Office of the Collector, Cuttack
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TASK LIST FOR GEN. & MISC. SECTION Manual – 2 Powers and duties of Officers and Employees [Section 4(1)(b)(ii)] Powers and duties of officers and staff Sl. Designatio Powers Duties attached No n of Post Administra Financial Statutory Others tive 1 Collector Competent Issue of authority to Guardianship declare legal certificate guardian Competent Issue of authority to certificate in part- issue iv certificate in part-iv under RAS Identifies the Freedom Fighter freedom Pension Fighters for Freedom Fighter’s pension Census Census work Officer Protocol During Tour of Officer for Higher the V.I.Ps Authorities 2 A.D.M. Counter- Deposit of bills in signs the the Treasury U.Cs of G.I.A bills of U.L.Bs
Counter- signs the U.Cs of Dist. Urban Develop ment Agency Addl. Registration of Registrar Society under Society Reg. Act,1860
The Registration of declaration Periodicals & made by Magazines the Publisher/ Printer is authenticat ed under the signature of ADM as delegated by DM
3 OIC As Scrutinizing & Gen. & delegated examining the Misc. by the proposals and Collector endorsed before ADM/ Collector
2 The Officials of Gen. & Misc. Sections discharge the duties as follows :-
Sl. Name & Designation Duties attached No. of the Staff Over all Supervision 1 Head Clerk Sri Narayan Mahali, Building matter, Collector conference, Senior Clerk Allotment of quarters, Municipality, 2 Election, Issue of N.D.C., Committee meeting Smt. Prativa Baboo Issue & Diary, Office Establishment, 3 Junior Clerk Compliance of Audit & Inspection, staff meeting. Smt Sasmita Sahoo, Central dispatch, R.A. scheme. 4 Junior Clerk. Sri Pratyush Kr. Das R.T.I. registration of society, 5 Junior Clerk Magazines, vehicle,Award, Freedom fighter pension, Forms & sty. Sri Nilamani Das, Public grievance, DUDA, V.I.P. tour 6 Junior Clerk program, Misc Certificate. Sri Sukanta Kumar Type, Consignment, College affairs, 7 Mohapatra Money lending Act, Relief Junior Clerk Rehabilitation
3 Manual - 3 Procedure followed in decision making process [Section 4(1)(b)(iii)]
A proposal is initiated by Ministerial staff duly checked by the Head clerk examined & endorsed by the O.I.C. reviewed by the A.D.M. and approve/rejected by the Collector Flow process Chart for issue of Nativity Certificate/Registration of Society/R.A.S.
Sl. Activity Level of action Time frame No. 1 To receive an application & put a Clerk Same day diary number 2 To mark application to the - do - 1 day concerned Tahasildar/BDO/CMC as the case may be 3 To visit premises of the applicant Tahasildar/BDO/ 7 days from the and verify the facts Addl. E.O.,CMC receipt of the letter by concerned Office 4 To prepare report and submit to - do - 2 days OIC Gen. & Misc. 5 To approve or reject application ADM 3 days 6 To prepare certificate if ADM Same day approved & submit to Collector 7 To sign & return certificate ADM/Collector Same day 8 To deliver the certificate to OIC Gen. & Same day applicant Misc.
4 Manual - 4 Norms set for the discharge of functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]
Sl. Activity Time Remarks No. frame/Norm 1 2 Issue of Nativity 7 Days Subject to receipt of the enquiry Certificate report from Tahasildar 3 Registration of Society 15 Days Subject to fulfillment of requisites & receipt of enquiry report from concerned Office 4 Rehabilitation 15 Days Subject to fulfillment of requisites Assistance Scheme & receipt of enquiry report from concerned Office. 5 Freedom Fighter’s 2 Days Subject to fulfillment of requisites. Pension 6 Grievance Petition 15 Days Subject to receipt of enquiry report from concerned Office. 7 Municipality Subject to fulfillment of requirements 8 College Subject to fulfillment of requirements 9 D.U.D.A. Subject to fulfillment of requirements 10 Vehicle Subject to fulfillment of requirements 11 Building Subject to fulfillment of requirements 12 Debotar 7 Days Subject to fulfillment of requirements 13 Token Flag
5 Manual - 5 Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals & Records for discharging functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)] List of regulations, instructions, manuals and records Sl. Name of the act, Brief gist of the Reference Price in case of No. rules, regulations contents No. if any priced etc. publications 1 Society Registration Societies established Rs. 50/- Act, 1860 amended form the promotion in 1960 of Science, Literature, Finance etc. are Register under section 20. 2 Orissa Nativity certificate is Miscellaneous issued as provided Certificate Rule, under section 3(ii) of 1984 O.M.C. Rule, 1982 3 4 Orissa Civil Service The financial (Rehabilitation condition of the Assistance Rules, deceased Govt. 1990) Servant is furnished in Part-IV of the R.A.S application form. 5 Orissa Municipal Election of Urban Act, 1950 Local Bodies is monitored. 6 Executive Relating to the duties instruction and mentioned in Manual circulars issued by – 2. Govt. from time to time.
6 Manual – 6 A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control [Section 4(1)(b)(vi)]
A statement of the categories of documents held Sl. Nature of Record Details of Unit/Section Retention period, No. information where where available available available 1 Utilisation Certificate Amount of All ULBs Permanent Register. U.Cs submitted Register by U. L. Bs 2 Register of Society No. & Address General & - do - Registration. of the Misc. Registered Section Society. 3 Quarter allotment Name of the General & - do - Register. Incumbents, Misc. Qtr. No. Date of Section Occupation & Vacation 4 Grievance Register. Name & General & - do - address of the Misc. petitioner, Section subject and address of the concerned Office where the action to be taken 5 Miscellaneous Name & General & - do - Certificate Case address of the Misc. Register. petitioner. Section 6
7 Manual - 7 Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy of implementation. [Section 4(1)(b)(vii)] Details of consultative committees and other bodies with which consultations are held. Sl. Name and address Constitution of Role and Frequency No. of the the responsibility of Consultative committee/body meeting committees/bodies 1 Public Accounts Committee has Review of Once in a Committee been constituted developmental year with 15 nos. of works of the MLAs under the district Chairmanship of senior most MLA 2 Estimate - do - Committee Once in a Committee makes spot year visit and disposes the grievances of the public
8 Manual – 8 A statement of boards, council, committees and other bodies constituted [Section 4(1)(b)(viii)] List of boards, councils, committees etc. . s o Nam Main Constitut Date of Dat Wheth Wheth Frequenc k r N a
l e and functi ion of constitut e up er er y of m S addre ons of the body ion to meeti minute meetings e R ss of the whi ngs s the body ch open accessi body vali to ble to d public public 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Nothing to comply for the above Manual.
Manual – 9 Directory of Officers and employees [Section 4(1)(b)(ix)] Directory Sl. Name and Designation Office Phone EPBX – E mail No. No. 0671- address 2608265 1 Shri Kishore Kumar Mohanty, 0671-2608100 Extn.- 20 dmctc@ OAS, Collector & D.M. 0671-2301001 2 Sri Udaya Nath Nayak, O.A.S.(I) SB 0671-2608265 Extn. -21 Addl. District Magistrate,Cuttack. 3 Sri Hariballav Mishra, O.A.S.(I) SB 0671-2609265 Addl. District Magistrate,Cuttack. 3 Sri Jamaswar Sahoo O.A.S.(I) 0671-2368139 - Project Director, DRDA 4 Sri Bijaya Ku Rath O.A.S. (I) 0671-2609934 Extn. -32 D.P.C., S.S.A. 5 Ashok Ku. Mohanty I/C 0671-2607492 - R.T.O.
9 6 Sri Barendra Nath Dhal O.A.S. 0671-2607406 Extn. -30 Supdt. Excise, I/C. 7 Sri Saroj Kanta Mohanty, O.A.S. 0671 – 2607842 Extn. -29 Dist. Emergency Officer 1077 (Toll Free) 8 Pradipta Pattnaik 0671 -2607156 Extn. -33 Land Acquisition Officer 9 Sri Khendeswer Patra, O.A.S. 0671-2368171 - Election Officer 10 Mahammed Ishaque, O.A.S. - Extn. -26 Dist. Revenue Officer 11 Suresh Ch. Mohanty, O.A.S. - Extn. -27 Nizarat Officer 12 Nibedita Biswal, O.A.S. - Extn. -31 Gen. & Misc.Officer. 13 Smt Arati Sahoo O.A.S. - Extn. -35 Judicial Officer. 14 Jayashree Mohapatra 0671-2607811 Extn. -34 Dy Director Planning 15 Md. Ibrahim 0671-2607093 - D.I. & P.R.O. 16 0671-2607426 - Dist. Culture Officer I/C 17 Sri Krushna Ch Sahoo 0671-2607431 Extn. -24 Dist. Panchayat Officer 18 Sri Santosh Ku Nanda 0671-2607744 Extn. -25 Civil Supplies Officer 0671-2608975 19 Sri Lalatandu Nanda 0671-2608734 - Dist. Small Savings Officer 20 Sri Jairaj Pattnayak 0671-2608898 - Dist. Sports Officer 21 0671-2312968 - D. M., SC & ST Fin. Corpn. 22 Sri Tuku Barik 0671-2609593 - Dist. Welfare Officer 23 Srikanta Mohanty I/C 0671-2607822 Extn. -23 Dist. Social Welfare Officer 24 Smt. Atasi Das, O.A.S. - Extn. -22 Establishment Officer 25 Suresh Ch. Mohanty, O.A.S. - - 10 S.L.R.
26 Smt Arati Sahoo, O.A.S. Record Room 27 O.I.C. Audit & Inspection, 26 Sri Benudhar Sahoo, O.A.S. - - C.O. Tauzi & Sadar Bahel 27 Smt. M. Khamari 0671-2607424 - Dist. Informatics Officer
Manual – 10 The monthly remuneration received by each of the officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in the regulations [Section 4(1)(b)(x)]
Sl. Name of the Employees Scale of Pay No Designation Monthly Remuneration. 1 2 3 1 Shri Kishore Kumar Collector Mohanty, OAS 2 Sri Udaya Nath Nayak A.D.M. Addl District Magistate 3. O.I.C 6,500- 12,956/- 10,500 4. O.I.C 6,500- 14,442/- 10,500 5. Aditya Mohapatra O.I.C 6,500- 12,956/- 10,500 6. 7. 10. 11. 12. Nilamadhab Bhoi T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 13. Manjula Prava Sethy T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 14. Bhabani Prasad Mishra T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 11 10,500 15. Ranjit Parida T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 16. Swati Mishra T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 17. Jyoti Sankar Mohapatra T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 18. Priya Ranjan Prusty T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 19. Ellora Bharati Jena T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 20. Anita Patra T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 21. Nibedita Biswal T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 22. Niranjan Behera T.R.O. 6,500- 10,988/- 10,500 23. Ashok Kumar Mohanty D.S.O. 6,500- 15,680/- 10,500 24. Nabakishore Mishra Sr.Coach 6,500- 16,182/- 10,500 25. Prafulla Kumar Sethy O.S. 6,500- 10,660/- 10,500 26. Parsuram Sahoo D.S.S.O. 6,500- 11,316/- 10,500 27. Rabindranath Naik P.A. 5,900- 10,004/- 9,700 28. Bharat Chandra Sethy Head Clerk 5000- 10.005/- 8000 29. Harshamani Mohapatra Head Clerk 5000- 9,483/- 8000 30. Sarat Chandra Baral Head Clerk 5000- 8,692/- 8000 31. Mamtaz Alli Khan Head Clerk 5000- 8,961/- 8000 32. Ajaya Kumar Pattnaik Head Clerk 5000- 9,262/- 8000 33. Jillani Shah Head Clerk 5000- 8,961/- 8000 34. Bishnu Charan Mohanty Head Clerk 5000- 9,222/- 12 8000 35. Kanchanbala Behera Head Clerk 5000- 9,222/- 8000 36. Netrananda Sahoo Head Clerk 5000- 9,483/- 8000 37. Bhagaban Behera Head Clerk 5000- 11,199/- 8000 38. Debendranath Sethy Head Clerk 5000- 9,676/- 8000 39. Natabara Samal Head Clerk 5000- 9,222/- 8000 40. Gagan Chandra Rout Head Clerk 5000- 9,372/- 8000 41. Pramod Kumar Samal Head Clerk 5000- 8,736/- 8000 42. Rabinarayan Rana Head Clerk 5000- 8,700/- 8000 43. Chaturbhuja Das Head Clerk 5000- 9,222/- 8000 44. Sadhu Charan Behera Head Clerk 5000- 9,222/- 8000 45. Swarnanjali Rath Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,830/- 6000 46. Santilata Dei Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,830/- 6000 47. Pratima Das Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,216/- 6000 48. Niranjan Jethy Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,700/- 6000 49. Rudranarayan Mohapatra Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,246/- 6000 50. Bimal Chandra Panda Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,700/- 6000 51 Ashish Kumar Banarjee Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,830/- 6000 52. Rabindranath Samantaray Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,482/- 6000 53. Sanatan Barik Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,380/- 6000 54. Chittaranjan Pattnaik Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,741/- 13 6000 55. Purna Chandra Rout Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,874/- 6000 56. Ashok Kumar Rath Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,482/- 6000 57. Brundaban Nayak Sr.Clerk 4000- 6,781/- 6000 58. Ashok Kumar Sikdar Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,225/- 6000 59. Sashi Bhusan Kanungo Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,352/- 6000 60. Ramesh Chandra Behera Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,352/- 6000 61. Rabindranath Lenka Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,352/=- 6000 62. Chitrarekha Beura Sr.Clerk 4000- 6,811/- 6000 63. Purna Chandra Rath Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,874/- 6000 64. Narayan Chandra Beura Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,874/- 6000 65. Lingaraj Mohanty Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,482/- 6000 66. Satyabhama Sahoo Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,380/- 6000 67. Manoj Kumar Samal Sr.Clerk 4000- 6,672/- 6000 68. Bijaya Kishore Mohanty Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,235/- 6000 69. Golakh Chandra Mohanty Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,285/- 6000 70. Sd.Naimul Hussain Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,216/- 6000 71. Niranjan Panda Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,200/- 6000 72. Prasanna Kumar Ray Sr.Clerk 4000- 8,700/- 6000 73. Dhirendra Kumar Acharya Sr.Clerk 4000- 6,642/- 6000 74. Dhirendra Kumar Nayak Sr.Clerk 4000- 7,343/- 14 6000 75. Gourahari Nayak Sr.Steno 4750- 9,635/- 7500 76. Binod Bihari Mohanty Sr.Steno 4750- 10,263/- 7500 77. Ashok Kumar Mohanty Sr.Steno 4750- 10,263/- 7500 78. Manoranjan Swain Jr.Steno 4500- 9,610/- 7000 79. Ramesh Chandra Das Jr.Steno 4500- 9,393/- 7000 80. Jasaswini Mohanty Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,840/- 4590 82 Kalpana Bal Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,494/- 4590 83 Prativa Babu Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,482/- 4590 84. Karunakar Khatua Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,272/- 4590 85. Ashok Kumar Bal Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,355/- 4590 86. Ramakanta Moharana Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,960/- 4590 87. Kedarnath Tripathy Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,482/- 4590 88. Pravat Kumar Sarangi Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,221/- 4590 89. Manorama Das Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,090/- 4590 90. Antaryami Sahoo Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,090/- 4590 91. Lokanath Beura Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,090/- 4590 92. Subhasish Rout Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,221/- 4590 93. Sasmita Sahoo Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,699/- 4590 94. Naresh Chandra Mohapatra Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,248/- 4590 95. Ramesh Chandra Prusty Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,248/- 15 4590 96. Sunakar Sethy Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,617/- 4590 97. Paresh Chandra Mohanty Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,002/- 4590 98. Sabita Mishra Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 99. Prafulla Kumar Das Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 100. Pratyush Kumar Das Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 101. Sukanta Chandra Mohapatra Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 102. Dillip Kumar Das Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 103. Nilamani Das Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 104. Sudhansu Sekhar Sahoo Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 105. Ranjeet Kumar Swain Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 106. Anadi Charan Khatua Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 107. Prasanta Kumar Mohanty Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,307/- 4590 108. Rebati Das(B) Jr.Clerk 3200- 7,060/- 4900 109. Pramila Dei Jr.Clerk 3200- 7,090/- 4900 110. Ranjana Parida Jr.Clerk 3200- 6,642/- 4900 111. Sashi Sekhar Mohapatra Jr.Clerk 3200- 8,083/- 4900 112. Pradeep Kumar Tripathy Jr.Clerk 3200- 6,672/- 4900 113. Nishamani Choudhury Jr.Clerk 3200- 8,379/- 4900 114. Sanghamitra Mistry Jr.Clerk 3200- 7,491/- 4900 115. Saroj Kumar Dey Jr.Clerk 3200- 8,562/- 16 4900 116. Sandhya Ghose Jr.Clerk 3200- 7,934/- 4900 117. Ajit Prasad Sahoo Jr.Clerk 3200- 6,363/- 4900 118. Sisir Kumar Sasmal Jr.Clerk 3050- 5,863/- 4590 119 Bijaya Kumar Jena Jr.Clerk 3050- 6,110/- 4590 120. Anjan Kumar Routray Jr.Clerk 950- 3,813/- 1500 121. Basanta Kumar Swain Driver 3600- 8,528/- 5600 122. Muralidhar Mohanty Driver 3200- 6,503/- 4900 123. Priyadarshi Mohapatra Driver 3200- 6,900/- 4900 124. Pabitra Mohan Biswal Driver 3200- 7,060/- 4900 125. Prahallad Sethy LunchDriver 3050- 6,090/- 4590 126. Ramesh Chandra Kuanar R.I. 3200- 7,706/- 4900 R.I. Bauribandhu Behera R.I. 3200- 7,897/- 4900 R.I. Umesh Chandra Pattnaik R.I. 3200- 8,619/- 4900 129. Md.Rahematullah R.I. 3200- 7,554/- 4900 130. Bauribandhu Nayak Amin 2750- 6,050/- 4400 131. Bhikari Tripathy Amin 2750- 6,195/- 4400 132. Laxminarayan Nayak Amin 2750- 6,109/- 4400 133. Sudarsana Mohapatra Daftary 2610- 5,631/- 3540 134. Pranab Kishore Sahoo Daftary 2610- 5,481/- 3540 135. Chaitanya Nayak Daftary 2610- 4,871/- 17 3540 136. Padan Nayak Mali 2610- 5,481/- 3540 137. Gajendra Mohanty Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 138. Sk.Nazir Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 139. Bijaya Kumar Mohapatra Peon 2610- 5,166/- 3540 140. Sk.Jabir Mohammad Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 141. Jaganath Barik Peon 2610- 5,166/- 3540 142. Satyanarayan Pattnaik Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 143. Dasarathi Pradhan Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 144. Naresh Chandra Tarai Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 145. Mukundadev Mohapatra Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 146. Kailash Chandra Das Peon 2610- 5,166/- 3540 147. Dayanidhi Behera Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 148. Sk.Nasir Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 149. Gunamani Mohapatra Peon 2610- 5,377/- 3540 150. Trilochan Gochhi Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 151. Basanta Kumar Panda Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 152. Debendra Kumar Mishra Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 153. Abhimanyu Pradhan Peon 2610- 5,377/- 3540 154. Gaurahari Jena Peon 2610- 5,377/- 3540 155. Sobharani Divya Peon 2610- 5,218/- 18 3540 156. Bigheneswar Behera Peon 2610- 5,377/- 3540 157. Basanti Bisoi Peon 2550- 5,201/- 3200 158. Pramod Kumar Sahoo Peon 2550- 5,359/- 3200 159. Bhobani Padhi Peon 2550- 4,437/- 3200 160. Sudama Charan Lenka Peon 2550- 5,359/- 3200 161. Banita Sahoo Peon 2550- 5,619/- 3200 162. Meena Aunria Peon 2550- 5,255/- 3200 163. Markandeswar Barik Peon 2550- 5,359/- 3200 164. Ajaya Kumar Swain Peon 2610- 5,377/- 3540 165. Lokanath Sahoo Peon 2610- 5,166/- 3540 166. Prafulla Kumar Das Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 167. Saraswati Dei Peon 2610- 5,377/- 3540 168. Prahallad Barik Peon 2610- 5,481/- 3540 169. Gauranga Charan Mallik Peon 2610- 5,501/- 3540 170. Mami Dei Peon 2550- 5,359/- 3200 171. Alekha Chandra Sahoo Watchman- 2610- 5,377/- cum- 3500 Sweeper 172. Basanta Kumar Pattnaik Watchman 2610- 5,377/- 3500 173. Rama Dei Watchman 2610- 5,034/- 3500 174. Parbati Dei Watchman 2610- 5,481/- 3500 19 175. Santilata Barik Watchman 2610- 5,359/- 3500 176. Jagabandhu Sahoo Sweeper 2550- 4,533/- 3200 177. Sankarsana Gochhayat Sweeper 2610- 5,377/- 3540 178. Pravakar Gochhayat Sweeper 2610- 5,068/- 3540 179. Durga Charan Naik Sweeper 2550- 4,533/- 3200 180. Rabindranath Mandrajee Sweeper 2550- 4,533/- 3200 181. Prahallad Chandra Sahoo Tindol 2650- 5,742/- 4000 182. Judhistir Swain C.M. 2610- 5,663/- 3540 183. Bishnu Charan Panda C.M. 2610- 5,166/- 3540 184. Khageswar Nayak C.M. 2610- 5,639/- 3540 185. Rajkishore Mohapatra C.M. 2610- 5,639/- 3540 186. Sk.Nasiruddin C.M. 2610- 5,639/- 3540 187. Harihara Jena C.M. 2610- 5,532/- 3540 188. Bipra Charan Kunra C.M. 2610- 5,639/- 3540 189. Asia Bibi C.M. 2610- 5,532/- 3540 190. Bibhuti Bhusan Sethy C.M. 2610- 5,639/- 3540 191. Banamali Rout C.M. 2550- 5,191/- 3200 192. Niranjan Swain C.M. 2550- 5,513/- 3200 193. Narayan Chandra Mohanty C.M. 625-940 2,975/- 194. Narendranath Lenka C.M. 2550- 2,550/- 195. Laxman Naik Watchman 2610- 5,377/- 3540 20 196. Akhatar Alli Khan Khansama 2650- 5,742/- 4000 197. Sk.Rabani Khansama 2650- 5,199/- 4000 198. Ranjan Kumar Rout Khansama 2610- 5,166/- 3540 199. Surya Bahadur Khetri R.Boy 2610- 5,481/- 3540 200. Nabakishore Barik R.Boy 2610- 5,481/- 3540 201. Bibhutiranjan Sahoo R.A. 2610- 5,068/- 3540 202. Ghanasyama Santi R.A. 2610- 5,068/- 3540 203. Surendranath Sethy R.A. 2610- 5,377/- 3540 204. Dhruba Charan Mohapatra R.A. 2550- 4,272/- 3200 205. Bharat Chandra Nayak R.A. 2550- 5,359/- 3200 206. Pravat Ranjan Naik L.O. 2750- 5,543/- 4400 207. Bauribandhu Swain Tindol 2650- 5,467/- 4000 208. Sk.Jahed Hussain Tindol 2650- 5,516/- 4000 209. J.Appa Rao Tindol 2650- 5,742/- 4000 210. Rabindranath Singh Tindol 2650- 5,516/- 4000 211. Anwar Alli Khan Tindol 2650- 5,358/- 4000 212. Pramod Kumar Majhi Tindol 2650- 4,280/- 4000 213. Gourang Charan Singh P.S. 2610- 5,481/- 3540 214. Bishnu Charan Barik P.S. 2610- 5,481/- 3540 215. Narayan Jena P.S. 2610- 5,481/- 3540 21 216. Govinda Chandra Behera P.S. 2610- 5,481/- 3540 217. Mohan Kumar Acharya Coach 5900- 14,442/- 9700 218. Rajkamal Mandal Coach 5900- 14,596/- 9700 219. Jairaj Pattnaik Coach 5900- 15,586/- 9700 220. Milton Bilong Coach 5500- 12,311/- 9000 221. M.M.Mishra Coach 5500- 11,603/- 9000 222. R.Mohan Coach 5500- 12,956/- 9000
Manual –11 The budget allocated to each agency [Section 4(1)(b)(xi)] Non-plan budget
Major Activities Sanctioned Budget Revised Expenditure Head to be budget estimate estimate for the last performed year
Plan budget Name Activities Date of Expected Amount Amount of the to be commencement date for sanctioned disbursed/s plan under completion pent scheme taken
Nothing to comply by Gen. & Misc. Section
Manual – 12
22 The manner of execution of subsidy program [Section 4(1)(b)(xii)] List of institutions given subsidy Sl. Name Purpose No. of Amou Previous Previous No and for beneficiari nt of year years . address which es subsid utilizatio achievemen of the subsidy y n ts institutio provide progress n d
List of individuals given subsidy
Sl. Name and Purpose Amount Scheme No. of No. address of the for which of and time beneficiary subsidy subsidy Criterion subsidy provided for given in selection past with purpose
Nothing to comply by Gen. & Misc. Section.
Manual – 13 Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted [Section 4(1)(b)(xiii)]
List of beneficiaries Sl. Name Nature of Purpose for Scheme No. of time No and concession/pe which and similar . address rmit/ granted Criterio concession of the authorization n for given in
23 beneficia provided selectio past with ry n purpose
Nothing to comply by Gen. & Misc.Section. Manual – 14 Information available in an electronic form [Section 4(1)(b)(xiv)] Details of Information Sl. Activities Nature of Can it be Is it available on No for which information shared website or is being . electronic available with used as back end data public data base available
No information is available on website.
Manual – 15 Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information [Section 4(1)(b)(xv)] Facilities available for obtaining information Sl. Facility Nature of information Working hours No available available . 1 Information Counter 2 Website 3 Library Acts, Manuals, 10.00 A.M. to 05.00 Gazetteer etc. P.M. on working days 4 Notice Board Documents required 10.00 A.M. to 05.00 for Registration of P.M. on working Marriage, Society, days 24 Nativity Certificates are reflected in the Section for public 5 6 7
Manual – 16 Name designation and other partculars of Public Information Officers [Section 4(1)(b)(xvi)] List of Public Information Officers Sl. Designation Postal address Telephon e-mail Demarcation of No of the officer e No. addres area/ . designated as s Activities, if PIO more than one PIO is there 1 Suresh Ch. Officer-in- 0671 – For the Mohanty Charge 260826 Collectorate Nizarat Nizarat, 5 Officer Collectorate, Extn. - Collectorate, P.O.- 27 Cuttack. Chandinichouk Cuttack-753002 2 Sri L.N. Das, Sri L.N. Das, 956723 Office of the OAS OAS - Sub-Collector, Revenue Revenue Officer 240201 Banki Officer Sub-Collector Sub-Collector Office Office Banki Banki
25 3 Smt.L. Smt. L. Satapathy 956723 Office of the Satapathy S.D.I.P.R.O. - Sub-Collector, S.D.I.P.R.O. Sub-Collector 220311 Athagargh Sub-Collector Office Office Athagargh Athagargh 4 Sri. Krushna Sri. Krushna 95671- Office of the Charana Charana Parida 235957 Tehasildar,Kiss Parida O.S.C.S 7 ananagar O.S.C.S A.S.O Computer A.S.O Cell , Computer Kissananagar Cell , Tehasil Kissananagar Tehasil
Pratap Ku. Pratap Ku. 956723 Office of the 5 Mohanty Mohanty - Tehasildar, A.S.O. A.S.O. Computer 240233 Banki Computer Cell , Banki Cell , Banki Tehasil Tehasil
List of Assistant Public Information Officers
Sl. Name and Postal Office EPBX – E mail address No Designation Address Phone 0671- . No. 2608265 1 D.P.C., S.S.A. Collector 0671- Extn. -32 ate, 260993 Cuttack 4 2 R.T.O. Collector 0671- - ate, 260749 Cuttack 2
26 3 Supdt. Excise, I/C. Collector 0671- Extn. -30 ate, 260740 Cuttack 6 4 Sri Saroj kanta Collector 0671 – Extn. –29 Mohanty, O.A.S. ate, 260784 1077 Dist. Emergency Cuttack 2 (Toll Officer Free) 5 Land Acquisition Collector 0671 Extn. -33 Officer ate, -26071 Cuttack 56 6 O.I.C. Election Collector 0671- - ate, 236817 Cuttack 1 7 Dist. Revenue Collector - Extn. -26 Officer ate, Cuttack 8 Nibedita Biswal Collector - Extn. -31 O.I.C., Gen & ate, Misc. Section Cuttack 9 Smt. L. Mohapatra, Collector - Extn. -35 O.A.S. ate, O.I.C. Judicial Cuttack 10 Dist. Planning Collector 0671- Extn. -34 Officer ate, 260781 Cuttack 1 11 D.I. & P.R.O. Collector 0671- - ate, 260709 Cuttack 3 12 Dist. Culture Collector 0671- - Officer I/C ate, 260742 Cuttack 6 13 Dist. Panchayat Collector 0671- Extn. -24 Officer ate, 260743 Cuttack 1 14 Civil Supplies Collector 0671- Extn. -25 Officer ate, 260774 Cuttack 4 260897 5 15 Dist. Small Savings Collector 0671- -
27 Officer ate, 260873 Cuttack 4 16 Dist. Sports Officer Collector 0671- - ate, 260889 Cuttack 8 17 Dist. Welfare Collector 0671- - Officer ate, 260959 Cuttack 3 18 Dist. Social Welfare Collector 0671- Extn. -23 Officer ate, 260782 Cuttack 2 19 Establishment Collector - Extn. -22 Officer ate, Cuttack 20 O.I.C. Audit & Collector - - Inspection, Record ate, Room & S.L.R. Cuttack 21 Smt. S. Mishra, Collector - - O.A.S. ate, C.O. Tauzi & Sadar Cuttack Bahel
First appellate authority with in the department Sl. Designation of the Postal Telephon e-mail Demarcation of area/ No officer designated address e No. addres Activities, if more . as first appellate s than one first appellate authority authority is there 1 Sri Udaya Nath Addl. Dist. 0671- - Collectorate, Nayak Magistrate, 2608265 Cuttack. Addl. Dist. Collectorate, Magistrate, Cuttack Cuttack. 2 Sub-Collector, Sub- 956723 - Sub-Collector’s Athagargh Collector, -220311 Office, Athagargh, Athagargh. Dist.- Cuttack. 3 Sub-Collector, Sub- 956723- - Sub-Collector’s Banki Collector, 240201 Office, Banki, Banki.
28 Dist.-Cuttack 4 Sub-Collector, Sub- 0671 - Sub-Collector’s Sadar Collector, -2607626 Office, Sadar, Sadar, Cuttack. Cuttack. Office of the Tahasildar, Banki 5 Tahasildar, Banki Office of the 956723- Tahasildar, 240233 Office of the Banki Tahasildar, Kissannagar
6 Tahasildar, Office of the Kissananagar Tahasildar, 95671- Kissannagar 2359577
Manual – 17 Other information as may be prescribed [Section 4(1)(b)(xvii)
All other information as may be prescribed for dissemination shall be collected, tabulated, compiled, collected and provided in the form of manual from time to time.