Copyright ©

Gray backpack:

Yarn: Light gray and dark gray - Fingering weight yarn 2 mm knitting needles 2 mm crochet hook

Cast on 29 sts with light gray and work: Row 1: Purl stitch Row 2: (Row of eyelet holes) K 2, * 1 yarn over, cast off 1 st, K 1 *, repeat between *-* across row, end with K 1 = 29 sts Row 3: Purl stitch Row 4: K 7, sl st knit, K 13, sl st knit, K 7 Row 5: Purl stitch

Repeat rows 4 and 5 until work measures 6 cm. Row 6: Cast off 7 sts, K 22 Row 7: Cast off 7 sts, K 15 Rows 8, 10, 12, 14: Knit stitch Rows 9, 11, 13, 15: Purl stitch Row 16: Knit stitch Row 17: Knit from wrong side

Change to dark gray: Row 18: Knit stitch Row 19: Purl stitch

Continue with stockinette stitch until the dark gray measures 5 cm. Row 20: K 1, K 2 tog, K 9, K 2 tog, K 1 Row 21: Purl stitch Row 22: Knit stitch Row 23: K 1, K 2 tog, K 7, K 2 tog, K 1 Row 24: Knit stitch

Continue with garter stitch for 3 cm.

Cast off.

Join bag at edges. Make 2 cords, approx 14 cm, with dark gray, attach one on each side at the top edge, and then thread through row of eyelet holes.

Tie the bag together, middle front.

Crochet strap: Cast on 22 sts with dark gray and crochet 1 row taut sts. Crochet another one the same.

Attach straps in the middle, at the top of the backpack, in the back, and the other end at the bottom, one in each side.

Attach a snap on the flap.

Cap: Pattern number A 49

Lisa C 2009 Mönster nr A51 Copyright ©

Sweater and pants: Pattern number 124

American English translation by Ariella

Lisa C 2009 Mönster nr A51