President:Dr. Paulo Felicissimo Secretary:Dr. Andreas Tanos Treasurer:Dr. Henri Schlammes

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President:Dr. Paulo Felicissimo Secretary:Dr. Andreas Tanos Treasurer:Dr. Henri Schlammes

President:Dr. Paulo Felicissimo Secretary:Dr. Andreas Tanos Treasurer:Dr. Henri Schlammes

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SECTION ON MAY 19th & 20th, 2017 At Radisson Blu Hotel, Bergen, Norway

President: Paulo Felicissimo Secretary: Andreas Tanos Treasurer: Henri Schlammes

PRESENT: AUSTRIA Stefan Nehrer, Catharina Chiari BELGIUM Nanni Allington CROATIA Damir Hudetz CYPRUS Andreas Tanos, Vasos Constantinou ESTONIA Toomas Tein, Aare Märtson FINLAND Petri Virolainen, Ilkka Kiviranta FRANCE Dominique Chauveaux GERMANY Dietrich Bornemann, Joachim Grifka GREECE Georges Sapkas, Christos Zambakides HUNGARY Tibor Gunther IRELAND Derek Bennett, Gerry McCoy ITALY Paolo Tranquilli Leali, Francesco Benazzo LUXEMBURG Henri Schlammes NORWAY Kari Indrekvam THE NETHERLANDS Bart J. Burger PORTUGAL Paulo Felicissimo, Manuel Gomes ROMANIA Radu Radulescu SLOVENIA Gregor Recnik SPAIN Jose Cordero Ampuero SWEDEN Li Fellander-Tsai, Hans Mallmin SWITZERLAND Pierre Hoffmeyer, Ariane Gerber Popp TURKEY Gazi Huri FORTE Luis Machado EBOT Chairman Jorge Mineiro EFORT’s Secretary Gen. David Limb FRIDAY, May 19 th 2017, 13:00 - 17:00 GENERAL MEETING PART I

1. OPENING The president opened the meeting, welcomed all delegates to Bergen and thanked the hosts for organising the meeting.

2. APOLOGIES Christos Georgiades (New from Cyprus), Benn Duus ( Denmark), Francesco Benazzo ( Italy), Philip Turner (new from UK), Michel Zimlitski (New from Georgia), Levan Natchkebia (New from Georgia), Carsten Mohrardt ( EJD), Andreas Hammerschmidt ( EJD)

3. WELCOME TO NEW DELEGATES AND RESIGNATIONS NEW : Catharina Chiari ( Austria), Vasos Constantinou ( Cyprus), Christos Zambakides ( Greece), Pierre Hoffmeyer ( Switzerland), Ariane Gerber Popp ( Switzerland). RESIGNATIONS: David Stanley ( UK), Yiannis Efstathiades ( Cyprus).

4. MINUTES OF THE MEETING IN BUCHAREST, ROMANIA 9 & 10/9/2016 The corrected minutes were approved by the delegates. To see the approved minutes please, see supporting documents in our webpage (


5.1 THE PRESIDENT Incoming post - Outgoing post - EFORT, CESMA, central UEMS.

EFORT : In January 2017, in Amsterdam, there was a meeting between officers of UEMS-O&T and EFORT about the collaboration between the two bodies, especially for the EBOT exams. It was decided that a committee should be formed to explore the possibility of this collaboration. A proposal was drafted by 4 members of our section (see all relative docs on our Website). The proposal was received by EFORT which sent us an answer to that. Our president feels that this last answer is some different from what the spirit was in the first place. All documents have been read to the delegates. There was a discussion and opinions were expressed. The views of the section are to be expressed the next meeting day ( Sunday) to the representative of EFORT ( Mr David Limb). And these views are, in conclusion, the reservation and concerns about the interfering of EFORT into our Board and exams.

UEMS: There is going to be a division of the Sections / MJCs into 3 major groups: Group 1 ( Medical), Group 2 ( Surgical), Group 3 ( Technical). For each Group there will be a President and a Secretary. Our section approved the nomination of our Paulo Felicissimo as Prsident of the Surgical Group, in the UEMS Central next meeting in Brussels ( October 2017).

It was decided to ask some other societies to participate in the UEMS – SES meeting in Brussels on 19/10/2017 : EFORT, EFAS, European Hip Society, European Orthopaedic Research Society, ESSKA, Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, EuroSpine, SESAC, EPOS, AO Trauma.

Next meeting of UEMS Central is conflicting to our own meeting in Croatia, so there was a re- arrangement of the plans and we are going to have the meeting on Sunday 22 October 2017 as a whole day meeting. Social events are to be held on the day before ( Saturday, 21 October 2017).

5.2 THE SECRETARY asked the delegates to review the List of members circulated and make any corrections to their viva and especially their email addresses. There has been created a new email for our section ( [email protected] ) , with which all the correspondance will be made from now on, in parallel to the private email address of the secretary ( [email protected] ).

5.3 THE TREASURER presented the updated Financial report. This Report along with his proposal will be uploaded on our Website for next meeting’s discussion.

6. INFORMATION ABOUT OUR WEB SITE Dietrich Bornemann explained again our website and how to log in to it and how to find the necessary files

7. EACCME (Dietrich Bornemann) There is a new version for online application ( called EACCME 2.0 ) that was approved during last meeting of EAACME in October 2016. The time from application to accreditation is now faster. Dietrich explained the "Trusted Provider’s” work and their status and benefits. The amount of money coming from the accreditation differs according to the number of participants to the event accredited. The Credit Allocated differs according to time of Contact Hours. Applications grew about 15% in 2017 already. Money from the applications already started to be delivered to the corresponding sections.

8. E.T.R. ( Discussion and Voting) (Please, see supporting documents in our webpage ) E.T.R. Review Committee approved in their last meeting the training requirements in some specialities and we will try to get the Orthopaedic & Traumatology Requirements approved in their next meeting. Stefan Nehrer explained the documentation (dated 29.8.2016) and the Section Unanimously approved this part. Li Fellander Tsai explained the documentation and suggested to add a preamble to that specific document. Opinions and thoughts were exchanged. Germany is approving the document except from the part of “Site Visits” for which is going to abstain to the approval of the whole document. The Section VOTED : 1 abstention ( Germany). All others “YES”. The Section VOTED about the Assessment Document : 1 abstention ( Norway – because there is no exam in Norway). All others “YES”. The Section authorized the president to send the Training Requirements for approval by the ETR Review Committee at their next meeting.

9. GUEST LECTURE : Einar Klæboe Kristoffersen, president Specialist Council, Norwegian Medical Association The Presentation can be found on our webpage.

SATURDAY, May 20 th 2017, 08:30-13:00 GENERAL MEETING PART II

10. MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOINT COMMITTEES 10.1 MJC clinical skill center (NASCE): Felländer-Tsai The Presentation can be found on our webpage. Next NASCE meeting will be held in October 2017 in Lunde – Sweeden. 10.2 MJC spine: Sapkas There is a presentation from that MJC to be sent for uploading it on our website. 10.3 MJC sport medicine: Tanos More news from that MJC after its next meeting, to be held in Cyprus (23/6/17). 10.4 MJC rare diseases: Märtson Nothing New from that MJC 10.5 MJC hand surgery: Ceruso Delegate was not present at our Bergen’s meeting. 10.6 MJC Pain Medicine: No Delegate Jose Cordero Ampuero was appointed by the Section as delegate to that MJC.

11. PRESENTATION OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETIES. WHAT IS NEW IN YOUR SOCIETY SINCE THE LAST PRESENTATION? FRANCE (Pending since last meeting) & GREECE Greece was not ready to present. They will give us their presentation next time.

France (Dominique Chauveaux): The presentation can be found on our webpage. He explained the existence of “Medical Deserts” being such because of the uneven spread of doctors into the country. He also gave us some statistical data : 33.3% of foreign doctors in France came from Romania. In Total there are 3083 O&T (2918 Male + 165 Female). For 2017 there are 118 new places for O&T in the Universities. Activity of O&T : 1,800,000 per year.

12. EUROPEAN EXAMS (Jorge Mineiro, EBOT Chairman) 12.1 Exams, Assessments, Financial Aspect of the Exams. (Jorge Mineiro’s Presentation can be found on our website). He showed that the number of the canditates For the exams is increasing to over 30-40% per year. For the Interim exams on 11/4/2017 there were 448 Canditates. For the PART I (8/6/17) 270 canditates. For PART II over 150 canditates. 75 examiners + 40 Spanish examiners. Also, the number of the training centers is increasing. Languages for the exams : MCQ in English. Oral Exams in English and Spanish. Looking into German & French.

12.2 EBOT Exam and partnership with EFORT (Discussion and Voting). (Please, see supporting documents in our webpage http://www.uems- ) The Section Unanimously voted that UEMS-Ortho should work with EFORT for the EBOT Exams.

13. E.S.T.R.O. PROJECT (Gazi Huri) The presentation can be found on our webpage and it is self explanatory.

14. F.O.R.T.E. (Luis Machado) Support to Summer School (Discussion and Voting). (Please, see supporting documents in our webpage ) Discusion and opinions were exchanged. It is decided ( 1 Abstention - Sweden) that the Section cannot offer financial support to scientific meetings. But, the Section MAY offer its Stamp to FORTE’s meeting, provided that FORTE will send the scientific program of its meeting.

15. FUTURE STRATEGY AND WORKING PROCEDURES FOR THE SECTION  Commission to visitation Centers  Delegates  Document based on UEMS Central Guidelines  Registry of Implants.

16. NEXT MEETINGS * Autumn meeting (Social program on 21 & All day meeting on 22 October 2017 ), Dubrovnik, Croatia Presentation of the up - to - date Organization, by Croatian Delegate Damir Hudets. See Website.

The Following countries placed their candidancy and they are appointed to host the next meetings :  Spring Meeting 2018 FINLAND,  Fall Meeting 2018 SLOVENIA  Spring Meeting 2019 NETHERLANDS  Fall Meeting 2019 AUSTRIA  Spring Meeting 2020 ESTONIA  Fall Meeting 2020 PORTUGAL

17. ANY OTHER BUSINESS UEMS Central asked us to come with ideas on the celebration of UEMS’s 60 years anniversary.

18. CLOSURE OF THE MEETING The President Felicissimo closed the meeting thanking Kari Indrekvam and the Organisers for hosting the meeting and the wonderful time we had, and all delegates for coming.

Dr. Paulo Felicissimo Dr. Andreas Tanos President Secretary

For the social programme, please see the Organizer’s webpage :

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