statutory liens) ☐ Derivada de un Fideicomiso de Garantía (Guaranty Trust) ☐ Privilegios Especiales (Special Liens or Privileges) ☐ Prenda Ordinaria mercantil cuando el acreedor prendario no mantenga la posesión de los bienes (Simple Commercial Pledge or Pledge in which the secured creditor is not in possession of personal property collateral) ☐ Factoraje Financiero (Factoring) ☐ Cesión de Créditos (Assignment of Receivables) ☐ Otros actos, gravámenes o afectaciones sobre bienes muebles que sirvan directa o indirectamente como garantías, en los que el acreedor no mantenga la posesión sobre los mismos (Other acts or, liens in movable or personal property that function directly or indirectly as non-possessory security interests in which the creditor is not in possession of the collateral) 2. *Fecha de celebración del acto o contrato (Date of execution of the Security Agreement): Haga clic aquí para escribir una fecha. 3. Monto Máximo Garantizado (Maximum Amount Secured): Click here to enter text. 4. Moneda (Currency): Click here to enter text. 5. *Tipo de Bienes Muebles objeto de la Garantía Mobiliaria (Type of Movable or Personal Property subject to the Security Interest): ☐ Acciones y obligaciones, bonos, contratos de opción y futuros (Equity Securities, Bonds, Options to purchase or sell and futures contracts) ☐ Bienes de consumo (Consumer goods) ☐ Derechos, incluyendo derechos de cobro (Contractual rights, including receivables) ☐ Ganado (Livestock) ☐ Inventario (Inventory) ☐ Maquinaria y Equipo (Machinery and Equipment) ☐ Productos Agrícolas (Agricultural Products) ☐ Vehículos de Motor (Motor Vehicles) ☐ Otros (Others) 6. *Descripción de los Bienes Muebles objeto de la Garantía Mobiliaria (Description of the Movable or Personal Property subject to the Security Interest): Click here to enter text.

7. El Acto o Contrato prevé incrementos, reducciones o sustituciones de los bienes muebles o del monto garantizado (The Security Agreement allows for modification of goods or in the amount of the loan): Si (Yes) ☐ o No ☐ 8. Datos del Instrumento Público mediante el cual se formalizó el Acto o Contrato (Information about the Public Deed that formalized to the Security 11Agreement): Click here to enter text. 9. Términos y Condiciones del Acto o Contrato de la Garantía Mobiliaria que desee incluir (Terms and Conditions of the Security Agreement that you wish to include): Click here to enter text.

10. * Acto o Contrato que crea la Obligación Garantizada (Agreement that creates the Secured Obligation)

4 Copyright © 2015, National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade *Acto o Contrato que crea la Obligación Garantizada es el mismo que el que crea la Garantía Mobiliaria (The Agrement that creates the Secured Obligation is the same as the Security Agreement): Si (Yes) ☐ o No ☐ *If it is not the same agreement, Acto o Contrato que crea la Obligación Garantizada (Agreement that creates the Secured Obligation): Click here to enter text. Fecha de celebración del acto o contrato (Date of execution of the Agreement that creates the Secured Obligation): Haga clic aquí para escribir una fecha. Fecha de terminación del acto o contrato (Date of expiration of the Agreement that creates the Secured Obligation): Haga clic aquí para escribir una fecha. Términos y Condiciones del Acto o Contrato que desee incluir (Terms and Conditions of the Agreement that you wish to include): Click here to enter text.

11. Vigencia de la Inscripción (Validity of Registration) Indique por cuántos meses desea que la Garantía Mobiliaria quede inscrita (Enter the number of months for which the Security Interest will be registered): Click here to enter text.

5 Copyright © 2015, National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade

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