VOCSTATS Fields: Terms and Definitions

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VOCSTATS Fields: Terms and Definitions

VOCSTATS fields: terms and definitions National Centre for Vocational Education Research

Release 3.4 November 2017 © Australian Government, 2017

This document should be attributed as NCVER 2017, VOCSTATS fields: terms and definitions – release 3.4, NCVER, Adelaide.

This work has been produced by NCVER on behalf of the Australian Government and state and territory governments, with funding provided through the Department of Education and Training.

The views and opinions expressed in this document are those of NCVER and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government or state and territory governments.

ISBN 978 1 925173 03 1 TD/TNC 117.13

Comments and suggestions regarding this publication are welcomed and should be forwarded to NCVER.

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VOCSTATS fields: terms and definitions Contents 3 Introduction Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has released VOCSTATS, online databases which can be accessed through a web browser such as Internet Explorer. Users are then able to access data from anywhere to create and access reports that matter to them in a dynamic, intuitive, and interactive way. This document documents all the fields used in the VOCSTATS databases to help users further understand what data is available, where this data is collected from and what the data means. The fields for all collections are listed alphabetically to enable users to easily find information on the field they need.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Introduction 5 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Structure of this document

This document includes descriptions of all the fields contained in the 'Government- funded students and courses (VET)', ‘VET in schools (VETiS)’, 'Apprentice and trainee (A&T)' and 'National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)' databases. The field headings have been colour coded to help identify the collection they are included in. These colours refer to the colours used for the print publications that NCVER releases for each collection. The fields are listed alphabetically and show which collection they relate to. This document may be updated at any time to reflect new fields or changed fields that appear in each collections. The tables for each of the fields in this document show all/some of the following categories:

Term The name of the field. Definition The meaning of the field. Classification categories The default classification view that appears in the fields list. Classification sub-categories Classification levels that appear under the default classification view. Source Where the data for the field has been collected.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Introduction 6 VOCSTATS fields matrix Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VOCSTATS fields matrix

Fields  Government-funded students and Apprentices National courses (VET) and Student trainees Outcomes  Total VET students and courses Survey (TVA)  VET in schools (VETiS)

Total Gover VET Program Subject Program nment Activi Students enrolme enrolme complete – ty nts nts d funde (TVA) d

Achieved main reason for   training

Age       

Apprentice/trainee in a trade   occupation course

Apprentice/trainee status   

AQF qualification level 

Awards 

Benefits of undertaking   training (summary)

Change in skill level   (ANZSCO)

Client postcode region 

Client remoteness (ARIA+)  region

Client SA2 

Commencing Program  

Commencing student 

Counting       

Country of birth       

Program enrolments 

Program field of education   

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions VOCSTATS fields matrix 8 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VOCSTATS fields matrix (cont.)

Fields  Government-funded students and Apprentices National courses (VET) and Student trainees Outcomes  Total VET students and courses Survey (TVA)  VET in schools (VETiS)

Gover Program Subject Program nment TVA Students enrolme enrolme complete – gradu nts nts d Funde ates d

Program highest funding (Not in  source TVA)

Program occupation   (ANZSCO) group

Program occupation   (ASCO) group

Current FYTE (Not in (Not in (Not in TVA) TVA) TVA)

Current hours (Not in (Not in (Not in TVA) TVA) TVA)

Current qualification level   

Delivery type   

Developed problem solving   skills

Disability (including impairment or long term        condition)

Employed after training or in   further study

Employer Industry (ANZSIC) 

Employer postcode region 

Employer size 

Employer type 

English (main language      spoken at home)

English speaking background (based on      Country of birth)

Enrolled as part of   Apprenticeship/Traineeship

Enrolled in further study  

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions VOCSTATS fields matrix 9 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VOCSTATS fields matrix (cont.)

Fields  Government-funded students and Apprentices National courses (VET) and Student trainees Outcomes  Total VET students and courses Survey (TVA)  VET in schools (VETiS)

Gover Program Subject Program nment TVA Students enrolme enrolme complete – gradu nts nts d Funde ates d

Estimated population  

Existing worker 

Field of Education   (summary)

First full-time job after   training

Full-time status 

Funding source  

Group  

Highest award completed (not in TVA)

Highest current qualification (not in level TVA)

Highest prior education level  

Highest school level      completed

Improved employment   circumstances

Indigenous status       

Industry of employer after training – 1 digit ANZSIC   (2006)

Industry of employer before training – 1 digit ANZSIC   (2006)

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions VOCSTATS fields matrix 10 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VOCSTATS fields matrix (cont.)

Fields  Government-funded students and Apprentices National courses (VET) and Student trainees Outcomes  Total VET students and courses Survey (TVA)  VET in schools (VETiS)

Gover Program Subject Program nment TVA Students enrolme enrolme complete – gradu nts nts d Funde ates d

Industry Skills Council    

Improved writing skills  

Intended occupation of training course – 1 digit   ANZSCO

Job-related benefits of undertaking training   (summary)

Job-related benefits of   undertaking training

Labour force status   

Labour force status after   training

Labour force status before   training

Main language spoken at      home

Major Program field of (not in education TVA)

Major Program occupation (not in (ANSZCO) group TVA)

Major Program occupation (not in (ASCO) group TVA)

Major Industry Skills Council (not in TVA)

Major Service Skills (not in (not in (not in (not in Organisation TVA,VETiS) TVA,VETiS) TVA,VETiS) TVA,VETiS)

Major type of accreditation (not in TVA)

Not employed before training and employed after   training

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions VOCSTATS fields matrix 11 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VOCSTATS fields matrix (cont.)

Fields  Government-funded students and Apprentices National courses (VET) and Student trainees Outcomes  Total VET students and courses Survey (TVA)  VET in schools (VETiS)

Gover Program Subject Program nment TVA Students enrolme enrolme complete – gradu nts nts d Funde ates d

Occupation (ANZSCO -  NTIS) group

Occupation (ANZSCO) (not in group TVA)

Occupation (ASCO) group (not in TVA)

Occupation after training (1   digit ANZSCO)

Occupation after training at same level as intended   occupation (with relevance of training)

Overall satisfaction with   quality of training (summary)

Personal benefits of undertaking training   (summary)

Personal benefits of   undertaking training

Preliminary 

Previous highest education      level

Prior education    

Proficiency in spoken  English

Program highest funding (not in (not in source TVA) TVA)

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions VOCSTATS fields matrix 12 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VOCSTATS fields matrix (cont.)

Fields  Government-funded students and Apprentices National courses (VET) and Student trainees Outcomes  Total VET students and courses Survey (TVA)  VET in schools (VETiS)

Gover Program Subject Program nment TVA Students enrolme enrolme complete – gradu nts nts d Funde ates d

Program occupation  (ANZSCO) group

Program occupation (ASCO) (not in group TVA)

Provider type 

Qualification  

Qualification completed and  issued

Qualification completed only 

Qualification equivalents  

Reason for not continuing   with training

Reason for undertaking   training

Relevance of training to job   after training

Reporting period 

Reporting type    

RPL (training shortened) 

Satisfied with assessment  

Satisfied with teaching  

School-based status 

School status    

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions VOCSTATS fields matrix 13 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VOCSTATS fields matrix (cont.)

Fields  Government-funded students and Apprentices National courses (VET) and Student trainees Outcomes  Total VET students and courses Survey (TVA)  VET in schools (VETiS)

Gover Program Subject Program nment TVA Students enrolme enrolme complete – gradu nts nts d Funde ates d

(not in (not in (not in (not in SEIFA 2006 (IRSD)  TVA) TVA) TVA) TVA)

SEIFA 2006 (IRSAD) (not in (not in (not in (not in TVA) TVA) TVA) TVA)

SEIFA 2006 (IER) (not in (not in (not in (not in TVA) TVA) TVA) TVA)

SEIFA 2006 (IEO) (not in (not in (not in (not in TVA) TVA) TVA) TVA)

SEIFA (IRSD)      

SEIFA (IRSAD)    

SEIFA (IER)    

SEIFA (IEO)    

SEIFA quintile (2006 defn)

SEIFA quintile (2011 defn)

Sex       

Skills Service Organisation (not in (not in (not in (not in TVA,VETiS) TVA,VETiS) TVA,VETiS) TVA,VETiS) 

Speak a language other   than English

(not in (not in (not in Specific programs TVA) TVA) TVA)

State/territory      

State/territory of delivery (TVA only) (TVA only) (TVA only) location

State/territory of residence (TVA only) (TVA only) (TVA only) (TVA only) 

State/territory of training (TVA only) (TVA only) (TVA only) organisation

Student highest funding    source

Student remoteness region (not in (not in (not in (not in 2006 (ARIA+) TVA) TVA) TVA) TVA)

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions VOCSTATS fields matrix 14 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VOCSTATS fields matrix (cont.)

Fields  Government-funded students Apprentices National and courses (VET) and Student trainees Outcomes  Total VET students and courses Survey (TVA)  VET in schools (VETiS)

Gover Program Subject Program nment TVA Student enrolme enrolme complet – gradu s nts nts ed Funde ates d

Student remoteness region     2011 (ARIA+)

Student remoteness region  (2006 defn)

Student remoteness region   (2011 defn)

(not in (not in (not in (not in Student SA2 TVA) TVA) TVA) TVA)

Student SLA    

Students 

Study mode  

Study reason 

Subject enrolments 

Subject field of education 

Subject result 

Total VET FYTE (TVA only) (TVA only) (TVA only)

Total VET hours (TVA only) (TVA only) (TVA only)

Training contract status 

Training duration 

Training organisation type (TVA only) (TVA only) (TVA only) (TVA only) 

Type of accreditation    

Type of further study   institute

Type of subject 

Unit of competency 

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions VOCSTATS fields matrix 15 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VOCSTATS fields matrix (cont.)

Fields  Government-funded students Apprentices National and courses (VET) and Student trainees Outcomes  Total VET students and courses Survey (TVA)  VET in schools (VETiS)

Gover Progra Program Subject nment TVA m Students enrolme enrolme – gradu comple nts nts Funde ates ted d

VET Program   

Workplace postcode region 

Workplace remoteness  (ARIA+) region

Workplace SA2 

Would you recommend the institution where you   undertook the training to others?

Would you recommend the   training to others?

Year      

Year left school     

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions VOCSTATS fields matrix 16 VOCSTATS fields Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Achieved main reason for training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Satisfaction)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Achieved To find out if Achieved main reason n/a National Student main respondents achieved for doing the training Outcomes Survey reason for their main reason for training undertaking the training. Didn’t achieve main reason for doing the training

Don't know yet

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 18 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions Apprentices and trainees (A&T) National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Age The age of the student 14 years and under Individual years of age Calculated based on as at 30 June of the available under each the AVETMISS field collection year. It is 15 to 19 years age grouping Date of Birth from the reported in age ranges. Client file. 20 to 24 years

25 to 44 years

45 to 64 years

65 years and over

Not known

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Age The age of the 19 years and under Individual years of age Calculated based on apprentice/trainee at key available under each the AVETMISS fields points in the training 20 to 24 years age grouping Date of Birth from the contract, such as Client file and Training commencement and Contract Status 25 to 44 years completion. It is reported Identifier and Date of in age ranges. transaction from the 45 years and over Training Contract Transaction file. Not known

Age continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 19 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Age (cont.)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Age Age in years at the last 18 to 19 years Individual years of age National Student Friday in May (SOS available under each Outcomes Survey reference date). It is 20 to 24 years age grouping reported in age ranges. 25 to 44 years

45 to 64 years

65 years and over

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 20 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Apprentice/trainee in a trade occupation or course

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Apprentice/trainee To determine if an In a trade occupation n/a National Student in a trade apprentice or trainee is course Outcomes Survey occupation or in a trade occupation course or course (ANZSCO) In a non-trade occupation course


Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 21 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Apprentice/trainee status

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Apprentice/ Whether a student is New apprenticeship n/a Calculated based on trainee undertaking some (undertaking off the job the AVETMISS field status training under an training) Client Identifier – New Apprenticeship/ Apprenticeships from Traineeship Training Not a new the Enrolment file. Contract. apprenticeship

Not collected

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 22 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

AQF qualification level

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

AQF Identifies the Diploma or higher Advanced Diploma Calculated based on qualification category of the the AVETMISS field level recognised Diploma Qualification/Course qualification awarded Identifier from the to the client on Training Contract Certificate IV Certificate IV successful Transaction and completion of a Qualification files. qualification Certificate III Certificate III undertaken as part of a training contract. Certificate II Certificate II

Certificate I Certificate I

Not known Not known

Note: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) ABS Catalogue No. 1272.0, 2001.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 23 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

At school

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

At school At school flag indicates Still attending school Collected in the whether a client is AVETMISS field At currently attending Not attending school school flag from the secondary school. Training contract Not known transaction file.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 24 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program completions

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Awards Qualifications n/a n/a Derived completed in a given year

Note: This is the default summation option for the ‘Government-funded students and courses (VET) – and ‘VET in schools (VETiS) databases.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 25 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Benefits of undertaking training (summary)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Benefits of training)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Benefits of To determine the No benefit n/a National Student undertaking personal benefits Outcomes Survey training received from doing Job-related benefits (summary) the training. only

Personal benefits only

Both job-related and personal benefits

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 26 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Change in skill level (ANZSCO)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Change in To determine Movement to a higher n/a National Student skill level movement between skill level Outcomes Survey (ANZSCO) jobs, if movement to 2007 - current higher or lower skill Movement to a lower levels. skill level

No change in skill level

Not stated

Notes: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

Adult community education (ACE) has been excluded prior to 2016.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 27 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Client postcode region

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Compared to: The ‘Client postcode region’ is calculated based on the client’s postcode of usual residence. This compares to: Employer postcode region: The ‘Employer postcode region’ is calculated based on the postcode where the employer is based. Workplace postcode region: ‘Workplace postcode region’ is calculated based on the workplace postcode.

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Client A code that identifies Within state n/a Calculated based on postcode the postcode of the the AVETMISS field region usual residence of the Interstate Postcode - Residential client. from the Client file. Outside Australia

Not known

Notes: NCVER will not release any information that identifies or could be used to identify individual clients.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 28 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Client remoteness (ARIA+) region

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Compared to: The ‘Client remoteness (ARIA+) region’ is calculated based on the client’s postcode of usual residence. This compares to: Workplace remoteness (ARIA+) region: ‘Workplace remoteness (ARIA+) region’ is calculated based on the workplace postcode.

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Client The degree of Major cities n/a Calculated based on remoteness remoteness of a the AVETMISS field (ARIA+) location in terms of the Inner regional Postcode - region ease or difficulty Residential from the people face in Client file. Outer regional accessing services in non-metropolitan Australia. Remote

Very remote

Outside Australia

Not known

Notes: Using the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGS), postcodes are assigned to Remoteness Areas based on ARIA+ scores for postcodes. ARIA+ is an index of remoteness derived from measures of road distance between populated localities and service centres. These road distance measures are then used to generate a remoteness score for any location in Australia. The ASGS divides Australia into seven Remoteness Areas and is used for collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics. It groups locations together into comparative classes of remoteness so that data can be collected, analysed and disseminated for broad regions which are more or less remote. The NCVER will not release any information that identifies or could be used to identify individual clients.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 29 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Client SA2

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Client SA2 Identifies the New South Wales This is a four-level Calculated based Australian Bureau hierarchical structure. on the AVETMISS of Statistics Victoria The fourth and most field Postcode - Statistical Area 2 detailed level of the Residential and (SA2) of the classification consists Address Location - Queensland student’s usual of units which are 9 Suburb, Locality or place of residence. digit ABS statistical Town Residential South Australia area 2 identifiers. from the Client file. 1st Level – State and Western Australia Territory (S/T) Tasmania 2nd Level – Statistical area level 4 (SA4) Northern Territory 3rd Level – Statistical area level 3 (SA3) Australian Capital Territory 4th Level – Statistical Area level 2 (SA2) Other

Note: Client SA2 is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), Jul 2011. ABS Catalogue No. 1270.0.55.001

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 30 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Commencing program

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Commencing Whether a student is A commencing n/a Calculated based on program commencing a program the AVETMISS field program in a given Commencing Course year. Not a commencing Enrolment Identifier program from the Enrolment file.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 31 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in All databases the following database/s:

Usage: The counting field contains the counting fields for a particular database. The counting options available are listed under the counting field in each database. For further information on these counting options see the relevant section in this document.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 32 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Country of birth

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Country The country of birth Oceania and Antarctica This is a three-level Collected in the of birth of the client hierarchical AVETMISS field North-West Europe structure. The third Country Identifier and most detailed from the Client file. level of the Southern & Eastern Europe classification consists of the base North Africa & The Middle East units which are 4- digit Country of birth South-East Asia codes.

North-East Asia

Southern & Central Asia


Sub-Saharan Africa

Not known

Notes: The Country of birth classification uses the Australian Bureau of Statistics Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), ABS Catalogue No. 1269.0 (Second Edition), 2008. It should be noted that while the ABS value for ‘Not stated’ is ‘0003’, this has been replaced for use within the AVETMIS Standard with ‘@@@@’

Country of birth continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 33 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Country of birth (cont.)

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Country The country of birth Oceania and Antarctica This is a three-level Calculated based on of birth of the client hierarchical the AVETMISS field North-West Europe structure. The third Country Identifier and most detailed from the Client file. level of the Southern & Eastern Europe classification consists of the base North Africa & The Middle East units which are 4- digit Country of birth South-East Asia codes.

North-East Asia

Southern & Central Asia


Sub-Saharan Africa

Not known

Notes: The Country of birth classification uses the Australian Bureau of Statistics Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), ABS Catalogue No. 1269.0 (Second Edition), 2008. It should be noted that while the ABS value for ‘Not stated’ is ‘0003’, this has been replaced for use within the AVETMIS Standard with ‘@@@@’

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Country The country of birth Australia n/a National Student of birth of the client Outcomes Survey Other main English speaking


Not stated

Notes: The Country of birth classification uses the Australian Bureau of Statistics Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), ABS Catalogue No. 1269.0 (Second Edition), 2008. For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 34 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Current FYTE (Full-Year Training Equivalents)

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list. Selecting this field will display the number of Full-Year Training Equivalents (FYTEs) and can be cross-tabulated with other fields.

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Current Measures the n/a n/a Calculated based on FYTE training activity Hours of delivery (720 undertaken by a hours = 1 FYTE) student on a full- time basis for one year

Notes: For further information on 'Counting' fields please refer to 'Counting’ in this document.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 35 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Current hours

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list. Selecting this field will display the number of hours for students, courses or subjects. It can be cross-tabulated with other fields.

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Current A count of hours n/a n/a hours associated with a student, program or subject

Note: In the 'Students' database 'current hours' are the hours by student numbers, in the 'Courses' database hours are the hours by program enrolments and in the 'Subjects' database hours are the hours by subject enrolments.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 36 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Current qualification level

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions

Compared to: Highest current qualification level 'Highest current qualification level' counts the highest qualification a student is enrolled in. For example, if a student is enrolled in a certificate level IV program and a certificate level III program the highest level qualification will be counted, in this case the certificate IV program. 'Current qualification level' counts all qualifications regardless of the number of students.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Classification Source categories lowest level sub- categories

Current The level of a AQF Diploma or Graduate diploma Collected in the qualification qualification in qualification higher AVETMISS field level which a Professional specialist Qualification/Cour student is (Graduate diploma level) se Identifier from enrolled. the Program file Graduate certificate and the Professional specialist Enrolment file. (Graduate certificate level)

Bachelor degree (Honours)

Bachelor degree (Pass)

Advanced diploma

Associate degree


Certificate IV Certificate IV

Certificate III Certificate III

Certificate II Certificate II

Certificate I Certificate I

Current qualification level continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 37 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Term Definition Classification Classification Classification Source categories lowest level sub- categories

Current The level of a Non AQF Secondary Year 12 Collected in the qualification qualification in qualification education AVETMISS field level which a Year 11 Qualification/Cour student is se Identifier from Year 10 enrolled. the Program file Non-award Non-award courses and the courses Enrolment file.

Other education Statement of attainment

Bridging & enabling courses

Not elsewhere classified

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 38 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Delivery type

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Delivery type The predominant College/campus based n/a Collected in the style or mode of AVETMISS field delivery for a Online/remote access Delivery Mode subject enrolment. Identifier from the Enrolment file. Employment based


Not applicable

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 39 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Developed problem solving skills

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Satisfaction outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Satisfied with A summary of whether Agree n/a National Student problem the respondent Outcomes Survey solving skills developed problem Disagree solving skills. Neither agree nor disagree

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Delivery Describes Internal only Internal only National Type (Mode how the Student of delivery) training was External only External only Outcomes conducted Workplace-based Survey Workplace-based only only Internal and workplace-based Internal and external External and workplace-based Internal and other Workplace-based and other Combination of External and other modes Internal, external and workplace-based External, workplace-based and other Internal, external and other Internal, workplace-based and other Internal, external, workplace-based and other

RPL (Recognition of RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 40 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Prior Learning)

Other only Other only

Not Stated Not Stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 41 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Disability (including impairment or long term condition)

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Disability Whether the With a disability n/a Collected in the (including student self- AVETMISS field impairment identifies as having Without a disability Disability Flag from the or long term a disability, Client file. condition) impairment or long Not known term condition.

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Disability Whether the With a disability n/a Calculated based on (including student self- the AVETMISS field impairment identifies as having Without a disability Disability flag from the or long term a disability, Client file. condition) impairment or long Not known term condition.

Disability (including impairment or long term condition) continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 42 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Disability (including impairment or long term condition) (cont.)

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 43 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Disability Whether the With a disability n/a National Student (including student self- Outcomes Survey impairment identifies as having Without a disability or long term a disability, condition) impairment or long Not Stated term condition.

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 44 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Employed after training or in further study

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Employed The outcome of the Graduate - Employed n/a National Student after training training undertaken or in further study after Outcomes Survey or in further by the respondent training study Graduate - Not employed nor in further study after training

Subject completer - Employed or in further study after training

Subject completer - Not employed nor in further study after training

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 45 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Employer industry (ANZSIC)

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Employer Identifies the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (A) This is a four- Calculated based Industry predominant Mining (B) level hierarchical on the (ANZSIC) activity of the structure. The AVETMISS field employer Manufacturing (C) fourth and most ANZSIC Identifier detailed level of from the Training Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste the classification Contract Services (D) consists of the Transaction file. Construction (E) base units which are 4-digit Wholesale Trade (F) ANZSIC codes. Retail Trade (G) Accommodation (H) Transport, Postal and Warehousing (I) Information Media and Telecommunication (J) Financial and Insurance Services (K) Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services (L) Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (M) Administrative and Support Services (N) Public Administration and Safety (O) Education and Training (P) Health Care and Social Assistance (Q) Arts and Recreation Services (R) Other Services (S) Not Known

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian and New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC), ABS Catalogue No. 1292.0, 2006 Where an individual business entity can be classified by more than one ANZSIC code, the ANZSIC category assigned is the primary (or most significant) industry that best describes the individual business entity's main economic activity. ANZSIC prior to 2002 is not comparable to the current ANZSIC due to a change in the classification.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 46 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Employer postcode region

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Compared to: The ‘Employer postcode region’ is calculated based on the postcode where the employer is based. This compares to: Client postcode region: ‘Client postcode region’ is calculated based on the client’s postcode of usual residence. Workplace postcode region: ‘Workplace postcode region’ is calculated based on the workplace postcode.

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Employer Identifies the Within state n/a Calculated based on the postcode regional physical AVETMISS fields region location or postal Interstate Postcode - Employer address of the from the Employer file. employer Outside Australia

Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 47 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Employer size

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Employer Employer size is Small 0 employees Calculated based on the size the total number of AVETMISS fields people employed in 1-4 employees Employer size from the an employer’s Employer file. organisation in 5-9 employees Australia.

10-19 employees

20-49 employees

50-99 employees

Medium 100-199 employees

200-499 employees

Large 500-999 employees

1000 or more employees

Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 48 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Employer type

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Employer Identifies the type Government Government or business Calculated based on the type of employer enterprise AVETMISS fields classification to Employer type identifier which an employer Local government from the Employer file. belongs State government

Commonwealth government

Private sector Private sector

Group training scheme Group training scheme

Not elsewhere class. Not elsewhere class.

Not known Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 49 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

English (Main language spoken at home)

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

English Whether the English English Collected in the (Main student speaks a AVETMISS field Main language language other Non-English All non-English 4 digit Language other than spoken at than English at language codes listed English Spoken at Home home) home. Identifier from the Client file. Not known Not known 4 digit language codes listed

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

English Whether the English English Calculated based on the (Main student speaks a AVETMISS field Main language language other Non-English All non-English 4 digit Language other than spoken at than English at language codes listed English Spoken at Home home) home. Identifier from the Client file. Not known Not known 4 digit language codes listed

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 50 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

English speaking background (based on country of birth)

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

English The language English speaking 'Australia' and 'Other English Collected in the speaking region (English- background countries speaking background AVETMISS field backgroun speaking or non countries' listed and then Country Identifier d (based on English-speaking) individual English speaking from the Client file. Country of of the country in countries listed. birth) which a student was born. Non-English speaking All non-English speaking background countries background countries listed individually

Not known Not known

Note: Country Identifier classification is based on the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), ABS Catalogue No. 1269.0, 1998 (revision 2.03).

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

English The language English speaking 'Australia' and 'Other English Collected in the speaking region (English- background countries speaking background AVETMISS field backgroun speaking or non countries' listed and then Country Identifier d (based on English-speaking) individual English speaking from the Client file. Country of of the country in countries listed. birth) which a student was born. Non-English speaking All non-English speaking background countries background countries listed individually

Not known Not known

Note: Country Identifier classification is based on the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), ABS Catalogue No. 1269.0, 1998 (revision 2.03).

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 51 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Enrolled as part of Apprenticeship/Traineeship

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Enrolled as Whether the Training was part of n/a National Student part of respondent was an apprenticeship or Outcomes Survey Apprenticeship/ enrolled as part of traineeship Traineeship an apprenticeship or traineeship Training was not part of an apprenticeship or traineeship

Not stated

Notes: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

Adult community education (ACE) has been excluded prior to 2016.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 52 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Enrolled in further study

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Enrolled in Whether the Yes n/a National Student further respondent is Outcomes Survey study enrolled in further No study Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 53 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list. This is the default 'count' for the 'Apprentices and trainees' database. For example, when opening the 'Apprentices and trainees' database you do not need to select this option, it is automatically selected for you.

See also: Preliminary NCVER is supplied data by the states/territories concerning the number of apprentices/trainees in their respective jurisdictions. The Apprentice and trainee collection is an accumulative collection so not all contracts are reported at the same time for a given quarter. For example, using the March quarter of any year as a start, the reporting of contacts will occur throughout this quarter and continue to be reported in the following June quarter. The preliminary count displays the apprentice and trainee numbers as they are reported to NCVER and for any given quarter will change as more contracts for that quarter are reported. See: Important note for this field below.

IMPORTANT: Apprentice and trainee figures reported by NCVER are estimated. Figures are estimated as there are often long time lags in reporting information to the states and territories. The main reason for delays has been due to employers and apprentices/trainees not returning necessary paperwork to an Australian Apprenticeship Centre or to State Training Authorities within the reporting period.

It is recommended that, unless you have a specific reason to do so, you leave this field as is in order to match published data released by NCVER.

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Estimates The estimated n/a n/a Derived number of apprentices and trainees

Note: Further details on the estimation methodology can be found at www.ncver.edu.au/publications/2267.html

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 54 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Estimated population

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list.

See also: Respondents The National Student Outcomes Survey relies on students replying to the survey. The number of respondents is then 'weighted' to what is considered the estimated population of students who have completed a study enrolment (they can either be a course completer or a subject completer when surveyed). The respondent’s field provides a count of the actual number of survey respondents for a particular year. The 'Estimated population' is the default count for the National Student Outcomes Survey database. For example, when this database is opened and a selection of fields added (not from the 'Count' option) the data displayed will be that of the estimated population for the survey.

National Student Outcomes Survey

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Estimated The estimated n/a n/a Derived population population for the survey calculated as respondents multiplied by a unique weight for each year.

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 55 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Existing worker

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Existing An existing worker Existing worker n/a Calculated based on the worker is defined as a AVETMISS fields person who has Not existing worker Existing worker flag from been employed by the Training contract the applicant transaction file. Not known employer continuously for more than three months full-time or 12 months casual or part-time or a combination of both, immediately prior to the commencement date of a training contract.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 56 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Field of education (summary)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Field of Describes the Natural and Physical Sciences n/a National Student education broad area of Outcomes Survey (summary) study related to a Information Technology qualification or subject in which a Engineering and Related student was Technologies enrolled.

Architecture and Building

Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies



Management and Commerce

Society and Culture

Creative Arts

Food, Hospitality and Personal Services

Mixed Field Programs

No field of education

Not Stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 57 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

First full-time job started after training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

First full- Whether the job Employed in first full-time n/a National Student time job the respondent is job, started after training Outcomes Survey after employed in after training training is their Employed in first full-time first full-time job job, started before or during training

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at Adult community education (ACE) has been excluded prior to 2016.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 58 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Full-time status

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Full-time Indicates whether a Full-time Full-time Calculated based on status training contract is the AVETMISS fields being undertaken on a Part-time Part-time Full-time Identifier from full-time or part-time the Training Contract employment basis. Transaction file. Part-time (school- Full-time apprentices/ based) trainees are those whose working hours Not known Not known (including the training component) are not less than the usual hours for a full-time employee in that occupation.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 59 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Funding source

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Compared to: Program highest funding source The 'Program highest funding source' counts all funding sources but is grouped according to the highest source of funding for the courses. For example, if a student is enrolled in two courses, one having a funding source of 'Commonwealth and state general funding', and the other 'State specific funding' both funding sources are counted but 'Commonwealth and state general funding' is the highest program funding source. Student highest funding source The Student highest funding source' counts all funding sources but is grouped according to the highest source of funding for a student. For example, if a student is enrolled in two courses, one having a funding source of 'Commonwealth and state general funding', and the other 'State specific funding' both funding sources are counted but 'Commonwealth and state general funding' is the highest program funding source.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Funding The source of the Commonwealth and state n/a Collected in the source funding for a subject general funding AVETMISS field enrolment. Funding Source – Commonwealth specific National from the For students with subject Enrolment file. enrolments in more than funding one funding category, a major funding source is State specific funding assigned in hierarchical order (Commonwealth Commonwealth and state and state funding, specific funding - nfd Domestic full-fee paying and International full-fee Domestic fee for service paying). International fee for service

Funding source continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 60 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Funding source (cont.)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Funding The source of funding for Commonwealth and n/a National Student source the training undertaken State Recurrent Outcomes Survey Funding

Fee for service

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 61 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Group Whether a student is a Graduates n/a National Student graduate or a subject Outcomes Survey completer. Subject completers

Notes: A graduate is a student who completed all the requirements for a qualification, as reported in the National VET Provider Collection. A subject completer is a student who successfully completed part of a program, and then left the VET system. At the time of sample selection, insufficient information is available from the National VET Provider Collection to identify ‘actual’ subject completers. Instead, a sample of potential subject completers is chosen, which includes students who are continuing in the VET system. The status of respondents is determined through the survey responses. For further information, see the technical notes supporting documentation (). It is important to note that due to improvements in data quality of the sampling frame (National VET Provider Collection), from 2017 the derivation of graduates and subject completers have changed to be more in line with administrative data. Previously, due to lags in reporting of qualifications completed to the National VET Provider Collection, government-funded students who were sampled as subject completers were reported as graduates if they self-reported completing a qualification and were deemed eligible for that qualification via a logistic regression model. From 2017, those who self-report completing a qualification, are reported as subject completers, as per the administrative data (or sample selection). Data have been backdated for 2016, the year the data quality improvement is first seen. For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 62 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Highest award completed

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools (VETiS) the following database/s:  Students

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Highest Identifies the AQF qualification AQF level qualifications are Derived award highest award listed (i.e. Diploma and completed completed by a above, Certificate IV, student. Certificate III, etc., are listed) and under 'Diploma and above' qualifications such as Diplomas and Degrees are listed.

Non AQF qualification Non-AQF level qualifications are listed (i.e. 'Secondary education', 'Non-award courses' and 'Other education' are listed. A further level is available below this with qualifications such as senior secondary year levels.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 63 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Highest current qualification level

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools (VETiS) the following database/s:  Students

Compared to: Current qualification level The highest level qualification a student is enrolled in. Current qualification level is for all qualifications regardless of the number of students. A student can be enrolled in more than one qualification (i.e. a certificate level IV program and a certificate level III program). In the Courses, Subjects and Awards databases all qualification levels will be counted (i.e. certificate levels III and IV) whereas in the Student database only the 'Highest qualification level' will be counted (i.e. certificate level IV).

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Highest The level of the AQF qualification AQF level qualifications are Collected in the Current highest listed (i.e. Diploma and AVETMISS field qualification qualification in above, Certificate IV, Qualification/Course level which a student Certificate III, etc., are listed) Identifier from the is enrolled. and under 'Diploma and Enrolment file. above' qualifications such as Diplomas and Degrees are listed.

Non AQF qualification Non-AQF level qualifications are listed (i.e. 'Secondary education', 'Non-award courses' and 'Other education' are listed. A further level is available below this with qualifications such as senior secondary year levels.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 64 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Highest prior education level

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Highest prior Of all qualifications Diploma or higher Contains all National Student education level that have been education levels Outcomes Survey attained prior to Certificate III/IV specified in the undertaking the category. training of interest, Year 12 including secondary school qualifications, the Year11/certificate I/II qualification at the highest level. Year 10 and below


Not Stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 65 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Highest school level completed

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Highest The highest level of Year 12 n/a Collected in the school schooling completed AVETMISS field level by a student prior to Year 11 Highest School Level completed commencing training. Completed from the Client file. Year 10

Year 9 or lower

Did not attend school

Not known

Notes: If a student is still at school, the Highest school level completed refers to the highest level that has actually been completed and not the level that is currently being undertaken. For example, a Year 10 student would have their Highest school level completed set to Year 9. For students whose schooling was undertaken overseas, the nearest Australian equivalent Highest school level completed has been used.

Highest school level completed continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 66 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Highest school level completed (cont.)

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Highest Highest school Year 12 n/a Collected in the school level completed AVETMISS field level identifier identifies Year 11 Highest school completed the highest level level completed of school that a Year 10 identifier from the client has Client file. completed. Year 9 or lower

Did not attend school

Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 67 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Improved employment circumstances

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Improved Improved Improved employment status n/a National Student employment employment status after training Outcomes Survey circumstances by either changing from not employed No improved employment status to employed, being after training employed at a higher skill level or Not Stated receiving at least one job related benefit.

Notes: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 68 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Indigenous status

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Indigenous Whether a Indigenous Aboriginal Collected in the status student self- AVETMISS field identifies as being Torres Strait Islander Indigenous Status of Aboriginal or Identifier from the Torres Strait Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Client file. Islander descent or both. Indigenous - nfd

Not indigenous Not indigenous

Not known Not known

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification sub-categories Source categories

Indigenous Whether a Indigenous Aboriginal Collected in the status student self- AVETMISS field identifies as being Torres Strait Islander Indigenous Status of Aboriginal or Identifier from the Torres Strait Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Client file. Islander descent or both. Indigenous - nfd

Not indigenous Not indigenous

Not known Not known

Indigenous status continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 69 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Indigenous status (cont.)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Indigenous Persons who identify Indigenous n/a National Student status themselves as being of Outcomes Survey Aboriginal or Torres Non-Indigenous Strait Islander origin or both. Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 70 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Industry of employer after training – 1 digit ANZSIC (2006)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey(Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Industry of Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing n/a National Student employer information of Mining Outcomes Survey after main job after 2008 - current training – 1 training Manufacturing digit ANZSIC Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Service (2006) Construction Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Accommodation and Food Services Transport, Postal and Warehousing Information Media and Telecommunications Financial and Insurance Services Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Administrative and Support Services Public Administration and Safety Education and Training Health Care and Social Assistance Arts and Recreation Services Other Services Not Stated

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian and New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC), ABS Catalogue No. 1292.0, 2006 Where an individual business entity can be classified by more than one ANZSIC code, the ANZSIC category assigned is the primary (or most significant) industry that best describes the individual business entity's main economic activity. ANZSIC prior to 2002 is not comparable to the current ANZSIC due to a change in the classification.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 71 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Industry of employer after training – 1 digit ANZSIC (2006)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Industry of Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing n/a National Student employer information of Mining Outcomes Survey before main job after 2008 to current training – 1 training Manufacturing digit ANZSIC Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Service (2006) Construction Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Accommodation and Food Services Transport, Postal and Warehousing Information Media and Telecommunications Financial and Insurance Services Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Administrative and Support Services Public Administration and Safety Education and Training Health Care and Social Assistance Arts and Recreation Services Other Services Not Stated

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian and New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC), ABS Catalogue No. 1292.0, 2006 Where an individual business entity can be classified by more than one ANZSIC code, the ANZSIC category assigned is the primary (or most significant) industry that best describes the individual business entity's main economic activity.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 72 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Industry Skills Councils

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Compared to: Major Industry Skills Council 'Major Industry Skills Council' is determined by the highest qualification a student is enrolled in. For example, if a student is enrolled in a certificate IV program that is assigned to the 'Agri-Food' Industry Skills Council and a certificate III program that can be assigned to the 'Community Services and Health' Industry Skills Council, the 'Agri-Food' Industry Skills Council is the ‘major’ Industry Skills Council as the qualification is higher. If a student is enrolled in two courses of the same level the program with the highest number of hours is selected as the ‘major’ program and the Industry Skills Council associated with this program is selected as the ‘Major industry Skills Council’. Students can be enrolled in more than one qualification. The field 'Industry Skills Council' in the Courses, Subjects and Awards databases counts all qualifications in which a student is enrolled in.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Industry Refers to Agri-Food This is a two-level Calculated based Skills categories of hierarchical structure. on the Councils training package Community Services and Health The second and AVETMISS field qualifications by most detailed level Qualification/ their specific Construction and Property Services of the classification Course Identifier industry sectors. consists of the base from the Program Industry skills E-Oz Energy units which are file. councils detailed qualification represent Government codes (i.e. FDF10103 particular - Certificate I in Food industries and Innovation and Business Processing). groups of training packages. Manufacturing



Transport and Logistics

Industry skills councils continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 73 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Industry Skills Councils (cont.)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Industry ForestWorks Skill and Learning Skills Development Councils (cont.) Auto Skills Australia

World Vision Australia

National accredited qualifications

National accredited skills sets

Locally accredited qualifications

Locally accredited skills sets

Higher level qualifications


Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Industry Refers to Agri-Food n/a Calculated based Skills categories of on the Councils training package Auto Skills Australia AVETMISS field qualifications by Qualification their specific Community Services and Health Identifier from the industry sectors. Training Contract Industry skills Construction and Property Services Transaction and councils Qualification files. represent E-Oz Energy particular industries and ForestWorks groups of training packages. Government

Innovation and Business




Transport and Logistics

World Vision Australia

Not assigned to an Industry Skills Council

Not known training package

Industry skills councils continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 74 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Improved writing skills

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Satisfaction outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Improved A summary of whether Agree n/a National Student writing skills the respondent improved Outcomes Survey their writing skills. Disagree from 2016 onwards

Neither agree nor disagree

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 75 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Intended occupation of training course – 1 digit ANZSCO

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Intended The ANZSCO Managers n/a National Student occupation classification of the Outcomes Survey of training course undertaken Professionals course – 1 during training. 2008 to current digit Technicians and trades workers ANZSCO

Community and personal service workers

Clerical and administrative workers

Sales workers

Machinery operators and drivers


Not Stated

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), Catalogue No. 1220.0, July 2006, First Edition. From time to time this classification may change to capture new and emerging occupations. When this classification is updated there may be a break in series and previous data will not be able to be re-created. If this occurs it should be noted that there has been a break in series due to a change in the classification.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 76 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Job-related benefits of undertaking training (summary)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Benefits of training)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Job-related Summarises the job- At least one benefit n/a National Student benefits of related benefits Outcomes Survey undertaking received from doing No benefits training the training (summary) Not Stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 77 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Job-related benefits of undertaking training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Benefits of training)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Job-related The job-related Got a job n/a National Student benefits of benefits received Outcomes Survey undertaking from doing the Was able to set up/expand my training training own business

Got a new job/change of job

A promotion (or increased status at work)

An increase in earnings

Continue/keep present job



Not Stated

Notes: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at Persons employed after training who reported receiving a job related benefit from the training may provide more than one benefit.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 78 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Labour force status

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Program Completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Labour The student's Employed Full-time employee Collected in the force employment AVETMISS field status status. Part-time employee Labour Force Status Identifier from the Client file. Self-employed - not employing others


Employed - unpaid family worker in a family business

Unemployed Unemployed - seeking full-time work

Unemployed - seeking part-time work

Not in the labour Not employed - not seeking force employment

Not known Not known

Notes: The training organisation normally collects this information via a standard question on the enrolment form and will represent the student's employment status at the time of their most recent enrolment. Responses for this question rely on the client's own perception of their labour force activities.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 79 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Labour force status after training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Labour force Labour force Employed after training Employed Full-time National Student status after outcomes after Outcomes Survey training training Employed Part-time

Employed (NFI)

Not employed after Unemployed training Not in labour force

Not employed (NFI)

Not stated Not stated

Notes: NFI – No further information. For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 80 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Labour force status before training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Labour force Labour force status Employed before training Employed Full-time National Student status before before commencing Outcomes Survey training training Employed Part-time

Employed (NFI)

Not employed before Unemployed training Not in labour force

Not Employed (NFI)

Not stated Not stated

Notes: NFI – No further information. For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 81 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Main language spoken at home

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and courses the following database/s: (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification sub- Source categories categories

Main Identifies the Northern European Languages This is a three-level Collected in the language main language hierarchical structure. AVETMISS field spoken spoken at home Southern European Languages The third and most Main Language other at home detailed level of the than English Spoken classification consists at Home Identifier Eastern European Languages of the base units which from the Client file. are 4-digit languages. Southwest And Central Asian Languages

Southern Asian Languages

Southeast Asian Languages

Eastern Asian Languages

Australian Indigenous Languages

Other Languages

Not known

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL), ABS catalogue No. 1267.0.

Main language spoken at home continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 82 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Main language spoken at home (cont).

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification sub- Source categories categories

Main Identifies the Northern European Languages This is a three-level Collected in the language main language hierarchical structure. AVETMISS field spoken spoken at home Southern European Languages The third and most Main Language other at home detailed level of the than English Spoken classification consists at Home Identifier Eastern European Languages of the base units which from the Client file. are 4-digit languages. Southwest And Central Asian Languages

Southern Asian Languages

Southeast Asian Languages

Eastern Asian Languages

Australian Indigenous Languages

Other Languages

Not known

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL), ABS catalogue No. 1267.0.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 83 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Major program field of education

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools (VETiS) the following database/s:  Students

Compared to: Subject field of education The 'Subject field of education' counts the field of education for all subjects. For example, a single program might have ten subjects/modules so the 'Subject field of education' counts the field of education for all subjects. If a student is enrolled in more than one program, 'Major program field of education' determines the major FOE based on the highest qualification for all of those courses. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program with a FOE of 'Natural and physical sciences' and also a certificate III program with a FOE of 'Management and commerce', 'Natural and physical sciences' is selected as the major FOE based on the higher qualification level.

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Major Identifies the 01 - Natural and physical sciences This is a two-level Collected in the program broad area of hierarchical structure. AVETMISS field field of study related to 02 - Information technology The second and Qualification/Cours education a qualification in most detailed level of e Field of which a student the classification Education Identifier is enrolled 03 - Engineering and related consists of the base from the Program technologies units which are 4- file digit fields of 04 - Architecture and building education

05 - Agriculture, environmental and related studies

06 - Health

07 - Education

08 - Management and commerce

09 - Society and culture

10 - Creative arts

11 - Food, hospitality and personal services

12 - Mixed field programmes

Other Subject only activity

Award only activity

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 84 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Major program occupation (ANZSCO) group

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

Compared to: Program occupation (ANZSCO) group A student can be enrolled in more than one program. The 'Program' database counts all courses where there are enrolments regardless of the number of student numbers. 'Major program occupation (ANZSCO) group' calculates the ANZSCO based on the highest program level. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program with an ANZSCO of ‘Managers’ and also a certificate III program with an ANZSCO of ‘Professionals', the ANZSCO classification of ‘Managers’ is selected as the major program occupation based on the higher qualification level.

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Major The primary (or 1 - Managers This is a five-level Collected in the program most significant) hierarchical structure. AVETMISS field occupation occupation type 2 - Professionals The fifth and most ANZSCO Identifier (ANZSCO) that the program detailed level of the from the Program group relates to if a classification consists file. 3 - Technicians & Trades student’s program of the base units Workers of study can be which are 6-digit classified to more ANZSCO. than one ANZSCO 4 - Community & Personal code. Service Workers

5 - Clerical & Administrative Workers

6 - Sales Workers

7 - Machinery Operators & Drivers

8 - Labourers

GEN codes Includes 'General education' and 'Non- Industry specific training' at 6 digit level

Major program occupation (ANSZCO) continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 85 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Major program occupation (ANZSCO) group (cont.)

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

Major Other Non-VET program program occupation Subject only activity (ANZSCO) group Award only activity (cont.)

Not known Not known

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), Catalogue No. 1220.0, July 2006, First Edition. From time to time this classification may change to capture new and emerging occupations. When this classification is updated there may be a break in series and previous data will not be able to be re-created. If this occurs it should be noted that there has been a break in series due to a change in the classification.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 86 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Major program occupation (ASCO) group

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

Compared to: Program occupation (ASCO) group A student can be enrolled in more than one program. The 'Program' database counts all courses where there are enrolments regardless of the number of student numbers. 'Major program occupation (ASCO) group' calculates the ASCO based on the highest program level. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program with an ASCO of ‘Managers and administrators’ and also a certificate III program with an ASCO of ‘Professionals', the ASCO classification of ‘Managers and administrators’ is selected as the major program occupation based on the higher qualification level.

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Major The intended 1 - Managers and Administrators This is a five-level Collected as an program occupational hierarchical administrative occupation outcome of a 2 - Professionals structure. The fifth arrangement (ASCO) qualification/ and most detailed submitted to the group program. level of the VET Provider 3 - Associate Professionals Occupations are classification Collection as a classified using consists of the base supplement to the the Australian 4 - Tradespersons and Related units which are 6- Program file. and New Zealand Workers digit ASCO. Standard Classification of 5 - Advanced Clerical and Occupations Service Workers (ASCO) 6 - Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers

7 - Intermediate Production and Transport Workers

8 - Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers

9 - Labourers and Related Workers

Major program occupation (ASCO) continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 87 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Major program occupation (ASCO) group (cont.)

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

Major GEN Codes Includes GEN codes program listed at the 6 digit occupation level only (ASCO) group Other Non VET program (cont.) Subject only activity

Not collected

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian Standard Classification of Organisations (ASCO), Cat No. 1220.0, July 1997, Second edition. Data using this classification is not reported on by the NCVER. This field has been left in the VOCSTATS databases at present but may be removed in future as ASCO data is no longer collected. NCVER has moved to collecting ANZSCO data only.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 88 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Major Industry Skills Council

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools (VETiS) the following database/s:  Students

Compared to: Industry Skills Council(s) Students can be enrolled in more than one qualification. The field 'Industry Skills Council' in the Courses, Subjects and Awards databases count all qualifications regardless of the number a student are enrolled in. 'Major Industry Skills Council' is determined by the highest qualification a student is enrolled in. For example, if a student is enrolled in a certificate IV program that is assigned to the 'Agri-Food' Industry Skills Council and a certificate III program that can be assigned to the 'Community Services and Health' Industry Skills Council, the 'Agri-Food' Industry Skills Council is the ‘major’ Industry Skills Council as the qualification is higher. If a student is enrolled in two courses of the same level the program with the highest number of hours is selected as the ‘major’ program and the Industry Skills Council associated with this program is selected as the ‘Major industry Skills Council’.

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Major Refers to Agri-Food Industry Skills Council This is a two-level Calculated based Industry categories of hierarchical structure. on the AVETMISS Skills training package Community Services and Health The second and most field Qualification/ Councils qualifications by Industry Skills Council detailed level of the Course Identifier their specific classification consists from the Program industry sectors. of the base units file. Construction and Property Industry Skills which are detailed Services Industry Skills Council Councils represent qualification codes particular (i.e. FDF10103 - industries and Electrocomms and Energy Certificate I in Food groups of training Utilities Industry Skills Council Processing). packages. Forestworks

Government Skills Australia

Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council

Manufacturing Industry Skills Council

Service Industries Skills Council

SkillsDMC National Industry Skills Council

Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council

Major Industry Skills Councils continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 89 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Major Industry Skills Councils (cont.)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Major Not Assigned to Industry Skills Industry Council Skills Councils National accredited qualification National accredited (cont.) Locally accredited qualification Locally accredited Other Subject only activity Award only activity

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 90 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Major Skills Service Organisation

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) the following database/s:  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions

Compared to: Skills Service Organisation Students can be enrolled in more than one qualification. The field ‘Skills Service Organisation' (SSO) in the Programs, Subjects and Program completions databases count all qualifications regardless of the number a student is enrolled in. The 'Major Skills Service Organisation' is determined by the highest qualification a student is enrolled in. For example, if a student is enrolled in a certificate IV program that is assigned to the 'Artibus Innovation' SSO and a certificate III program that can be assigned to the Australian Industry Standards' SSO, the 'Artibus Innovation' SSO is the ‘major’ SSO as the qualification is higher. If a student is enrolled in two programs of the same level the program with the highest number of hours is selected as the ‘major’ program and the SSO associated with this program is selected as the ‘Major Service Skills Organisation’.

Students and courses (VET)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Skills Refers to Artibus Innovation (construction & This is a two-level Calculated based Service categories of property services) hierarchical on the AVETMISS Organisat training package structure. The field Qualification/ ion qualifications by Australian Industry Standards second and Course Identifier their specific (electrotechnology, gas, water & most detailed level from the Program industry sectors. transport) of the classification file. Industry skills consists of the councils base units which PwC's Skills for Australia (business, represent are detailed culture, ICT, automotive & mining) particular qualification codes industries and (i.e. FDF10103 - groups of training Skills Impact (agriculture, food, forest Certificate I in Food packages. & racing) Processing).

SkillsIQ (community, health, sports, tourism, hairdressing & retail)

Innovation and Business Skills Australia (manufacturing, furnishings & sustainability)

Training packages not linked to SSO

State/territory continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 91 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Skills Service Organisation (cont.)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Skills National accredited qualifications Service Organisat National accredited skill sets ion (cont.) Locally accredited qualifications

Locally accredited skill sets

Higher level qualifications


VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 92 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Major type of accreditation

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

Compared to: Type of accreditation A student can be enrolled in more than one program/qualification. 'Type of accreditation' counts all courses/qualifications regardless of how many a student is enrolled in. 'Major type of accreditation' only counts the students highest program or qualification. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program and also a certificate III program the ‘Major type of accreditation’ is based on the higher qualification level.

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification sub- Source categories categories

Major type of The level of Training package This is a three-level Collected in the accreditation accreditation of hierarchical structure. The AVETMISS field a student's third and most detailed Qualification/ Course qualification. level of the classification Recognition Identifier consists of the base units from the Program file. qualification codes (i.e. AUM20100).

National accredited National accredited

Locally accredited Locally accredited

Other Subject only activity

Award only activity

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 93 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Not employed before training and employed after training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Not employed The labour force outcome Not employed before n/a National Student before training of a previously not training and Outcomes Survey and employed employed student after employed after after training training training

Not employed before training and not employed after training

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 94 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Occupation (ANZSCO - NTIS) group

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Occupation The intended Managers This is a five-level Calculated based (ANZSCO- occupational hierarchical on the AVETMISS NTIS) group outcome of a Professionals structure. The fifth fields ANZSCO qualification and most detailed Identifier and the undertaken by an level of the Qualification/ Technicians & Trades Workers apprentice/trainee classification Course Identifier as part of a consists of the from the training contract. Community & Personal Service base units which Qualification and Workers are 6-digit Training Contract ANZSCO. Transaction file. Clerical & Administrative Workers

Sales Workers

Machinery Operators & Drivers


Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 95 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Occupation (ANZSCO) group

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments

Compared to: Major occupation (ANZSCO) group 'Major program occupation (ANZSCO) group' calculates the ANZSCO based on the highest program level. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program with an ANZSCO of ‘Managers’ and also a certificate III program with an ANZSCO of ‘Professionals', the ANZSCO classification of ‘Managers’ is selected as the major program occupation based on the higher qualification level. Program occupation (ANZSCO) group 'Program occupation (ANZSCO) group' includes the ANZSCO of all courses regardless of the qualification level. For example, if a student is enrolled in two courses with different ANZSCO’s both ANZSCO’s will be counted in this field ‘Occupation (ANZSCO) group’ counts the ANZSCO code that can be applied to each subject that has an enrolment. This field counts all the ANZSCO categories regardless of the number of subjects enrolled in.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Occupation The intended 1 - Managers This is a five-level Collected in the (ANZSCO) occupational hierarchical structure. AVETMISS field group outcome of a 2 - Professionals The fifth and most ANZSCO Identifier qualification/ detailed level of the from the Program program. classification consists file. 3 - Technicians & Trades Workers of the base units which are 6-digit 4 - Community & Personal Service ANZSCO. Workers

5 - Clerical & Administrative Workers

6 - Sales Workers

7 - Machinery Operators & Drivers

8 - Labourers

GEN codes Includes 'General education - not occupation specific' and 'Non-Industry specific training' at 6 digit level

Occupation (ANZSCO) group continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 96 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Occupation (ANZSCO) group (cont.)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Occupation Other Includes 'Non-VET (ANZSCO) program, 'Subject only group activity and ‘Not (cont.) collected’.

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), Catalogue No. 1220.0, July 2006, First Edition. From time to time this classification may change to capture new and emerging occupations. When this classification is updated there may be a break in series and previous data will not be able to be re-created. If this occurs it should be noted that there has been a break in series due to a change in the classification.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 97 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Occupation (ASCO) group

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments

Compared to: Program occupation (ASCO) group A student can be enrolled in more than one program. The 'Program' database counts all courses so the count for 'Program occupation (ASCO) group' includes those students enrolled in more than one program. For example, if a student is enrolled in one program that is assigned to the 'Managers and administrators' ASCO code and another program that can be assigned to the 'Advanced clerical and administrative workers' ASCO category, both ASCO categories are counted. Major program occupation (ASCO) group 'Major program occupation (ASCO) group' calculates the ASCO based on the highest program level. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program with an ASCO of ‘Managers and administrators’ and also a certificate III program with an ASCO of ‘Professionals', the ASCO classification of ‘Managers and administrators’ is selected as the major program occupation based on the higher qualification level. ‘Occupation (ASCO) group counts the ASCO classification of all subjects.

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Occupation The intended 1 - Managers & Administrators This is a five-level Collected as an (ASCO) occupational hierarchical structure. administrative group outcome of a 2 - Professionals The fifth and most arrangement qualification/ detailed level of the submitted to the program. classification consists VET Provider 3 - Associate Professionals Occupations are of the base units Collection as a classified using which are 6-digit supplement to the the Australian and 4 - Tradespersons & Related ASCO. Program file. New Zealand Workers Standard Classification of 5 - Advanced Clerical & Service Occupations Workers (ASCO) 6 - Intermediate Clerical, Sales & Service Workers

7 - Intermediate Production & Transport Workers

8 - Elementary Clerical, Sales & Service Workers

9 - Labourers & Related Workers

Occupation (ASCO) continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 98 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Occupation (ASCO) group (cont.)

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

Occupation GEN Codes GEN16 Clerical and (ASCO) Business group (cont.) GEN17 Basic Computing

GEN18 Other Non Industry Specific Training

GEN19 General education

Other Non VET program

Subject only activity - no occupation

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian Standard Classification of Organisations (ASCO), Cat No. 1220.0, July 1997, Second edition. Data using this classification is not reported on by the NCVER. This field has been left in the VOCSTATS databases at present but may be removed in future as ASCO data is no longer collected. The NCVER has moved to collecting ANZSCO data only.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 99 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Occupation after training (1 digit ANZSCO)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Occupation A student’s Managers n/a National Student after training occupation Outcomes Survey (1 digit (ANZSCO) after Professionals ANZSCO) completing their 2008 to current training. Technicians & Trades Workers

Community & Personal Service Workers

Clerical & Administrative Workers

Sales Workers

Machinery Operators & Drivers


Not Stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 100 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Occupation after training at same level as intended occupation (with relevance of training)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Occupation A student’s In same occupation as training n/a National Student after training occupation course Outcomes Survey at same level (ANZSCO) after as intended completing their In different occupation as training occupation (all training. course - Training is relevant students) In different occupation as training course - Training is not relevant

In different occupation as training course - Training relevance is unknown

Occupation after training unknown

Not employed after training

Not Stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 101 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Overall satisfaction with quality of training (summary)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Satisfaction outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Overall The respondent’s Satisfied with the overall n/a National satisfaction overall satisfaction quality of training Student with quality with the quality of Outcomes of training their training. Dissatisfied with the overall Survey (summary) quality of training

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Not Stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 102 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Personal benefits of undertaking training (summary)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Benefits of training)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Personal Summarising the At least one benefit n/a National Student benefits of respondent’s Outcomes Survey undertaking perception of the No benefit training personal benefits (summary) received from doing Not stated the training

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 103 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Personal benefits of undertaking training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Benefits of training)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Personal The respondent’s Got into further study n/a National Student benefits of perception of the Outcomes Survey undertaking personal benefits Advance my skills generally training received from doing (summary) the training Gained confidence

Satisfaction of achievement

Improved communication skills

Made new friends

Seen as a role model for others in the community



Not stated

Notes: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at The respondent may provide more than one answer.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 104 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list. This field displays data that is submitted to the NCVER.

See also: Estimates The NCVER is supplied data by the States/territories concerning the number of apprentices/trainees in their respective jurisdictions. The Apprentice and trainee collection is accumulative so not all contracts are reported at the same time for a given quarter. For example, using the March quarter of any year as a start the reporting of contracts will occur throughout this quarter and continue to be reported in the following June quarter. The preliminary count displays the apprentice and trainee numbers as they are reported to NCVER and for any given quarter will change as more contracts for that quarter are reported. See: IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THIS FIELD below.

Important information Apprentice and trainee figures reported by NCVER are estimated. Figures are for this field: estimated because there are often long time lags in reporting information to the states and territories. The main reason for delays has been due to employers and apprentices/trainees not returning necessary paperwork to an Australian Apprenticeship Centre or to State Training Authority’s within the reporting period.

It is recommended that unless you have a specific reason to do so that you do not use this field. The NCVER do not release preliminary data in any of its statistical publications.

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Preliminary The preliminary number of n/a n/a Training Contract apprentices and trainees as Transaction supplied to NCVER

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 105 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Previous highest education level

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Previous The highest level Bachelor degree/Higher degree n/a Calculated based on highest of education, level the hierarchical order education including post- of the classification level compulsory Advanced diploma/Associate collected as education, a degree AVETMISS fields Prior student had Educational successfully Achievement Identifier Diploma completed before from the Prior commencing Educational training. Certificate IV Achievement file and Highest School Level Certificate III Completed from the Client file. Year 12

Year 11

Certificate II

Year 10

Certificate I

Miscellaneous education

Year 9 or lower

Did not go to school

Not known

Previous highest education level continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 106 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Previous highest education level (cont.)

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Previous The highest level Bachelor degree/Higher degree n/a Calculated based on highest of education, level the hierarchical order education including post- of the classification level compulsory Advanced diploma/Associate collected as education, a degree AVETMISS fields Prior student had Educational successfully Achievement Identifier Diploma completed before from the Prior commencing Educational training. Certificate IV Achievement file and Highest School Level Certificate III Completed from the Client file. Year 12

Year 11

Certificate II

Year 10

Certificate I

Miscellaneous education

Non award course

Year 9 or lower

Did not go to school

Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 107 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Prior education

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students  Program enrolments  Program completions Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Prior Whether a student Prior education n/a Collected in the education has successfully AVETMISS field Prior completed post- No prior education Educational secondary Achievement Flag from education. the Client file. Not known

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Prior Whether a student Prior education n/a Collected in the education has successfully AVETMISS field Prior completed post- No prior education Educational secondary Achievement Flag from education. the Client file. Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 108 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Proficiency in spoken English

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET the following database/s: students and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Proficiency The self-assessed English English Collected in the in spoken level of ability to AVETMISS field English speak English. Non-English Very well or well Proficiency in Spoken English Identifier from the Client file. Not well or not at all

Not known Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 109 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Program enrolments

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program enrolments

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list. This is the default 'count' for the 'Courses' database. For example, when opening the 'Program’ database you do not need to select this option; it is automatically selected for you.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Program The courses in which n/a n/a Collected in the enrolments students are enrolled AVETMISS field in a given period. All Course Identifier from courses are counted the Program file. for students enrolled in multiple courses.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 110 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Program field of education

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program Completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Program Describes the 01 - Natural and physical This is a two-level Collected in the field of broad area of study sciences hierarchical AVETMISS field education related to a structure. The Qualification/ qualification or 02 - Information technology second and most Course Field of subject in which a detailed level of the Education Identifier student is enrolled. classification from the Program 03 - Engineering and related consists of the base file. technologies units which are 4- digit Field of 04 - Architecture and building education codes.

05 - Agriculture, environmental and related studies

06 - Health

07 - Education

08 - Management and commerce

09 - Society and culture

10 - Creative arts

11 - Food, hospitality and personal services

12 - Mixed field programmes

Notes: The Program Field of Education classification is based on the Field of Education (FOE) at the narrow level (4-digit) which is one part of the Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) ABS Catalogue No. 1272.0, 2001.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 111 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Program highest funding source

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS).  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments

Compared to: Student highest funding source The Student highest funding source' counts all funding sources but is grouped according to the highest source of funding for a student. For example, if a student is enrolled in two courses, one having a funding source of 'Commonwealth and state general funding', and the other 'State specific funding' both funding sources are counted but 'Commonwealth and state general funding' is the highest program funding source. Funding source The source of the funding for a subject enrolment. For students with subject enrolments in more than one funding category, a major funding source is assigned in hierarchical order (Commonwealth and state funding, Domestic full-fee paying and International full-fee paying).

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification sub- Source categories categories

Funding The predominant Government funding Commonwealth and state Collected in the source source of the general funding AVETMISS field funding for a Funding source - program enrolment. Commonwealth specific National from the Enrolment file. The major funding funding (no general funding) source is assigned in hierarchical order State specific funding (no for students with Commonwealth funding) subject enrolments in more than one Commonwealth and state funding category. specific funding (no general funding)

No Government funding Only fee for service - domestic

Only fee for service - international

Other Subject only – no qualification

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 112 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Program occupation (ANZSCO) group

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program enrolments  Program completions

Compared to: Major course occupation (ANZSCO) group 'Major course occupation (ANZSCO) group' calculates the ANZSCO based on the highest program level. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program with an ANZSCO of ‘Managers’ and also a certificate III program with an ANZSCO of ‘Professionals', the ANZSCO classification of ‘Managers’ is selected as the major program occupation based on the higher qualification level. In the 'Program' database, both the 'Managers' and 'Clerical and administrative workers' ANZSCO courses would be counted.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Program The intended 1 - Managers This is a five-level Collected in the occupation occupational hierarchical structure. AVETMISS field (ANZSCO) outcome of a 2 - Professionals The fifth and most ANZSCO Identifier group qualification/ detailed level of the from the Program program. classification consists file. 3 - Technicians and Trades of the base units which Workers are 6-digit ANZSCO.

4 - Community and Personal Service Workers

5 - Clerical and Administrative Workers

6 - Sales Workers

7 - Machinery Operators and Drivers

8 - Labourers

GEN codes Includes 'General education' and 'Non- Industry specific training' at 6 digit level

Program occupation (ANSZCO) continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 113 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Program occupation (ANZSCO) group (cont.)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Program Other Non-VET program occupation (ANZSCO) Not collected group (cont.)

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), Catalogue No. 1220.0, July 2006, First Edition. From time to time this classification may change to capture new and emerging occupations. When this classification is updated there may be a break in series. If this occurs it should be noted that there has been a break in series due to a change in the classification.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 114 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Program occupation (ASCO) group

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS).  Program enrolments  Program completions

Compared to: Major program occupation (ASCO) group 'Major program occupation (ASCO) group' calculates the ASCO based on the highest program level. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program with an ASCO of ‘Managers and administrators’ and also a certificate III program with an ASCO of ‘Professionals', the ASCO classification of ‘Managers and administrators’ is selected as the major program occupation based on the higher qualification level. In the 'Program' database, both the ‘Managers and administrators’ and ‘Professionals' ASCO courses would be counted.

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Program The intended 1 - Managers and This is a five-level Collected as an occupation occupational Administrators hierarchical structure. administrative (ASCO) outcome of a The fifth and most arrangement group qualification/ 2 - Professionals detailed level of the submitted to the VET program. classification consists Provider Collection Occupations are of the base units as a supplement to 3 - Associate Professionals classified using the which are 6-digit the Program file. Australian and New ASCO. Zealand Standard 4 - Tradespersons and Classification of Related Workers Occupations (ASCO) 5 - Advanced Clerical and Service Workers

6 - Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers

7 - Intermediate Production and Transport Workers

8 - Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers

9 - Labourers and Related Workers

GEN Codes Includes GEN codes listed at the 6 digit level only

Program occupation (ASCO) group continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 115 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Program occupation (ASCO) group (cont.)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Program Other Includes (listed at 6 occupation digit level): (ASCO) group Non VET program (cont.) Subject only activity

Not collected

Notes: This classification is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian Standard Classification of Organisations (ASCO), Cat No. 1220.0, July 1997, Second edition. Data using this classification is not reported on by the NCVER. This field has been left in the VOCSTATS databases at present but may be removed in future as ASCO data is no longer collected. The NCVER has moved to collecting ANZSCO data only.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 116 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Provider type

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Provider To determine the TAFE and other n/a National Student type (as type of training government providers Outcomes Survey defined by provider state of Community education funding) providers

Private training providers

Direct submitters

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 117 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Qualification Level of Diplomas and above n/a National Student qualification being Outcomes Survey studied Certificate IV

Certificate III

Certificate II

Certificate I


Statement of Attainment

Subject only – no qualification

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 118 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Qualification completed and issued

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET the following database/s: students and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program completions

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Qualification Indicates that a student Issued n/a Collected in the completed has been issued with a AVETMISS field and issued recognised credential for Not issued Qualification Issued the successful completion Flag from the of a recognised Qualification qualification or program. Completed file.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 119 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Qualification completed only

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Qualification Indicates that a Award only n/a Calculated based on the completed student’s qualification AVETMISS field Client only has been awarded but Not award only Identifier. A client is an their study had been award only student when completed in a year the Client Identifier prior to that of the data appears in the submission. Qualification Completed file but not in the Enrolment file.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 120 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Qualification equivalents

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list. Selecting this field will display the number of hours for courses or subjects. It can be cross-tabulated with other fields.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Qualification Express skill outputs n/a n/a Calculated based on equivalents in terms of equivalent the Total Hours of qualifications within Delivery divided by the each AQF level and associated Field of Education. Qualification Equivalents value.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 121 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Reason for not continuing with training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  TVA

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Reason Determines the Got what they wanted I learnt the skills I needed for my National for not reasons why from training job Student continuing respondents did Outcomes training not continue with I achieved my training goals Survey their training. Changed in job situation Changed jobs or started a new job

I lost my job

Training related reasons I started other training

The training no longer related to my plans

The training was not what I expected

The training timetable was not flexible enough

Family or personal Family or personal reasons reasons

Other reasons Any other major reason

Not Stated Not Stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 122 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Reason for undertaking training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Reason for The main Employment related To get a job National undertaking reasons a Student training student Develop or start my own Outcomes undertook their business Survey training. Students select from a list of To try for a different career options. To get a better job or promotion

It was a requirement of my job

Gain extra skills for my current job

Further study related To get into another course of study

Personal development To improve my general educational skills

To get skills for community/ voluntary work

To increase my confidence/self esteem

For recreational reasons


Not stated Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 123 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Relevance of training to job after training

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Benefits of training)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Relevance To determine if the Highly/somewhat relevant Highly relevant National of training training was Student to job after relevant to the Some relevance Outcomes training current job Survey Very little/no relevance Very little relevance

Not at all relevant

Not stated Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 124 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Reporting period

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Usage: This field needs to be added when creating a table. If a 'reporting period' is not added, the data obtained in the table will be the sum of all reporting periods contained in the Apprentice and trainee VOCSTATS database.

Important information for this field: When counting Commencements, Completions and Cancellations and Withdrawals 'Reporting periods' can be added together. For example, 12 months ending December can be obtained by adding the March, June, September and December quarters together. When counting In-training, 'Reporting periods' cannot be summed together. In-training is at a particular point in time, i.e. In-training at 31 December for the required year.

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Reporting The collection quarter for Quarters range n/a Apprentice and period each Apprentice and from Jul-Sep 1994 trainee quarterly trainee collection. onwards collection Each time a new quarter of data is released it is added to the end of the reporting period list.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 125 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Reporting type

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Reporting Classifies the training Publicly funded - TAFE Collected in the type provider for reporting TAFE AVETMISS field participation by type University - Government Training of educational Organisation Type institution. Identifier from the University - Independent Client, Course, Note: A publicly Modules and funded institution (i.e. Enterprise - Government Awards files. TAFE) can also deliver training Privately Operated Organisation through an institution that is non-publicly funded. For example, Publicly funded - School - Government a TAFE college can Other Govt sub-contract a School - Technical College program to another training institution so School - Catholic TAFE will appear under all the School - Independent classification categories for reporting type. TAFE

University - Government

Enterprise - Government

Enterprise - Non Government

Community Education Provider

Privately Operated Organisation


Mixed providers

Reporting type continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 126 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Reporting type (cont.)

Term Definition Classification Classification sub- Source categories categories

Reporting Contestable funded School - Government type - ACE (cont.) Enterprise - Government

Community Education Provider

Privately Operated Organisation


Mixed providers

Contestable funded School - Government - Other School - Technical College

School - Catholic

School - Independent


University - Government

University - Catholic

Enterprise - Government

Enterprise - Non Government

Community Education Provider

Privately Operated Organisation

Professional Association

Industry Association


Mixed providers

Mixed providers TAFE

Privately Operated Organisation

Mixed providers

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 127 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Usage: The 'respondents' field is a counting field. It displays the number of respondents for the survey.

See also: Estimated population The National Student Outcomes Survey relies on students replying to the survey. The 'Respondents' field provides a count of the actual number of respondents to the survey. The number of respondents is then multiplied by a weight to create the 'estimated population' that has completed a study enrolment (they can either be a course completer or a Subject completer when surveyed). The 'Estimated population' is the default count for the National Student Outcomes Survey database. For example, when this database is opened and a selection of fields added (not from the 'Count' option) the data displayed will be that of the estimated population for the survey.

National Student Outcomes Survey

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Respondents The number of n/a n/a National Student respondents to the Outcomes Survey survey

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 128 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

RPL (training shortened)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

RPL (training Identifies whether a With prior experience Training shortened National Student shortened) respondent was given and skills related to Outcomes Survey any recognition of training prior learning (RPL) 2007-15 Based on both prior study and previous experience and skills

Based on prior study only

Based on previous experience and skills only

Training not shortened

Training provider did not offer to assess prior experience and skills

Did not accept offer to have prior experience and skills assessed

Experience and skills assessed but training not shortened

No prior experience No prior experience and skills related to and skills related to training training

Training provider offered to assess prior experience and skills

Training provider did not offer to assess prior experience and skills

Not Stated Not Stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 129 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Satisfied with assessment

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Satisfaction outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Satisfied with A summary of whether Agree n/a National Student assessment the respondent was Outcomes Survey satisfied with the way Disagree they were assessed. Neither agree nor disagree

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 130 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Satisfied with teaching

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Satisfaction outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Satisfied with A summary of whether Agree n/a National Student teaching the respondent was Outcomes Survey satisfied with the Disagree teaching method of the course. Neither agree nor disagree

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 131 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

School-based status

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

School- Indicates whether a School based n/a Collected in the based contract of training AVETMISS field status was commenced Not school based School-based Flag as part of an from the Training approved school- Contract Transaction Not known based file. apprenticeship or traineeship.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 132 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

School status

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

School Whether a student Still attending school n/a Collected in the status is still at school or AVETMISS field At not. Not attending school School Flag from the Client file. Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 133 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantage (IRSAD) 2006

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

SEIFA Identifies the socio- Quintile 1: Most disadvantaged n/a Calculated based (IRSAD) economic status of a on the AVETMISS 2006 client based on the Index Quintile 2: field Postcode from of Relative Socio- the Client file, and Economic Advantage mapped to the Quintile 3: and Disadvantage SEIFA Index of (IRSAD) classification. Relative Socio- Quintile 4: economic Advantage and Quintile 5: Most advantaged Disadvantage calculated by the Not known Australian Bureau of Statistics from Census Not collected information.

Notes: SEIFA data for 2006-2010 are mapped to the SEIFA 2006 indexes using ABS ASGC Statistical Local Areas (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file).

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 134 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Advantage and Disadvantage (IRSAD) 2011

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

SEIFA Identifies the socio- Quintile 1: Most disadvantaged n/a Calculated based (IRSAD) economic status of a on the AVETMISS 2011 client based on the Index Quintile 2 field Postcode from of Relative Socio- the Client file, and Economic Advantage mapped to the Quintile 3 and Disadvantage SEIFA Index of (IRSAD) classification. Relative Socio- Quintile 4 economic Advantage and Quintile 5: Most advantaged Disadvantage calculated by the Not known Australian Bureau of Statistics from Census Not Collected information.

Note: SEIFA 2011 was released in March 2013 and has been backdated to 2011. It is based on ABS ASGS SA2 regions (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file).

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 135 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD) 2006

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

SEIFA Identifies the socio- Quintile 1: Most disadvantaged n/a Calculated based (IRSD) economic status of a on the AVETMISS 2006 client based on the Index Quintile 2: field Postcode from of Relative Socio- the Client file, and Economic Disadvantage mapped to the Quintile 3: (IRSD) classification. SEIFA Index of Relative Socio- Quintile 4: economic Disadvantage Quintile 5: Least disadvantaged calculated by the Australian Bureau Not known of Statistics from Census information. Not collected

Note: SEIFA data for 2006-2010 are mapped to the SEIFA 2006 indexes using ABS ASGC Statistical Local Areas (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file).

SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD) 2006 continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 136 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD) 2006 (cont.)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

SEIFA 2006 Measures and ranks Extreme disadvantage n/a National Student (IRSD) areas according to socio- Outcomes Survey economic and positional High Disadvantage disadvantage based on 2008 - 2011 information derived from Average disadvantage the SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage calculated Slight disadvantage by the Australian Bureau of Statistics from Census Low disadvantage information. Unknown

Note: SEIFA data for 2006-2010 are mapped to the SEIFA 2006 indexes using ABS ASGC Statistical Local Areas (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file). For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 137 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD) 2011

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

SEIFA Identifies the socio- Quintile 1: Most disadvantaged n/a Calculated based (IRSD) economic status of a on the AVETMISS 2011 client based on the Index Quintile 2 field Postcode from of Relative Socio- the Client file, and Economic Disadvantage mapped to the Quintile 3 (IRSD) classification. SEIFA Index of Relative Socio- Quintile 4 economic Disadvantage Quintile 5: Least disadvantaged calculated by the Australian Bureau Not known of Statistics from Census information. Not Collected

Note: SEIFA 2011 was released in March 2013 and has been backdated to 2011. It is based on ABS ASGS SA2 regions (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file).

SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD) 2011 continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 138 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage 2011 (IRSD) (cont.)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

SEIFA 2011 Measures and ranks areas Extreme disadvantage n/a National (IRSD) according to socio- Student economic and positional High Disadvantage Outcomes disadvantage based on Survey information derived from Average disadvantage the SEIFA Index of 2012 to current Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage calculated Slight disadvantage by the Australian Bureau of Statistics from Census Low disadvantage information. Unknown

Note: SEIFA 2011 was released in March 2013 and has been backdated to 2012. It is based on ABS ASGS SA2 regions (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file). For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 139 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Education and Occupation (IEO) 2006

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

SEIFA Identifies the socio- Quintile 1: Lowest education n/a Calculated based (IEO) economic status of a and occupation status on the AVETMISS 2006 client based on the Index field Postcode from of Education and Quintile 2: the Client file, and Occupation (IEO) mapped to the classification. SEIFA Index of Quintile 3: Education and Occupation Quintile 4: calculated by the Australian Bureau Quintile 5: Highest education of Statistics from and occupation status Census information. Not known

Not collected

Note: SEIFA data for 2006-2010 are mapped to the SEIFA 2006 indexes using ABS ASGC Statistical Local Areas (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file).

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 140 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Education and Occupation (IEO) 2011

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

SEIFA Identifies the socio- Quintile 1: Lowest education n/a Calculated based (IEO) economic status of a and occupation status on the AVETMISS 2011 client based on the Index field Postcode from of Education and Quintile 2: the Client file, and Occupation (IEO) mapped to the classification. SEIFA Index of Quintile 3: Education and Occupation Quintile 4: calculated by the Australian Bureau Quintile 5: Highest education of Statistics from and occupation status Census information. Not known

Not collected

Notes: SEIFA 2011 was released in March 2013 and has been backdated to 2011. It is based on ABS ASGS SA2 regions (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file).

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 141 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Economic Resources (IER) 2006

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

SEIFA Identifies the socio- Quintile 1: Lowest access to n/a Calculated based (IER) 2006 economic status of a economic resources on the AVETMISS client based on the Index field Postcode from of Economic Resources Quintile 2: the Client file, and (IER) classification. mapped to the SEIFA Index of Quintile 3: Economic Resources Quintile 4: calculated by the Australian Bureau Quintile 5: Highest access to of Statistics from economic resources Census information. Not known

Not collected

Notes: SEIFA data for 2006-2010 are mapped to the SEIFA 2006 indexes using ABS ASGC Statistical Local Areas (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file).

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 142 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

SEIFA Index of Economic Resources (IER) 2011

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

SEIFA Identifies the socio- Quintile 1: Lowest access to n/a Calculated based (IER) 2011 economic status of a economic resources on the AVETMISS client based on the Index field Postcode from of Economic Resources Quintile 2: the Client file, and (IER) classification. mapped to the SEIFA Index of Quintile 3: Economic Resources Quintile 4: calculated by the Australian Bureau Quintile 5: Highest access to of Statistics from economic resources Census information. Not known

Not collected

Note: SEIFA 2011 was released in March 2013 and has been backdated to 2011. It is based on ABS ASGS SA2 regions (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file).

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 143 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Skills Service Organisation

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) the following database/s:  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Compared to: Major Skills Service Organisation 'Major Skills Service Organisation' is determined by the highest qualification a student is enrolled in. For example, if a student is enrolled in a certificate IV program that is assigned to the Artibus Innovation' Skills Service Organisation (SSO) and a certificate III program that can be assigned to the Australian Industry Standards' SSO, the Artibus Innovation' SSO is the ‘major’ SSO as the qualification is higher. If a student is enrolled in two programs of the same level the program with the highest number of hours is selected as the ‘major’ program and the SSO associated with this program is selected as the ‘Major Skills Service Organisation’. Students can be enrolled in more than one qualification. The field ‘Skills Service Organisation' in the Programs, Subjects and Program completions databases counts all qualifications in which a student is enrolled in.

Students and courses (VET)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Skills Refers to Artibus Innovation (construction & This is a two-level Calculated based Service categories of property services) hierarchical on the AVETMISS Organisat training package structure. The field Qualification/ ion qualifications by Australian Industry Standards second and Course Identifier their specific (electrotechnology, gas, water & most detailed level from the Program industry sectors. transport) of the classification file. Industry skills consists of the councils base units which PwC's Skills for Australia (business, represent are detailed culture, ICT, automotive & mining) particular qualification codes industries and (i.e. FDF10103 - groups of training Skills Impact (agriculture, food, forest Certificate I in Food packages. & racing) Processing).

SkillsIQ (community, health, sports, tourism, hairdressing & retail)

Innovation and Business Skills Australia (manufacturing, furnishings & sustainability)

Training packages not linked to SSO

State/territory continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 144 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Skills Service Organisation (cont.)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Skills National accredited qualifications Service Organisat National accredited skill sets ion (cont.) Locally accredited qualifications

Locally accredited skill sets

Higher level qualifications


Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Skills Service Refers to categories Artibus Innovation This is a two-level Calculated based Organisation of training package hierarchical structure. on the AVETMISS qualifications by their Australian Industry The second and most field Program specific industry Standards detailed level of the Identifier from the sectors. Industry classification consists Training contract skills councils of the base units transaction file. Innovation and Business represent particular which are detailed Skills Australia industries and groups qualification codes of training packages. (i.e. FDF10103 - PwC’s Skills for Australia Certificate I in Food Processing). Skills Impact


VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 145 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS)  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions Apprentices and trainees (A&T) National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Sex Identifies the gender Male n/a Collected in the of a client. AVETMISS field Sex Female from the Client file.

Not known

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Sex Identifies the gender Male n/a Collected in the of an apprentice/ AVETMISS field Sex trainee. Female from the Client file.

Not stated

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Sex Identifies the gender Male n/a National Student of a respondent. Outcomes Survey Female

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 146 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Speak a language other than English

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Speak a Whether a respondent Speak other language than n/a National Student language speaks a language English at home Outcomes Survey other than other than English English Speak English at home

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 147 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Specific programs

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Specific Identifies training in a PPP - existing worker n/a Collected as an programs program funded or administrative initiated by the Australian PPP - jobseeker arrangement Government. submitted to the VET Provider Both PPP - existing worker and Collection as part jobseeker of the Enrolment file. Not funded through PPP

Not collected

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 148 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools (VETiS) the following database/s:  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Students and courses (VET)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

State/ The State/ New South Wales 100 - NSW TAFE Collected in the territory territory that AVETMISS field of data administered 122 - NSW Agricultural - Murrumbidgee State Identifier from submitter the funding of the Training the training 123 - NSW Agricultural - TOCAL Organisation activity. Delivery Location 124 - NSW Agricultural Colleges file.

130 - NSW BACE

132 - NSW Adult Migrant English Service

135 - NSW Workplace Training

145 - NSW Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards

151 - NSW Private Providers

170 - NSW National Arts School

180 - NSW Indigenous College

Victoria 200 - Vic TAFE

205 - Vic DET

210 - Vic ACE

230 – Vic Private Providers

State/territory continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 149 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

State/territory (cont.)

Students and courses (VET)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Queensland 300 - Qld TAFE

305 - Qld DET

South Australia 500 - SA TAFE

530 - SA WEA

540 - SA ACE

550 - SA Private Providers

580 - SA VISA

Western Australia 400 - WA DOT

Tasmania 600 - Tas TAFE

605 - Skills Tasmania

630 - Tas ACE & AMES

650 - Tas Private Providers

Northern Territory 700 - NT TAFE

720 - NT ACE

740 - NT Private Providers

Australian Capital 800 - ACT Canberra Territory Inst of Technology

830 - ACT Private Providers

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 150 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VET in schools (VETiS)

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

State/ The State/ 140 - New South Wales n/a Collected in the territory territory that AVETMISS field of data administered the 260 - Victoria State Identifier from submitter funding of the the Training training activity. 360 - Queensland Organisation Delivery Location file. 560 - South Australia

480 - Western Australia

660 - Tasmania

760 - Northern Territory

860 - Australian Capital Territory

State/territory (cont.)

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 151 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

State/ Identifies the State New South Wales n/a Collected in the territory or territory in which AVETMISS field the Victoria State Identifier from apprentice/trainee the Submission to is undertaking their Queensland managing agent file. training. South Australia

Western Australia


Northern Territory

Australian Capital Territory

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

State/ Identifies the New South Wales n/a National Student territory as State or territory Outcomes Survey defined by as defined by Victoria (Government-funded) state of the state of funding funding Queensland

South Australia

Western Australia


Northern Territory

Australian Capital Territory

Not applicable

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 152 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

State/territory of delivery location

This field is contained in Total VET students and courses (TVA) the following database/s:  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

Total VET students and courses

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

State/ The State/ New South Wales n/a Collected in the territory of territory in which AVETMISS field delivery the training was Victoria State Identifier from location delivered. the Training Organisation Delivery Queensland Location file. South Australia

Western Australia


Northern Territory

Australian Capital Territory

Other Australian Territories or Dependencies


Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 153 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

State/territory of residence

This field is contained in Total VET students and courses (TVA) the following database/s:  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Total VET students and courses

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

State/ The student’s New South Wales n/a Collected in the territory of state/ territory of AVETMISS field residence residence. Victoria State Identifier from the Client file. Queensland

South Australia

Western Australia


Northern Territory

Australian Capital Territory

Other Australian Territories or Dependencies


Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 154 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

State/ Identifies the New South Wales n/a National Student territory State or territory Outcomes Survey of as defined by Victoria (Total VET Activity residence the client state (TVA)) of residence Queensland

South Australia

Western Australia


Northern Territory

Australian Capital Territory

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 155 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

State/territory of training provider’s head office

This field is contained in Total VET students and courses (TVA) the following database/s:  Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Total VET students and courses

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

State/ The state/ New South Wales n/a Collected in the territory or territory in which AVETMISS field residence the training Victoria State Identifier from provider’s head the Training office is located. Organisation file. Queensland

South Australia

Western Australia


Northern Territory

Australian Capital Territory

Other Australian Territories or Dependencies


Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 156 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Student highest funding source

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

Compared to: Program highest funding source The 'Program highest funding source' counts all funding sources but is grouped according to the highest source of funding for the courses. For example, if a student is enrolled in two courses, one having a funding source of 'Commonwealth and state general funding', and the other 'State specific funding' both funding sources are counted but 'Commonwealth and state general funding' is the highest program funding source. Funding source The source of the funding for a subject enrolment. For students with subject enrolments in more than one funding category, a major funding source is assigned in hierarchical order (Commonwealth and state funding, Domestic full-fee paying and International full-fee paying).

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Student The predominant Government funding Commonwealth and state Collected in the highest source of the funding general funding AVETMISS field funding for a student. Funding source - source Commonwealth specific National from the The major funding Enrolment file. source is assigned in funding (no general funding) hierarchical order for students with subject State specific funding (no enrolments in more Commonwealth funding) than one funding category. Commonwealth and state specific funding – nfd (no Commonwealth funding)

No government Only fee for service - funding domestic

Only fee for service - international

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 157 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Student remoteness (ARIA+) region 2006

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Student The degree of Major cities n/a Calculated based on remoteness remoteness of a the AVETMISS field (ARIA+) location in terms of Inner regional Postcode from the region 2006 the ease or difficulty Client file. people face in Outer regional accessing services in non-metropolitan Australia. Remote

Very remote

Outside Australia

Not known

Note: Student remoteness data for 2006-2010 are based on ARIA + scores using ABS ASGC Statistical Local Areas (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file). ARIA+ is an index of remoteness derived from measures of road distance between populated localities and service centres. These road distance measures are then used to generate a remoteness score for any location in Australia. The ASGC divides Australia into six Remoteness Areas and is used for collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics. It groups locations together into comparative classes of remoteness so that data can be collected, analysed and disseminated for broad regions which are more or less remote.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 158 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Student remoteness region 2011 (ARIA+)

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Student The degree of Major cities n/a Calculated based on remoteness remoteness of a the AVETMISS field (ARIA+) location in terms of Inner regional Postcode from the region 2011 the ease or difficulty Client file. people face in Outer regional accessing services in non-metropolitan Australia. Remote

Very remote

Outside Australia

Not known

Note: From 2011, Student remoteness (ARIA+) is based on ABS ASGS SA2 regions (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file). ARIA+ is an index of remoteness derived from measures of road distance between populated localities and service centres. These road distance measures are then used to generate a remoteness score for any location in Australia. The ASGS divides Australia into seven Remoteness Areas and is used for collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics. It groups locations together into comparative classes of remoteness so that data can be collected, analysed and disseminated for broad regions which are more or less remote.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 159 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Student remoteness region 2006 (defn)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Student The degree of Major cities Major city National Student remoteness remoteness of a Outcomes Survey region (2006 location in terms of Inner and out regional Inner regional defn) the ease or difficulty 2008 - 2011 people face in Outer Regional accessing services in non-metropolitan Australia. Remote/Very Remote Remote

Very Remote

Unknown Unknown

Not Stated Not Stated

Notes: Student remoteness data for 2007-2011 are based on ARIA + scores using ABS ASGC Statistical Local Areas (which are derived from the AVETMISS fields Postcode and Suburb from the Client file). ARIA+ is an index of remoteness derived from measures of road distance between populated localities and service centres. These road distance measures are then used to generate a remoteness score for any location in Australia. The ASGC divides Australia into six Remoteness Areas and is used for collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics. It groups locations together into comparative classes of remoteness so that data can be collected, analysed and disseminated for broad regions which are more or less remote. For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 160 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Student remoteness region 2011 (defn)

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Student The degree of Major cities/inner Major city National Student remoteness remoteness of a regional/outer regional Outcomes Survey region (2011 location in terms of Inner regional defn) the ease or difficulty 2012 to current people face in Outer Regional accessing services in non-metropolitan Australia. Remote/Very Remote Remote

Very Remote

Unknown Unknown

Not stated Not stated

Notes: Postcodes are assigned to Remoteness Areas based on ARIA+ scores using the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). ARIA+ is an index of remoteness derived from measures of road distance between populated localities and service centres. These road distance measures are then used to generate a remoteness score for any location in Australia. The ASGS divides Australia into seven Remoteness Areas and is used for collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics. It groups locations together into comparative classes of remoteness so that data can be collected, analysed and disseminated for broad regions which are more or less remote. For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 161 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Student SA2

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Student SA2 Identifies the New South Wales This is a four-level Calculated based Australian Bureau hierarchical structure. on the AVETMISS of Statistics Victoria The fourth and most field Postcode and Statistical Area 2 detailed level of the Suburb from the (SA2) of the classification consists Client file. Queensland student’s usual of units which are 9 place of residence. digit ABS statistical South Australia area 2 identifiers. 1st Level – State and Western Australia Territory (S/T) Tasmania 2nd Level – Statistical area level 4 (SA4) Northern Territory 3rd Level – Statistical area level 3 (SA3) Australian Capital Territory 4th Level – Statistical area level 2 (SA2) Other

Note: Student SA2 is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Standard Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1, Catalogue No. 1270.0.55.001.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 162 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Student SLA

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in schools the following database/s: (VETiS)  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Student SLA Identifies the New South Wales This is a four-level Calculated based Australian Bureau hierarchical structure. on the AVETMISS of Statistics Victoria The fourth and most field Postcode from Statistical Local detailed level of the the Client file. Area (SLA) of the classification consists Queensland student’s usual of units which are 9 place of residence. digit ABS statistical South Australia local area 2 identifiers. 1st Level – State and Western Australia Territory (S/T) Tasmania 2nd Level – Statistical Division (SD) Northern Territory 3rd Level – Statistical Subdivision (SSD) Australian Capital Territory 4th Level – Statistical Local Area (SLA) Other Territories

Not known

Outside Australia

Note: Student SLA is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), Jul 2006. ABS Catalogue No. 1216.0 .

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 163 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list and in the 'Students' database is the default count. For example, when the 'Students' database is opened and a field from the list of fields is added the data displayed will be for students.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Students The default count of n/a n/a Calculated based on students in the the AVETMISS field 'Students' database Client Identifier from the Client file.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 164 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Study mode

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Study Whether a student Full-time n/a Calculated based on mode undertakes full-time or part- the AVETMISS field time study. Part-time Module/Unit of competency identifier A student who undertakes from the Enrolment file. 540 hours of delivery or more annually is considered a full-time student.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 165 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Study reason

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and courses the following database/s: (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments

Note: Enrolment form question: Of the following categories, which best describes your main reason for undertaking this program/traineeship/apprenticeship (Tick one box only.)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

Study Identifies the To get a job n/a Calculated based reason student's main on the AVETMISS reason for study To develop my existing business field Study Reason Identifier from the To start my own business Enrolment file.

To try a different career

To get a better job or promotion

It was a requirement of my job

I wanted extra skills for my job

To get into another course of study

Other reasons

For personal interest or self-development

Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 166 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Subject enrolments

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET the following database/s: students and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list and in the 'Subjects database is the default count. For example, when the 'Subjects' database is opened and a field from the list of fields is added the data displayed will be for subject enrolments.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Subject The default count of n/a n/a enrolments subject enrolments in the 'Subjects' database

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 167 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Subject field of education

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments

Compared to: Major program field of education A student can be enrolled in more than one program. The 'Major program field of education' counts the highest field of education (FOE) of all courses a student may be enrolled in. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program with a FOE of '01 - Natural and physical sciences' and a Certificate III program with a FOE of '06 - Health', '01 - Natural and physical sciences' will be counted as the 'Major program field of education' as the qualification is higher. 'Subject field of education' counts the FOE for all subjects regardless of the program FOE.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Subject Identifies the 01 - Natural and physical sciences This is a three-level Collected in the field of field of hierarchical AVETMISS field education education for 02 - Information technology structure. The third Module/Unit of subject and most detailed Competency Field of enrolments level of the Education Identifier 03 - Engineering and related classification from the technologies consists of the base Module/Unit of units which are 6- Competency file 04 - Architecture and building digit fields of education 05 - Agriculture, environmental and related studies

06 - Health

07 - Education

08 - Management and commerce

09 - Society and culture

10 - Creative arts

11 - Food, hospitality and personal services

12 - Mixed field programmes

Note: Subject field of education is based on the Field of Education (FOE) at the detailed level (6-digit) which is one part of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Standard Classification of Education (ASCED), Catalogue No. 1272.0, July 2001.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 168 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Subject result

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification categories Classification Source sub-categories

Subject The result that is Assessed - pass n/a Collected in the result recorded for AVETMISS field a student's subject Assessed - fail Outcome Identifier – enrolment. National from the Enrolment file. Withdrawn

Recognition of prior learning - granted

Recognition of prior learning - not granted

Recognition of current competency - granted

Recognition of current competency - not granted

Credit transfer

Continuing studies

Not assessed - completed

Not assessed - not completed

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 169 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Total VET FYTE (Full-Year Training Equivalents)

This field is contained in Total VET students and courses (TVA). the following database/s:  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list. Selecting this field will display the number of Full-Year Training Equivalents (FYTEs) and can be cross-tabulated with other fields.

Total VET students and courses

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Total VET Measures the n/a n/a Calculated based on FYTE training activity Hours of delivery (720 undertaken by a hours = 1 FYTE) student on a full- time basis for one year

Notes: For further information on 'Counting' fields please refer to 'Counting’ in this document.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 170 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Total VET hours

This field is contained in Total VET students and courses (TVA). the following database/s:  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments

Usage: This field is a 'counting' field. It is contained under the 'Counting' field in the 'Fields' list. Selecting this field will display the number of hours for students, courses or subjects. It can be cross-tabulated with other fields.

Total VET students and courses

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Total VET A count of hours n/a n/a hours associated with a student, program or subject

Note: In the 'Students' database 'Total VET hours' are the hours by student numbers, in the 'Programs' database hours are the hours by program enrolments and in the 'Subjects' database hours are the hours by subject enrolments.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 171 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Training contract status

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Classification Definition Source categories

Training Commenced The number of Calculated based on the AVETMISS contract apprenticeship/traineeship training fields Training Contract Status status contracts that started in a given Identifier and Training Contract period. Commencement Date from the Training Contract Transaction file.

Recommenced The number of Calculated based on the AVETMISS apprenticeship/traineeship training fields Training Contract Status Date contracts that have restarted in a of Effect and Training Contract given period. Status Identifier from the Training Contract Transaction file.

In-training The number of Derived apprenticeship/traineeship training contracts that are active at the end of a particular quarter.

Completed The number of Calculated based on the AVETMISS apprenticeship/traineeship training fields Training Contract Status contracts that were successfully Identifier and Training Contract completed in a given period. Completion Date from the Training Contract Transaction file.

Cancellations/ The number of Calculated based on the AVETMISS Withdrawals apprenticeship/traineeship training fields Training Contract Status Date contracts that have been terminated of Effect and Training Contract prior to successful completion in a Status Identifier from the Training given period. Contract Transaction file.

Expired The number of Derived apprenticeship/traineeship training contracts that have reached the expected term of their contract without completing or the contract being terminated.

Suspended The number of Calculated based on the AVETMISS apprenticeship/traineeship training fields Training Contract Status Date contracts that have been suspended of Effect and Training Contract in a given period. Status Identifier from the Training Contract Transaction file.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 172 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Training duration

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Training The amount of time Up to 1 year n/a Calculated based on duration that apprentices/ the AVETMISS trainees take to Over 1 and up to 2 years fields Date of complete their training Training Contract contract. Commencement, Over 2 and up to 3 years Date of Training For completions, Contract duration refers to the Over 3 and up to 4 years Completion, actual amount of time Training Contract taken by the Over 4 years Status Identifier and apprentice or trainee to Date of Transaction finish the training from the Training contract. Contract For cancellations/ Transaction file. withdrawals, duration refers to the amount of time until an apprentice or trainee cancels or withdraws from their contract.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 173 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Training organisation type

This field is contained in Total VET students and courses (TVA) the following database/s:  Students  Program enrolments  Subject enrolments  Program completions

National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government–Funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

Total VET students and courses

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Training Identifies the TAFE TAFE Collected in the organisation type of AVETMISS field type educational University University - Government Training institution. organisation type identifier University – Non-Government from the Catholic Training organisation School School - Government file.

School - Technical College

School - Catholic

School - Independent

Community education Community-based adult provider education provider

Enterprise provider Enterprise - Government

Enterprise - Non-government

Private training provider Privately Operated Organisation

Professional association

Industry association

Equipment and/or product manufacturer or supplier

Students attending more Mixed than one provider type (Students only database)

Training organisation type continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 174 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Training organisation type (cont.)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Training attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Training Identifies the TAFE n/a National Student organisation type of Outcomes Survey type educational University (Total VET Activity institution. (TVA)) Community education provider

Private training provider

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 175 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Type of accreditation

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Compared to: Major type of accreditation 'Major type of accreditation' only counts the students highest program or qualification. For example, if a student is enrolled in a Certificate IV program and also a certificate III program the ‘Major type of accreditation’ is based on the higher qualification level. A student can be enrolled in more than one program/qualification. 'Type of accreditation' counts all courses/qualifications regardless of how many a student is enrolled in.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Type of The type of Training package This is a three-level hierarchical Collected in the accreditation accreditation for structure. The third and most AVETMISS field a student's detailed level of the Qualification/ Course qualification. classification consists of the Identifier from the base units qualification codes Course and (e.g. AUM20100) Qualification file

National accredited National accredited

Locally accredited Locally accredited

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Type of The type of Training package This is a three-level hierarchical Collected in the accreditation accreditation for structure. The third and most AVETMISS field an apprentice or detailed level of the Qualification/ Course trainees classification consists of the Recognition Identifier qualification. base units qualification codes from the Training (i.e. AUM20100) Contract Transaction file Non-training package Non-training package

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 176 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Type of further study institute

National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) This field is contained in  Government –funded the following database/s:  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Employment and further study outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Type of Institution of further University n/a National Student further study. Outcomes Survey study TAFE institute Private Provider or Community Education Provider

At a Secondary School or Other Provider

Not enrolled in further study

Not stated

Note: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 177 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Type of subject

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students the following database/s: and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Type of Whether a subject is Vocational Module Collected in the subject intended to develop AVETMISS field VET competency in skills Unit of competency Flag from the relevant to the workplace, Module/Unit of or not. Competency file. Non-vocational Module

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 178 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Unit of competency

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Subject enrolments

Note Due to the number of 'Units of competency', the information presented in the table below is a selection of the actual categories that appear in the 'Unit of competency' field in VOCSTATS.

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Unit of Units of AGF - Units prefixed with AGF This is a two-level Collected in the competency competency/ hierarchical structure. AVETMISS field modules and AUM - Units prefixed with AUM The second and most Module/Unit of their detailed level of the competency associated classification consists Identifier from the AUR - Units prefixed with AUR names of the base unit units Module/Unit of of competency codes Competency file. AVI - Units prefixed with AVI and their associated unit names BCC - Units prefixed with BCC (i.e. AGFCMN102A - Apply effective work BCF - Units prefixed with BCF practices).

BCG - Units prefixed with BCG

(Further units not listed here listed in VOCSTATS Subjects database)

Other units

Not a unit of competency Not a unit of competency

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 179 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

VET program

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET the following database/s: students and courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

VET program Whether a program is Vocational program n/a Collected in the intended to develop AVETMISS field competency in skills Non vocational program VET Flag from the relevant to the Program file. workplace, or not.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 180 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Workplace postcode region

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Compared to: The ‘Workplace postcode region’ is calculated based on the workplace postcode. This compares to: Client postcode region: ‘Client postcode region’ is calculated based on the client’s postcode of usual residence. Employer postcode region: ‘Employer postcode region’ is calculated based on the postcode where the employer is based.

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Workplace Identifies the regional Within state n/a Calculated based on postcode physical location or the AVETMISS region postal address of the Interstate fields Postcode - workplace Workplace from the Training Contract Outside Australia Transaction file.

Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 181 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Workplace remoteness (ARIA+) region

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Compared to: The ‘Workplace remoteness (ARIA+) region’ is calculated based on the workplace postcode. This compares to: Client remoteness (ARIA+) region: ‘Client remoteness (ARIA+) region’ is calculated based on the client’s postcode of usual residence.

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Workplace The degree of Major cities n/a Calculated based on remoteness remoteness of a the AVETMISS field (ARIA+) location in terms of the Inner regional Postcode - region ease or difficulty Residential from the people face in Client file. Outer regional accessing services in non-metropolitan Australia. Remote

Very remote

Outside Australia

Not known

Notes: Using the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGS), postcodes are assigned to Remoteness Areas based on ARIA+ scores for postcodes. ARIA+ is an index of remoteness derived from measures of road distance between populated localities and service centres. These road distance measures are then used to generate a remoteness score for any location in Australia. The ASGS divides Australia into seven Remoteness Areas and is used for collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics. It groups locations together into comparative classes of remoteness so that data can be collected, analysed and disseminated for broad regions which are more or less remote. The NCVER will not release any information that identifies or could be used to identify individual clients.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 182 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Workplace SA2

This field is contained in Apprentices and trainees (A&T) the following database/s:

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Workplace Identifies the New South Wales This is a four-level Calculated based SA2 Australian Bureau hierarchical structure. on the AVETMISS of Statistics Victoria The fourth and most field Postcode - Statistical Area 2 detailed level of the Residential from (SA2) of the Queensland classification consists the Client file. physical location or of units which are 9 postal address of digit ABS statistical the workplace. South Australia area 2 identifiers.

st Western Australia 1 Level – State and Territory (S/T) Tasmania 2nd Level – Statistical area level 4 (SA4) Northern Territory 3rd Level – Statistical area level 3 (SA3) Australian Capital Territory 4th Level – Statistical Other area level 2 (SA2)

Note: Workplace SA2 is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), Jul 2011. ABS Catalogue No. 1270.0.55.001

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 183 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Would you recommend the institution where you undertook the training to others?

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Satisfaction outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Would you To determine whether Yes n/a National Student recommend the respondents would Outcomes Survey institution where recommend their No you undertook institution the training to Not stated others?

Notes: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at Adult community education (ACE) has been excluded prior to 2016.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 184 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Would you recommend the training to others?

This field is contained in National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) the following database/s:  Government –funded  Total VET Activity (TVA)

National Student Outcomes Survey (Satisfaction outcomes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Would you To determine whether Yes National Student recommend respondents would Outcomes Survey the training recommend their training No to others? Not stated

Notes: For further information on this field please refer to the ‘Data Dictionary’ under supporting documents for the latest publication release at Adult community education (ACE) has been excluded prior to 2016.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 185 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields


This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET) and VET in the following database/s: schools (VETiS)  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS)  Government –Funded

Students and courses (VET) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Year The collection years for Years range from 2002 n/a Annual VET the ‘Students and courses’ onwards. Provider collection collection. Each year the most recent year is added to the time series.

National Student Outcomes Survey (Student attributes)

Term Definition Classification Classification Source categories sub-categories

Year The collection years for Years range from 2008 n/a National Student the ‘National Student onwards. Outcomes Survey Outcomes Survey. Each year the most recent year is added to the time series. This refers to the year the survey was conducted, not the year the students finished training.

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 186 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Year left school

This field is contained in Government-funded students and courses (VET), Total VET students and the following database/s: courses (TVA) and VET in schools (VETiS).  Students

 Program enrolments

 Subject enrolments

 Program completions

Apprentices and trainees (A&T)

Students and courses (VET and TVA) / VET in schools

Term Definition Classification Classification sub- Source categories categories

Year left The year in which the Year 1950 or before 1901-1950 Collected in the school student left school AVETMISS field Years 1951-1960 1951-1960 Year highest school level from the Client file. Years 1961-1970 1961-1970

Years 1971-1980 1971-1980

Years 1981-1990 1981-1990

Years 1991-2000 Individual years 1991 to 2000 listed.

Years 2001 to current Individual years 2001 to year most recent collection year listed.

Not known Not known

Year left school continued on next page

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 187 Release 3.4 November 2017 VOCSTATS fields

Year left school (cont.)

Apprentices and trainees

Term Definition Classification Classification sub- Source categories categories

Year left The year in which the Year 1950 or before 1901-1950 Collected in the school student left school AVETMISS field Years 1951-1960 1951-1960 Year highest school level from the Client file. Years 1961-1970 1961-1970

Years 1971-1980 1971-1980

Years 1981-1990 1981-1990

Years 1991-2000 Individual years 1991 to 2000 listed.

Years 2001 to current Individual years 2001 to year most recent collection year listed.

Not known Not known

VOCSTATS fields: Terms and definitions Year left school 188

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