Hunters Creek Elementary School

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Hunters Creek Elementary School

HUNTERS CREEK 4. If your child is absent from school, please furnish a note describing the reason for the absence on the day he/she returns to school. These notes ELEMENTARY SCHOOL will be kept on file in the data office. If your child is going to be absent for several days, please contact the school. If you are planning a trip that 3450 Hunters Trail, Jacksonville, results in an absence(s) from school, please contact the principal prior to NC 28546 the trip. If the trip is of some educational value, the absence may be coded “lawful” (excused). Please note that family vacations, while a PHONE (910) 353-4443 wonderful experience, are not excused absences. FAX (910) 353-4425 5. The following reasons shall be considered acceptable for lawful (Code 1) absences: (1) personal illness, (2) certain illnesses in the home, (3) death in the immediate family, (4) religious observances, (5) any pre-approved Teah Bulris – Principal trip that the principal determines to have educational value. Letters from the school social worker will be sent home after three absences Shelley Gualtieri -Assistant Principal have occurred. Lisa Flynn – Secretary/Treasurer 6. Absence codes are as follows: Code 1 – lawful, Code 2 – unlawful, and Carol Crooks – Receptionist Code 3 - suspension from school. Kimberly Knowles-Data Manager 7. When a student has accumulated ten (10) unexcused absences and /or 10 tardies/early checkouts, the principal/designee may conduct an investigation to determine if the parent or guardian has made a good faith Purpose: To encourage, inspire, enrich, effort to comply with the law and Board Policy. A student who is absent is responsible for making up all assigned work regardless of the reason and educate! for the absence. 8. Students who have the privilege of being at HCE due to out-of-district Vision: Excellence in Educating the approval must maintain good attendance, academics, and conduct. This includes tardies and early checkouts. Failure to follow out-of-district Whole Child procedures, will result in a student’s out-of-district privileges being rescinded.

Mission: The HCE community will BREAKFAST AND LUNCH INFORMATION prepare students to be globally The school cafeteria can be reached by calling 355-3201. Child Nutrition offers healthy meals every school day. diverse, successful and responsible citizens. School Meal Prices for the 2016-17 School Year Lunch A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents: Student, Full Paying $2.25 Welcome to Hunters Creek Elementary! The Student-Parent Handbook is a resource for you and your student and contains essential Student, Reduced $0.40 school information. Our aim is to provide the best and most appropriate education program possible for all students. Breakfast Student, parent, teacher, and school teamwork is critical to the success Student, Full Paying $1.25 of all students. Positive feelings about attending school, your child’s teacher, and the total school program will help your child succeed educationally. When you have a concern, please do not hesitate to call the Student, Reduced Free school to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher. We welcome your suggestions, concerns, and support as we make this year our best ever! Please keep this handbook to refer to throughout this year. Again, I welcome you and your child to Hunters Creek. The 2016-17 school year If your child was free or reduced last year, it is not an automatic promises to be the best year ever for our Hunters Creek Gators! Remember, approval this year. Your child’s application is only good for that at Hunters Creek, we have young minds, big dreams, and bright futures. Go school year and for the first few days of this school year. You must Gators! complete a new application unless the Child Nutrition office notified you in writing that your child is eligible for the new school year. Parents Sincerely, are responsible for charges that occur prior to any free or reduced lunch Teah Bulris, Principal approval.

ATTENDANCE POLICIES/PROCEDURES Regular attendance plays a very important part in developing a 1. BUS REGULATIONS positive attitude toward school and learning. We ask that children See the Onslow County “Student Discipline Policies and School Bus come to school each day on time. Constant tardiness will not be Safety Regulations” Handbook. tolerated. 2. In order for a student to be counted present, he/she must be in HUNTERS CREEK SCHOOL RULES attendance at least one-half of the school day. Anyone who checks out Students are expected to obey the following school rules: before 11:45 a.m. or checks in after 11:45 a.m. is counted absent for 1. Follow class and school rules at all times. the day. Please limit early checkouts as students miss valuable instructional time. 2. Walk to and from classrooms. Running is not permitted in the hallways. 3. A child is counted tardy if he/she is not in the classroom by 8:30 a.m. and checks out before 3:30 p.m. If a student is tardy for school, 3. Students should only bring necessary materials to school. he/she is to be brought to the office by a parent and checked in. The 4. Hats, caps, or hoods will not be worn in the building. child will then be sent to his classroom teacher with an admission slip. Please help us to develop good attendance habits for your child. 5. Do not hit, push, shove, or kick anyone. 6. Fighting may result in automatic suspension. 3. DO NOT telephone the weather bureau, radio or television 7. Teachers will also have classroom rules posted. stations, newspaper offices, school officials or any school offices. Please call the Onslow County School’s Information Line at 989-2211. CHECK IN/CHECKING OUT OF SCHOOL 4. THE ABSENCE OF ANY ANNOUNCEMENT MEANS Students checking in or out of school due to appointments, etc. THAT SCHOOL WILL OPERATE AS USUAL. must be accompanied by a parent. Students will not be allowed to leave school with anyone other than a parent unless prior permission DISCIPLINE (COUNTY POLICIES) has been granted by the school office. If a child is brought in after See the Onslow County “Student Discipline Policies and School Bus the scheduled lunchtime, make sure he/she has had lunch. Safety Regulations” handbook.

DISCIPLINE POLICIES STATEMENT CONFERENCE It is the belief of the administration that school should be a place Parent-teacher conferences are encouraged to improve where students behave in an appropriate manner, so as not to interfere communication among parents, teachers, and students. Please feel with the teacher’s job of teaching or the student’s job of learning. free to visit the school to discuss your child’s progress during non- We strive to provide an atmosphere of communication and instructional time. Call the school at 353-4443 to make appointments cooperation among students, teachers, and parents. This atmosphere with your child’s teacher. Classroom visits during the school day should be one free of fear, indignities, danger, or disruptions. Students should be arranged in advance with the teacher to avoid class develop their academic talents during these years, but also develop disruptions. respect for each other, a sense of fair play, and respect for adults. Students are expected to obey reasonable rules. Teachers make every CURRICULA effort to reward good behavior just as they must stop inappropriate Hunters Creek’s curriculum matches the North Carolina behavior. Common Core State Standards and the Essential Standards in all instructional areas. Every effort is made to meet the needs of the EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS individual students through the use of school, county, and state The school must have at least two current phone numbers to call in resources. case of injury or illness. These numbers must be kept up to date. Forms In the area of English/Language Arts (reading, writing, for these numbers will be sent home for your completion at the spelling, and language), an integrated approach is used to address the beginning of the school year. Updated information can be given by different learning styles of children. Teachers use a variety of calling the school’s office. methods, including whole language, phonics, leveled texts, and novels to nurture within children a love for reading. Special EDIBLE ITEMS emphasis is placed on reading comprehension and writing skills. Any edible items provided for classroom activities, should be store In math, problem solving and critical thinking skills are bought. Due to allergies, we are not allowed to serve homemade treats emphasized through the use of “hands-on” experiences. to students. Teachers use numerous classroom manipulatives (materials that can be moved and touched) to help children apply math concepts to their daily lives. GRADING POLICY In addition to English/Language Arts and math, students receive All parents and students will be notified by the classroom teacher regular instruction in the areas of character education, social studies, regarding specific grading procedures for that class. Interim reports and science, health, art, music, library skills, physical education, global report cards will be sent on a nine-week schedule. studies to include work languages, and computers. To make learning Students in grades 3-12 will be on a 10 point grading scale: meaningful, subjects are not taught in isolation. Teachers integrate A 90-100 (connect) concepts from various curricular areas. B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 DAILY SCHEDULE F Grades Below a 60 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. – Students arrive, report to breakfast. 8:30 a.m. - Students report to assigned class. 3:30 p.m. – Dismissal (Early checkouts will be recorded as a GUIDANCE COUNSELOR tardy) Hunters Creek has a Guidance Counselor who conducts small 3:25 p.m. – All students dismissed by grade level group, whole class, and individual counseling sessions. The counselor 3:30 p.m. –All students involved in dismissal is available to assist students and parents who are experiencing school- related problems with their child and to assist/teach units needed by No phone changes to student dismissal procedures students. Please call the school to schedule conferences with the will be accepted after 2:30 p.m. Last minute counselor as needed. Informative parent sessions will be scheduled during the school year by the guidance counselor. Additional changes can make school dismissal a chaotic information will be sent home concerning the dates, time, sessions situation. being offered, and speakers for these sessions.

DELAY, EARLY DISMISSAL, OR SCHOOL CLOSING HEAD LICE During extremely bad weather, it sometimes becomes necessary Head lice are blood-sucking insects that live on the scalp and hair for a decision to be made concerning the delay, early dismissal or of humans. They are transmitted by direct contact with others who are closing of school. Since we are a county school system, all decisions infested, wearing infested clothing, using infested combs and brushes, must reflect what is best for the entire county. In order to let the and other types of contact. Students will be checked periodically by county population know as quickly as possible, school officials ask teachers and assistants for head lice. The school recommends that you that you follow the suggestions listed below: check your child regularly at home as well. Students who have head 1. Listen to the broadcasts on local radio and TV stations. lice must be picked up from school immediately for treatment. Students who return after having head lice must be brought in by a parent and 2. A decision to delay or close schools is usually announced checked by the school’s nurse, or office personnel. Students may not by 6:30 a.m. Early dismissals are announced as soon as the decision ride the bus until they have been cleared from the office. is made.

HEARING SCREENING NOTIFICATION LETTER Onslow County Schools provides mass hearing screenings to all MEDIA CENTER preschool, kindergarten, and 1 st graders. In addition, any student can Instruction is provided in the media center on a regular basis from the receive a hearing screening with a verbal or written request from a school’s media specialist. Students are encouraged to visit the media teacher or parent. Why is it important to have your child’s hearing center to check books in and out as often as they can during the media screened? center’s open circulation times. Students are responsible for the cost of replacing a lost or damaged book.  Hearing is important for speech, language, reading and learning.  A hearing screening can detect if your child needs further MEDICATION testing. The Onslow County Board of Education has adopted a policy governing the administration of medications to students during the  Even if your child has passed a hearing screening previously, school day. their hearing can change. Medications administered during school hours by school personnel  Hearing loss is invisible and can go undetected. should be kept to a minimum. Every effort should be made to give medication at home before or after school hours. Otherwise, it is the A hearing screening is only a snapshot of how your child is responsibility of the parent or guardian to make arrangements with the performing and is not a substitute for a complete hearing evaluation. school administration for medication to be given during the school If your child fails the screening, a rescreen and/or referral will be hours. The Board assumes no responsibility for students who self- made. If your child passes the hearing screening, you may not be medicate or for other students who accept medications or other contacted. substances from other students or any unauthorized person. If you do not want your child to be screened or if you have Parents or guardians who desire the administration of prescription questions, please contact: medication by school personnel during school hours must: Katie Wegman, Au.D., CCC-A 1. Provide medication in a labeled container which includes the Educational Audiologist child’s name, the name of the medication, the unit dosage to be given, 910-455-2211 x 20243 the number of dosage units, the time the medication is to be given and [email protected] how it is to be administered. 2. Have the pharmacist label a container for school use. HOMEWORK 3. Provide new, labeled containers when medication changes are Students in all grade levels may be assigned homework. made and remove medication from school premises when treatment has Homework may be reading: with someone or individually or been completed. studying concepts learned in class. Homework assignments used Complete and sign the permission and release forms attached to are meant to reinforce/extend classroom instruction. 4. this policy and return them to the school. HONOR ROLL 5. Inform the school of any changes in the child’s health or change Students should be recognized for academic achievements in medication. throughout the year. The Honor Roll recognition will be given to Devise an emergency plan with the student’s teacher if the child students meeting specific criteria. Students must be working on or 6. above grade level and receive no grade below A or B in any area. has any medical problem that might necessitate emergency planning, Handwriting will not be a determining factor in this honor. The subject to the approval of the student’s physician. students will be recognized by the local newspaper for this 7. Transport any controlled or classified medication to the school. achievement, as well as through school/community promotions. Students are not allowed to transport controlled or classified medications. ILLNESS OR INJURY OF STUDENT The school retains the right to reject requests for the administration In case of illness or serious injury, the following procedure will of medication and may refuse to administer medication from any be followed: container that has the appearance of being altered from that dispensed 1. If a student becomes ill or injured at school, the parents or by the original pharmacy. guardian shall be notified as soon as possible by telephone. Any over the counter medication must be prescribed by a doctor to be administered by the staff. Example –Tylenol, etc. 2. A student who is ill or injured shall not be removed from school until the parent or guardian has been notified or until a reasonable MOMENT OF SILENCE attempt to reach the parent has been met with failure. The Onslow County Board of Education has adopted the following 3. If a reasonable attempt has been made to reach the parent or policy for all schools: “A moment of silence shall be observed at the guardian and has failed, in cases of emergency due to critical illness beginning of each school day in all grades in the school system. The or injury, a student will be sent to the hospital in a rescue squad moment of silence may not exceed one minute in length, must be vehicle. The parents will assume the responsibility for the cost of the completely unstructured and free of any influence from any source, and transport and medical attention. no other activity shall be allowed during that time.”

IMMUNIZATION RECORD NON-RESIDENT TUITION North Carolina law requires that each child have an up-to-date Students attempting to enroll in the Onslow County School System shot record on file at school. Kindergarten and new students are who do not have a parent/legal guardian domiciled in Onslow County given 30 days from the time of enrollment to get the school a copy of will be assessed a fee. the student’s shots. The students will be suspended from school after 30 days if the shot record is not presented to the school. Students’ PARENT PARTICIPATION shots must be kept up to date in order for the child to be allowed to Parental participation in the total school program is necessary to attend school. achieve total school success. Parent participation shows support for the child and the school, helping the child to realize the importance of education. Hunters Creek would like to invite you to spend time each LOST AND FOUND week as a SCHOOL VOLUNTEER. If you can devote some time to Clothing which is easily lost (gloves, hats, coats, etc.) should be school volunteer work, please call the school at 353-4443. To volunteer marked with the owner’s name. Lost items will be kept at least two you must be finger-printed and attend the volunteer orientation. After weeks before being donated to the Salvation Army. The “Lost and meeting these requirements, someone will contact you regarding a work Found” is located in the cafeteria. Reminder: Do not bring any items schedule. When coming to school to volunteer, please be sure to report of value; the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. to the office and sign in. PARENT-TEACHER ORGANIZATION Hunters Creek has an active parent-teacher organization that “Sagging”, wearing long chains or spiked jewelry is not allowed. works hard to help the school in various projects. The school needs Inappropriate, vulgar, or obscene wording or pictures are not to be on all parents to be active in this organization. The structure and time of clothing worn. Appropriate shoes should be worn at all times. Heelies meetings will be published at the beginning of the school year. Shoe Skates are not to be worn to school.

STUDENT PROGRESSION AND PLACEMENT K-2 Promotion Requirements PRINCIPAL’S LIST By the end of kindergarten and first grade, progress on the Onslow Those students who are exhibiting exemplary performance in the County School System K-2 Literacy and Math Assessments shall be classroom will be recognized with the honor of Principal’s List. considered for promotion to the next grade. These students must maintain all As in all subjects. By the end of second grade, students will have acquired on-grade level proficiency as determined by the Onslow County School System K-2 Literacy and Math Assessments to be promoted to the next grade level. It is recognized that the final authority to grade and place students is the responsibility of the principal, in accordance with G.S. 115C-288(a). The principal shall consider the pupil’s classroom work and grades, the SAFETY student’s scores on standardized tests, and the best educational interests 1. Fire drills: Fire drills will be held in accordance with state of the student. regulations. 2. Tornado or severe weather drills: Tornado drills or other severe weather drills will be conducted in conjunction with county 3-5 Promotion Requirements and state-wide drills. In order to be considered for promotion, students in grades 3 through 8 3. Lock-Down drills will be conducted on a regular basis. shall perform at least at grade level as identified by the state end-of- Please be sensitive to information that will come to you in memos grade tests, observations, grades, teacher-generated, locally-generated, and newsletters announcing policies related to safety. and state-generated assessments; work samples, portfolios and/or other factors in all areas of the curriculum. 4. Parking lot: Parents are asked not to use the bus parking It is recognized that the final authority to grade and place students is the lot for unloading and picking up students. The parking lot beside the responsibility of the principal, in accordance with G.S. 115C-288(a). school should be used by parents and visitors. Fire lane parking is The principal shall consider the pupil’s classroom work and grades, the not permitted under any circumstances. student’s scores on standardized tests, and the best educational interests 5. Glass bottles and containers are not allowed at school. of the student. 6. Toys, radios, cassette/CD players, beepers, iPods, MP3 players, etc., are not allowed and will be taken for parent or guardian TELEPHONE to pick up. Cell phones must be put away unless the teacher is letting Students are permitted to use the telephone only when there is a real students use cell phones for instructional purposes. need or in case of emergency. Missing homework or needed material does not constitute an emergency. The school will not be responsible SCHOOL FEES for delivering phone messages to students. Instructional Supply Fee $5.00 Art Fee $1.00 TEXTBOOKS/LIBRARY BOOKS/ETC. 4th and 5th Grade Students Only: Students are financially responsible for the care and physical appearance of the textbooks and other materials that have been issued to 1:1 Laptop Insurance Assessment $ 25.00 them. If books and materials are lost or damaged, students must pay for them immediately.

SCHOOL NURSE Hunters Creek’s nurse is available on a limited basis to assist our students and parents with health matters. She is not to replace your TITLE IX STATEMENT personal physician, yet to help whenever possible. Please call the Onslow County Schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, school to discuss medical problems that our nurse may be able to color, national origin, sex or disability in its programs or activities. The assist with, immunization requirements, or other health-related following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding, questions that you may have. Title IX: Title IX Coordinator Onslow County Schools, 200 Broadhurst Road, Jacksonville, NC 28540, 910-455-2211. SCHOOL RECORDS The Family Educational Right and Privacy Act require schools to WITHDRAWALS maintain confidential records concerning students. Parents of If you move during the school year, please notify the office of your students who are under 18 years of age have the right to inspect these new address. If you move anywhere that will require the transfer of folders. These records include such information as grades, your child from Hunters Creek, please notify the school at least five attendance, health data, test data and participation in special days prior to your child’s last day. This will allow teachers to have programs. ample time to compile your child’s records and prepare them for The Onslow County Board of Education classifies the following transfer to his/her new school. You will be furnished a transfer slip as directory information: Student’s name, age, and grade level. which you should present to the new school. School officials may release this information to any person without the consent of the parents or the student. Any parent or eligible VISITORS student who objects to the release of any or all of this information Visitors please do not go to the classroom. For campus security, it is without his consent must notify, in writing, the principal of the required that you must report to the school office to receive a visitor’s school where the records are kept. pass. You may not check out a student without authorization from the school and the parent. STUDENT DRESS Students should come to school clean and neatly dressed. Hats ADDITIONAL NOTES are not to be worn inside the building unless there is a medical reason All students will be dismissed from the school bus at the same or special occasion. Head gear of any kind is not to be worn to location that they were picked up in the A.M. Exceptions will be made school. Short or revealing attire should not be worn by any student. by receiving special permission from the principal ONLY. Students that are not riding the bus must have a written note signed by the parent. NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO STAY AT SCHOOL WITHOUT A NOTE.

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