Walmer Parish Churches

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Walmer Parish Churches

Walmer Parish Churches St Mary, St Saviour and Blessed Mary of Walmer Open lives, open hands, open churches ANNUAL REPORT and ACCOUNTS 2013


(Walmer Parish Churches is a registered charity – no. 1128470) The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Walmer St . Mary w St. Saviour (Reg. No. 1128470)

Annual Report and Financial Statements of Walmer Parochial Church Council

For the year ended 31 December 2013


The Rev’d. Seth Cooper Elizabeth House 32 St. Mary’s Road Walmer Deal CT14 7QA


National Westminster Bank Plc 31 High Street Deal CT14 6EW

CCLA Investment Management Ltd. The CBF Church of England Deposit Fund 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET

Independent Examiners:

Spain Brothers & Co. Westgate House 87 St Dunstan’s Street Canterbury CT2 8AE 2 Walmer St. Mary w St. Saviour – Annual Report for 2013

Administrative information St Mary’s Church is situated on St. Clare Road, Walmer; St Saviour’s Church is situated on The Strand, Walmer; The Blessed Mary of Walmer church is situated on Church Street, Walmer. It is part of the Diocese of Canterbury within the Church of England. The correspondence address is The Parish Office, Elizabeth House, 32 St. Mary’s Road, Walmer, DEAL. CT14 7QA

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Walmer St Mary w St Saviour was registered as a charity with the Charity Commission on 10th March 2009. The working name of this Charity is ‘Walmer PCC’. Walmer PCC was constituted under the Parochial Church Council Powers Measure (1956) which came into effect on 2nd January 1957.

Walmer PCC members, who are Trustees, are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and those who served during 2013 were:

Incumbent: The Revd Seth William Cooper Chairman

Curate: The Revd Chris Maclean

Wardens: Mr Tim. Sharp Mr. Jerry Swallow

Deputy Wardens: Mr. Nick Nettleship Ms. Jane Sharp

Representatives on the Mr. Jeremy Daniel Deanery Synod: Mr. Paul Henderson Mrs Brenda Ruddock-West

Elected members: Mr. Leslie Aldridge Treasurer Mr. Tom Batten Mr. Howard Binsted Mrs. Patricia Binsted Mrs Susan Case Mrs. Sheila Easey Miss. Monica Hawkins Mrs. Elizabeth Marsh Mr. Chris Flint Mrs. Ann Nettleship Mr. Richard Harris Mrs. Doreen Whalley Mr. Gerald Williams Mr. Dennis Winney Mr. Les Alton

3 Structure, governance and management

The method of appointment of PCC members is set out in the Church Representation Rules. All Church attendees are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and stand for election to the PCC. The PCC members are responsible for making decisions on all matters of general concern and importance to the parish including deciding on how the funds of the PCC are spent. To this end the Trustees are given an introductory booklet, ‘Trusteeship – An introduction for PCC Members’, produced by The Archbishop’s Council. Given its wide responsibilities the PCC has a number of committees each dealing with a particular aspect of parish life. These committees are all responsible to the PCC and report back to it regularly. Their deliberations are received by the full PCC and discussed as necessary.

Objectives and Activities Walmer PCC has the responsibility of co-operating with the incumbent, the Rev’d Seth Cooper, in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. It also has maintenance responsibility for the three Churches, Parish Hall and Parish Office.

Financial Review Total receipts on ordinary unrestricted funds were £143,582 and on restricted funds were £5.364 as detailed in the financial statements. £152,297 was spent to provide the Christian ministry from the three churches, including the contribution £74,365 to the diocesan parish share, which largely provides the stipends and housing for the clergy. The sum that the churches in the deanery have to find is agreed by each church in the deanery clusters meeting together to settle the amount. The net result for the year was a deficit of incoming resources over those expended of £ (3,351).

Reserves policy The PCC attempts to maintain an adequate balance in its unrestricted funds for the purpose of properly maintaining its various properties. Since the extensive repairs and updating of our Parish Hall this balance has not yet been restored.

It is our policy to invest our funds balances with the CBF Church of England Deposit Fund.

Public Benefit The Trustees have complied with the duty on section 4 of the Charities Act to have due regards to guidance published by the Charities Commission, including public benefit guidance.

4 Review of the year and PCC business 2013

In preparation for this report I looked at two things – last year’s report and the copies of Church News, our parish magazine, published in 2013. I found myself speechless…or whatever the writing equivalent is!

In past years I have tried to ‘summarize’ the ministry and mission of Walmer Parish Churches with a brief glimpse of the many aspects of our church life together. But now I find that there is so much going on that to try and mention it all will inevitably mean that I miss something out, or forget to thank someone, and that this ‘article’ would become un-readably long.

So, first, I want to simply say a thank you to everyone who contributes in whatever way to the activity of Walmer Parish Churches throughout the year – and if you are reading this that probably means you – thank you. I then want to mention some of the highlights of the year recalling that there is so much that goes on in our parishes (that we too easily take for granted) that has only sprung to life in the last few years but we now see as part of the fabric of our parish life. For that I must give thanks not only to all who have helped to make it happen but primarily to God who has so truly blessed this parish with committed, loyal, faithful and generous people – oh, that’s you again – thank you!

So what was new and different about 2013  People – not only new faces in our congregations, sharing our worship of God and most welcome, but also new people in specific roles o Chris Lockyer joined us as our lead parish choir director and organist, ably assisted by Leo Forsdyke at St. Saviour’s – Chris’s influence is already being seen in a choir growing in numbers and confidence, enhancing our worship. o In the winter months we hosted a placement for a reader in training, Sally Muggeridge, who is now licensed in the Deanery based at Tilmanstone, and also a member of the General Synod and a Church Commissioner! Sally was very appreciative of her time with us and we continue to wish her all the best as her Christian ministry unfolds in varied ways. o There were some new members on the Parochial Church Council – Doreen Whalley and Patricia Binsted, bringing fresh thinking and practical help. Thanks to everyone on the PCC for your support and hard work. o We were also joined by a curate – Chris Maclean was ordained deacon in Canterbury cathedral in June and came, with his wife Melanie, to minister in the parish. It’s been a pleasure to see Chris begin his new ministry, growing in knowledge and ability and sensing God’s further calling on his life.  The ‘new’ was not only people, but also events and activities. o Notably the Sunday Download worship in St Mary’s. Having been trialled in autumn 2012 Download went weekly from January. It now has a regular congregation of over 50 (about half and half adults and children) with it’s own leadership team. Thanks especially to Jennie Cooper for her oversight, to Kasim Sheikh for leading the praise, and to Joy Callan for all her creativity with the young children. Download is still a baby itself and needs all the care, love and attention that a baby

5 needs to bring it to maturity. Please do pray for this significant and pioneering ministry.

o The monthly ‘Prayer & Praise’ service that had been running at St Mary’s became a regular Deal Churches Together event and has ‘visited’ many churches across the area. With worship specifically seeking to be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit it regularly has nearly 100 worshippers from 10 or so churches in the area. Please pray for a continued sense of unity among Christians. o Two other activities re-started in 2013 – both in Elizabeth House – a coffee morning called ‘Pastry and Prayer on Thursday mornings and a parent and toddler group called ‘PoW@Totz’ on Monday afternoons. Thanks to the enthusiastic and willing teams that run these events.  These last two things remind us that reaching out to our local community with God’s love is a clear part of our purpose as a church family. To that end we were also involved in a variety of community events across the year. o collecting for Christian Aid o running Lent lunches at St Saviour’s o participating in events on the memorial bandstand (Royal Marines concert and Christmas carols), and leading prayers at the annual remembrance for those who died in the Deal bombing. o Celebrating the work of the Lifeboats with a service of blessing at the RNLI o donating bibles to each child at the Downs Church of England school o the youth group ‘Jazz tea’ o collecting for Foodbank at Harvest (and supporting them through the year) o and St Saviour’s hosting a special Friends event with the Downs School Choir and Amanda Cottrell  And, of course, a highlight of the year the celebration of the 125th anniversary of St Mary’s church. Thanks must go to the planning team for this Jerry Swallow, Brenda Ruddock-West, Monica Hawkins, Veronica Goodban and Mike Terry who all worked so hard to make it such a success. The year included o New Year prayers at the beginning and end o A concert series including the Handelians, St Edmunds school, Quodlibet, Betteshangar Brass Academy, and Snowdown Collier Male Voice Choir o Anniversary service led by Bishop Trevor Willmott o Peal of bells to mark the date of consecration o Flower festival weekend o Parish ‘party’ (which ended up being an indoor BBQ!)  There were also some ‘goodbyes’ through the year o Brian and Kate Cottle, our former organist, had worked so hard to develop a sense of pride and achievement in the choir and had been so sensitive to the liturgical needs of our worship. Thank you Brian for all you did we wish you well as you make your new home in Wales. o Among our church family who died and will be missed – Stuart Carver, Peggy Buddle, Tom Stanley, Christine Trodd, Helen Daniels, Betty Jones, and Ron Baughen, may they rest in peace. o Also Joan Wertheim, who moved away to Canterbury.

6 As I said above there is so much that I have not mentioned here – however, I want to mention those who have most supported me this past year. Jennie, of course, active and enthusiastic as ever and a rock for me personally; Paul Henderson, who takes on so much of the parish ministry voluntarily, especially at St Saviour’s; Tim Sharp and Jerry Swallow, our churchwardens (assisted by Jane Sharp and Nick Nettleship,), whose support and encouragement is only matched by their diligence and dedication; Elaine Wickenden for her efficiency and organisation in the parish office, how would we cope without her; and others who help with ministry, Brenda Ruddock-West with baptisms, Monica Hawkins with weddings, Simon Lee with leading services and preaching, John and Josie Clapson for their dedication to Blessed Mary of Walmer and, more recently, Chris Maclean for helping me to look again at what it means to be a priest and pastor. And I continue to praise and thank God in Jesus Christ that I have the privilege to minister to the people of Walmer.

The Rev’d Seth Cooper – February 2014

7 Summary of PCC business 2013 The new PCC was formed at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on the 29th April. A list of members appears elsewhere in this report. The PCC met 5 times during the year. All meetings were well attended. The following main issues occupied the business of the PCC  Buildings o Continuing the quinquennial work o Routine and emergency maintenance o Installing a screen and projector in St Mary’s o Roofing and guttering repairs at all churches o Planning improvements to Elizabeth House – new windows and doors  Finance o 2012 Accounts approved and 2014 budget setting o Careful management of parish funds throughout the year o Paying bills on time and complying with legal requirements o Finding volunteers to be treasurer and run the accounts o Considering employment contracts for organists and other workers and dealing with the tax implications  Pastoral matters o Conversations about the needs of individuals and groups within our churches o Child protection and vulnerable adult issues discussed and reviewed particularly agreements and job descriptions for volunteers o Hearing reports on the work of the Pastoral team  Mission Action Planning (MAP) o Monitoring the Sunday Download worship o Considering community partnerships with help from the Rev’d Caroline Pinchbeck, a diocesan adviser o Planning and reviewing seasonal worship and special events o Planning and implementing celebrations for St Mary’s 125th Anniversary o Keeping informed of mission and ministry activity in the parish churches. o Beginning a review of the MAP  Resourcing o Preparing for the arrival of the Rev’d Chris Maclean, curate o Purchase of resources for admin, small groups and worship – esp. renewing contract for photocopier o Agreeing terms and conditions for admin staff  The PCC is routinely kept informed of the activities of the Summer Fayre, Friends group, Downs school, Cluster, Deal Area Churches Together, Deanery and Diocese.

8 February 2014

Churchwarden’s Report for APCM – St Mary’s and Blessed Mary of Walmer

Blessed Mary of Walmer

Repairs to ridge tiles completed as mentioned by the quinquennial report, October 2013. No damage or rot to the underlying roof beams was detected.

No changes to the inventory and property register required.

St Mary’s

Stemming from the quinquennial report the lower level gutters were cleaned. Stopping up the ends and repairs to gutter joints will now be conducted in the spring; originally scheduled for November.

Of major importance is the leak occurring to the flat leaded roof of the church tower. The leak is between the 2 sheets of lead, wetting the main beam and dripping down into the bell tower. It has been inspected by the diocesan architect and plans for repair drawn up pending PCC approval. In the meantime the roof had been covered with polypropylene sheeting to limit the ingress of water, not helped by one the wettest winters ever. These repairs will be a major project for 2014.

Installation of the projector and screens in the nave were completed by Pied Piper, now in weekly use.

Malfunctioning of the church clock was investigated, the cause found and repaired, in addition the strike mechanism was also repaired. The face and numerals were cleaned and painted with Hammerite. As such the clock strikes on the hour and looks great to the delight of many. No adverse comments have been received from local inhabitants, only positive ones.

Other repairs included: overgrown bushes around the church walls cleared to reduce ingress of damp, secure the boiler room grill to prevent unauthorised access, altar rail hinge replaced.

Finally, thank-you to all who helped with the above repairs.

Jeremy Swallow

9 Churchwarden’s Report – St. Saviour’s

Work on the fabric of St. Saviour’s has continued to be undertaken, as specified in the Quinquenial Report. The parapet above the vestry door on the north side has been repointed, and the painting of the iron railings around the boiler house is in hand. The significant work remaining is the painting of the doors and the iron work fittings. There is cosmetic plastering and painting to be done in the southwest corner and around the west window. A quote was obtained to repoint the boundary wall but the work postponed. The provision of fire extinguishers was reviewed and additional ones provided.

St. Saviour’s became the wet weather venue for the Summer Fayre as rain and wind washed it off the Walmer Green. For an unplanned emergency it worked well with space allocated to stall holders, and an entertainment “arena”. Learning from this experience a wet weather plan has been formulated for next time!

The Harvest Supper and the Christmas Coffee Morning were both successful and prompted ideas for further events. The St. Saviour’s Community continues to thrive.

Tim Sharp – Churchwarden

Annual Report from the Plant Committee

Parish Hall

The hall is in good decorative order and has been well used in the last twelve months; income received from lettings is up by 12%.

The land at the rear of the parish hall which is let to Adamson’s garage brings in valuable income and a new lease is to be signed shortly which will increase the income from this source by 15%.

There has been a major problem with drainage at the hall but work was carried out in February which hopefully will remedy the situation.

Elizabeth House

The house is in good interior decorative order and again is well used for church activities and by community groups.

10 The P.C.C have given their agreement to replacement of the windows (the existing are the originals and some are in a very poor state). This will be phased in - in stages, over three years. We hope to start this in April 2014 but in view of the problems at the Parish hall with drainage, we want to make sure this has been sorted out before starting on phase one of the windows.

The cost of the new windows will not have to come out of PCC funds, the Plant Committee hope to have sufficient funds from rental income etc. to cover all expenditure.

As you will see from the accounts the Plant Committee finances are in good order and thanks to Mike Terry for his excellent expertise.

Finally thanks to Elaine in the Parish Office for all her hard work dealing with the bookings etc. and for all the additional work dealing with the drainage, she is now a drainage expert!

Mike Blee – Plant Committee Chairman

POW@Kidz APCM Report for Year ending 2013

Review of the year’s events Our events have continued again this year. Attendance has been more stable and equally divided between KS1/KS2. A number of our Youth also attend :KS3 As mentioned before other local churches run Messy Church and Sunday Fundays, but as yet our Event Calendar remains unique.

Sundays Following the trial of the Download Service in the latter part of 2012 we started running this weekly from Jan 2013. As a service it has steadily grown and is evolving to have its own identity and attendees. Other than the original Pow@kidz families most of those that come are new to the church. We have met as a congregation and looked at what worked and what needed tweaking and it certainly got the thumbs up!! It’s great to report that by Christmas 2013 we were regularly had over 45 attendees with some weeks hitting over 50. In terms of numbers this puts Download in an equal footing with other services in the Parish. Download is now a significant part of the wide range of worship available in this parish.

Volunteer Team helpers Sundays –Joy Callan, Jennie Cooper, and Hazel and Kasim Sheikh as well as Chris Maclean our Curate and many of our youth now help on Sundays. Events -Our Event Team continues to be a united/loyal team who know what’s needed to make an event work successfully.

Child Protection Officers

11 Veronica Goodban remains the Child Protection Officer. Veronica does a great job of keeping us up to date with changes/managing our CRB records. Pam Williams remains the Children’s Advocate for the parish.

Christingle Again a number of our children/youth helped with the Service, leading prayers, readings/handing out service sheets etc. Seth shared a superb message and the church was at maximum capacity!! (Two next year???) There continues to be a noticeable number of adult’s only attendees proving the increased popularity of this service – the timing, as well as our warm and friendly welcome continues to reap rewards!

Youth Group Seth, Myself, Hendy, Ana Lockyear and Chris the curate are currently involved with the Youth Group. In Sept another bunch of Year 6 children we knew were invited to join - the thought being that it helps them with the transition to senior school by encouraging mixing with older children.

Our numbers are not as large as they have been having lost the older boys to St Georges youth but it continues to be rewarding. Across this year friendships and support for each other has grown as well as the ability to engage with the prayers. A number of them went to Secondary Schools in Sept and the support net work in place was noticeable. This year’s highlights have been the Jazz Tea, a BBQ, pancakes, watching Films whilst searching for glimmers of God!! The youth band has developed and continues to grow and singing Praise music with them is wonderful!!

POW@Tots Following the success of the Christingle Service at the end of 2012 as well as an awareness of the number of families that pass through the Parish for Baptism and an increasing number of young families attending Download for Baptismal Welcomes and Thanksgivings we decided to start a Toddler group in the late Autumn. Melanie Maclean, Sue Case and myself mix with the parents and children/babies whilst Ana Lockyear organises a craft and Brenda Ruddock West and Joan Harlow share the refreshments between them. As a church group we do mention God and read stories from the Teddy Horlsey series about the bear who likes to go to church – the craft is themed around the story!.. We play, we sing, we eat fruit and cake, we drink tea and we support!! So far we have over 14 families on the books with average attendance being 8 plus… if honest with toddlers, babies, parents and toys the room is almost at capacity.. We have two families going forward for baptism as a result of coming and one mum who says this group has helped her life get better.. alleluia indeed!!

It’s been another amazingly blessed and rewarding year. The Download Service, Our Events, Pow@tots and Youth Group provide a wide spectrum of opportunities for families of all ages and young people to engage with. It is demanding, busy, and challenging. It continues to amaze me that we do so much in the Parish with so few helpers! Let’s continue to pray for New life/New helpers and New members to add to our growing church family. Jennie Cooper – PoW@Kidz Co-ordinator

12 Deanery Synod

It has been an interesting and varied year on the local synod. Time was spent on the way parish quotas are calculated and we have begun a process by which we might change the method we at present use. At the last meeting “Bring and Share” was the main item on the agenda.

Members were split into small groups and, lists were made containing ways by which we, as parishes, could help one another and share ideas and skills. Our Deanery Mission Plan for 2013-15 has been referred to during the year to ensure that the aims and objectives therein are being addressed.

Paul Henderson

Pastoral Committee

The Pastoral team continues to flourish. Encouraged by Jennie Cooper we have introduced “Pastry & Prayer” at Elizabeth House, every Thursday at 11am, and it has proved to be a success. Many thanks to those who help to make is so, whether it be baking the cakes or helping to serve the goodies! Also, a toddlers group has been set up on Mondays and this has also proved to be a very welcome addition to life in the parish.

We continue to visit care homes and individuals in their own homes. Every year in May, a special service is held at St. Mary’s church, usually on a Saturday morning for the bereaved who have lost loved ones during the past twelve months. This year it will be on Saturday, 10th May.

During March, a course about the effected of Dementia has been taking place at Elizabeth house and members of the committee have been in attendance.

Paul Henderson

Annual Report on Music and the Choir (2014)

St. Mary’s is fortunate in having a good deal of musical talent amongst its congregation, including a number of competent singers in the Choir, skilled instrumentalists who lead the “Download” service, and organists (notably Leo Fosdyke) to play at both St. Saviours and St. Mary’s.

There are currently eighteen members of the Church choir, five of whom have joined since August 2013. We sing on a regular basis at the 9.30 service at St. Mary’s, and also enjoy participating in the 3rd Sunday evensong at St. Saviours. The Choir always welcomes new members, particularly sopranos at the present time. As choirmaster, I feel that our main role is to help the congregation participate in the music with confidence. Additionally we sing a variety of anthems as well as we can in the hope that what we do will make the experience of being in church a more uplifting experience. I wish to broaden the choir’s repertoire to include both the well- loved traditional pieces, but also exploring other forms of Christian music.

We practice on a Friday evening between 7.30 and 9.00 at Elizabeth house, and also for half an hour before the Sunday morning service. 13 The Choir enjoyed leading the carol services at both St. Mary’s and St. Saviours, and are hoping to lead the Good Friday Devotional, and maybe have an Advent carol service this year. We attended the RSCM choir festival at Canterbury Cathedral last October, and plan to make this an annual event. We are also thinking of giving a concert in aid of Church funds, perhaps in the autumn.

Chris Lockyer - Choirmaster

Friends Report 2013 We have been lucky to recruit Chris Maclean and Sue Hackett on to the Friends Committee and we organised two very successful social and fund-raising evenings in 2013. The Quiz and talk by Amanda Cottrell plus a delightful performance by the Downs School Choir raised £1260 – this is on top of annual subscriptions of over £1000. We were able to help with repair work to the tune of £1063 and ended the year with approximately £8500 in the Bank, some of which will cover commitments with regard to repairs for 2014. Maureen Fitch

The Downs School Annual Report to APCM

The school continues to gain support from Rev. Seth and his team. Regular visits to class to lead worship and discussion are ever popular with our children. The lunchtime Bible group “The Lighthouse” is a valuable addition to the club opportunities offered to the children.

The school has had some good results this year, especially in Key Stage One. Everyone has worked hard to achieve these results. Our current Year 6 are working well and are on track to exceed the results of July 2013. I am indeed hoping that this prediction is accurate, as we anticipate another Ofsted inspection during 2014!

We have noticed over the past few years a growing number of families who require support. In these difficult economic times, more and more families are seeking support for the most basic of commodities – food. We are pleased that we are participating in the Deal Food Bank scheme and that a significant number of our families do make regular donations.

The sudden death of Mrs Wendy Pilgrim (our former headteacher) was indeed a shock. She was a formidable lady, but one with a kind heart. Her memorial service (held at Capel) was well attended by many ex-teachers from The Downs and previous headteachers from local schools. It made us all realise how precious life is and how we must make the most of every day.

Our federation with Northbourne CEP is going well. We have many joint activities and the teachers liaise on a weekly basis. It has been good to welcome Rev. David 14 Ridley onto our governing body. We are also delighted that Rev. Seyan Tills has joined us (Walmer Baptist Church), as he has a very long connection to The Downs. (Pupil/caretaker/governor).

School life is very busy and in the current political climate, it can at times be uncertain. However, the joy of watching children grow and learn never diminishes. Sadly, time passes too quickly and I am constantly being reminded that some of my first children when I came here are now in their 20’s and I could soon find myself looking at second generation pupils! A scary thought.


Statement of Financial Activities For the year ended 31 December 2013

Unrestricted Restricted Endowment TOTAL FUNDS Funds Funds Funds 2013 2012 Note £ £ £ £ £ Incoming Resources Voluntary Income 2(a) 96,416 2,405 98,821 94,988 Activities for generating funds 2(b) 29,033 1,503 30,536 36,159 Income from investments 2(c) 130 87 217 238 Church activities 2(d) 17,337 17,337 11,124 Other incoming resources 2(e) 6,677 6,677 6,437

Total Incoming Resources 149,593 3,995 0 153,588 148,946

Resources Expended Cost of generating voluntary income 3(b) 253 552 83 Fund-raising trading costs 3(c) 1,489 1,489 1,110 Church activities 3(a) 138,025 2,222 140,247 149,552 Governance Costs 80 80 80 Support costs 5,044 5,044 1,472

Total Resources used 144,638 2,475 0 147,113 152,297

Net Incoming/(Outgoing) Resources 4,955 1,520 0 6,475 (-3,351) (Before other recognised gains & losses)

Recognised Gains/(Losses) on Investment Assets on Revaluation 4(b) 560 560

Transfers Between Funds 7 In 5,435 Out (-5,435)

Net Movement in Funds 4,955 1,520 560 7,035 (-3,351)

Balances Brought Forward at 1 January 2013 178,116 14,977 2,457 1,195,550 198,901

Balances Carried Forward at 31 December 2013 183,071 16,497 3,017 202,585 195,550

15 The notes on the following pages form part of these acccounts

16 Walmer Parochial Church Council Balance Sheet At 31 DecemberEr 2011 2013 2013 2012 Note £ £ £ £ £ Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total

Fixed Assets

Tangible fixed assets 4(a) 160,000 0 0 160,000 160,000 Investment assets 4(b) 3,017 3,017 2,457 ______160,000 3,017 163,017 162,457 Current Assets

Debtors 5 8,469 0 0 8,469 2,741 Short term deposits 2,056 10,211 0 12,267 10,970 Cash at bank and and in in hand7548 hand 15,098 6,286 0 21,384 19,971 ______25,623 16,497 0 42,120 33,682 Liabilities:Amounts falling due in one year Creditors – amounts falling due in one year 6 2,552 0 0 2,552 -589 ______Net Current Assets 23,071 16,497 0 39,568 33,093 ______Total Net Assets 183,071 16,497 3,017 202,585 195,550 ______

Parish Funds

Unrestricted 183,071 0 0 183,071 178,116

Restricted 0 16,497 0 16,497 14,977

Endowment 0 0 3,017 3,017 2,457 ______183,071 16,497 3,017 202,585 195,550 ______

Approved by thee Parochial Churchurch Council onn 4262817 thFebruary March 2014 2011 and signed on its behalf by

The Revd Seth Cooper (Chairman)

L Aldridge (Treasurer)

J J Swallow (Church Warden)

T J Sharp ( Churchurch Warden)Warden)

Walmer Parochial Church Council Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2013 17 1. Accounting Policies The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 together with applicable accounting standards and the SORP 2005.

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for the valuation of investment assets, which are shown at market value. The financial statements include all transactions, assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law. They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their main affiliation to another body or those that are informal gatherings of church members.


Endowment funds are funds, the capital of which must be maintained; only income arising from investment of the endowment may be used either as restricted or unrestricted funds depending upon the purpose for which the endowment was established.

Restricted funds represent (a) income from trusts or endowments which may be expended only on those restricted objects provided in the terms of the trust or bequest, and (b) donations or grants received for a specific object or invited by the PCC for a specific object. The funds may only be expended on the specific object for which they were given. Any balance remaining unspent at the end of the year must be carried forward as a balance on that fund. The PCC does not usually invest separately for each fund. Where there is no separate investment, interest is apportioned to individual funds on an average balance basis.

Unrestricted funds are general funds, which can be used for PCC ordinary purposes.

Incoming resources

Planned giving, collections and donations are recognised when received. Tax refunds are recognised when the incoming resource to which they relate is received. Grants and legacies are accounted for when the PCC is legally entitled to the amounts due. Dividends are accounted for when receivable, interest is accrued. All other income resources are accounted for gross.

Resources expended

Grants Grants and donations are accounted for when paid over or when awarded, if that award creates a binding or constructive obligation on the PCC. The diocesan parish share is accounted for when due. Amounts received specifically for mission are dealt with as restricted funds. All other expenditure is generally recognised when it is incurred and accounted for gross.

Fixed assets

Consecrated and beneficed property is not included in the accounts in accordance with s.96(2)(a) of the Charities Act 1993.

Movable church furnishings held by the Vicar and Churchwardens on special trust for the PCC, and which require a faculty for disposal are inalienable property, listed in the church’s inventory, which can be inspected (at any reasonable time). For anything acquired prior to 2000 there is insufficient cost information available and therefore such assets are not valued in the financial statements. Subsequently no individual item has cost more than £1,000 so all such expenditure has been written off when incurred.

Investments are valued at market value at 31 December.

18 Walmer Parochial Church Council Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2013

INCOMING RESOURCES Unrestricted Restricted Endowmnt TOTAL TOTAL Funds Funds Funds 2013 2012 Note £ £ £ £ £ Voluntary income Planned giving: Envelopes and Standing Orders 52,343 52,343 57,671 Tax recoverable (11) 13,097 173 13,270 10,642 Collections (open plate) 8,167 8,167 7,958 Legacies 6,000 6,000 1,200 POW@Kidz 266 266 225 Downs Bibles 815 815 661 Non recurring Grants etc. 9,999 9,999 9,125 Donations,appeals, flowers St Mary, etc (12) 6,544 1,417 7,961 7,506 96,416 2,405 98,821 94,988

Activities for generating funds Magazine Adverts 924 924 1,283 Hall Miscellaneous income 6,707 Hall and Elizabeth House Lettings 17,978 17,978 14,869 Waste Paper 99 99 329 Fund Raising 942 942 175 Summer Fayre 3,394 3,394 6,203 Rents (14) 5,696 5,696 5,696 Friends Activities 1,503 1,503 897 29,033 1,503 30,536 36,159

Income from investments Dividends/Interest (10) 130 87 217 238 130 87 217 238

Income from church activities Use of church buildings (13) 980 980 695 Organ Fund 750 750 590 Fees 14,336 14,336 7,729 Sunday Lunches 51 51 912 Courses 303 303 229 St. Mary's Coffee 373 373 349 Magazine Sales 544 544 620 -

17,337 - - 17,337 11,124

Other incoming resources Fees from Canterbury 1,316 1,316 4,401 Refunds 651 651 196 Insurance Claims 3,270 3,270 400 Area Dean 1,440 1,440 1,440

6,677 - 6,677 6,437

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 149,593 3,995 148,106 148,946


19 Walmer Parochial Church Council Notes to the Financial Statements (cnt'd) For theParochial year ended Church 31 December Council 2013 of Walmer Notes to the Financial Statements (cnt'd) For the year ended 31 December 2013 Resources Expended Unrestricted Restricted Endowmnt TOTAL TOTALFreehold land Fixed Assets Funds Funds Funds 2013 2012and buildings Note £ £ £ £ £ £ ChurchTangible activities At 1 January 2013 160,000 DonationsActual/Deemed to Charities Cost 25 1,159 1,184 1,197 Additions 0 Clergy Allowances 4,677 4,677 4,306 Disposals 0 Upkeep of services 890 890 1,216 Organist's Fees 3,580 3,580 3,300 At 31 December 2013 160,000 Assistant Clergy & Staff 725 725 750 Heat, Light, Water 5,942 5,942 5,054 Repairs - Furn. Fits. Prop. 706 706 1,018 Net Book Value At 31 December 2013 160,000 Insurance (15) 9,392 300 9,692 9,507 Parish Share 74,245 74,245 74,365 POW@Kidz 235 235 693 At 31 December 2013 160,000 Youth Group 55 55 12 Organ Tuning & Reps. 919 919 1,465 Major Repairs & Redecoration 5,516 763 6,279 10,416 The freehold land and buildings comprise Elizabeth House, 32 St. Mary's Road, Walmer and Parish Hall, Fees to Canterbury 6,216 6,216 4,401 Dover Road, Walmer. For accounting purposes the historical costs of these properties are deemmed to Upkeepbe of- ChurchElizabeth Yards House, £120,000. its Purchase Price,420 and the Parish Hall, £40,000.420 its 1996420 valuation - St Mary'sthese Flowers figures have not been updated. 762 762 178 St Saviour'sThe P.C.C. Flowers believes that the present market values of these premises is in excess of the figures quoted. (Market values are not required for accounting purposes). St Saviour's Coffee Plant Committee Expenses 11,252 11,252 21,000 Office Admin 10,947 10,947 8,927 2013 Magazine Expenses 8 8 34 Investments (Endowment) £ Courses - Expenses 462 462 364 Training & Mission 296 296 121 Movement in the year: Web Site 302 302 292 Market value – 1 January 2013 2,457 Bank Charges 453 453 496

138,025 2,222 - 140,247 149,552 Net (loss) on annual revaluation 560 Generation of voluntary income Market value – 31 December 2013 3,017 Friends Expenses _____ 253 253 83 - 253 - 253 83 Holding at 31 December 2013 238 shares in the CBF Church of England Investment Fund (Book Value £200) Fund-raising costs Summer Fayre 1,069 1,069 1,090 2013 2012 Other Fund raising events 117 117 20 £ £ Visits - Expenses 303 303 Debtors 1,489 - - 1,489 1,110

Debtors - Gift Aid (Income Tax recoverable) 4,633 Governance costs Prepayments & accrued income 3,836 2,741 Sandwich Deanery 80 80 80 80 - - 80 80 8,469 2,741

Other resources expended Liabilities Support Costs 4,233 4,233 947 Amounts falling due in one year (unrestricted funds) Refunds - Fees 526 526 180 Accruals of utility and other costs Gifts 285 285 345 Creditors 2,552 589 Adjustments 5,044 - 5,044 1,472 592 589

Total Resources Expended 144,638 2,475 - 141,631 152,297

20 Parochial Church Council of Walmer Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) For the year ended 31 December 2013


The restricted funds comprise St. Saviours account; Flower Fund; Fabric Fund; St. Saviours Decoration and Blessed Mary of Walmer. The Endowment Fund(8 Herschell Road East) requires income to be spent on maintaining the church yard.

Fund movements Balance at Incoming Resources Transfer to Balance at 01/01/2013 Resources Expended General Funds 31/12/2013 £ £ £ £

St. Saviour's Account (07D) 291 291 Flower Fund (08D) 1,029 6 1,035 Fabric Fund (09D) 988 1 989 St. Saviour's Decoration (12D) 1,661 6 1,667 Friends 7,058 2,836 (-1,316) 8,578 Downs Bibles (General) 231 815 (-659) 387 Blessed Mary of Walmer (13D) 3,358 1 3,359 Madagascar (General) 361 330 (-500) 191

14,977 3,995 (-2,475) 16,497

UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 8 Analysis of Net Assets Balance at Incoming Resources Transfer to Balance at by fund 01/01/2013 Resources Expended General Funds 31/12/2013 £ £ £ £

General Funds 175,240 121,781 (-127,096) 4,200 174,125 Plant Committee 2,669 20,862 (-12,052) (-3,000) 8,479 Magazine 207 1,468 (-8) (-1,200) 467

Fund balance 178,116 144,111 (-139,156) 170,882


(10) Interest from the Friends and Plant Committees are included (11) The Restricted element is attributable to the Friends (12) The Restricted element includes Donations made to the Friends (13) This figure is derived from donations given for the use of the churches in respect of the choir, bells, heating etc. (14) This figure includes rent paid to the Plant Committee (15) Plant Committee insurance is included in this figure

Independent Examiner’s Report to Walmer P.C.C. 21 This report on the financial statements of the PCC for the year ending 31 December 2013, which are set out on pages 14 to 20, is in respect of an examination carried out in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 (‘the Regulations’) and the Charities Act 2011 (‘the Act’).

Respective responsibilities of the PCC and the examiner As members of the PCC you are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements; you consider that the audit requirement of the Regulations and section 144(2) of the 2011 Act does not apply. It is our responsibility to issue this report on those financial statements in accordance with the terms of the Regulations.

Basis of this report Our examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commission and to be found in the Church guidance, 2006 edition. That examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the PCC and a comparison of the accounts with those records. It also includes considering any unusual items or disclosures in the financial statements and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently we do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts.

Independent examiner’s statement In connection with our examination, no matter has come to our attention: which gives us reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements

 to keep accounting records in accordance with section 130 of the 2011 Act; and

 to prepare financial statements, which accord with the accounting records and comply with the requirements of the 2011 Act and the Regulations have not been met; or to which, in our opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.

SPAIN BROTHERS & CO Chartered Accountants Westgate House St. Dunstan’s Street Canterbury CT2 8AE



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