Stoughton Lacrosse Club
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Stoughton Lacrosse Club Minutes of October 27, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting Pour House, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Attendees: Colleen Flesher, Sue Schadewald, Mike Sampson, Gary Tarpinian, Dave Wisersky, Megan Wisersky; Preston Irving
Guests: Tony Ricker (Oregon youth parent/coach); Mary Kruckenberg (Stoughton youth parent); Eric Flesher and Ryan Picek (youth coaches)
Megan opened the meeting with approval of the September meeting minutes. Mike motioned to accept the minutes. Gary 2nd the motion and all members present agreed.
The guests were introduced and discussion of the youth program followed. Tony Ricker voiced that he would like to assist with the youth program and has insight from Verona (his son has been playing with Verona). He and Mary Kruckenberg understand that all Stoughton and Oregon players will not be able to play with Verona once Stoughton/Oregon brings the youth program back to Stoughton. Mary voiced her concern of leaving the Verona organization saying that she feels it is an extremely well organized organization and the program is strong. The SLAX board asked that she bring that insight to SLAX. The board thanked Eric Flesher and Ryan Picek for volunteering to be youth coaches and answered questions they had.
Fundraising: The glove fundraiser was tabled once more until a later date. SLAX was turned down for the Stoughton Area Community Foundation Grant. Sue will apply to Dick’s in Madison for a grant to help supply equipment for the youth program.
Upcoming fundraiser: Freakfest with Papa John’s on Saturday, 10/30; 4 volunteers are going. Future fundraisers: Megan asked the board if we are interested in doing Badger basketball games at the Kohl Center. It would be for 20 games with 7 volunteers per game (must be 16 yrs or older). The board expressed that they would love to do this fundraiser, but getting volunteers continues to be an issue. This was tabled for further discussion. Colleen spoke to Bart Quale about concession fundraisers at the Mandt Center, and Bart said he would give us a call when he has a schedule.
The team name was discussed to try to come up with an agreeable co-op name. Oregon schools would like to see a name that encompasses everyone. All agreed that made sense. Several names were tossed around, but none worked. Colleen will talk to the MSO Icebergs about using MSO and how they work with their coop. It was agreed that we would move away from the Viking logo and used lacrosse sticks.
Motion by Mike to consider evaluating co-op names; second by Meg with a deadline of 11/10/2010. The name will continue to be discussed. See below for cities to include in co-op and brainstorming of names:
Cities: Cambridge, Edgerton, Evansville, McFarland, Oregon, Stoughton Brainstormed names: MOSEE, MESO, EMOS, SOME, Yahara, Southeast, Quad Cities, South Central, Badger.
Bleachers from the city are available for use, but we would need to get them to the field.
The Wisersky’s met with the Stoughton Athletic Director, Mel Dow, and Superintendent Tim Onsager to discuss our lacrosse co-op and the Stoughton School District. Dow and Onsager indicated that Stoughton is very interested in pursuing lacrosse. There is a possibility of playing some games at Stoughton High School. WIAA rules must be followed. They discussed running grades 3-4 through the City. The City is already looking into purchasing sticks and having a 4 week skill program for all levels. Marty updated the board on the storage at the field. We will stick with the POD another year. Cost comparison: $700-$900 for a shed; $200 for the POD.
Gary said we will hold on to the liability insurance coverage after looking into it. Cost is $253 per year.
Gary recommended changing the website host due to the high cost that MALA is asking for - $450 per season. Mike made a motion to change the website, 2nd by Dave. Colleen mentioned some concern for losing the database and registration features. Colleen and Gary will work on setting up a new site.
Mike and Dave are looking into costs for getting a bus to travel to La Crosse.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. The next meeting will be scheduled by Megan via e-mail.