STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures

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STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures


Last Saved By: Martha Sippel

Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 Contents

1 Purpose...... 1

2 Audience...... 1

3 References...... 1

4 Presidential Processes and Procedures...... 1

4.1 Strategic Planning Meeting...... 1

4.2 Executive Council Email List...... 3

4.3 Monthly Tasks...... 4

4.4 Breakdown of Monthly Duties...... 4

4.4.1 May (of your incoming year)...... 4

4.4.2 June...... 4

4.4.3 July...... 5

4.4.4 August...... 5

4.4.5 September...... 5

4.4.6 October...... 6

4.4.7 November...... 6

4.4.8 December...... 6

4.4.9 January...... 6

4.4.10 February...... 6

4.4.11 March...... 6

4.4.12 April...... 7

4.4.13 May (of your outgoing year)...... 7

4.5 Recurring Tasks...... 7

4.5.1 Inquiries...... 7

4.5.2 Leadership Webinars...... 8

4.5.3 Social Media Communications...... 8 Last Saved By: Martha Sippel

Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 4.5.4 Community Events...... 8

4.5.5 Council Meetings...... 8

4.5.6 President E-blast...... 9

4.5.7 Chapter Meetings...... 11 Host Chapter Meetings...... 11 Post Meeting Duties...... 11

4.5.8 LinkedIn...... 12

5 Appendix A: Awards...... 13

6 Appendix B: Presidential File Index...... 14

7 Change Log...... 15

Last Saved By: Martha Sippel

Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures

1 Purpose This document is a list of all the STC RMC presidential duties.

2 Audience All incoming STC RMC presidents.

3 References 1. All STC RMC Google Docs.

2. The most updated version of this document is located on the council access area of the STC RMC website in the home/Council_Access/President/ folder.

3. All document in the File Manager of the STC RMC website.

4 Presidential Processes and Procedures

4.1 Strategic Planning Meeting Things you should do before the Strategic Planning Meeting.

1. Ensure that you have an excellent understanding of the bylaws at both the chapter ( and the international level ( SME: Past President and President’s Advisors.

2. Ensure that you have an excellent understanding of the STC RMC Website.

3. Notify the international office of the new officers.

4. Have the Web Team update all the contacts on the website with the new council and committees. Make sure you remind them to save the previous year’s page so we can preserve the history.

You need to gather all the information for the Web team to do this. This information should include:

First Name: Last Name: Address: Preferred Email: Preferred: Phone #: Preferred Method of Contact:

This information is used to update two areas of the website:

1) A list of all officers and committee members and the email aliases assigned to them at

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures

STC RMC Website > About Us > Officers & Managers > Officer & Manager List > STC RMC 2012-2013 Officer List.

The Web team needs to uses the preferred email addresses to assign an alias.

2) A list of all the officers and committee members’ personal information is located at

/Council Access/Contacts

Having the officers’ and committee members’ personal information on the web site provides a central location in which any officer or committee member may can look up the information for themselves.

5. Ensure all email aliases are switched over for the council and committees. (This is a web team task – Martha Sippel is currently responsible for changing the aliases.)

6. Ensure you subscribe to the Stc_pres mailing list. See

7. Contact the owner of the mailman list and have them update [email protected]. Only current council members, committee members, and advisors should be on this list. No exceptions! You might have to add and remove folks throughout the year. IMPORTANT: Remember that international monitors this list. Be careful what you say! SME: Deb Lockwood.

8. Create new badges for council and committees.

9. Change all the following accounts to have you as the contact. Even if we are not currently using the software, this ensures that you get the business related emails regarding these accounts. See the current Treasurer for a list of all these usernames and passwords if you forget them or they are not listed here. Important: If you change them, ensure you notify the treasurer. The Treasurer must have a master list.

9.1. Acteva: As of the 2011-2012 STC RMC year, we no longer use Acteva. But you might again. We never know. SME: Frank Tagader or Joel MeierPast President.

User name: The past president will have to set this up for you.

Password: The past president will have to set this up for you.

9.2. Survey Monkey: SME: Several people have used SM including Julie Bettis, Joel Meier, Debbie Peebles, Martha Sippel, and Frank TagaderJulie Bettis.

User name: [email protected]

Password: technical

9.3. Constant Contact: SME: Past President.

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures User name: stcrmc09

Password: prezstcrmc

9.4. Eventbrite: SME: Frank Tagader

User name: [email protected]

Password: R0ckymtn

NOTE: This is the admin login. You would use this login to set up invites, for example, invites to your council meeting or if you have to set up the invites for the programs manager(s). You can use the other login to accept invitations and so on.

9.5. Google Docs: Mainly, you will need to know how to look for information out there and how to share documents with other folks. See Using Google Docs by Jessica Betterly on the Google Docs page. SME: John Endicott or Jessica Betterly.

User name: You use your personal log in info.

Password: You use your personal log in info.

9.6. Ensure the Social Media Manager is the contact/manager for these accounts. SME: Past President.

9.6.1. LinkedIn:

User name: You use your personal log in info.

Password: You use your personal log in info.

NOTE: The previous President should set you up as a manager for the STC RMC LinkedIn group ( However, the day to day operations have been assumed by the Social Media Manager.

9.6.2. Facebook:

User name: You use your personal log in info.

Password: You use your personal log in info.

NOTE: The previous President should set you up as a manager for the STC RMC LinkedIn group ( Mountain-Chapter/127776453958155?notif_t=page_user_activity).

9.6.3. Twitter: SME: UNK.

User name: UNK

Password: UNK

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures The details have been lost. As of 05/08/2012 the Social Media manager is trying to get another account.

9.6.4. Doodle: Learn how to use Doodle. This is a great tool for getting everyone one the same page for impromptu meetings such as the Strategic Planning meeting. SME: Past President

User name: [email protected]

Password: founded1958

9.6.5. GoToMeeting: Use this for remote council meetings as well as remote chapter meetings. SME: Past President (Joel: I seem to be the only one that was comfortable with this. However, the Programs committee should be the SMEs for this.)

User name: [email protected]

Password: founded1958

4.2 Executive Council Email List Set up a list of contacts that include just the executive council in your personal email. Many times, you do not need to include the entire council but rather just the executive council, for example an electronic vote. This is only the executive council, the five voting members, not the Nominating Committee. So only the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and past president.

4.3 Monthly Tasks All the monthly tasks should be on the [email protected] Google calendar. Ensure that you review them at the Strategic Planning Meeting. The best way to do this is to pass then calendar for the entire year around to all the members present.

4.4 Breakdown of Monthly Duties

4.4.1 May (of your incoming year) 1. Strategic Planning Meeting—Start planning now. SME: Past President(s).

1.1. Read old strategic plans so you can make sure that you do not have overlap. (Or revisit some things that might need readdressed.) See documents in the File Manager of the STC RMC website. Specifically, the President’s folder: home/Council_Access/President/. NOTE: There are articles that Martha provides every year that prove to be most helpful.

1.2. Draft your strategic plan for the year.

1.3. Draft your long-term strategic plan if you are years 2013, 2018, and so on.

1.4. Send your plan out to review.

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures 1.5. Decide who you want to invite to the meeting (10-12 max). Council is mandatory.

1.6. Decide who you want to facilitate.

1.7. Assign note taker.

1.8. Assign timekeeper (if separate different than the facilitator).

1.9. Arrange for drinks, snacks, etc.

1.10. Decide whether you are doing going to submit the CAA. We took did not submit in 2010- 2011 orthe 2011-2012 year off and we should probably apply in 2013. SME: MaryJo Stark

1.11. Schedule Meeting.

2. Programs

2.1. After the Strategic Planning Meeting, work with the Programs Committee to ensure they are planning the programs for the entire year. If they do not have the entire year’s programs scheduled before mid-July, you will not be able to send out “Save the Date” post cards. If they do not have the entire year’s programs scheduled before the start of the year, the programs will cause your year to be a communications nightmare.

4.4.2 June 1. No Council Meeting

2. No Chapter Meeting

3. Hold Strategic Planning Meeting—First two weeks of June if possible. If you do not get it nailed down, people start drifting off into vacations. SME: Past President(s).

3.1. Bring copies of agenda.

3.2. Hold meeting.

3.3. Finalize plan. NOTE: More than likely, you are going to come up with more great ideas than you can fit in. In the end of the meeting, you will have to ask those present to help you rank them and then choose your top five or so to accomplish.

3.4. Assign action items.

3.5. Summarize action items before adjourning.

3.6. Give all visual aids/meeting artifacts to Secretary (or note taker if different from the secretary). Note: This only necessary if you are using flip charts and so on or have white board info that the note taker was not able to capture before the meeting's end. Many times someone can take a picture of this information with their smartphone and send it to the secretary or note taker.

3.7. Set a date for the Secretary or note taker to have the completed document to you. Then send out for review with an end-date for the entire council to send you feedback. REMEMBER: Not all council members will be at the meeting so they will need to know what is going on.

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures 4. Start planning with Programs to meet and see what plan they have for the year.

4.4.3 July 1. No Council Meeting

2. No Chapter Meeting

3. By July 15th, meet with Programs to meet and ensure they have a plan for the year.

4.4.4 August 1. No Council Meeting

2. No Chapter Meeting

3. Meet with Programs to meet and see what plan they have for the year.

4. Send postcard to membership (Save the Date). NOTE: You must have all programs scheduled in order to do this.

4.4.5 September 1. Council Meeting

2. Send Constant Contact reminder about the chapter meeting Mon or Tue before the meeting.

3. Chapter Meeting

4. See Recurring Tasks on page 8.

4.4.6 October 1. Council Meeting

2. Send Constant Contact reminder about the chapter meeting Mon or Tue before the meeting.

3. Chapter Meeting

4. See Recurring Tasks on page 8.

4.4.7 November 1. Council Meeting

2. Send Constant Contact reminder about the networking meeting Mon or Tue before the meeting.

3. Networking Meeting

4. See Recurring Tasks on page 8.

4.4.8 December 1. No Council Meeting

2. No Chapter Meeting

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures 3. Holiday Party.

4. See Recurring Tasks on page 8.

4.4.9 January 1. Council Meeting

2. Send Constant Contact reminder about the chapter meeting Mon or Tue before the meeting.

3. Chapter Meeting

4. Nominating Committee should start coming to council meetings.

5. See Recurring Tasks on page 8.

4.4.10 February 1. Council Meeting

2. Send Constant Contact reminder about the chapter meeting Mon or Tue before the meeting.

3. Chapter Meeting. This is usually a webinar. We try to doschedule a webinar because of the weather.

4. See Recurring Tasks on page 8.

4.4.11 March 1. Council Meeting

2. Send Constant Contact reminder about the networking meeting Mon or Tue before the meeting.

3. Networking Meeting

4. Nominating Committee needs to have a solid list of candidates.

5. See Recurring Tasks on page 8.

6. Verify whether you need to order a president pin from international – check in the rolling bag or with Deb Lockwood to see if we have any president pins – you need this for the May meeting,

4.4.12 April 1. Council Meeting

2. Send Constant Contact reminder about the chapter meeting Mon or Tue before the meeting.

3. Chapter Meeting

4. Nominating Committee should have all candidates and ready to post bios and set up and test the ballot. Nominating Committee can find all the instructions they need onat home/Council_Access/Nominating_CommitteeGoogle Docs.

5. Nominating Committee should send the ballot to all STC RMC members.

6. See Recurring Tasks on page 8. Last Saved By: Martha Sippel 7

Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures 4.4.13 May (of your outgoing year) 1. Council Meeting

2. Send Constant Contact reminder to Vote in the STC RMC Elections.

3. Send Constant Contact reminder about the chapter meeting Mon or Tue before the meeting.

4. Chapter Meeting – This is also the end-of-year business meeting.

5. See Recurring Tasks on page 8.

6. DCSA Awards. You need to make sure that we have all the information that we need to print these. You will also need frames for them. This is the responsibility of the Award Nomination committee.

7. Your Chapter President Achievement Awards. You will need to decide who you will give Chapter PresidentAchievement Awards and have those printed and framed before the May meeting.

8. Announce new officers.

9. Pin the past president. (You need to order a president pin from international – check in the rolling bag or with Deb Lockwood to see if we have any,)

4.5 Recurring Tasks

4.5.1 Inquiries You are responsible for answering all inquiries that come to [email protected] and [email protected]. Many people just send inquiries to these two email accounts rather than actually sending to membership and so on. Sometime you can farm it out to those individuals. Sometimes they are asking you to intervene with international. At any rate, respond as soon as you get the email. Note: I usually tried to get the folks to call me.

You can use the following as a template:


I am the current President of the STC RMC, so am responding for our chapter.


We appreciate your interest. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding membership to STC RMC.



President, STC RMC

[email protected]

4.5.2 Leadership Webinars 1. Attend all leadership webinars. Last Saved By: Martha Sippel 8

Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures 2. Pass all leadership info on to council. This includes all leadership seminars.

4.5.3 Social Media Communications 1. Schedule all the Social Media communications.

2. Schedule: 1st of the month.

3. Schedule all communications that you want to go out through the social media via the [email protected] Google calendar. The Social Media Manager will use that calendar to send their posts.

4.5.4 Community Events Send Community Events for STC RMC to the International Chapter. See [email protected] Google calendar. These community events are published in the News and Notes of the STC site.

4.5.5 Council Meetings 1. Send Action Item reminder to council before the meeting. Hopefully, they will get them done before the meeting.

1. Schedule: See [email protected] Google calendar.

2. Send “status report” and “agenda item” reminder before the council meeting.

2. Schedule: See [email protected] Google calendar.

3. Ensure you remind council members of any outstanding action items at this time.

NOTE: You might want to remind them several times in between council meetings.

3. Organize and chair the Council Meetings

3.1. Create Eventbrite request. This way you can get an idea of who is coming when they respond by ordering dinner. There is a “recurring” event already set up in Eventbrite. You just need to modify the details each month.

3.2. Ensure you have everyone’s meal requests. Either choose a place to order from or poll the council or just let one person pick.

3.3. Send out meeting agenda ahead of time.

3.4. Order food (or set up the food somehow, someway) for Council meetings.

3.5. Arrange Greeters

3.6. Update the [email protected] Google calendar on STC RMC website as needed.

3.7. Ensure the following are set up for the next chapter meeting:

3.7.1.Eventbrite page. NOTE: You need all program info for this.

3.7.2.Web page. NOTE: You need all program info for this.

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures 3.7.3.Meals decided

3.7.4.Social Media planned.

3.8. Summarize action items decided at the meeting.

3.9. Summarize decisions made at the meeting.

3.10. Remind Council and Committee members to Blog that month.

3.11. Set deadline for Secretary to get you the meeting minutes.

4. Order food (or set up the food somehow, someway) for regular meetings.

4.5.6 President E-blast 1. Schedule: See [email protected] Google calendar. Note: In addition to the schedule on the Google calendar, you should send a reminder the Monday or the Tuesday before the meeting. I found that you could get quite a few people to sign up for the meeting that way. You can do this by copying the eblast for that month, renaming it Reminder STC RMC [ENTER MONTH HERE] [ENTER YYYY HERE] Meeting and then deleting all the other text blocks of the email.

2. For new Presidents, have the past president give you a teach time on Constant Contact. It will save you the frustration of having to teach yourself. I have set up a template for you that you can copy each month called STC RMC President eblast Template.

Note about the NASDAQ Meeting Location: See XXX in the President’s folder:

home/Council_Access/President/Meeting Info.

You will need this text for the eblast whenever the meeting is held at NASDAQ.

Note about the Atkins Meeting Location: See Note about the Atkins Meeting Location.txt in the President’s folder:

home/Council_Access/President/Meeting Info.

You will need this text for the eblast whenever the meeting is held at Atkins.

3. There is a generic template set up for you. I would copy that template each month to create the new eblast for each month. IMPORTANT: If you copy and paste text from other documents or programs into Constant Contact, I would do it in HTML view. If you do not, you will have endless problems with formatting.

4. IMPORTANT: Ensure that the Eventbrite event is set up before you send your eblast out for review. It is a link in your eblast.

5. Send a test to yourself – both HTML and text versions.

6. Give five council members at least a week to review if you can.

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures 7. Someone either needs to update SurveyMonkey, Constant Contact, and Eventbrite will all new contacts for each month downloaded from the STC site, supply the information to you, or you need to go and get it yourself and update them all yourself. I would work with the Membership manager to supply those to you each month. They need to download it anyway and it will save you some steps.

You might have to tweak the spreadsheet for upload (For example, you need to manually delete all the folks that do not want to receive chapter communications). It is easiest to do this in Excel. Delete the previous month’s contact list after you have uploaded a current one. This will keep the application’s contact lists pages clean for the next year.

8. Send eblast in HTML version.

9. Always send as HTML & text to John Endicott so that he can send info to listservs.

10. I would use the “Remove” feature to keep your “My Emails” view clean. You might be tempted to use the “Archive” feature in Constant Contact. This is an additional cost each month. So, we do not use it.

11. In May, someone needs to send a reminder to vote in the elections. You can copy an old eblast, for example, Reminder to Vote in the STC RMC 2012 Elections. The President usually ends up being the defacto SME for Constant Contact. So, you will probably end up doing it.

4.5.7 Chapter Meetings Host Chapter Meetings 1. Don’t forget the wheely bag! Everything you need is in there! (Except for the Treasurer’s money bag. The Treasurer will always have that.)

2. Ensure you have all the signage in place. See the President’s folder: home/Council_Access/President/.

3. Ensure you have the sign in table in place.

4. Ensure you have the treasurer’s envelope.

5. Print out name badges via Eventbrite, if you can. It is a nice touch but is an added responsibility.

6. Press the flesh. Try to touch as many new faces as possible. If people look new or unsure where they are, try to sit them next to senior members.

7. Have announcements ready. Either you can make all announcements or you can have the individual council members make their announcements.

8. Ask who is hiring?

9. Ask who is looking?

10. Ask for any other announcements.

11. Turn the meeting over to programs manager.

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures 12. After the program thank the speaker and either dismiss everyone or let them hang out and network some more if the venue allows it or if you feel like it. Post Meeting Duties 1. Write a thank you letter for each presenter. Send each presenter an Amazon gift card. Have it sent their manager when appropriate. See thank you letter examples in the President’s folder:

home/Council_Access/President/Meeting Info.

2. Buy electronic gift cards through STC portal. Look for the portal on the international website. (IMPORTANT: STC gets a small cut when we order through this portal.). You can set this up in advance w/the speakers’ names and email addresses and set delivery for the day after the meeting.

3. Ensure the Survey Monkey survey from the programs manager goes out. You will need it to announce the drawing winner for the next eblast.

4. Get the Meeting Roster from the Hospitality volunteer and post to Council Area for safekeeping.

5. Ensure that the person in charge of the Active Membership Rewards Program gets a copy of this list as well in order to award points for the program.

4.5.8 LinkedIn If a person wants to join the STC RMC LinkedIn and they are not a member, you can send this response to explain why they cannot:


I am the current President of the STC RMC, so am responding for our chapter.

Your name is not listed in the online STC member directory, so I am assuming you are not an STC member?

We restrict our groups/lists to our STC Rocky Mountain Chapter members as this adds more value for not only paying their dues, but also selecting to join our chapter (additional cost to basic STC dues).

We appreciate your interest. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding membership to STC RMC.

Sincerely, [YOUR NAME HERE] President, STC RMC

[email protected]

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日 STC RMC Presidential Processes and Procedures

5 Appendix A: Awards DCSAs, Pres. Awards, and Volunteer Recognition

With the exception of the DCSA, you will have to create and print all awards and recognitions. See the President’s folder: home/Council_Access/President/ for examples.

An easy way to print all your Pres. Awards and Volunteer Recognitions is to use the mail merge feature in MS Word. I have set up the Pres. Awards and Volunteer Recognition to be created using the mail merge features if you want to use it.

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6 Appendix B: Presidential File Index On the STC RMC Website, you will see the ….

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7 Change Log

Revision Date Change A 04/09/2012 Document Created. (by Joel Meier) In section 4 Presidential Processes and Procedures, B 07/12/2012 subsection, 4.1 Strategic Planning Meeting, steps 4 updated. (by Joel Meier)

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Updated: 2018 年 4 月 30 日

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