Review Period

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Review Period

Performance Review Form

Review Period Calendar Year 2014

Employee First Name Last Name ID Number Job Title Management Responsibilities

Department Organization ID Number

Reviewer First Name Last Name ID Number

Tulane believes that individual performance is a composite of the employee’s demonstration of results, values and growth from January to December. Employee Tulane Values Managerial Growth Results Rating Rating Values Rating Rating

Manager’s Overall Comments (Limit to 3000 characters with spaces)

Manager’s Signature Date

Employee’s Overall Comments (Limit to 3000 characters with spaces)

Employee’s Signature Date EMPLOYEE RESULTS

Key Responsibilities/Goals: The manager will identify up to five key responsibilities/goals. Key responsibilities/goals should be selected from the job description at the beginning of the performance period. At the end of the performance period, the manager should describe the results achieved in each of the key areas of responsibility/goals. Comments: At the end of the performance period, the manager should independently describe any special circumstances impacting the results, and provide an overall rating for employee results using the scale at the bottom of page 3.

Key Responsibility/Goal


Key Responsibility/Goal


Key Responsibility/Goal


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Key Responsibility/Goal


Key Responsibility/Goal


Rating Scale Results Rating 1 - results for the past 12 months were below expectations for the job.

2 - results for the past 12 months partially met the expectations for the job. This rating is based on the employee’s 3 - results for the past 12 months fully met expectations for the job. overall performance with respect to 4 - results for the past 12 months exceeded expectations for the job. each of their responsibilities/goals, 5 - results for the past 12 months were outstanding for the job. taking into account the relative importance of each of them.

Page 3 TULANE UNIVERSITY VALUES Please evaluate each employee on each of Tulane University’s core Values, identified as being essential to achieving our mission.

1. CUSTOMER FOCUS The degree to which the employee is accessible to his/her internal/external customers and takes responsibility for meeting their needs. 1* Responds to customer needs when he/she has time and usually on his/her own terms. May complain about customers and exhibits little respect for or understanding of the needs and demands facing the customer. 2. Usually gets back to customers in a timely manner. Is often available to handle customer issues, but avoids difficult situations. 3. Serves as a reliable resource to the customer. Takes personal accountability for meeting customer needs. 4. Consistently adds a level of service value that exceeds customer expectations. Makes him/herself available to discuss issues and answer questions when needed. 5* Recognized as a "go to" person in the department. Anticipates customer issues and questions and proactively contacts customers. Takes full responsibility for addressing and resolving customer issues and follows through to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Selected Rating

2. INITIATIVE The degree to which the employee begins work promptly on assignments and demonstrates self- determination and self-direction. 1* Does not begin work promptly or perform it thoroughly. Resists or ignores guidance. 2. After up-front explanation of work and expectations, requires repetitive guidance with routine work. 3. Needs minimal direction or encouragement to complete tasks in area of responsibility. 4. Properly begins work without direction. Often seeks out new projects or assignments. Carries on well with projects. Is able to effectively prioritize. 5* A self-starter. Resourceful in any situation. Great follow-through. Consistently seeks opportunities to improve the quality of results. Selected Rating

3. INTEGRITY & TRUST The degree to which the employee can be relied upon to do the right thing. 1* Seen as just out for him/herself. Has trouble keeping confidence and often talks out of school. Ethics and/or judgment may be called into question. 2. Generally trustworthy. Occasionally makes decisions that can be rationalized, but would not be generally viewed as the most ethical course of action. 3. Is seen as a trustworthy individual who maintains confidentiality. Doesn't misrepresent him/herself for personal gain. Consistently acts in a manner reflective of Tulane's superior values and principles. Accepts personal responsibility for actions. 4. Balances the needs of others with his/her needs. Actions support his/her words. Protects the interests of people who aren't present. Can be trusted to present difficult issues in a helpful and constructive manner. 5* Puts others ahead of him/herself. Demonstrates a commitment to do the right thing, even when there may appear to be unfavorable personal consequences. Is a role model for honesty and fairness. Selected Rating

4. POSITIVE INFLUENCE The degree to which the employee brings commitment and positive energy to the workplace. 1* Appears detached, impatient or openly uninterested. Wastes time and resources pursuing non-essential ends. Consistently promotes his/her negative views of the work environment. 2. Engages periodically. Often appears not to listen or seems preoccupied with something else. Tends to focus on the Page 4 negative elements in the workplace. 3. A positive force. Engages effectively with colleagues and effectively addresses situations in a consistently upbeat manner. 4. Consistently shows positive energy. 5* An ever-present force of positive energy. Lifts the spirits and energy level of those with whom they come in contact. Maintains team's dedication and focus on results with the goal of over-delivering on a consistent basis. Selected Rating

5. QUALITY & ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTATION The degree to which the employee has concern for producing work that is accurate and free from error, in order to accomplish a standard of excellence. 1* Produces work with an unacceptable level of errors. May recognize waste or inefficiencies but does not report it, communicate it or recommend improvements. 2. May strive to meet goals set by management, yet work is not consistently organized or free from errors. 3. Makes few errors and learns from mistakes. Suggests changes in own work methods to improve performance and results. Considers the best interests of the University when making decisions or taking action. 4. Work is well done and errors are very rare. Makes decisions, sets priorities or chooses goals based on explicit consideration of cost and benefits to be gained. Reviews past efforts to improve future operational outcomes. 5* Work is reliably precise, accurate, timely and thorough the first time. The quality of work is always among the best. Work output may provide a standard against which others are measured. Selected Rating

6. TEAMWORK AND COOPERATION The degree to which the employee works cooperatively with others, is a part of a team, and works together, as opposed to working separately or competitively 1* Tends to disregard or undermine teamwork. Does not become involved in cooperative efforts or volunteer assistance to others. Does not communicate well with co-workers or supervisors. 2. Reluctantly contributes or gets involved in cooperative efforts. Slow to respond to others' requests for help or support. 3. Contributes to an atmosphere of team spirit. Volunteers to help others or contribute to organization initiatives. Actions foster a feeling of joint effort among staff members. 4. Creates a feeling of belonging in the team. Provides mentoring to others. Can be counted on to contribute to organization initiatives, frequently assuming leadership roles. 5* Is motivated to assist/work with others and actively seeks out their input. Outstanding acceptance by others as a mentor and member of the team. Makes significant, ongoing contributions to organization initiatives. Builds effective networks/ alliances inside/outside the department or University, which benefit the University community. Selected Rating

Page 5 MANAGERIAL VALUES The following competencies (M1, M2, M3) should only be applied to staff employees who supervise others. These competencies will be rated only by those individuals' managers.

M1. EMPOWERMENT The degree to which the manager empowers others by sharing responsibility so that others have a deeper sense of commitment and ownership, are creative and innovative, take sound risks and are willing to be held accountable. 1* Speaks about other employees in negative terms. Does not have confidence in employees' judgment and ability to contribute more. Does not show respect for employees' intelligence and individuality. 2. Delegates only routine tasks to employees. Demonstrates minimal confidence in employees' ability to accomplish higher level tasks at acceptable performance levels. 3. Demonstrates confidence in employees by recognizing and acknowledging that they have the skills and abilities necessary to achieve challenging goals and by providing them with some increased responsibility/opportunity. 4. Encourages employees and makes them feel important to the University. Respects and appreciates others' views, recommendations or actions. Frequently provides employees with formal opportunities to contribute more. 5* After subordinates' competence is proven, delegates assignments to be completed with minimal oversight that allows for the opportunity to make and learn from mistakes. Continuously looking for opportunities to advance the skills or contribution of employees.

Selected Rating

M2. PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE The degree to which the manager focuses on improving performance, including thinking strategically about the priorities, risks, benefits, long-term implications, market possibilities, and strategic strengths and realities of a not-for-profit organization that is also a business. 1* Follows and defends current work processes and practices and discourages efforts to improve them. Resistant to change. 2. May identify problems with the current processes without giving thoughts to solutions. Makes occasional improvement suggestions, but without analysis or investigation. 3. Actively supports continuous improvement of work processes. Engages and supports others in improving results. Openly shares information and resources. Sets and works toward challenging goals to improve performance. 4. Creates a learning environment leading to more efficient and effective work processes. Seeks out constructive feedback and is driven to improve in ways to better serve the internal/external customer. Helps position the organization to take advantage of strategic opportunities. 5* Continuously seeks feedback to understand strengths, weaknesses and the path to improvement. Makes decisions and takes action based on strategic thinking about business needs and potential longer-term implications. Takes into account the strengths and limits of the organization, and likely costs/benefits in setting priorities. Consistently facilitates knowledge transfer in order to share best practices.

Selected Rating

M3. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT The degree to which the manager fosters the long-term learning or development of others with an appropriate level of needs analysis and other thought or effort. 1* Inattentive to the growth and development of subordinates. Has "sink or swim" philosophy. Performance evaluations are poorly documented. May see the success of subordinates as a personal threat. 2. Performance documentation is lacking substance. Is unaware of each employee's career goals. Coaches for the short term. Provides some guidance on how to do the work of the current job more effectively. 3. Provides timely feedback that is specific, actionable, and developmentally helpful with a positive tone. Makes performance management a priority. Performance evaluations are thoughtful and thoroughly documented. Offers appropriate levels of praise and recognition. Holds development discussions at least twice a year.

Page 6 4. Invests significant time and energy in the direction and development of subordinates. Encourages employees to accept developmental moves and supports those who need help and further development. Coaches employees on performance improvement throughout the entire year. 5* Provides long-term mentoring, engaging others' aspirations, while addressing the organization's future needs. Provides developmental experiences with guidance. Performance management is a top priority and performance, growth and succession plans are very well documented.

Selected Rating

Page 7 EMPLOYEE GROWTH . Growth in Skills/Knowledge. List all skills and knowledge that the employee has acquired over the past 12 months, that will enable him/her to contribute more to Tulane University. . Growth in Contribution. Describe any activities or responsibilities that the employee is now required to perform, that he/she was not required to perform 12 months ago. This change should also be documented in the employee’s job description. . Growth Rating. Assign an overall growth rating that heavily weighs the individual’s growth in responsibility, but also considers the growth in skills/knowledge. Growth in Skills/Knowledge Description of Skill/Knowledge Growth

Growth in Contribution Description of Growth in Contribution

Rating Scale Overall Growth Rating 1 - results for the past 12 months were below expectations for the job.

2 - results for the past 12 months partially met the expectations for the job. An overall rating of the growth of the 3 - results for the past 12 months fully met expectations for the job. employee, taking into account the relative 4 - results for the past 12 months exceeded expectations for the job. importance of each area reviewed. 5 - results for the past 12 months were outstanding for the job.

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